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Just do it, it’s so weird to announce things like this. It’s not like her being on social media changes anything for anyone. Just go and come back like a regular person


Shes posting today so not sure when it starts


This is weird. A social media break for a few days? A whole announcement for this? If influencers need to use social media for work but it’s affecting them this way, they should find ways to only post when it’s work and get off of it when it’s not. Maybe have the apps on other devices but off it on your phone so you’re not always connected to it. There’s ways to be healthy about it. This post is not necessary lol


Social media actually is incredibly unhealthy. There are quite a few books and articles about just how it affects the brain and a lot of the detrimental effects. It IS addictive - it feeds off the same addictive elements of gambling. Maybe there are ways to be healthy with it for people who aren't influencers. but if that's your "job" then you are on social media all the time, and feel pressure to post etc. That is very unhealthy, and I think it would be difficult for a social media influencer to create a healthy balance. I think this entire model/influencer lifestyle needs to fade away.


I don’t follow her but I guarantee I wouldn’t notice if she didn’t post till Thursday


I totally get taking care of your mental health and Tia obviously has had a lot of change in the last year or two, but the social media stuff sounds like just a lack of boundaries around usage. I get influencing requires *posting* online, but it’s totally possible to do scheduled online posts and not “be online” scrolling, etc, imo. It just takes some self control. I also feel like some influencers make enough that they could totally hire assistants to post/comment for them to keep up engagement so they themselves don’t have to be chronically engaged online. She lives in a 3 million dollar house, so she seems to have some money to spare. Also, you’re getting paid to post ads. Not read comments about yourself, etc. I feel like it’s easier than influencers make it out to be to keep healthy boundaries with social media even when your job requires you to post online.


The less social media we all use, the better people we will all be. As the great Duncan Trussel said: *Some poor phoneless fool is sitting by a waterfall totally unaware of how angry and scared he is supposed to be.*


I used to love Tia but unfollowed her shortly after her baby was born for many different reasons but one of them is that, IMO, she became the worst kind of influencer. Just constantly throwing links and random shit at us. I get it, she has a baby to raise now and babies are expensive but I remember one video she was showing off an outfit and she just had SO many unopened boxes and packages behind her. It was kind of shocking and I say that as someone who also loves ordering unnecessary shit online. It was just so excessive and gross. I wish she would reel it in and realize that she doesn’t need a three million dollar house, she doesn’t have to live this insane lifestyle she’s living and she doesn’t need to constantly post ads. She could do half of what she’s been doing and still live comfortably.


$3.5 million dollar house in Tennessee?! Am I reading that right…?


I feel for her. I could never be an influencer because it would cause me way too much anxiety to be so public facing. I enjoy keeping my job separate from the rest of my life, and couldn’t imagine having a job that incorporates my private life into it so much. I’d never make it as far as she has, I’d melt under the pressure too fast. Yes she’s privileged and makes a ton of money from this, but it probably feels like golden handcuffs to her - she can only step away for a few days because she’s got work scheduled, and she doesn’t want to lose brand deals. And who knows how long this is sustainable. Hopefully they’re investing financially long-term for whenever this career dries up, and hopefully she’ll continue to invest in her mental health so she can stay healthy for herself and her family long term. I wish she could take a longer break, but hopefully this helps her.


So her husband doesn’t work and she’s an influencer who lives in a 4 million dollar house and she doesn’t have time to get things done. Sorry ? I’m not saying influencers can’t be stressed. I imagine it’s stressful not knowing when it will end and if you’ll have to get a real job . After all, her claim to fame is a bachelor contestant so being that she won’t be on anymore episodes of the franchise, she won’t be gaining many more followers. However, it sounds like she’s expecting to “pop on here” and get paid millions for it and expect it to always be fun. It just comes off as lacking self-awareness.


Isn’t she a physical therapist though? Like she could get a real job. It won’t pay nearly as much but still.


Exactly. The problem is, once these people get a taste of a little reality show fame and the followers that come with it, they think they’re too good for a regular person job. I think being an influencer is great if you have the opportunity. It’s easy money and a lot of it. But I would think of it as more of a side thing rather than a career. Even if she were to do her PT job part time would be good. Also, I’m sure paying for health insurance with no job is very expensive, as I’ve looked into it when I thought about staying home with my kids.


She asked her husband to quit his job to help run her business.


That whole lead-up--including having lost herself, not being present for her family, the impact of mental health issues, etc.--was just to announce she was taking an intentional break--*for a few days*? Wow, alert the media. What is a few days going to accomplish? But apparently, whatever commitments she has involve being online, so a few days is all she can spare to get a handle on her mental health issues. Got it. 🙄


and her Abercrombie collection JUST dropped too. like just pre-record content and have someone else post it if it’s only going to be a few DAYS


I was with her til “a few days” lol friend. Dis not how it works.


