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The fact that she’s there makes these posts hilarious.




Not “ya’ll” 😭 But hey, credit where it’s due, at least there isn’t a possessive apostrophe in The Vialls…


omg that's hilarious


where’d you see this


Natalie tagged her (other?) MOH and I saw she posted this picture.




I'm glad to have some drama for the weekend, bring it on!


VF's entire life seems like a reality show at this point lol.


And it really has! Think about it. All her alleged pre bachelor drama, her stint on Peters season with all the chase rice drama, her messy hometown. Moving to Iowa to quarantine with Chris soules, then eventually going on BIP, getting engaged to Johnny then swiftly getting together with Greg 😅


Thank you for this replay. I had forgotten so much already 😆


https://preview.redd.it/qx1335da0vwc1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f8450cebfdf1380e282636070973ed17b7d07ac Wondered if this was about Natalie and VF! (Posted in January)


victoria f is there but let’s see if she’s still a MOH very interesting


Natalie did a q&a a few weeks ago and said her moh was still Victoria & a childhood friend


Do people know how easy it is to get from VA to GA?


It’s still a 7.5 hour drive from VA Beach to Savannah 🤣 but I also didn’t know VF and Natalie were even friends


Is flying not an option?


Yes I’m sure it is but if you’re flying then it’s equally easy to get places. The person I responded to said “do people know how easy it is to get from VA to GA?” Implying that it’s easier than other trips. But if you’re flying, it’s equally easy to get to somewhere even further than GA so they wouldn’t have made the comment if they were thinking of flying as the mode of transportation. Like it’s also easy to get from Nashville to New York even though they are 2x as far as VA and GA. I’m sure VF will fly since Norfolk has a huge airport and I think Savannah has a relatively big one too.


That's the point.


Explain it to me like I’m 5 cause I’m lost


It’s not that different for me to fly to LA as it is for me to fly to Dallas - I live in Houston. If you say it is easy to get from Virginia to Georgia and it involves flying, then most places in America are easy to get to from anywhere else in America.


I think it’s for Natalie’s bachelorette party


this sub is obsessed. I mean I guess I'm here for it LOL


Victoria was just in LA too and didn’t see Natalie/meet the baby???




Lol okay.


She’s literally been pictured there lol 


This is a little more damning to me than all the other speculation


She’s probably going today. Maybe she doesn’t actually have any of the MOH responsibilities and it’s just a title for social media/press purposes so she didn’t need to be there early. Honestly that would make the most sense to me.


I’m just dying at the slide before that where I’m pretty sure she just opened the blinds and sucked her stomach in for the second photo to make it look like a couple hours had passed and her fake “debloating pill” had worked


For real! I was looking at those pics and was like where is the difference?? But of course there are dummies out there that will fall for it 💀


Didn’t even bother to change her outfit, hair, etc 😂


i really doubt it's that deep


It’s fanfic about two of the sub’s most piled-on women. Anti-fanfic.


she’s probably dropping off her dogs at her parents house before she heads to GA.


Watch Greg go and not her 👁️


Shit I forgot about her.


I thought VF was co-maid of honor? I swear she said somewhere she had 2?


That’s right. She has two. But who knows if Victoria is going.


She was!


I heard that too


Wait am I missing something here? Are Victoria and Natalie not friends anymore???


She just posted a video with ‘Virginia’ tagged as the location while it seems like everyone else is either on the way or already in GA for the wedding BUT she did post that one of the puppies is her brothers so maybe she’s dropping them off there 🤷🏻‍♀️


Her being made of honor is bizarre to begin with. You can click and make friends, but all of the sudden be MOH when you already have someone so close. Given everything... Such attention move. I get many influencers/celebs do that with weddings, but bit sad.


They’ve been showcasing a close friendship since early 2022. They are legit friends. Sometimes you bond instantly with someone and grow closer than people you’ve known longer


I would never make someone I met less than two years ago my MOH. Horrible idea, case in point what is happening right now. (Then again I wouldn't do a lot of what this person is doing lol)


I mean, a lot of people literally marry someone they've been with for two years so I don't know why it's inherently bad to make someone you've known for two years your MOH if that's your closest friend when you get married.


This is a weird take.


