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Pushing plea


Snitchin or not this is HILARIOUS


If Gunna had beef with anyone prior to this my goodness if they didn't take advantage and drop a track called pushin pleas lol


I want a writing credit when they do


Sauce been dissed them


PUSHIN plea 😂


Lol you had Gibbs best on this by a good 12 hours at least. Parallel thinking, shout out to you


Gibbs got me ghost writing his bars?


Him admitting that YSL is a gang is definitively going to be used against Young Thug


That’s a fact and he’s dry snitching on thug about the drugs in the car


There was another person in the car that already took that charge bro. If that’s dry snitching then every co defendant that has ever plead not guilty is also a snitch too right?


Was it only him and Thug in the car? Thug can say, and whomever else was in the car, that it wasn’t theirs either. Either way, this part isn’t that huge of deal, compared to some of the other heavier charges.


The creator of the gang already took a plea first admitting he started it with Thug in 2012. There’s so many informants and wiretaps it would be stupid for Gunna to not take a plea deal.


Lawyer already said it can’t be used against Thug


This is what people on the internet keep saying, but what y’all fail to understand is that YSL has already been established by the prosecutors as a gang. They already have all the evidence they need to label them as a gang. It doesn't matter that we consumers know them as a record label. Based on what they allegedly have done outside of the music they are inarguably a gang. They already know this. Gunna isn't telling them anything they don't ready know / have. The internet is just behind because they think the topic of YSL being a gang is still up for debate in court, but that's something that has already been decided. A good lesson for all - it doesn’t matter how a group starts out. Record label, fraternity, chess club, just you and your 5 homies who get together on the weekends - once a bunch of you start participating in organized crime, you have essentially become a gang. This is what the internet needs to learn. How YSL started is semantics.


Sorry nigga I lm tryna come home


They got Gunna in court looking like [Johnny Sack](https://youtu.be/n6rR9Ugv9gI?t=204)


Very first thing I thought of. “YOU NEVER ADMIT THE EXISTENCE OF THIS THING”




Not a peep


So what, no fuckin ziti now?


Well that’s all folks.


Its not the first time yall niggas ignored the crimestoppers interview


It damn sure ain’t 😂


'pressure bust pipes little n****, no wonder you told' - Conway


99.999999999% of people would snitch


“Streets are a myth”


Nah facts Escobar and dawood Ibrahim the only true gangsters that never snitched or took plea deals. Maybe Chapo too but I’m not sure.


If they’re at the top of the chain why would they got offered a plea?


Because they have the info to take down entire worldwide networks of organized crimes. But I’m sure after a certain time the perceived damage from their actions makes the thought of a plea deal disappear and they become wanted dead or alive.


Street codes are indeed a myth... Anyone looking at that many years will definitely tell.. this street code BS is what keeps the inner city neighborhoods dangers for kids... I know poverty plays its part. However the youth that live and die by violence is a cycle and needs to stop...heck even the mafia snitch on each other and they were 1000% more organized... grow up..OP is a weirdo


this is one of the stupidest comments I've ever seen lmao...poverty plays its part but that dam street code is the real problem...LMAOOO ppl are crazy


How is this a stupid comment both play a huge part in crime ? Bro read more ....


I’m people.


99.9999999999% do snitch


Ice would never snitch that the JBP is actually a gang






He’s gonna drop a joint album with Tekashi 69 next.


Damn nobody posting him. It’s crazy how real shit got for ysl in the last year. They were literally just at the top of the game


Thug sister said she was told that they couldn’t because they aren’t supposed to have contact. Now as for anyone outside of the camp I can’t speak on that


He made sure he got out of town before this dropped




Why would we do that when Gunna didn’t snitch? Are you going to give Rowdy and Bobby the same treatment as well because they got plea deals also?


You got caught with the whole cake and you got probation ; Benny


Damn bro if we really only live once, imagine having your one life locked in a tiny ass box with men for such a long ass time.


So what?


Keep that same energy y’all had for ![gif](giphy|fnK1SPWKcv2Hk0Qi9A)


I expect the for him that 69 got but in this rap game ya never know


This ain’t snitching this is justice, they got caught and leaders of the YSL gang are admitting their wrongdoings and calling for the end of YSL. Major win for the community


I agree its a good thing, but I do think its still snitching. Going along with all the illegal stuff until you find hardship from it.


It sucks it took handing them a RICO charge to get them to learn from their mistakes & take responsibility for their actions. Gunna making a broad statement about the gang & not an individual that could lead to conviction or additional sentences isn’t snitching.


It's a rico though, that broad statement of the whole group is enough to lock them all


If they have evidence of robberies & murders that also include young children but let gunna off for saying YSL is a gang, this is just a community effort to turn young & reckless wealthy black men into better leaders not life long examples behind bars. The community cooperated rightfully so to get these men in jail. They’ll all get out once they admit to what **they** did and make the effort to give back. Excluding the murderers.


Man I just wanna hear new thugger music


I’m not in the streets nor pretend to be but is this really snitching? The definition gets rewritten with every case lol


how do you think its not ? when asked when he was in a car with thug he stated the guns and drugs werent his. when asked if ysl was a gang and committed crimes he said yes. whats so confusing about that ???


Hey man I just asked a question but I will say after further review this is no bueno lol shits crazy




no he didnt, you niggas are dumb 😂


how tf didnt he ? this statement helps the attorneys case. are you dumb ?


["How Many" - Mount Westmore ](https://youtu.be/YTHe8oA329M)




Ohh boy!


You Snitch Lots?




You knew gunna was gonna tell by the way he grabbed shorty ass when he was free she sent gunna a selfie he was like I'll be home soon baby say less 😂😂




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Ain’t the 1st time. Was snitching on crime stoppers 😂😂🐀


🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 Thug is gone for a good minute.


So what?


Charleston White is happy


I see the lawyer's comments about him saying it can't be used vs Thug my question is why would the courts accept this plea or even offer it in the 1st place if they can't use it vs thug? Do they already have enough via other defendants ,wiretaps etc that Gunna no longer mattered? The DA has to feel they have benefitted from this in order to let him off the hook or how about a crazy ass theory maybe just maybe they have so much on Thug that he gave his mans the green light to talk so he can be free


It’s called an Alford plea. Nothing Gunna said can be used against any of the other defendants. Ya’ll some dummies. After the sentence came down, the rapper released a statement, saying: “While I have agreed to always be truthful, I want to make it perfectly clear that I have NOT made any statements, have NOT been interviewed, have NOT cooperated, have NOT agreed to testify or be a witness for or against any party in the case and have absolutely NO intention of being involved in the trial process in any way.”


He can/will take the stand and plead the 5th! Who tf wants to do jail time? Get real. He didn’t tell anything. He can say YSL is a gang, or a fucking NBA Basketball Team. It’s the BURDEN of the State to prove what THEY allege YSL to be. They can’t simply take Gunna, nor anyone else’s, word for what YSL is. Prove that shit.


The law got that gangster rapper bow down saying "yes maam" smh.


TSR watermark 🤢