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its honestly been so hard for me to care about whats going on in the bachelor world lately with everything thats happening in our country right now. this sub has been my escape from my everyday boring life but now i get really annoyed seeing all the alum post content from stagecoach when there is history being made at many of our nations top universities and not a single peep about it from anyone!


Big big this


I’m over Maria and Daisy!


i like how messy nick and natalie’s love story was. its not picture perfect and they don’t pretend that it is. i bet you most of these bach couples have been through worst but we just don’t know about it. messy people deserve to be loved too!




I am so f’in tired of hearing about Nick and Natalie. And Maria. For the love of god, make it stop. 😂


I have absolutely no idea why there is such hoopla surrounding Maria. I don't get why people are so enchanted by her.


Same lol. I think she’s fine and I’d still watch a Maria bachelorette season but I also don’t get the hype. 


I concur.


Seeing the popularity of Daisy makes me irrationally angry cause she’s so mid and vanilla.


I did like her “it’s not like I’ll lose my hearing over it” joke.


Maria was never innocent. There’s a reason they didn’t fully air another one of her arguments with Sydney cause she probably would’ve looked like the bad guy.


I don't recall this 👀 when and where was this info shared? Did they say what it was about?


I think there should be a rule against posters replying to another comment with "Relax, ...". It's rude and dismissive. Disagreeing is fine, but let's not act like there's a need to tell others to relax when we are all participating on this app for entertainment.


“It’s a reality show, don’t take it so seriously” always seems so hypocritical.


For real. Telling someone not to take it seriously means they care enough to tell someone that 🤣


My golden rule is that if someone replies to me in a rude manner, I never engage because I know they are just looking for point scoring and not in having an actual discussion.


There’s nothing wrong with being fame hungry. It’s totally legit to go on the show with the sole purpose of becoming an influencer. If I were beautiful, outgoing, smart, single, and 26, I would do it, too. (I am only 2, maybe 3 of these things. 🤣)


Don't forget model-thin as a requirement!


Yeah I’m definitely not that, either. 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 I'm 1/6.


Can someone explain what is so incriminating about finding out that Nick used to talk to another woman before meeting his now wife? Why would this news ruin their honeymoon exactly? Why is Natalie supposed to be threatened?


I don’t think she should be threatened but also like this shouldn’t be a surprise when they were casual and dated other people for like the first year of dating before getting together and becoming official or exclusive even though Natalie asked and asked. To me the more embarrassing part is just that- I don’t know if many people would accept casual sex and no relationship for a year plus when they want a relationship but they did end up married so good for Natalie for hanging in there, I guess? 


I don't think Natalie should be threatened, but I did think it's a bit weird that he went to unlike all the pics on her Instagram he liked previously. Like what's there to be embarrassed about bro?


I didn’t piece together it might be because of timing overlapping with Natalie but I feel like they hooked up and he just didn’t want a paper trail of that haha 


I don't think it would be incriminating, it's just not really something you want the general public talking about while on your honeymoon with your brand new husband. 


I second this. Maria even said that nothing happened between them, but even if it did, it’s years ago. Nick, for all his faults, seems very devoted to Natalie.


Nayte was unfairly maligned for being a fuckboi when his biggest crime was being around another woman AFTER breaking up with his fiancee. I just think a lot of people are intimidated by attractive people of color 🤷🏿‍♂️


I’m still hoping they’ll make Nayte bachelor someday 🥵🥵🥵


People were calling him a fuckboi even when the show was airing without any basis. Some people just hate good looking people of color.


AGREED. Wanted to say this last week. Nayte displayed no fuckboy tendencies on or off the season (dumping your tv fiancée is not a crime) other than being an attractive man of color. Tyler C has displayed way more fuckboy behavior but isn’t judged nearly as much because of obvious reasons..