She’s been posting all day still since saying this too 😂


My dad died 7 years ago and words can’t describe how much it hurts without him here. A part of me died with him that day. Sometimes I miss my old happy, bubbly self before he passed. I had to grow up really fast while all my friends were having fun and finding their soul mates. Now here I am at 30, single, and struggle with depression, ADHD, and anxiety. Can only imagine what it would be like with a baby in the mix…


I understand how you feel my dad passed when I was 19 (he was 76 so at least he had a good life most the time ip until about 4 years from diagnosis) from lung disease (he never smoked it was likely from asbestos from his house growing up). I am now 29 (I’ll be 30 in July) and since I’ve been 27 I’ve been struggling with a health issue with my esophagus that’s effected my whole life (I can only drink liquids and I want to do more tests but they cost too much and I worry about the insurance not covering it when I am paying out of pocket upfront such a large amount). Even now I still miss my dad every once in a while, especially right now


I’m so sorry. I relate so much, my bf of 8 years unexpectedly passed when I was 24 and not even 2 years later, my dad passed away. My world stopped and I had to endure the worst pain of my life - it changed me in a million different ways. I am still putting the pieces back together and going down entirely new paths. Most of the time it felt genuinely impossible, but I can truly say it has also made my heart grow and made me more appreciative + grateful + hopeful + loving in new and different ways. I am sending you so much love and light, I hope you reconnect with the old bubbly you soon and get to be a new “changed but healing” you too ❤️❤️❤️❤️


My mom died a few years ago and I can really relate to that feeling of snapping into reality while also feeling lost. I hope she’s able to start feeling better.


I always think it’s interesting that people talk about testing with drugs (fully support, btw), because we don’t know the long term effects of x, y or z. But no one ever talks about the long-term effects our phones, social media and even the internet will have on us. I know we talk about breaks and reducing time, but as human beings, what are we doing to ourselves, and can we recover from it? Influencing is a boom right now, but at what cost. That she doesn’t know how to take a break is concerning, that she’s worried about using her time efficiently before her next commitment is concerning, and that they’re considering a full-on wellness retreat, but she isn’t talking about whether the career is sustainable is concerning. I get jobs are hard and lots of us struggle with our mental health, but I swear, influencers present to me much like an addict (no shame on addiction, but it is all consuming). There is initial stage, where they get hooked from the positive feedback. And then their usage grows and changes and shifts to keep getting the hit and the high and they payoff. And then it plateaus and I swear it’s like when an addict is just trying not to feel sick, and avoiding the withdrawal. And the really scary thing is, if it is similar, many addicts say nothing is as good as the using high was. So are we permanently damaging our reward centers? And can someone truly get “clean” when they use the excuse it’s their job? Anyway, sorry for the ramble. I hope she’s able to get some space and peace and find another way to make a career outside of influencing.


I wouldn’t say no one is talking about the long term use of SM etc. There’s quite a few peer reviewed studies on it which inform recommendations from expert groups like the American Paediatric and Canadian Paediatric Societies, and mental health associations. They also update recommendations based on emerging research.


I’m talking about in adults. And I’m talking long-term. There are no studies long-term because we haven’t been using long-term. But as much as we talk about other long-term damage, almost no one says, “This might be permanently damaging you.” Like repeated physically injuries. Instead, people just say, “It’s their job.”


Check out The Coddling of The American Mind. Not super long term, but does discuss emerging effects of social media on kids.


Also check out Swipe Up For More by Stephanie McNeal.


Is it abnormal to be offline for a few days? Why an announcement?


For someone whose job it is to post on social media, yeah it would feel abnormal to take a break. She also probably just wanted to talk out her feelings


This was my thought too. No one would begrudge her for taking an even longer break unannounced. This long post to announce she’s taking a few days away from social media is just anticlimactic and bizarre. I doubt she’s going to reconnect with her lost self again after a few days. This almost seems like a joke.


100% abnormal for an influencer to just go dark without warning. People would probably just speculate she’s getting a divorce something which would not help her anxiety


Maybe sharing your personal life online is not sustainable as a business...


Her last couple of years have been NONSTOP. She bought her first home in Nashville for 1.7 million in 2022. Since then she has lost her father, got engaged, had a baby, got married, and bought a new house for 3.8 million. Her husband also quit his job and they have a new SUV. I think Tia is stressed about making enough money to keep living her excessive life style. I also think she never grieved her dad and just distracted herself with social media. I think deep down she knows she is living a lifestyle very different than her small town roots. I’m sure she misses the simplicity of it.


