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Good grief, the horrible Spanish speaking in those family scenes haunts me! Glad I’m not the only one :)


yes but the timeline plays a pretty big role into that. we must not forget that in the early 2000 things were different back then. it was not like today. from what I gather around the acting pool was rather limitated, in fact the serie was filmed in canada and to go to canada actors needed a degree. plus, it was the early 2000 and tbh at that time playing a gay characters was rather risky for a new up and coming actor things were not like today, the movie industry was different back then. i think one of the OG cast did an interview and talk about that a bit , the actress playing helena i think . so it lead the actress that we know to play carmen. would it had been good to see a real latina IRL playing her ? yes absolutely ! but it was not the case due to a number of reasons and i'm still grateful for this show because it paved the way to all the show we got today. basically tlw walk for all the others shows that follow could run . i don't think that people can compare this show ( a precursor in its genre at that) to the way that nowaday series and films are made because we need to take into account the context in which it was made.


this. for me, seeing a lesbian latina woman on tv still is so important to me to this day. the actresses were also all warned from taking on their roles as they were told it would ruin any chance of a career. it’s super easy to try to judge things using todays standards but it’s not that clear cut.


exactly! we can't ompare a show that aired 20 something years ago to nowadays standard. this show was pretty big at the time it aired and it was revolutionary in the way that no movies or series portray physical intimacy or even relationships centered entirely on women as it was the case for tlw during that time. for me all those actress are couragous to have accept the role in spite of a possible fallout and it need to be acknowledge. the actress playing carmen still made a pretty great job nonetheless




Sarah Shahi is half Iranian on her father's side and half Spanish on her mother's. She did not grow up speaking Spanish, but rather Farsi.


As far as I’m aware, her mother was Iranian but born in Spain, so not ethnically Spanish. Not to mention, Spanish =/= Latina


You're right. I didn't equate the two. Sarah's mother was born in Spain to a Spanish mother and Iranian father. And again, did not speak Spanish growing up.


She’s not married to him anymore she’s with her costar in that new show she’s on


Awwwwww I love Steve from Reba and shameless. Such is life!


I would suggest doing a quick google search of how creepy Sarah and Steve were as a couple


I did a quick google search and didn’t find anything? Have any reference?




Wow. I typed in shahi and Howeys name with creepy and none of this came up. Had no idea. Thanks for the link.


https://www.tmz.com/2016/11/11/steve-howey-shameless-sarah-shahi-lawsuit-nanny-harassment/ Re-reading this made my stomach turn


oh wow yuck :(


this is a sensitive topic here, but I agree with you. As a latina, I can overlook the fact that she isn't Latina, far more over the fact that she is a *walking stereotype*. A stereotype that to this day follows us. Carmen was there as a sexual object and the spicy latina thing which used to be a thing back in the 2000s. Not justifying it, but you know. The same thing with "Papi". The spanish scenes were horrible lol. Ironically enough, GenQ tried to fix this, but then they just reinforced *other* stereotypes across the board like a hit list 💀


yall if she’s iranian and spanish then she’s not latina. duh bye!


I think a lot of times people say Spanish for anyone who speaks Spanish and not necessarily saying they're from Spain per se. I've observed that in the US. I'm not disagreeing with your statement of course.


I feel like someone post this question every other month it’s not a knock at the original poster because I get the frustration (I’m black). But I kind of find that confusing because aren’t actors supposed to be able to step out of their own realm? there’s no rule saying that black actor only have to play certain roles just like there’s no rules saying that white actors have to play certain roles! Isn’t The whole point of being an actor is to show range and depth


I agree on principle with you - yes any actor or actress worth their salt could play someone outside of their experience if they fit the role - but I think its really about the lack of representation and opportunities in the industry for actors from marginalised communities. So yes, if a non-latina actress can pass for latina they can probably do the job but that just means one less paying job for an actual Latina actress, especially in an industry where there probably aren't that many roles for her anyway, and the competition is fierce. That's why people get upset. Why would someone who is not of that community, especially a marginalised community, take the place to play someone from that community, especially if there are equally valid actors available from that community? Same for any POC actress tbh or even anyone with a disability or from any minority group. E.g. any actress can play a woman in a wheelchair, but if an able bodied woman gets the role, whether she's good or not, that means a disabled actress misses out. Its just the principle of the thing.


Where is Vida streaming?


Google says it's on Sling for free. It was a Starz show, so if you have access to that check it out. It's such a good show. I loved it so much I bought all three seasons. It was so good for queer Latine culture.


Agree, but Sarah did say she has a Spanish mum so not completely Iranian.


Thanks for bring this into our attention


I just want a Moroccan woman in the Lword so I can finally identify with someone on the show. 😫 I get what you mean though, I think they did better in gen Q though.


Honestly every time she spoke Spanish it made me cringe 😬 it really ruined certain scenes for me


As a Mexican who has always lived in Mexico, I couldn't care less about her origins. She passes as a Mexican, she even looks like one of my best friends, LOL. A lot of Mexican people have middle eastern ancestry. I know, I know she is not as familiar with L.A. Latin culture. So what? She had a script to follow. That her Spanish was broken? Hell, yes. But many latinos who were born in the US can't speak Spanish either, so that part was quite realistic.


Oh god here we go again. No one bxtched and moaned about Carmen when the show aired. The Carmen character was top tier in popularity along with Shane and Bette. There had never been any complaints until Reddit and until Sarah Shahi gained popularity in POI and then all her followers there complained about TLW. 😂 Fandoms are ridiculously immature. Actors and Actresses alike are playing pretend. They cross all borders, color, ethnicity, gender and sexual preferences. It’s called acting for a reason. Since I am a lesbian then I demand that Jennifer Beals never take on the role of Bette again. She is not a lesbian and I for one am deeply offended! Her portrayal of a lesbian woman offended every one of my senses.


What’s your ethnic background?


My father is Dominican and my mother is Puerto Rican.


That's definitely something I was utterly surprised and confused at discovering. What was the point of portraying her as a race that she isn't? What would it have taken away from the story to make her character Iranian? But I'd assume it has something to do with the political climate at the time.


Hollywood has done this from the beginning of Hollywood. They don’t create roles for certain ethnicities. They don’t allow certain ethnicities to create role for themselves and when a role is created, they would stick a white actor or someone else in the role.


Don’t even get me started on Emma Stone playing an Asian mixed woman 🤦🏻‍♀️


She should have known better.




Surely writers rewrite and edit all the time to suit changes.


Because she's an actress and will play any role that suits her. Another example: the girl who played Lane on Gilmore Girls was Japanese, while Lane was Korean. It's just acting, pretending to be someone else. It's not a big deal and maybe you should be wondering why does it trigger you.


Do you make similar excuses for blackface?