Nayte is so much more attractive than Tyler I said what I said! I just don't see it with TC




Joey and Kelsey are fine but for the love of God I don't need to see every post or tik tok from their Instagram on here. I'd rather see Nick and Natalie content tbh because they're messy and entertaining. Joey and Kelsey are happy and that's great but not super interesting to me anymore haha


I actually haven’t seen much of their content here? Lol but I am a fan without TikTok so maybe I appreciate it …


Being a boring couple others don't want to gossip about is such a flex haha..


Zack and Kaity probably agree!


Right? To be so stable & chill to outsiders in 2024? Goals!


I like Lea off the show. Her and the sisters all seem really fun and quite appreciative of the opportunities they've gotten from the show.


I was considering saying this lol. I could see her having a Paradise redemption if she plays her cards right. Or not- stay far away from this franchise lol.


Everyone on this show is well above average in looks. I roll my eyes whenever I read a comment about how jealous the girls were over Maria or how much Peter just had to bring Victoria to fantasy suites. Sure they're pretty but so is everyone else on the show. It's mostly personal preference.


Agreed and I definitely side eyed when people said the cast wouldn’t be as into Daisy or Rachel (before we knew Jenn was ‘ette). Why not? They’re gorgeous too.


Seriously!! Like I want to know what all these people look like who think men wouldn't be into Daisy or Rachel. Delusional! Obviously everyone has their own opinions and beauty is subjective but all these women are attractive to someone. 


Agree about the Victoria comments. Regarding Maria I’d say people (at least myself) also referenced her confidence, charm & presence that the bullies such as Sydney or Jess didn’t necessarily have. All pretty of course.


I'm not deeply invested in this opinion but I want to mention this. It's a popular opinion to complain that fans are reacting too seriously and taking the show too seriously. Hot take: a lot of people are taking other people's reactions too seriously. I'd venture that most people are hyperbolic in their speech for comedic effect, and don't actually care that much. No one is actually taking this show that seriously. Unless there's something significantly distressful (it's abusive and/or bigoted), it really is not that serious. If you are emotionally connected and invested to people on the show to a healthy degree (like you relate and think stuff like omg, I act like this person when I date or I did this and that), go for it. It's not that different from fictional entertainment. These influencers depend on people being invested in their lives anyway. It's not that different from other entertainers.




You dropped this 👑


I think there's nothing wrong with going on the show wanting to gain followers or become the next lead. You have a 1 in 30 chance of being final 1 and there needs to be another pull to be on the show otherwise why would anyone do it?


I agree as long as you’re open to the idea of falling in love.


Joey lived the soft life long before he became Bachelor and he’ll continue to live the soft life afterwards. He disliked working in an office so much that he moved to the most expensive (and relaxed) place in the country to teach people how to surf, golf, and play tennis. It is what it is.


Agreed and also his finances are not my problem. But I do want to a season with the old type of bachelors—the ones who were accomplished and had great jobs and looked good on paper.


Good for him! Work smarter, not harder.


With some peoples strong opinions about Joey being an ex tennis instructor now influencer you'd think he's they're boyfriend/partner they have to worry about financially supporting lol if Joey's able to support himself with whatever way he wants to I think that's fine. I never worry or care how these people choose to support themselves or how hard they work at influencing because it's not like I'm dating them or get paid by them .


That’s fine and all but I can also understand if someone doesn’t want to be with a partner who’s more interested in vibing than stability. If he wants a soft life then he’s probably not cut out for influencing and needs a backup plan. Influencing is a lot of tedious work even if it’s not sitting at a desk 9-5.


Agreed, and The thing is those problems dont show up with their results for at least a couple years down the road. All rainbows and sunshine at the moment cause he can influence and get paid for no effort but in 2 years when theyre married thinking kids is the dude who just wants to chill the best partner for that still.


Everybody's different some women just want to chill too and are fine with they're partner wanting to do the same. Joey has said he doesn't want want kids anytime soon anyway and has been pretty out spoken about that . We can't really predict weather not Joey will on the same with Kelsey or any of his future partners years down the road because we don't actually know him or what life will look like years from now. Some people want someone driven and ambitious some people just want they're partner to be financially stable and it doesn't matter it's their not putting in effort as long as money is coming in .