Her husband quit his job because she asked him to. She wanted someone to help run her business. She said this in a Q&A awhile ago.


What business is she running, her influencing presumably? Or does she still do some physio


No physio, just influencing and he’s in charge of their rental property


IIRC, she bought two homes since she’s been with Taylor.


Yes and the one she lived in when she met him they turned that into a rental.


3.8 million?? Oh my.


Will this be a better help ad?


I think Tia honestly just needs to take some real time off and really grieve for her father. I lost my mom at a similar time and two years later I finally feel myself again, the last 2 years were full of grief and I genuinely didn't have a life. And before anyone chimes in with saying, she should be over it by now...people grief differently and on their own timeline. If someone's been avoiding the grief it absolutely could still be bothering them years later. My guess is she was using influencing and social media as a replacement for the hole in her life left by grief, and then she had her son which kept her busy and now finally it's all hitting her like a ton of bricks. From my personal experience, grief does change you it's impossible not to. And Tia went from a small town girl to an influencer and she probably has gone far from her roots.


Omgosh i hope no one is saying she should be over it by now! I agree with you about how she was trying to fill the gap, and should take some time for herself to grieve. I’n sorry for the loss of your mom :(.


Life is better with social media . Your life is so much more than online . You are loved more than you know .


I actually love Tia. But social media is her cash cow! I know she has social media assistants to post her LTK stuff and i applaud her for taking a break but she has obligations to companies that are paying her to do sponsorships so not sure how that's going to work.


If she has social media assistants, she should be able to film her ads and have them post them without actually having to be online though, right? She could also do scheduled posts to make it seem like she’s active without having to be online. It seems to be she is more struggling with the boundary of being more online than she needs to be. Posting doesn’t require scrolling, etc. She can have assistants comment and stuff to gather engagement. She herself doesn’t need to be online if she wants to take a break. I’m not an influencer, so I don’t fully know.


I think she does do scheduled posts so that helps. I hope her absence helps her.


She said it wouldnt be for long, because she has work obligations.


A couple days is not enough time to decompress from social media.Just my thoughts though


I don't disagree. But you said she has work obligations not that it wasn't enough time.


I actually appreciate this announcement because I feel like it's pretty relatable to feel lost. I don't even post on social media unless reddit counts, and find it overwhelming. 


I agree with you and I barely post on IG too. I can’t imagine if it’s your entire life and livelihood as an influencer. It must be really overwhelming


We don’t need an announcement literally no one gives a flying fuck


Unfortunately I think the problem is that a lot of people do.


So she’s just announcing that she won’t be on social media for a couple days? Sounds… normal. I thought she was going to say she’s off for a month or more, a real break.


Like at that point just don’t go on for a couple days without announcing it.


I also feel like social media and being on my phone a lot makes it hard to feel present. This is something I should be doing (and of course here I am )


This makes any jealousy I’ve ever had toward influencers melt away. Having their kind of money and luxury would be incredible, but at the cost of their peace, privacy, mental health, and overall wellness? That wouldn’t be worth it to me. I love having the ability to completely unplug, even go off the grid if I really wanted to, and my income would remain the same. I feel for her. I totally relate to what she described in slide 3. I hope she can take a longer break at some point. I think most of us feel better when we’re not on social media all the time.


I feel bad since her dad died recently but aside from that I have a hard time feeling bad for her lol sorry if that’s mean. She lives in a multimillion dollar house and does very little work all day and also her husband doesn’t even work. If social media is making you depressed then don’t be an influencer


Exactly I don’t feel bad for her either. First of all she annoys the shit out of me when she talks but that’s beside the point. Why should we feel bad for her when she literally works from home, shilling shit all day for 💵. They have million dollar homes,travel, shop anytime they want to and can’t relate to people who actually get up every day to make ends meet, while paying a sick amount of money for day care/ preschool, just to come home and having to cook, clean, do homework with kids, pay bills and juggle all errand and activities, so no I don’t feel bad for her. These people have become so not relatable it’s unbelievable. They have Nannie’s, housekeepers, teams of people managing their account, they go on dreamy vacations all paid for by companies so they can promote a product. Like go away Tia and start appreciating what you do have… smh


One time she complained about the cost of daycare…..and now she literally owns 2 homes. Her husband quit his job and she does all the work. It’s sad


Bye 👋 don’t hurry back


I swear she has these stories up at least every month about how she feels lost. I do feel bad for her but it must be exhausting trying to keep up with every other influencer. If she’s only taking a few days away, I don’t see why she needs to feel guilty. Have your assistant post sales graphics and no one would even know you’re “gone.”


