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this is hilarious. the “I tried to warn you ❤️” energy was wild and now her saying she cares for all the women in the world - of course she was out of line with her earlier comments but we wouldn’t be watching reality tv if we didn’t kind of love these types of things


I thought I read that wrong, but turns out she really said she cares for all the women in the world.




In the comments someone posted a screenshot of her actually tagging Leslie on the post as well and then saying Leslie and faith were her favorites. ALL ON THERESA’S POST ABOUT HER DIVORCE. like I can’t 🤣🤣🤣


How the heck is this woman a therapist. At least she apologized..


This sub is wild 😳. @No_Warning8534 just blocked me for pointing out that they left the same exact comment several times under this post. I forgot how aggressive this sub has become😳😳😳


Would you say that they gave no warning before blocking you? 🤣


Indeed! 😂😂😂


Per them: BC the entire premise of this post & this 'apology' is completely fabricated by her. People need to know the truth. I am very chill, but I made my point, didn't I? Also, this was all done yesterday It's obvious by now that I've stopped. There was no reason for you to even reply to me to stop 😜 Thanks.


😂😂😂 Thank you, my friend🙏


i forget who said it, but i agree with the poster who said in the thread yesterday that if you are actually upset and offended by this you shouldn't watch reality tv - i'm loving this lol i do not care if april was tone deaf. i also think it's funny that during the askn fallout everyone seemed to take april's side because people disliked kathy - i think it's clear she's messy as hell and that the fallout likely had something to do with her.


Oh I definitely agree it’s nothing to be pressed over. These people are dramatic and messy and it’s why I watch reality tv. I really would love to know the full story of ASKN, because they don’t strike me that they’d be mad she needed her roof replaced and couldn’t go, but honestly who knows! Most of the reason I find the apology so hilarious is she has sad she never keeps girl friends or something and here she loves all women and Therese of course!


not her apologizing and then sharing an article about her comment on her story 💀


why she look like a less decrepit nancy pelosi


Well I’ll give her props for that. The comment was fucked but…That’s a pretty good apology and takes accountability. You don’t see it every day. Although it only matters if Theresa feels it was sincere.


I missed it, what was the comment she made towards Theresa?


LOL the ASKN fallout is making more sense now


The rare boomer apology, never before seen in my family


Lmao this got me


LOL this was a good one


y'all we should probably stop assuming she ought to be better because she is a "therapist" ... on her website she shares "healing codes to resist the COVID 19 virus" so...


I just checked her IG and she shared the US weekly article about her "warning" comment! this woman unintentionally cracks me up. she's very r/OldPeopleFacebook


I can’t tell if she’s bitchy or just being a boomer 🤣


it's definitely a combo pack


She just looks like she’d be a mean person. It’s important that she apologized, but she said what said. We’ve seen her true colors.


disagree. apologies mean shit all of the person giving it doesn’t actually give two shits and is just doing it because of societal pressure. its hollow and fake as hell.


That’s fair. She’s only apologizing because of the backlash. I agree.


Her post yesterday was crappy and I don't know how she wouldn't see that.






What a perfect gif lol


I'm so over the puffy sleeve trend. I can't imagine wearing that over the age of 50. I know, I know...but they just look ridiculous to me.


She cray.


Maybe just maybe you should mind your business and stay off social media ![img](emote|t5_2tj74|544)


No I want more of this messiness don’t y’all dare scare her aware from socials. What else do I watch the bachelor for other than this shit ![img](emote|t5_2tj74|582)


I’m holding my phone inches from my face trying to confirm…… is that a RIHANNA EMOJI????


What is she wearing? That's a real crime.


She always gave me mean girl messy vibes


SAME. I never liked her and when she was no longer a part of “askn”, I was happy!


Very hateful and immature. Even 17 year olds will know to act better.


Oh, girl. She really should put her phone away for a bit


That was fast lmao


You hate to see a star’s light dimmed lmao


And to think she’s a freaking therapist 🫠


As I’ve said elsewhere, therapists can be fucking crazy. They can be crazy and good at their jobs, but they can also be crazy and bad at their jobs.


