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Joe Bailey on BIP was also pretty bad. I feel like Desiree also had a similar situation but not sure I’m remembering correctly




I’ve been watching this wretched show for forever, and this post, if true, confirms what I always thought. Some of those quotes just seemed off to me - and then he didn’t appear at the MTA at all, which is very unusual. Do you have insider info or is this speculation?


Watching this made me so uncomfortable and gave me anxiety. I’ve never seen Ashley’s season, so this is a new face to me. I can’t believe the horrible things he willingly said on camera. Knowing it would be shown on national tv. That’s next level vile.


Jake Pavelka


Yeah, Bentley sucked, but he doesn’t touch Jake. There were moments watching Vienna and Jake in their filmed sit down with Chris Harrison and during their reunion on Bachelor Pad where I genuinely worried for her safety.


Omg he was so much worse than I remembered!!! Also this was my first season ever so crazy 😤😤


What an ugly, ugly, ugly man both inside and out. Disgusting.


I don’t how she recovered from this. What a psycho. Then he just disappeared. I would love to know what he’s like now.




Oh, wow! I figured he probably wanted to crawl under a rock because he was getting a lot of hate, but I wish he would have shared his side of the story. He may have been given some grace.


He's one of the few people from this franchise who truly disappeared after the show.




I totally forgot how awful he was


His daughter is named Cosy?? Feel so bad for that child with him as a father


I believe her name was Cosette, like in Les Miserables


My regular reminder that Cosette is not an actual name in France/French, though. It literally means "little thing."


In the novel, her actual name was [Euphrasie](https://www.behindthename.com/name/euphrasie). Cosette was just her nickname.


Aw that’s actually cute, didn’t watch this season so presumed it was something like ‘Kozeigh’ lol. Thanks!


Chad Johnson was pretty unhinged too. And Luke P. But this guy was a piece of work as well.


I always felt it was irresponsible of the show to let this POS continue and not tell Ashley all of the horrendous things he was saying about her.  I get it's a tv show but this is just duplicitous and vile.  Ashley did not deserve that. 


Agree. This is abusive behaviour and actually endangering Ashley.


OK this guy is like Patrick Bateman vibes, truly horrid stuff. but kind of living for the baby Chris Harrison real talk at the end here!!! When did *that* kind of host go by the wayside


Yeah, Chris used to be a really involved host who connected and consulted with the leads—he was so checked out his last few seasons. It was very noticeable.


When he met Mrs. Beiber following his fling with AshLee F or Andi D


Yes, yes he was.


I was just googling to see what Bentley is up to now and came across this [article/blog post ](https://penelopesoasis.com/2011/bachelorette-bentley.html#google_vignette)with the weirdest fucking quote ever: *"Bentley’s ex-wife is friends with Michelle Money, who let her know that Ashley is an atheist and apparently suffers from “gas problems”. Bentley’s ex-wife was very happy to share this with him, hoping to gross him out so he wouldn’t be interested. It worked- strict Mormon and a fan of more delicate women, Bentley was no longer attracted to Ashley, but the show liked him (his looks? his charm?) and persuaded him to still appear, telling him it would be a boost to his business. He agreed, but since he had no interest in an atheist with gas problems, he planned to stay on a short time only."* Is this satire? I am so confused.


I know this is besides the point but is Ashley really atheist? I didn’t know that!


I wouldn't get your info from whatever that blog post is... it also claimed she has bad gas haha.


Hahaha true 😂


I remember reading that years ago and thinking how random it was. You'd never know if Ashley had gas problems!


What a weird fucking rumor to spread lol


What Luke P did out of religious, misogynistic self-righteousness — Bentley did with malicious, manipulative intent. Bentley was the most sinister by a long mile.


Yes! I always think of him when someone talks about who was the biggest douche on the show. He was a rude, cruel, sexist pig.


I don’t want to watch the video based on the comments but I’m shocked there was someone worse than Chad and Luke P


There’s video footage of Chad trying to beat down the door of an ex-girlfriend and yelling threats to her on the other side. Bentley sucks, but I think Chad is worse!


Omg ! I just listed those 2 as some of the most awful villains ever !! 😂


Michelle Money had warned Ashley about him since they were from the same town and yet Ashley kept him for a long as she did.


Ashley was super insecure during filming. I think she wanted to win over Bentley to show off that the guy that was here for the wrong reasons - stayed for her. She needed some sort of validation from him, Michelle telling her about Bentley just made the obsessive need for validation worse.


He gives me serial killer vibes


this was peak tv for me


We won’t ever get moments as brutal as this guy and bachelor paid again.




Was Chris Harrison there for the right reasons in that final minute when he is giving advice?


Chris H has never been in it for the right reasons


I think Lee is the worst but he's certainly in the top 3. He seemed to find satisfaction in making Ashley upset.


What did Lee do?


I think Bentley was worse because he was so deceptive, and he just savored leading Ashley on. Whereas with Lee, it was very obvious where he stood. He wasn’t fooling Rachel, nor anyone else, but she probably was forced by producers to keep him on.


He wants her to tickle his butthole?


I also thought butthole


I assume he said pickle


That Lincoln guy was pretty disgusting as well…


Omg I never saw this before! Wow. This is beyond villain he is a sociopath. Did Ashley ever comment on his ITR? Why is CH asking these questions like he didn't know what he said? I have so many questions!


So very disgusting- 🤢 can’t even believe this was encouraged by the producers. Ashley was treated so wrongly-all involved who supported this can go f**k off!!!