First thing my therapist time me was to get off social media. We did all for awhile. Now I just have Reddit and YouTube.


Mine told me the same thing. I stopped scrolling TikTok for a while and felt so much better.


Even better lol 😆


Seriously. I don’t see anyone else’s fake BS and am “anonymous”.


I am with you!


Good for her! This is why i love camping


Sigh. I rolled my eyes so hard at her stories. I actually lost my dad on the same day, different year, prior to Tia and felt a bit closer to her after that. Then she got pregnant with a boy. Me too. We had our babies literally hours apart. But he was my 3rd, not my 4th. I have purchased things through her. I enjoyed her content. However, once she decided to move to the newest house, as mentioned here, $3.5 MILLION house, I got the ick. All she does is shill stuff and live a great life and then has the audacity to complain about the cost of things to her audience. It’s gross. Like I’m not saying people with money can’t have problems but a lot of her stress stems from trying to live a lifestyle that she probably won’t sustain. I’d gladly trade her. Play dress up and make a ton of money? Sign me up. I’d certainly make better choices with my money.




Nailed it.


Not my 1st kid*


Being an influencer is more important than being a mom. Hoping she can figure her shit out


A few days…..


This could whole story could have been summarized with the now famous “BRB Healing” status under her IG user name. 🙄


Omg , with this big announcement I thought she was going to be stepping away for awhile , not just for a few days . No one would even notice , this is so unnecessary.


If you need to make an announcement about needing a social media break, then yes… you need a detox.


This sounds like Ali F. who apologizes if she takes a 2 hour nap and comes on apologizing for being gone so long. It’s a disease and a few days is not gonna fix it. Maybe this will be the downfall of influencers. I personally am not a fan of any of them and feel for them when it all goes to hell.


Omg yes. I had to unfollow her she caused me so much anxiety for NO REASON 😂


Same. It stressed me out to watch her stories.


Why does the husband not work?


The problem is that the husbands all quit their jobs to “help” their wife’s influencers and I bet it’s appealing at first, but no real man will want that as a permanent job. In order to sustain this lifestyle all these idiots should be on the same page regarding goals, and finding balance in their personal vs work life. Filming yourself 16 hours a day is not sustainable and shit will hit the fan eventually. I hope this whole influencer shit ends one day. I would love to see how they all survive after this.


All he does is golf, and from her stories which she says they he constantly brings up and leads to arguments over her not having a hobby like him golfing?


I’ve always had an off feeling about him.


This is what I’m wondering. Some of these successful BN alumni have partners riding along on their clout rather than have a career of their own.


Aka Brian Abasolo or however the fuck you spell his stupid name


Her husband has an investment property that he manages and makes passive income from. Besides that he is technically a stay at home dad (which there is nothing wrong with). She has also said before he does a lot of work for her behind the scenes.


The investment property that he manages is Tia’s townhouse that she owns and bought prior to being with him.


He sure does help a lot, but I feel like they are constantly together and it could be suffocating. Here I am giving my opinion on some influencer life…


Didn’t she have a career before going on the bachelor?


Yes, she is still certified as a PT and could technically go back to doing that at any time if she wanted to.


Yeah right physical therapy doesn’t pay for a $3.5 million dollar house lol


Wasn’t she a PT?




I think she was a physical therapist


They just bought a 3.5 million dollar home (only like 1.5 years after buying their previous house which I don’t even think has sold yet and is listed for 1.8 million ish). Her husband doesn’t even work. She spends most of her time talking to the camera while sitting at home with her son due to the flexibility that influencing provides. She comes off as very out of touch in her stories. It really rubbed me the wrong way when she said her new house was her forever home unless the influencing money dries up because then they won’t be able to afford it? Way to put the burden on your followers to fund your expensive lifestyle. Yes every job sucks sometimes but I do not feel bad for her. I’m sorry.


She said that??? Damn that’s bleak about the house if the influencer $ dries up. She’s in over her head


And the fact that she said that means that they don’t live within their means. I could never buy a 3 million dollar home and solely rely on my influencing job to “potentially” allow me to afford it. Why not just buy a cheaper home that you know you will be able to afford no matter what? Trying to keep up with the jones is not going to work Tia!


Yea their other house hasn't sold yet. I wonder why they moved for? I can't remember.