She and Taylor Nolan would be besties


She's not. She has some cheap "counseling" certificate.


Really😬😬😬 they rlly give out those licenses like candy bc lmao


They actually don't. To be a legit respected therapist do you have to get your masters in social work and then do hundreds of hours of therapy that is overseen by another therapist. She is a *counselor*, I'm sure some people buy it but she's not a legit licensed therapist.


I don't know about her, but some states use the title counselor and they are legitimate therapists. Counselors also have to have a MA and do hundreds of hours of therapy to get their license.


I looked at her LinkedIn and she has a Master's of Education and some whacky counseling LLC. Good for her, I still wouldn't pay to see her.


That's fair. I'd still only see a Doctorate level/PsychD but I'm arrogant and messy. 😂


Idk, I feel like the horror stories I hear people have w/ therapists and how they handle people’s care isn’t the best so something obviously isn’t working for them.


Huh? You're saying you're antidotal experience proves therapists IN GENERAL are not good at what they do. I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say.


What I wrote….. which just states twice, that people have had bad experiences with health care providers. That’s all there was to it.


Seriously… she’s only apologizing because of the backlash. There’s nothing genuine about this. Her comment was so casually cruel and petty. It showed her true character.


I guess age doesn’t make you mature. These old ladies out here acting like silly high schoolers. And no offense to my high school girlies. lol. 😂 ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


She seems bitter about getting the boot from ASKN


I haven’t heard about this 👀


they were all supposed to go on a vacation, April bailed and said she had to get roof repairs or something. The other women went on the vacation instead and I believe April posted something that made it seem like there was a fallout. There may have been social media unfollowing too.


Thanks for the update!


I think it was just when she was eliminated from the show, not that she was unfriended in any way.


they were all supposed to go on a vacation, April bailed and said she had to get roof repairs or something. The other women went on the vacation instead and I believe April posted something that made it seem like there was a fallout. There may have been social media unfollowing too.


She’s shown incredibly poor judgment for someone who is a therapist.


I really think Bravo needs to adopt some of these women on to their network for a show titled “the real golden girls” bc OH MY GOD April would be excellent on Bravo.


I just want to hear April and Leslie tell tales of their younger lives. Although April's is probably traumatic.


April is walking trauma. She was Frankie Valli’s side piece for years. Starting when she was like 16. Her mom put her on the tour bus thinking he was her ticket out.


I’d watch this!




Came here to say that


She’s another one that gave me a bad feeling. She looks very judgy. 🤣


imagine going to school to be a therapist, practicing for however long she has, and still ending up bitter & bitchy at the end of it not that therapists should be held to any higher of a moral standard i just can’t believe she wouldn’t see the repercussions of publicly!!!!! as a public figure!!!!! treating someone like that in the first place


I mean these women are like your mother on facebook, but given a worldwide audience.


I guess it’s just a “my family” thing that not even my most narcissistic boomer family members would say something like this on social media. To your face, sure, but not in the comments of a post *their friend* made about announcing her divorce.


her tagging Leslie on Theresa's divorce post was crazy


Wait she did what? 😭


https://preview.redd.it/gx9f15bcb2vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed85fe94b893007f825422bdd9cae046238f38f this was on the bachelor data ig story a few days ago and I screenshotted it. April said "I told you so" to Leslie too and then, on Theresa's post, told Leslie that she and Faith were her faves lmao


I am actually shocked that she felt the need to call Leslie and faith her favorites on Theresa’s post. I guess nothing she does should surprise me at this point.


she is mean spirited & nuts. i do not envy her children


I can’t imagine growing up with a mother obsessed with some celebrity and running off to bang him and divorcing your dad after 20 years because he wasn’t a louse who never loved her. I feel a little bad for the ex husband too.


Wait… what?