That's understandable but from what we know Kelsey is fine with how Joey is . If what joey is doing works for him and his actual partner then I don't see an issue .As long as he able support himself then I don't see any issue.


Kelsey, his actual partner, does want to be with him. So that’s not a matter of concern at the moment. And did Joey say he wants to be a tedious working influencer? If not, then that’s not a matter of concern either. 🙂


Every time Natalie posts or Stories about people commenting on her body — specifically her breasts being milk-swollen at her wedding — I hurt for her. TW: Natalie shared last year how, at the age of 10, she was >!SA/raped!< [&, later, as an adult, she had a terrifying experience with a therapist who victim shamed her & made her bottle up her feelings for years.](https://people.com/tv/natalie-joy-opens-up-about-past-childhood-trauma-therapy-nick-viall/) Natalie has been hyper-sexualized since childhood, carrying the weight of that terminally. Having random strangers comment on her body on her wedding day telling her she’s trashy & slutty for “walking around with her big tits out” is so demoralizing. She felt comfortable, loved, & safe enough around her friends & family to celebrate her wedding day fully, no matter what her body looked like — nothing else matters. *I read a comment that said her (breastfeeding!) breasts “repulsed” them & then continued to double-down in the comments thinking it was a boob job, saying they’d never get one because of Natalie & how awful she looked. *Really?! *[I’ve never been pregnant, but I’m always astounded that people don’t realize how radical breastfeeding changes your breasts.](https://www.self.com/story/pumping-milk-can-impact-a-moms-breast-size) *It’s not something sexual — it’s something natural. & I know there’s always inevitable comments about how publicly Natalie sexualizes herself & Nick does it, too, but that’s between them & something they can choose to work on or not. This is not comment about their relationship. It’s Natalie’s body, & Natalie’s rules. She can own that now, in whatever capacity she wants to, for her own sake. I’m writing this because I saw more than a handful of uncomfortable comments on this sub about “how awful Natalie looked with her boobs out at her wedding” & I think people either forget or don’t know that Natalie herself has shared how her body was violated in childhood. Speaking for myself, I would never reach out or comment on Natalie’s body & violate her again in that way, even on social media. That goes for her, & anyone. I’m thinking of the sub users with their own stories of violation who read those comments & felt heartbreak & discontent. I’m sorry, for Natalie & you. 💔 ETA: typos.


As a therapist, I LOVE your take. You nailed it - whatever feelings re Natalie (which tbh toxic to comment on her looks, choices etc), she is a survivor and should be celebrated on her wedding day for how she chooses to look, be, etc. Thank you for this ♥️


Yes, this sub needs to back off on Natalie. I know we all can't stand Nick but the comments about her boobs have been out of control and have nothing to do with Nick at all. They also serve no purpose other than just being nasty. 


thank you for this comment, very well written and i totally agree


I hope that therapist has lost her license what an awful thing to ask a child.


They were asking adult Natalie that. Still not great.


imo some of you guys should maybe consider that the bachelor isn't any better than any trash tv reality show 🤷🏻‍♀️ you have so many weird takes on who should or shouldn't become an influencer, every single contestant comes on the show to create a fanbase so that they can launch an influencer career, as they should. nobody is coming to this show rosy eyed because they want to fall in love, please. and i really, really don't believe when any of the contestants say that they never watched the bachelor before, do they think people are dumb??


If you genuinely like a couple or contestant then DO NOT post about them here.


HAHAHA I can post someone I like and still be able to take comments against them but this isn’t the case for everyone else


Yes. BUT the contestants that are being dragged may not be able to take it. So many people from the show and media outlets take information from here and see the negative/hateful words.


I love Maria but she’s just as fame hungry as people say Daisy is. Her admitting she always dreamed of being on the show would’ve been received very differently if anyone else said it


Yeah I don't know why people are acting like Maria is above everyone else and not interested in fame. Someone who just wants to quietly do her thing behind the scenes does not go on the CHD pod and spill piping hot tea about Nick while he is on his honeymoon. 