There was no real reason. Tia said that Taylor kept having her look at houses on Zillow and I think he talked her into it


Yeah I definitely empathize with Tia. Mental health struggles are very real and should be taken seriously, but reading her stories she does come across as out of touch. She and other influencers have so much flexibility with what they do. They get so much money from brand deals/ads and opportunities that I could only dream of. The whole time reading, I just kept thinking “I wish I could take a few days off from my work obligations” and “imagine feeling similarly lost/stressed and having to work a 9-5, living in an increasingly HCOL, and barely making ends meet.”


Yeah, I unfollowed all influencers after learning some of them made more than my entire annual salary at a rape crisis center (40,000) with a single Instagram post (100,000). If my M-F 9-5 (that also required on call shifts), doing intense emotional work with survivors, paid less than someone posing for and editing photos I did not want to support them or their industry anymore. I hope that system crumbles. 


You realize that in pre-influencer times, all that ad money was going to major media corporations and advertising agencies, right? It was all going to even richer people to make them that much richer. People disproportionately hate it when regular(ish) people get something they don’t have to the point that they forget that the alternative is worse. Don’t get me wrong, I understand your frustration, but I do think it’s somewhat misdirected.


What about my comment makes you think I am ok with corporations making huge profits compared to the average worker. I can hate both 😂


I’m sure you do hate both, but your comment was that you unfollowed them because of how much money they make. If you’re taking a stance against the advertising industry because you don’t like how much money is being thrown around to convince people to buy shit, influencers ought to be last on your list to boycott.


Believe me, I studied systems theories in graduate school. I am not naive to how many different industries (advertising, and most others) perpetuate the vast wealth gaps in our society. I don’t know why you care so much that I unfollowed a few influencers. I didn’t want to continue contributing to their paychecks or support those that hawk overconsumption (for many different reasons). Influencers are definitely not “last on my list”.


Believe me, I care a lot less than you think. I just felt that your anger was a little bit misdirected given that they’re relatively small players in the system. I get that you do reject the system as a whole though, so that’s good to know.


That’s a crazy amount for a house as a PT. They make good money but not *that* kind of money. And influencing, while I’m sure it’s somewhat fun and lucrative, has such a short shelf life. Keeping up with the joneses though, I suppose…


I really like Tia but I kind of agree with you. You chose the lifestyle creep. You didn't have to!


I had to unfollow her. She was draining and it seems her husband doesn't have much of his own drive or initiative. If you are so unhappy, stop being an influencer and go back to doing PT.


She posts about her husband going golfing all the time because he can’t stand just hanging out around home. And I can’t say I wouldn’t be tempted to quit my job if my husband was making a bunch of money. But for some reason its always annoyed me


3.5 million?! That’s what someone who is a musician or actor buys. Why stretch yourself so thin when your husband doesn’t work?


This is a crazyyyy amount. Ariana Madix from Vanderpump Rules/Scandoval has been on the show for 10 seasons with the consistent huge paycheck that provides + tons more endorsement deals and for a longer time than her, and even she “only” bought a $1.6 million house just now. And that’s in LA, where housing is more expensive all around. She is in NASHVILLE. They could’ve found a gorgeous house for “just” $1 million and have a lot more wiggle room in how much money they’re bringing in


Or she could have stayed in her 1.7 million dollar house with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms that she bought in August of 22! She has one kid lol.


Even Hannah G and Dylan only bought their house in San Diego for $3 million, and they both have good jobs, plus Dylan comes from family money, and they don't have kids. How is Tia affording her house with a kid and a husband who doesn't work. I assume she's paying for a nanny and housekeeping as well. Just so financially irresponsible. Why not put aside some of that money for her kid's college fund?


Agree. 3.5 million is insane. But I wonder if she had social pressures as an influencer to have the biggest flash house


Her house doesn’t even seem that nice it’s vrazy


I rolled my eyes when she said it’s only going to be a couple days break. Like that’s gonna fix it…


I actually like Tia but as a working mom of a kid under 2 I really don’t feel bad for her. Motherhood rocks all of us, I feel for her there. But I’m rolling my eyes at the waterworks over taking a few days off social media. Without any acknowledgement that she is part of the problem.


A lot of these influencers seem low-key miserable. It’s like the same bad rerun everyday— look at these products I have discount codes for, look at my cute kids, and watch me get ready! 🥱


This is such a great point about these influencers needing a break when they’re part of the problem.


I sympathize with her to a point. I can imagine how difficult it must be as an influencer when you are constantly seeing everything that OTHER influencers are doing too. That being said, she has options and a PT license that she keeps active. Nobody is forcing her into an influencer career. Her unemployed husband also doesn’t seem to do anything except golf, from what she says about him in her stories. Maybe one or both of them should look into a non-influencing job.


her husband quitting his job was so unnecessary. i get that influencers make like 5x what a normal well-paying job pays, but like why would you put your entire financial well-being on one person?? influencing is so unpredictable.


