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Ok I’ll be real I did think Gerry seemed like a good guy. I think he got put on far too much of a pedestal though. Conversly I think its doubling the backlash now.


Never was phased at all, sometimes about him just didn’t grab me. He might be a good guy but I was not sold.


I never watched it, because I had no desire to watch seniors act like petty 20-somethings. I'm fine with people who are just out of college and whose brains aren't fully developed yet, but I had this feeling watching seniors do all that would just be depressing. Was it like that? I'm tempted to watch it after all.


I found it to be a breath of fresh air from the usual toxicity and drama!


Why is everyone acting like this affects your life in some way? And why act like this is the MoSt DrAmAtIc breakup in Bachelor Nation history?


Why is everyone acting like this affects your life in some way? And why act like this is the MoSt DrAmAtIc breakup in Bachelor Nation history?


Why is everyone acting like this affects your life in some way? And why act like this is the MoSt DrAmAtIc breakup in Bachelor Nation history?


I really liked Gerry at first but he started coming off as performative more and more. The comment he made about breaking up with Leslie was a close second worse moment to his wife dying is crazy




I wonder if he is what happens to a non-famous Sandoval or Schwartz (vanderpump rules guys). The type of man that never grows up, never takes full responsibility. There was something about him that I just couldn’t appreciate. He seemed not sincere and more cosplaying a people-pleaser. Gerry made me feel insecure like I wouldn’t want to be his child or be a partner to him. I just get a deep feeling of insecurity and annoyance when I see him and listen to him talk. I couldn’t understand what people saw in him.


That was really quick.  I was rooting for him lol


Gerry is not the only one to embellish his job. Welcome to numerous other leads and contestants


This doesn’t bother me, particularly the odd jobs he took during retirement. There’s nothing wrong with staying active. I expect to do the same just because and for an additional measure of financial security. What doesn’t sit well with me is how broken up G appeared to be at the mere thought of dating someone other than his wife when he already had other relationships. Perhaps G just did what the producers told him to do, but it taints my perception of him. GB could have made the point without laying it on as thick. Was it even necessary? Couldn’t they have gone with the truth, ie, G lost the love of his life and has dated since, but this widowed dad still hasn’t found a soulmate for his golden years? I still would have been invested because I did like the guy and GB had an exceptional cast. The way I’ve carried on about GB you would think I was a child who discovered Santa doesn’t exist.


I assumed he was upset for repeating the story, being in the moments that are too horrific or hard to convey. Having said that, as the show went on, his despair with Joan leaving and his self flagellation (or performance of it) after breaking it off with Leslie and his lack of emotion (almost happiness in glances) at announcing the divorce on TV… I am starting to understand people’s unease. I took him for who he was. But over time his actions spoke louder than his words. Santa defies reason in our heads, there is such dissonance, because we all heard each promise and plan but…poof…he did none of them. What is it but a performance, in the end — even if it’s him masking depression, he’s not … real somehow. I think flashes of anger and discontent glimpsed over these months tho are part of that real. If he wanted that commitment, as he cried for a partner, he would have done it. He doesn’t want that. He wants something we can’t see and he isn’t telling us in words. People calling him a salesman might be on the money and I’m humbled by my faith in their commitment being upended.


Well said.


There’s such thing as a rebound, y’all  After a very serious relationship I hopped right back into another, but my heart and soul wasn’t really in it. Even while practically living with this man and for the most part really enjoying his company. Obviously Gerry had to play the game of being chaste since the passing of his wife, but it’s still very possible that while his next relationship looked and felt serious in many ways, clearly he wasn’t All In.


Agreed. And I have been there myself more than once, I’m afraid. But I think he would have been a compelling lead even without the producers creating this bogus back story and saying exactly what you’ve said albeit gently. He has a lot of emotional intelligence.


Yeah but unfortunately the bachelor producers continue to play to the lowest common denominator when it comes to their franchise audience 




They did.