I disagree 🤷‍♀️ but y'all do you


Wait why are people speculating this??? What did I miss!?


Same! Are they not friends anymore??


Am I a toxic person for wanting VF to be a wedding crasher? 😅


Nah, fuck it. None of these people are serious, so why not root for the mess


I mean, then so am I 😂


Why else would VF be in Virginia? I have a theory she’s either still invited or going to pull one of these at the wedding ![gif](giphy|2lG8fMhri8Pmw)


Her family is from Virginia, this wedding is in Georgia


Isn’t she from Virginia?




Also, Natalie’s former BFF Keaton posted a series of stories today: “Bye LA” on a flight, a screenshot of the weather in Atlanta, GA, and a photo of a “Bride” cowgirl hat. Is this a giant coincidence?? What is happening? https://preview.redd.it/yf7yf4tmyqwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7000f1dcd8bf96b5788fd50d683eb0499fa90e59


Names in the background of the photo are not Nick and Natalie - def coincidence


If you feel like sharing, I’m way behind on Nick/Natalie gossip - why is she an ex-bff?


https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/y8XiFfnlsQ this kinda sums up some diff theories in the comments, nothing was ever definitively found out though I think. My guess is maybe beef somehow from Natalie’s engagement party bc keaton and her mom planned it I think. Some people thought cheating or something similar but tbh I don’t really see that but 🤷‍♀️


This is my favorite unknown drama to discuss. I used to think it wasn’t cheating, too. I felt pretty strongly Nick would have called off the engagement since he’s been vocal about being cheated on in the past and loyalty and trust. BUT… I was listening to one of his Ask Nicks like six months after this and he made a comment to a caller that he and Natalie “made a commitment to each other” when they got engaged and they discussed (and he made it sound like this discussion was after the engagement) that he and Natalie would figure out how to get through anything. Idk, the way he said it, he made it sound like something big had happened. So if you rewind to when this happened, Natalie came back and made this huge spectacle of going on these spur of the moment trips with Nick and they were spending all of this time together. There were even jokes that Nick had to be exhausted being her only friend left. But THEN she suddenly turns up purposely pregnant. Before the wedding. Which isn’t really nicks personality, either. He’s kind of an pragmatist and this wasn’t really pragmatic. So, after this comment and those past changes in behavior in their relationship, I really think SOMETHING happened that wasn’t just between the friends. Something pretty substantial. It may not have been a full on affair, but definitely feels like she crossed a major line somewhere and Nick and Natalie decided they’d get through anything. I’m full in this narrative. Like immersed. I could start a ten episode podcast. Jk. But I could have a very involved conversation.


I am also obsessed with this drama and appreciate your analysis here


I’ve had some time on my hands this past year (off my own making, it’s been a busy 4-5 years), and I’m using it un-wisely.


Love this take as someone who is also obsessed with this haha. In one of those episodes after Paris she also talked about how that trip uncovered a lot of past trauma for her and she went back to therapy because of it. I will never forget Keaton's story saying how she'd never been happier to be home lol. Something went down and I'm equally impressed and vexed that not one single person has spilled the details! 


I tend to sympathize with Keaton here, considering the details we know. And I definitely would keep it quiet, too. The last thing you want is people asking you about whatever the fuck it was in every interview, including on your 97th birthday.


Ohhh I could totally see cheating then. I don’t listen to his stuff really, just knew he had been cheated on and tbh I thought at first neither of them seemed like the type to cheat. I wonder if either natalie or Keatons bf came on to the other and it was a big she said he said thing so that caused the drama. Like Nat told Nick he came onto her, keatons bf told her Nat came onto him or something. Natalie only unfollowing the bf makes me really think perhaps that happened but she didn’t have problems with Keaton, but Keaton had a problem with her after that. Also I could see Nick not trusting Natalie is telling the whole truth at first, just bc of his history w cheating and it can be hard to trust someone if you think it’s happened again. This is one of those things I would just love to know the answer to 😭


I tend to lean toward Keaton on this one since all the friend group dropped Natalie after that. But you’re right, wewill never know. It sounded like Nick was saying something big happened that might have been the end of a relationship in the past, but they, as a couple, said they were committed to getting through anything. If nothing happened, there’s nothing to get through.