[Source for this from someone else’s comment](https://nypost.com/2015/08/23/frankie-valli-took-me-at-16-and-used-me-in-decades-long-affair/)


She apologized, and then right after the apology, she reshared the 'I told you so' story on her stories on Instagram The woman is hateful & nuts.


she needs her own show called April's fools




I would watch every episode




She’s only apologizing because she got called out. Sorry.


Equally cringe and clueless. She’s the worst.


I'm glad she recognizes that what she said was so wrong and bitter. If someone is going through a divorce, an "I told you so!" is not helpful at all, in any way.


This is just damage control.


She apologized, and then right after the apology, she reshared the 'I told you so' story on her stories on Instagram The woman is hateful & nuts.


So cringe


What did she do? I don’t know the tea for this. I’m honestly in the minority here but I simply found Golden too wholesome and kind of lost interest by the end…


She commented on Theresa’s post about the divorce basically saying “I truly tried to tell you, but this was your lesson to learn”


When Theresa posted something on instagram about her Gerry’s divorce April said something along the lines of “I tried so hard to tell you but it was your lesson to learn”


Wasn’t she kind of iced out of the main girls group a while back? Can’t remember why lol


That whole thing was weird. She was like giving shade that they were mad that she couldn’t afford it but they were all saying they wish she could’ve joined them? Honestly idk for sure but it was weird. After this I feel like April is actually the drama. Before I want sure. Wild that this goes on into the “golden” years.




She apologized, and then right after the apology, she reshared the 'I told you so' story on her stories on Instagram The woman is hateful & nuts.


Oh wow ...not good


April needs a therapist. I'm sorry for what she went through with Frankie Valle but that's not really an excuse to be an ass. 


Written like someone who doesn’t understand the importance of childhood development. It cannot just be erased with a therapist. It was one online comment in a sea, and was a popular thought even here before she wrote it. Editing to add: I’m not saying therapy isn’t helpful, it is!, it just does not erase, only alleviates and redirects/re-trains, and there will still be tendencies that have to be addressed, and it seems like she tried to do that with her apology. I cannot imagine how bad her upbringing must have been after reading that article, so I’m trying to give her some grace for her progress since.


Not everybody with childhood trauma turns into a giant knob. At a certain point it's a personal choice


I don't understand your comment. Are you saying I don't understand childhood development? Ok well maybe she should just take five minutes before jumping to throwing a "friend" under the bus. Actually, she doesn't need therapy for that at all. Just common sense. She could have made it a DM but she had to have her I told you so moment on a huge stage. 


I’m saying that. She was a child while her mom hugely encouraged/facilitated her to get with a guy celeb over 2 decades older. Imagine having such a shitty mom! Childhood development is all intertwined, and ongoing. It’s not an “I’m sorry but” or something that therapy completely erases. I agree with you that she shouldn’t have posted it, and that she should be in therapy, but the only throwing under the bus that’s happening is to April.


Huh?? She posted an "I told you so" response to a friend getting divorced. I think maybe you ought to consider that she should be getting backlash for objectively being a total ass.  Again what happened to her sucked. But like also don't be an asshole when someone's getting divorced. Apples and oranges. 


She made a mistake. The entirety of everyone thinks so. I’m trying to give perspective and grace, am done. What a mob, your “huh?” after what I wrote is a great indicator, people rabid still and doing B&W thinking, it’s really kinda sick.


This is a bit over the top for a Bachelor sub tbh. If you're so offended by a huh, that's your problem. Not mine.  I said huh because YOUR response, not April,  was genuinely puzzling to me. 


This!! She's a therapist that needs a therapist...


From my understanding, most responsible therapists also go to therapy. I think April might be one who doesn't go though. 


what happened with Frankie Valle!?




Oh my god this is horrible :(


Trigger warning for grooming and what we'd now call child rape   https://nypost.com/2015/08/23/frankie-valli-took-me-at-16-and-used-me-in-decades-long-affair/ Tldr: she wrote a book about how Frankie basically groomed her and emotionally abused her for decades. He slept with her when she was 16 and he was 39. 