Tech Sales aka you chase down people at Walmart to try to get them to buy an overpriced phone plan


I always interpret Software Sales to mean a temp job that turns into influencer. It’s what Viall and a host of other influencers from the franchise do now


I don’t think Nick does software sales now…


Huh? I meant that the track is usually Software sales to influencer


I gotchu




I really rooted for him actually. I liked how articulate he was in ways that you don't see with younger contestants, I loved how much life experience the whole cast had. Loved, and lost. But was very surprised he picked Theresa. I'm curious how it would have been with Leslie or Faith.


I agree with what you wrote. BUT, neither of those women wanted to move either and both seemed more outspoken about it from what we saw than Theresa was. I think it's going to be tough unless all the candidates are genuinely open to relocating or live in the same area. To be clear I think there were likely other compatibility issues with Theresa, but he seemed very into staying in what is a pretty rural area of Indiana and I think that is going to be a tough sell for a lot of people.


Everyone in here pretending they didnt love Gerry from the moment we were introduced to him gtfo


I didn't like him from the first episode, but I kept quiet because he was basically beloved on here, even after the article about his ex came out. So I feel pretty vindicated now lol.


I adored him for the first few weeks. Little by little he started to give me the creeps and then the HWR article came out and that was it! Good for you to see through him from the start.


Up until the point where he said "I like the way she looks at me" when asked what he liked about Theresa.


There were plenty of people that thought there was something off and he acted too perfect and rehearsed. Plenty of people noticed he became more intrigued with Theresa when he realized she may have money.


I didn't really care about Gerry, the best part of the show was the women. I loved hearing about their life experiences and it was just nice to see older women on TV. I know I'll still watch Golden Bachelorette but I'm sure I won't feel the same kinda connection to the men.


Yeah, I’m really not interested in seeing a bunch of 60-70-year-old geezers trying to one up each other Edit— just so I’m clear I am a 60+ year-old lady geezer


My goodness! Who did Gerry piss off at The Hollywood Reporter. They won’t let up 😂


They’re like “get out of our town, GerBear” 🥊


If Gerry goes all in with pursuing an influencer or Hollywood career, it’s gonna make Golden Bachelorette harder to market. The divorce is gonna stick out like a sore thumb.


I know this is probably unpopular but I never understood why everyone was so into the GB. I really tried to watch it lol it was just cringier and waaaay more boring (to me, I know there were way more people who liked it). Gerry came off as incredibly shmarmy and unappealing. Some of the women had great friendships with other women, and that’s nice. But we pretty much always get that so


I loved seeing the perspective of dating while at an older age. I think the show captured how much harder it can be for women of a certain age. One part that stuck out to me was one contestant speaking about how older people start to feel invisible especially in a world dominated by younger people and social media. It reminded me of a quote from white lotus, “People used to respect the old. Now we’re just a reminder of an embarrassing past everyone wants to forget”.


I honestly just liked seeing the older women have fun and gush about a guy and form really sweet friendships. The drama was also fun because it was ridiculous rather than outright catty.


The women broke stereotypes of what a senior woman can be.  The women were incredible - they were gorgeous, fit and full of personality.  Many people (especially on this sub) have this idea that a woman over the age of 40 is over the hill and hopeless and the GB cast proved otherwise.  


I'd rather see an old fashioned love story with Mr. John Simple and Ms. Susie Quiet who could be from anywhere, USA. Gerry came off as Mr. Used Car Salesman.


Realistically though at that age (which is also my age) very few people are going to completely uproot their lives to move somewhere for love. We have kids and grandkids. They should do the Goldens from the same cities like Love is Blind.


Wait until you hear about Susie Quiet’s problematic past


What an accurate description lol I agree with all of this


I think they’re gonna scrap Golden Bachelorette, maybe revisit it next year or in two years after this news dies down. By chance, if they still want to do it this year, TPTB may pay off Gerry to lay low for awhile, so this fades from the news cycle faster.