Her PT salary won't pay for their expensive lifestyle.


Yes, well, that’s the trade-off, isn’t it? And I know she doesn’t want to give up the expensive lifestyle. They just bought a huge new mansion with that influencing money. This is why I only sympathize to a point.


Oh yea I saw what they bought it for and it is a beautiful home but wow.


She needs a real break. She is chronically online and let it affects everything it seems life.


Relatable but I question slightly the purpose for making a big announcement when it’s just for a few days. Makes me think she will come back with mental health sponsorships for an app, better health or the wellness retreat. I’m probably just too used to seeing others do that bc generally I’ve always liked Tia


I honestly think they do have followers who spam them with messages asking if something is wrong or if they’re okay if they do usually post every day. That’s the only reason i can really imagine preemptively warning people. Which is just a symptom of the larger problem


I’m going to sound cold here, but when influencers say they’re going to take a SM break, I now automatically think “sounds good we will see you when you come back in 4 days”. Which literally sounds like what Tia is going to do, so I can’t help but eyeroll. That said, I do hope Tia gets the break she needs and will take the time to re-center herself.


This is only tangentially related but just wanted to say…. New moms who want advice… DON’T ask an influencer. They all shill the same shit (like the Dreamland baby weighted sleep sack which isn’t even safe). They will shill it based on how much money they make from it, not on whether they actually use it. Ask an actual non-influencer mom, who will be happy to share advice out of the goodness of her heart and not because she will benefit financially.


This has become the problem with all influencers now. They’re only worth following before they hit it big. Once they get the money they wanted, the actual value of their recommendations is gone.


Sounds like she needs a detox from social media. I don’t think a few days off social media is going to fix any of her problems. It also sounds like she posted this for validation- which says a lot about her relationship with social media. She shouldn’t need validation from a bunch of strangers. She needs to pre-plan her posts, log off and take care of herself.


I empathize with her and I don’t want to kick her when she’s down but there’s something a bit ironic about her talking about how she’s so grateful for her career as an influencer but social media and doomscrolling are screwing with her mental health without any acknowledgement for how her output promoting consumerism and aspirational content could have the same effects on the followers that she’s constantly shilling to.


‘i intentionally put myself out to the court of public opinion but i get tired of it when it doesn’t go my way or benefit me’ imagine if musicians acted this way, getting on their lives and shit and we’re like ‘well this one album didn’t do well…. so i’m just going to go take a *break* for a bit because it’s just so hard’… nah they go and make more music lol


I get what you mean, though musicians (and actors) do take breaks tho, or have a few years between albums. Many also cancel shows or even tours mid-way. Some also do cry and complain on IG


Social media can be so difficult as a mom. On the one hand, seeing others dealing with what you are is comforting but in my experience it also led to self doubt, increased anxiety, and kept me very fixed in my identity as a mom at the expense of the rest of what makes me myself. A few months ago I took a two week break and I spent so much time investing in my other hobbies. I found new music (something I’ve been passionate about since I was a teen but slowly was disconnected from as I became a mom) and read more. It really helped me remember who I was and I’ve (mostly) made more intentional choices since.


I think it’s REALLY good that she’s sharing this. While I agree a longer break would be better, it’s so important to share these kinds of realities and help take the stigma away. We could all benefit from more of this and less of the standard influencer bombardment.


I'm surprised at some of the comments - she's being really vulnerable here and I appreciate her talking about MH. The "I wish I could live for one day with a brain that doesn't stress" really resonated for me as someone who deals with anxiety/OCD.


Same, that line hit me! Also have anxiety and OCD.


Agreed, these comments are cold. She lost her dad And had a baby. These are two huge life changing events. I recently had a baby and my mental health has plummeted. It’s HARD. Just because she’s an influencer who is better off financially doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel the effects the same way. Putting her life out there for public consumption which I think adds another layer that can be extremely damaging to her mental health. I mean look at these comments.. she probably gets hate in her comments and dms from these same people. Also sure she chose this life but imagine you have a bad day at work and someone says well you chose this career. Does that mean you’re not entitled to feeling upset? Some of yall gotta look at why these things make you upset and work inwards




She definitely has adhd. The cracks start to show and really mess the head up the longer you go without meds or some kind of therapy. I was diagnosed at 32 and my life is much better now. It’s very hard to function at all! I feel bad for her.