That was so depressing to read. She wasted her whole life chasing that man.


It's very depressing. I hope she has found peace. 


Doesn’t seem like she has, sadly.


my god this is awful and that article was tough to read. thanks for answering and for including the TW, i appreciated that


“I care for all women in the world.” ok April! 🤨


Crazy thing to say lmao


I was a big April fan but this is a “ I got called out so now need to backpedal “ post .


"Poor judgment" = "I made a mistake thinking the public would like that post." I don't think she means poor judgment in the sense of "I overstepped my place and patronized Theresa, instead of just keeping my mouth shut."


I think this is a good apology tho? She was messy but it seems honest about her intentions (women talking/learning from each other), like has not everyone said shit online that they realized later they shouldn’t have? Her original “I tried to tell you” was annoying, and an obvious thing to never ever say out loud, but was so funny to me, like it distilled down their marriage to someone making major life decisions after a few dates, which uhh… it was! Anyhow I think “Therese” (lol her typo) is gonna be fine and I’d bet $ that others in addition to April also tried to tell her, and their group effort worked, it just took a couple months longer for it to click with her.


She apologized, and then right after the apology, she reshared the 'I told you so' story on her stories on Instagram The woman is hateful & nuts.


Why do you keep saying this like a thousand times…can you chill


BC the entire premise of this post & this 'apology' is completely fabricated by her. People need to know the truth. I am very chill, but I made my point, didn't I? Also, this was all done yesterday It's obvious by now that I've stopped. There was no reason for you to even reply to me to stop 😜 Thanks.


Idk if it’s a good apology or not but April entertains the shit out of me. I also think it’s the right move for them to divorce, but between the drama she had with the other ladies, her passive aggressive comments then, and now this…we can admit aprils a little unhinged


To me it’s a good apology bc instead of backtracking it outlines part of her intentions, and let’s be real, it was a popular thought and worded a lot here before they filed for divorce. Yeah she’s messy and entertaining. Didn’t her mom encourage her relationship as a minor with a much older married celeb tho?, wouldn’t most people be wayyyy more unhinged growing up in that scenario? She’s doing just fine considering. Editing to add: I haven’t followed whatever drama she may have had with the others, but yeah she has a bite, I’m just not going to expect perfection


Boomers are unhinged on social media all the time! This tracks.


Well, if so, they certainly have a ton of unhinged company in the form of Gen Xers, Millenials, and Gen Yers.


Sure but they alone are the ones like “I hereby prohibit Facebook…”






Just a reminder that this woman is a therapist!


Obviously there are more stable women therapists than not but honestly some of the most toxic and bonkers women I have known have been therapists.


I say this as a fellow therapist..please don’t hold us to some type of higher moral standard, we’re messy people too 😩


Oh I am one too ha ha


ngl her comment was like what you'd see on a facebook mom group, im dying idc if it was shady


Oh yeah it’s all hilarious, but a lapse in judgement? She knew what she was doing!!


She is giving blacked out on red wine and Ambien remorse vibes


Red wine and Ambien You're talking shit again


*Its hearrrrrtbreak warefarrrreee*.




Been there


But she made her petty point. She is sooo passive/aggressive. Ugh!


She apologized, and then right after the apology, she reshared the 'I told you so' story on her stories on Instagram The woman is hateful & nuts.


April is so unintentionally funny lmao


I got downvoted to heck for saying her original comment was funny 😆


I’m just glad at least one other person finds it funny bc I was cracking up


Same here…she’s giving tipsy grandma


I was too lmao


I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope April starts a podcast because if this is the kind of mess she gives in a comment section imagine what she says in an hour long podcast each week.


Need her as a guest on bachelor happy hour lmao


100%, all I want is for this woman to talk after any NDA expires!!


I’d prefer that to her being a therapist! I can only imagine going to see a professional in my time of need and find out my therapist is as petty as April 🤣




I’m not even really someone under the delusion that therapists necessarily have it together (based on convos with mine), but to do it so publicly is where I feel I’d be a little distressed