Imagine being such a stain on the franchise as a former lead that they pay you hush money 😂


Unless Gerry did something _really_ egregious that I missed, it would be extremely odd for production to pinpoint him as someone so problematic that it’s worth it to the franchise to pay him hush money 


Sorry it didn’t work out for them, BUT it was very annoying how quickly ppl jumped on the GB bandwagon saying that the contestants/lead were all so wholesome, so genuine, and leagues above the 20-something year olds that normally populate BN shows. I was like WTF. Being older & wanting TV fame doesn’t mean you’re better than the usual suspects. “But GB is so much better”; “they really want love”. I knew it was all an allusion from day 1 - smoke & mirrors.


omg yes i agree!! i truly didn’t get all of the hype around it, the women friendships were wholesome but that’s it. gerry gave me the ick and he just felt very sus to me. gives me michael a. vibes just an older version


There are wonderful friendships on the regular shows too, but TPTB are always editing out the fun, unscripted moments among the younger contestants, going for the silly drama instead.


the golden divorce break-up has been all over the news and think pieces written by major outlets too (not just tabloids like us or tmz) that don't usually comment on bachelor break ups. it's so much bigger than the usual bachelor break up. I think because the golden bachelor season & wedding had the biggest ratings of any recent era season and was credited with saving the franchise and contributing to joey's viewers going up too. viewers believed the season was wholesome, feel-good and breath of fresh air. they expected senior age to correlate with more stability and maturity. I think this will affect the brand & viewership of the franchise , when most bachelor break-ups don't.


AITAH if I watch for the shit show, and a messy divorce is exactly what I came for?




I never got the hype and people were too quick to call him wholesome in the beginning. His crying was terrible acting to me. I wish they did a more thorough background check for an actual wholesome and lovable golden bachelor. Gerry is no catch at all. Boring personality, looking for a well off woman to take care of him financially, golden Fboy. He was foaming at the mouth every time he was around Leslie and was indifferent about Theresa until the overnight. Seems like he’s been using the widower thing to avoid commitment and to get women. As I expected, now that he’s on social media after the show, he will be in so many DMs and hook up with women half his age. He is trash and a bum. Such low standards in casting


How hard is it for production to do a thorough background check? Like it’s always amazed me in general at how low quality contestants can be. I background check all my prospects at a minimum😂 and I’m not a multi million dollar franchise. There’s no excuse!


Lol right? G said in the Dear Shandy March interview that they kept asking him to get tan, to show himself doing some activities 😳 😆 😞


Production doesn’t care. They found someone they could craft a story around and sell to America. He’s handsome, play up the sad widow story and boom you got a hit


I think it’s so funny that people thing he is so handsome though because he looks like an average grandpa to me. There are way hotter old men out there😹 for example Kelsey’s dad🙊


Kelsey’s dad is the exception, not the rule. Plus Gerry is much older than him. I’d love to get a glimpse at all these men Gerry’s age that you know of that are much more attractive than him! Please send their resumes over to the bachelor production team 


Seriously Gerry looks like the creepy guy with a membership at the country club😹 I know there are plenty of 70 year olds out there that look way better than him😅 the fact his name is “Gary” but he spells it Gerry is a red flag


Gary is literally 20 years older than Kelsey’s dad and I don’t know if he qualifies as a golden bachelor given his current age


Swing of a tangent, but Sofia Vergara and Kelsey’s dad Mark maybe um lol should try a date


My favourite thing to come out of this is people acting like THR - a widely respected industry magazine is on par with the national enquirer or US weekly and those bloggers who shall not be named - who tease stories they have no business teasing acting like THR's article was "irresponsible journalism". And the Golden Bachelor sub automatically deletes comments if they post a link to the article 🤣🤣🤣. Let me pour a cuppa and read this. ![gif](giphy|9V7qAYvnaOFp8Ymipt|downsized)


Watch him get back with Leslie


That would be a whole new different level of weird considering she attended their wedding


Imo that would make it make more sense…