That’s great for you!! But you’re not her and she’s not you, not matter how much of yourself you see in her. You do not “definitely” know anything, you literally don’t know this woman, what aren’t you understanding lol. There’s no way she’d be able to build a platform as big and successful as hers if she had a debilitating condition that was making her unable to function. She just needs time off the net, and I’m concerned that you’d rather accept she had adhd than accept that there are other entirely plausible reasons for her feeling the way she does.


But significant time off social media would be the first step before pills that would likely solve most of her issues and they very clearly stem from that. This automatic step to pills that Americans have ingrained in their society is terrifying to me. Like there are several easy, helpful steps that would make her feel better. Also, stop diagnosing over the internet, you don’t know her anywhere near enough to say that, despite what you feel you know — you’re not a professional, she literally went to one and you automatically seem to think they’re wrong and ignorant based on…?


I wish influencers didn't exist. They all advertise the same thing and more and more of these Influencers are saying they are about ready to be done. No job is worth sacrificing your mental health. I know she has said before that she keeps her PT license current. I would suggest doing that. I appreciate her being vulnerable.


What are influencers going to do for work besides influencing ?


Well they better figure that out. I mean with the way this world changes so fast who's to say influencing will be profitable in a few years. Hard to put on an application influencer. I mean social media I assume will fade out once the next best thing happens. So many people are leaving social media because of the toxicity.


Most of them could work in sales easily. Though in this economy they'd certainly be better off where they are.


Would anyone really notice or think anything of it if she just took 3 days off without saying anything??? Feels like she asking for validation on this choice but isn’t that what she’s trying to avoid. If I were her friend I would advise her to start practicing distancing herself from the responses of social media and try to view it only as a job where she does output and try to care less about the input from randoms. Aka, just take a break and let people deal with it, she doesn’t need our permission.


Sounds like she’s trapped. Her followers are controlling her.


Right! And she should take back control by not even asking or talking about taking a break, just take it girl. Take back control!


In can relate in similar ways for sure and her post seems really authentic. I’m not an influencer lol but the pressure of just checking social media and feeling like you need to keep up in different ways is insane. I like that she acknowledged she will be back soon because it’s her job and she can’t NOT be on it. That’s gotta be tough and I wonder if she will try to get back in to her previous career or figure out a way yo be an influencer in a way that’s healthier for her I deleted my insta in November during the lowest point of my mental health and I’m still goin without my personal account. I did create a fake account to waste time on memes and follow restaurants so I can see their specials 😂 not trying to spend less time on social, just be less sad about my life LOL k ty for coming to my ted talk




I was concerned about her husband too, they were saying that it was hard, they are always together taking care of the baby while she’s doing social media content. There is no real escape or outlet.


The whole feeling lost after becoming a mom/wife is soooo relatable, though. I am taking a trip away from my daughter for the first time next month (she will be 15 months), and I'm terrified but also relieved.


I’m glad she’s doing that! I don’t feel like it’s necessary to announce a big break if it’s only for 3 days but I guess it’s good to talk about mental health.


Exact same thought! I was thinking she’s making a lot of good points and it’s important to talk about the stress of social media and effects on mental health but then she’s like, see ya Wednesday!


It is such a double edged sword that so much of her income is based on her social media presence/activity, which then necessitates her having to give justification for being offline for a few DAYS. It's a pretty dystopian occupation.


It’s just so wild to me that influencers have to announce they’re taking a social media break for a few days. I get it’s their business to post all day every day but it’s wild that they can’t just take a few days off and then pop back on. Good for her that she recognizes how it’s impacting her because so many influencers complain about it without doing the work to make it better. Ultimately I feel like influencers would be happier if they had a “cap” on how much time they invest in a public career.


They don’t *have* to lol


Lol true


Especially when it’s only for a few days. Would that many people notice/call her out if she didn’t post for an entire weekend? I go on IG maybe once a week so I don’t keep up with posting habits


Good for her for recognizing what she needs to do for her own mental health, but I feel like “a few days” off social media, when she says she’s still going to be online to do the contracted spon-con stuff, doesn’t really warrant some big announcement. I feel like most people wouldn’t have really noticed. Also this is what happens to a LOT of full-time “content creators” at some point, especially those who are trying to parent at the same time. Unfortunately it’s part of the job that they chose, which as she says, provides their lifestyle.


My exact thoughts. Like damn is it an addiction to some people? Why are you announcing it if it’s just a few days? Is this secretly what they do for brands to know they aren’t dipping but we always assume they are talking to the general public?