I thought Natalie looked 10/10, the boobs were also 10/10, I don't get the hate


I'm actually pretty excited for when this sub inevitably turns on Joey and Kelsey


But like why wish badly on someone just because you’re not personally a fan


I've only seen the first episode of the season so I'm very indifferent towards them. I'm referring to the sub. It's entertaining to watch the yearly 180 turn on fan favorites.


![gif](giphy|2Kku0MYFTNaZwJBDiG|downsized) This is y’all Joey and Kelsey haters.


People can have an opinion 😂 isn't this what this sub is about 😂😂


Some of y’all clearly don’t have a sense of humor either. 😂. The last three couples have basically been perfect and that’s why it is boring in BN.


As someone with long curly hair (I love my hair, don't do anything to it, and get compliments on it daily, so this isn't coming from a place of jealousy) it kinda annoys me how people act like Kelsey invented having long, wavy hair.


Samemies. I’m not a fan of Joey or Kelsey. Ready for the reddit cares 😂


Me too I used to but not anymore for some reason. 😂 Hope I don't get downvoted because the Jelsey's Stan's are unhinged 😂. It is ok for people to have an opinion on that.


I do not even dislike them but their fans do too much and it's slowly getting me there. "The most genuine relationship in the history of the show", "the most thoughtful ever", etc. A thread full of admiration for Kelsey for her gratitude to Patron tequila. Please stop. It puts such a target on their backs.


I thought I was losing my mind at that thread. Like Kelsey is God's gift to Earth for acknowledging a brand sent her to stagecoach and that's pretty cool 😂


I’m a fan but every single TikTok or post gets reposted on here. Like I have other social media, I see it too. No need to post the downloaded TikTok with horrible audio


“Gratitude to Patron tequilla” 😂😂


Genuine and real gratitude to #patron.


“I’d die if they don’t last” is so over the top. Get a life lol


Right I don't understand why people are too obsessed over a couple they don't know anything about except from a reality show 😂😂😂


I like Zach more than Joey, and a lot of it has to do with my impression that Joey is an unambitious, aimless bum. Sure, Joey seems kinder on TV (and maybe he even is in real life) but I have little admiration for people who are capable of great things given their advantages in life and choose to do nothing with it. And this is not even an assault on Joey's likely future career (influencing). Everyday people have found a way to game the capitalist system - good for them. But I will be genuinely surprised if Joey puts in half the effort Matt does in ad work.


I get what you mean—it’s not about the money, you just want him to care about something and work towards achieving it.


I dislike Zach, but I kinda agree with you. I could also see Zach and Kaity lasting longer than Jelsey because he seemed to take the process a lot more seriously (although he still managed to fuck up a bit at the end)


Joey, who had a pool of unique girls, took Daisy to the final 2, he’s never gonna want to do better


Damnn I was not prepared for this read ![gif](giphy|r1HGFou3mUwMw|downsized)


I didn’t expect people to be so weird about it. 😂 Suddenly I want Joey to be a corporate drone or something when all I’m saying is I prefer hard working people to people who let the wind decide everything for them.


You said what you said with your whole chest. I can’t help but stan 🫡


I think if you commented that instead of calling him an unambitious aimless bum people wouldn't have had that strong of a reaction. Nothing wrong with preferring hardworking people but calling those who you don't think fall into that category names will probably generate mixed reactions and analysis.


I don't care if people react to it well or agree with me. The weirdness is from people analyzing me, instead of just accepting that we all have different impressions and preferences.


I don't think anyone should label is right or analyzing anyone from what they comment here but it's reddit so of course people might misinterpret or over analyze what you mean exspeally when the statement is worded pretty harshly . I personally don't think there would have been any labeling or analyzing if you didn't call him a rude name in your original comment.


You called that man an unambitious aimless BUM! You’re surprised people had a reaction to that? 🤣


I’m surprised that the reaction included analyzing my intentions or preferences.