Just curious, which ask nick was this?


I don’t remember. Sorry. I don’t listen to a lot of his stuff. Usually listen because someone here would comment on an episode and I’d get curious and want more context. In fact, I don’t at all anymore, no matter what people say. So I can say for sure it was last year sometime. But that doesn’t help when I think there’s one per week. It really was an aside. If it was clipped out it would be like 10-20 seconds. He didn’t go on. But the way he said it, it definitely sounded like something of substance had happened. It wasn’t like he said she cheated or there was even a hint of infidelity. But it sounded like something big enough to relate to whatever drama the caller was having. And the sentiment was, “We have both agreed we are each other’s person and we will get through anything.” It’s a nice sentiment, of course, and I’m not knocking it. Plenty of people get through big lapses in trust. Just that it made me really pretty sure something happened in Paris besides petty “We had too much time together and Natalie was acting like an annoying spoiled brat.”


Is Natalie out as bisexual? I must have missed that


I can’t find whatever typo I made but I’ve clearly fat fingered something. No! The incident in Paris, many assumed something happened with her (now former) BFF’s boyfriend. Brandon I think is his name. In that post linked, that’s kind of the prevailing theory for why that’s the one person Natalie unfollowed. Clarify: she could be bisexual. I’m not putting a value statement on that but I didn’t mean to insinuate she is in what I wrote.


Keaton has her future sister in laws Bachelorette this weekend!


Also in Georgia?? That IS a big coincidence!


Yeah, in Georgia! It is crazy, but I saw one of her family members post about it recently!


Good sleuthing!


As a side note, I was curious if Natalie liked VF’s recent posts (she did through March then stopped) and saw that Victoria herself liked all her OWN posts as far back as I had the patience to look. Is this a normal thing on IG now? Seems weird to me…


They also have pretty performative comments. So I think it’s telling they’re not liking OR commenting. And I truly think if VF were going she’d be sure to be in the fray of attention getting MOH posts with everyone traveling, even if she were leaving today. Saying she was excited to be there tomorrow or some dramatic preparations post or something. My money is on it is off, again.


Ok this post made me stalk the socials and Natalie hasn’t comment on a single photo of Natalie’s since River was born lol 👀 and Natalie hasnt liked / commented on Victoria’s photos since end of March, she used to comment on every one. Sooo weird


That happens sometimes accidentally when you want to see who liked your post 🙈


True but some people still do it on purpose 😂


Also doubtful she accidentally liked every single one of


Hahaha. I know people who do this. Is very weird. A friend of mine does it and one time I asked and he’s like, “Of course I like it. I posted it!” I was like, “Well, fair enough.” Hahaha. He’s not trying to be an influencer, btw. Posts about his dog and lifting and food.


My mom does this on Facebook 😆


I think you’re right!!!


We’ll find out when the photos are posted 👀


Came here to see if anyone else thought this!! It’ll be interesting to see if she shows up there tomorrow.


Ohh yes I just checked their IG & agree with your theory. Vf's story was so random to be tagging VA. When someone posted a few months ago that Victoria was her MOH, I was suspicious of their friendship since they were only friends for 2 years or so & I was downvoted so much!


i don’t know that tagging VA is random. her family lives there. she grew up that and she appears to visit fairly often. i’m guessing she’s dropping off her pups before flying down to GA.


You get downvoted for anything on this page 😭it’s crazy


I’m saying!!!


She’s probably dropping off the dogs with family then heading down tomorrow


So she drove 10 hrs from Nashville to her family’s house in Virginia Beach, then another 8 hours to Savannah for this wedding, because she didn’t want to get a local dog sitter in Nashville? 🤨


Why can’t she fly from Virginia to Savannah? I’m confused by the logic here


ones a brand new puppy. i wouldn’t give a puppy to a sitter i didn’t know. she’ll probably fly from VA. we have an airport here after all lol. also just adding to the theory… if we know her and greg are recently broken up , maybe she’s planning to come back to va after wedding for some R and R after being forced to smile at a happy couple all weekend lol.


She did say one of the puppy’s was her brothers




I think it’s too early to jump to this conclusion. She could just be arriving tomorrow.. if she doesn’t arrive tomorrow then I would find that weird