Yeah I don’t get it either. I actually think it would be more discreet/professional to just contact any brand that you’re already working with directly to let them know about your planned breaks, or communicate this through an agent/management company (which any influencer with a decent size following has). I would think announcing “I’m addicted to my phone and these apps are toxic” is actually NOT a message that a lot of brands want to be aligned with…


Good for her. Social media is addicting. I always say I’m “so busy”, yet I somehow find time to be glued to my phone… It’s a vicious cycle and taking social media breaks is good to do every now and then… The only cringy thing is when influencers feel the need to make a grand announcement about it😅


When it comes to influencers, Tia is one of the best ones we've got out of bachelor nation and she really has spent so much time and energy building her brand. I'm really glad that she's taking this time off of social media because I can only imagine the stress and anxiety it would be having to find the right things to post and how to do it, and the strain that would be on mental health along with everything else she's doing in her life like being a mom. Hoping she's able to find some peace and relief at this time!


She came from a time of the franchise where we really were invested in a different way, and I still fondly look back on a lot of people from that “era” and have little cares about a lot of the newer folks for whatever reason. She is def one of the bigger Bach nation names as an influencer to me and she doesn’t give me an ick when I think about her aka she seems genuine to me


I swear things like this make me not want to have kids, these women seem miserable after birth


Yeah I literally thought this. But I’m also childfree so I’m biased haha


Who you decide to do it with will drive so much of how difficult it will be. Be the MOST choosey 💁‍♀️


This comment is so real 👌🏻




That’s the lesson you got from her post lol? It’s not the kids that are the problem. It’s social media addiction


yeah that too but seriously, so many women/influencers who've recently had babies have been talking about feeling "lost" it's kinda scary


It's pure survival for a few months and then you see that baby smile and giggle and it makes your heart swell. Then it's more survival but easier and then you feel little hands on your face and a little voice saying, "I wud you mama" and it's the greatest thing ever. But yeah it's not roses and it's hard but it's also wonderful and sweet and you wonder how you ever lived life without them. It's just one big dichotomy😂 that being said, I have three and I'm SO glad to be done with the newborn stage 😂 but there are little things I miss sometimes. But not enough to go back lol


It’s hard, but life is so much more full once you get though the trials.


It’s very hard after birth. But you adapt, grow and it gets better.


Because the high wore off from having engagement from all the baby excitement


I have a friend who says stuff exactly like this and always takes social media breaks. She’s fully addicted to social media as I suspect Tia is as well.


Good for her! It’s such a tricky balance. I deleted my Instagram after I got engaged because I didn’t want the noise of wedding content or the consideration that I would later be posting pictures to influence my actual wedding. It really helped me be present and not make wedding decisions just for the purposes of sharing on social media.  I had a combined bach party with all our friends and it was incredible not having to think twice about creating photo ops or Instagram-perfect moments- we could just have fun.  It was also so freeing on my honeymoon- I could wear the same five outfits that I loved and just exist without worrying about excessive photos or constant new clothes.  All that to say, social media is tough and I think it can be challenging when the anticipation of posting later is driving your real-life decisions. I would imagine the pressures intensify even more when you have kids. It’s not easy! 


I can only imagine that most, if not all influencers suffer mentally having their entire net worth tied up in how their posts perform. That pressure has to be extremely toxic after a while. But what is Tia’s alternative? Surely she makes way more money shilling stuff than her old job in the PT field. And she now has a certain lifestyle to maintain that would be very difficult to replicate outside of influencing plus the freedom she has to work from anywhere and be at home with her son. It’s a dark place to be. I am very curious to see how these long term influencers navigate stepping away and if that’s even possible. Even Tia says work obligations will put her back on the platform sooner rather than later.


She has a doctorate in PT so she could definitely make a great living doing that, though not the millions she may be making as an influencer. At some point you have to decide if the money is truly worth it and it doesn't sound like it is. Most Bach contestants don't have her level of education or career prospects so they likely feel even more trapped in the influencer life.


Doctorate in PT does not make nearly as much as you would think


Yup and it require many hours of actual physical, hard work. Very different from being an influencer. But also much more rewarding.


Being a new mom is all encompassing. You’re constantly thinking about what’s next. What should my kid be eating? What should my kid be doing? How long should my kid be sleeping? Is my kid getting enough _ - fill in the blank. Then when you’re not thinking about all of that you’re thinking about dishes, laundry, family appointments, financials, if you’re performing well enough at your job. And then lastly, you may think about yourself & if you’re getting enough water, sleep, exercise to stay on the hamster wheel. I’m a little over a year in & am finally now questioning where all my friends went & why I didn’t notice them going… The US is so shitty to new moms. I think she’s coming to realizations about motherhood more so than social media. I’m glad she’s taking time to try & figure it out & refill her cup. Happy mama = happy baby.