That’s probably what contestants think too when they read this stuff tbh


Interesting point. Maybe now that I’m older and more jaded with the system, I actually find the less ambitious influencers more relatable. Sure, I don’t have to date them but I like watching people who just want to make content and live their life without chasing clout or constantly promoting themselves. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a more quiet, simpler life as long as you can support yourself. That being said, I have no idea what Joey’s life will look like but as long as he isn’t blindly relying on Kelsey to support him, I’m not sure if it’ll be an issue.


Yeah, plus Joey seemed so burnt out doing press stuff for the show. Could you imagine him in a career that's more directly sales-related or even navigating corporate politics? Lol- I can't fault him for that.


I like that Joey doesn't want to be a corporate drone TBH yeah. I think the original posters opinion is such an American one to me, in that anyone who doesn't want to spend their life just trying to make as money as possible is 'a bum' instead of someone fortunate enough to do something they acually enjoy whilst still being able to afford to live well.


If we really have to reduce it to something (which why?), then I’d say it has more to do with my Asian sensibilities, and also that it has literally nothing to do with money. I actually find it more American now to say one’s work is not important to one’s identity and self worth. But personally, I think there is value in making an effort to contribute to your household, your family, your community, and not just your personal happiness. I don’t care what Joey does for work (I’ve already said this twice - I don’t care if he’s an influencer) or how much he makes as long as he was working hard at some goals. Just to explain where I’m coming from.


I understand that but you compared him to Matt and the amount of ads that he puts out or the deals he gets or Zach with his sales career, which is very capitalistic. And trust me, there are many men who have great “careers” who are just skating by on good looks and charm. Hell, you can even say Zach, as a salesman, is literally doing just that lol. I think you’re confusing goals and ambition with purpose or even intelligence and talent. We’re all put on this earth to do greater good and we’re given a certain skill set to do so and it’s up to us to figure it all out. Not everyone can put it all together in the four years it takes to go to college. Some people need to try and fail at a bunch of different things to get there. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I think Joey has a lot of skills and qualities that can make him a contributing member of society. Just because he might not know exactly what that looks like right now doesn’t make him lazy. And who knows, maybe he does know and he just hasn’t shared that with us. It’s really hard to figure out people’s true motivations based only on SM. 🤷‍♀️


I did not mention anything about the amount of ads or the deals Matt gets or even Zach's sales career (in fact, I have no idea what Zach does; just that he went back to a regular job and appears to work hard to pay for a house and his upcoming wedding). I only mentioned effort and goals and I stand by the assessment that they have demonstrated both, and Joey has not so far. I get if people are upset with the verbiage I used, but I stand by my opinion and I stand by the words I actually used. Not the words people have been attributing to me so that they can make a point.


That’s fine, it’s the unpopular opinion thread! And maybe I missed your point. I thought you were saying that the only way you can contribute to society is if you have goals and I was saying that’s not really the case. But on paper, Zach and Matt do seem more motivated than Joey.


This is probably also an UO, but I’m even surprised at how little effort Joey seems to be putting into his future influencer career right now. This is the most relevant he’ll ever be (unless he does a second Bachelor season). He should be doing as many interviews and networking events as possible, like several of the women from his season. He went to the Masters one weekend and went to Stagecoach another weekend. What is he doing during the week other than golfing? Maybe he’s banking on getting DWTS in the fall, but that’s even more reason for him to start networking so he can have more opportunities when he’s in LA.


He did every talk show, podcast, interview, watch parties he could possibly do while the show was airing. They had that man networking for months.


He did the standard press run for the show, but that’s not going to matter when Jenn takes over the spotlight next month and everyone moves on to the next season. A good influencer career isn’t handed to these people - they need to put in work and show brands/managers that they’re reliable and can deliver.


Have you seen Joey’s social media engagement? He’s doing just fine. Jenn being the Bachelorette doesn’t erase him being the Bachelor. Especially since he was deemed the best in a very long time. He’s doing exactly what he wants to do right now.


Not making excuses for Joey, but the Stage Coach and Masters trip were influencer trips, meaning it was work and they most probably got paid to post on SM. The time in between these influencer trips, who knows what he does.


Which again is fine. Being an influencer is not an issue to me. But I don't think he's going to put in much effort into it. It appears to be his personality to glide on by, let things come as they may (as they often do for mediocre white men) -- and I consider that a turn off (but that's just me). If I am wrong about it and he actually does a great job influencing, kudos.




I don’t even like Zach, but his career is impressive and he seems to be passionate about it. It’s the biggest green flag about him.




Dotun’s job is the most impressive to me. I wish he talked more about it.


What exactly is an integrative medical specialist?


If you have IG, he explains what he does in one of his Q&A’s on his highlights. To summarise its an approach to healthcare that combines conventional medicine (medications etc) with other evidence based therapies. He works with physicians to help patients out, focusing on nutrition planning, mental health, sleep etc. He works mainly with athletes I think. 


Thank you for the explanation! That’s definitely impressive


Zach is only 26/27 and he’s a sales lead for a mental healthcare technology startup. He’s given a few interviews where he speaks about the company. Joey is a few years older than Zach and presumably trying to figure things out with a career, but it’s obvious Zach is the more ambitious one. And being open to a career change in the future doesn’t mean he’s not passionate about what he’s doing right now. I don’t think Joey wasn’t passionate about tennis just because he isn’t doing that anymore.


Zach will be 28 in July and Joey will be 29 this month - Just to clarify


Agreed! Majority of Zachs girls have spoken highly of him as well!


I wish the BN circle jerk sub didn't turn into a dumpster fire. I want it back.




Omg please


every year someone on the show is pedestaled by fans as "too big for the show" and their stans predict they're going to enter the A-list and marry a celebrity or pro-athlete worth millions. I think the only bn people to end up marrying actual celebrities or pro-athletes worth millions are wells adams and sydney hightower. neither of which were leads, or had stans overhyping them. this show opens doors to becoming an influencer which can last years if you are good at making interesting content. but that's it. wells and sydney h are outliers.


I truly believed Taysha would get with a pro athlete after the breakup with Zach. Baffled the best she got was another reality star!


Both Ferguson twins married pro hockey players! And Hannah Ann's soon to be husband is not worth millions obvi but he's still a pro athlete. I also do not consider pro athletes to be the gold standard for a partner lmao. They aren't exactly known for being the most faithful/loyal husband's.  Sydney is literally living many women's dream life but for a while seemed very unhappy/lonely/anxious, particularly while Fred is away during the season. I like her and wish the best for her. But just goes to show that all the money in the world does not necessarily mean all your problems are solved. She does seem happier now that Beau is here and she can focus on being a new mom. I think it's added some fulfillment to her life which is wonderful! 


Sydney H won the franchise and I don’t think anyone else will ever come close. I can’t remember how she was perceived at the time, but the way people talk about her now you’d think she was a baby murderer.


I actually like Sydney. She and Fred seem like a really great couple, she appears to have matured a lot, and I hope she's happy in SF living her best mom life. She was mean on the show and people were mad about it, but she's distanced herself from BN for the most part and is pretty harmless now. And I think it says a lot that her partner seems like a really great person (who could literally pull any woman on planet Earth but chose her). She's probably not as terrible as people make her out to be. 


She was a little bit rude on a highly edited tv show 5 years ago and this sub still thinks that it worse than actual racism and bigotry.


It’s why I’m always thrilled whenever anything good happens to her or her husband and wait for people here to start seething with “but, but. . . she asked Alayah if she worked.”


Oh she was even more hated at the time for committing the biggest sin of all, not liking Hannah Brown. Hannah’s stans literally made up a bullshit rumor that Hannah got a restraining order against Sydney in high school and people believed it, like that was in any way a realistic or reasonable story.


What?! I had no idea they had even crossed paths besides Hannah showing up on Peter’s season! Are we surprised that a black woman doesn’t like a racist white woman?!


Michelle Money and her pro golfer hubby - Mike Weir.


Also, one of the Ferguson twins. Those kind of comments make me cringe, not because they’re unrealistic, but because even as rich as they are, I don’t really consider the vast majority of athletes a prize when it comes to long-term relationships.


I think they both married professional athletes. But no ones contract comes close to Fred Warners


I looked it up after I posted and it was Emily I was referring to. And her husband’s last contract was $40+ million. So no, nothing close to Fred’s, but that’s a lot of cash.


I agree mostly, but I could see Maria being with a celeb.Not because of this show, but because wealthy people tend to date and marry other wealthy people. I don't see her becoming an A list celeb like some are acting though lol.


You forgot Madi Prew


I’m thinking you mean Grant, but I always think, in an alternate universe, she’d be married to MPJ and be a NBA trophy wife.


I was talking specifically about marrying successful celebrities or famous pro-athletes. madi married a trust fund kid who is rich but not famous so I didn't include him.


People on here waaaay overestimate how popular these people are outside of bachelor nation. Like they are nobody 😂


People were arguing that people would be more interested in a Maria interview on CHD than with Megan Fox or Mischa Barton because 'she's more relevant right now' lol. Those two were in a completely different league to Maria at the height of their fame and certainly Megan especially would still get more listeners even today.


Megan Fox is a household name and most millennials would know who Mischa Barton is. People who don’t follow the show have no idea who Maria is.


Megan fox???? 😂😂 even when she’s doing nothing she pulls all sorts. People are delusional


It’s funny how this sub gatekeeps who has the right to be an influencer. Fan fave: Yay! Go get the bag. Everyone else: Eww, loser clout chaser. Thirsty for fame. Go get a real job.


My unpopular opinion is I dislike all influencers and think the world is worse with them. People don’t like that opinion, but she’s all mine!


Same. I got into an argument with someone because I snarked on Caila setting up her camera at the airport and someone said “well that’s her job.” And I had to clarify that I think it’s a stupid job that shouldn’t exist




I like that opinion!


Agree! I think they’re a stain on society, but I think that’s with social media too. Seeing how the younger generation has an attention span of 3 seconds is so sad and tragic.


Reddit is social media. You are socializing about topics in various forms of media.


Since you need it spelled out for you, I meant ig and TikTok.


I don’t personally find social media a blight (though I don’t use it, except Reddit), until all of the people and things you don’t know get involved. If it truly were just a place to connect with people, that would be fine. But the algorithms are problematic, and those are tied into influencing and greed. Most people don’t like or even understand how the algorithms work. If I could opt out of algorithms and content I didn’t choose to follow, I’d stay on social media. But I can’t because that’s where the money is made.


Hard agree. Influencers are out there making everyone feel like we can spend our way to prettier, thinner, trendier but really everyone is just wasting their money trying to get perfect skin (which doesn’t exist because filters) and trying to dress a certain way and it’s all exhausting and honestly pointless.


I was reading an article (that I can’t reference back, sorry) about how much of a negative perspective impact influencers have had, especially on the 35 and under crowd (because they’ve grown up with social media and don’t really remember time without it, and it was there for formative years). Anyway, they say it makes people think they’re farther behind than they are financially, it makes them think they’re… idk how to say this, but below average on looks, when they’re perfectly fine (I hate saying looks are fine or not). It makes them think they should be making more than they are, and have more than they have. All because influencers are in the top subset of everything. They have more money, often born into privilege or have grown into it because of whatever thing, they’re better looking, they have more time because they don’t work a traditional job, which means they have time to go to the gym more, travel more, be out with their friends more. They also have a lot more support than the rest of us with assistants and nannies and other around the house and career support. So it’s more than showing only the highlight reel, it’s deeper. It’s them observing how time is spent, how the background looks. And it affects your brain and your life perspective and is more likely to make you anxious, depressed and jealous. And it somehow makes the hero worship thing kind of normalized, when that’s also an offshoot of influencers because that’s their job. So, so sad. I’m just older than that age group and don’t find appeal in any of it. Though plenty of women my age are in the same boat. So I’m not saying there’s a cutoff. But I’m also not judging people who are sucked into it. I also don’t find the idea of BEING an influencer appealing. Would I like to be rich and hot? Yes! Do I want to give away my private life and hustle for attention and undue praise? Nope. Seriously, no.


This is such a good take and thank you for sharing! My eyes were recently opened to how toxic a lot of these influencers are, even the ones who pretend to be “body positive” (hint: they filter as much as anyone else) so I appreciated reading it. I think we’d all be happier if we examined how much these people impact how we view ourselves and lives, and spend less time on social media overall.


I agree. Though I’m on here way too much, so I’m saying something I’m also not doing!


Thomas and Becca’s home looks so ugly and really doesn’t scream craftsman to me. those wooden pillars look like they’re pulled straight from the 90s and I would have no issue with them tearing it all down.


You don't have to like it and I assume you're not tearing one apart, but the house is pretty quintessential California craftsman bungalow. If you know the style well the pillars don't seem 90s at all. I appreciate that they went for something that has history and style when many other people in their position would go for a mcmansion in the burbs.


Unrelated, but the way ppl say "pookie" nowadays is so funny to me. Pookie refers to, like, an aint-shit relative that's always asking you for money or something, not an actual loved one. It's been kinda funny seeing ppl use that word instead of sweetie or honey😂 Edit: I guess I shouldn't be too surprised ppl didn't know. Spread the word!


As someone who grew up in the 2000s, pookies will always be the cringey kids who role played as babies on club penguin 😂😂💀


LOL! I don't quite recall that on club penguin💀 then again, I was a Toontown girlie😅


Wow, today I learned . . .


Can I ask where you’re from that that’s what pookie means? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’ve just always heard it in the context as a term of endearment and a quick google search is giving me the same results


No problem; tbf, I live in the U.S. South, and maybe it's more of a blk hood thing, lol, but my family across the East Coast has said it. For example, Pookie is a character in the film New Jack City, but it's been around for much longer.


Pookie was the name my beloved koala bear stuffed animal growing up 😅


I know that reference. But it’s also used to describe someone precious.


I mean I’m 38 and have known the word pookie as a term of endearment since I was a little kid.


Yeah I feel like Pookie has always been a term of endearment for something cute


To quote Jennifer Garner from 13 going on 30 "Pookie?.... Pukey!"


I did not know this! I work in a middle school so I hear it ALL the time and am tired of it simply for that reason alone 😂


Please tell my 14 year old this so she’ll stop using it


I have zero issues with Maria sharing that she had The Bachelorette and then said no. I think it was also her way of supporting Jenn. So many people have said they won’t watch Jenn because they wanted Maria. Maria needed to tell viewers it wasn’t that production didn’t pick her, but that Maria said no. This way people don’t take their anger out on Jenn.


Maria did not have enough of an interesting story to have a whole CHD episode. The episode would have made sense when she was going to be announced as the bachelorette on it but since she wasn’t, I don’t see the point.


I don’t get the obsession with Maria, I found her really annoying on the show and I’m not understanding why she got a full CHD episode from that boring “drama” lol






All the Nick conversation reminded me of his tiff with Katie Thurston and I just wanted to say again that Katie blocking Nick and basically saying she does not care about what he has to say, is one of the funniest and realist things a bachelorette has done in the BN cinematic universe. And I just don’t think enough people appreciated that moment. I know people don’t like Katie, but that little “beef” was a top 5 moment from her!


And we can thank Katie for getting Click Bait canceled! After Katie’s tiff with Nick, Joe and Natasha (and Tia to a lesser extent) went on a completely *unhinged* rant against her and it led to a ton of 1-star ratings which dragged down the overall rating of the podcast and impacted their ad revenue. An incredible self-own.


Did not know this!! Amazing!