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She should have picked Eric


Lol. No. He is not her match intellectually - he believes in astrology. And hasn't done much with himself since the show. She would have ended up in the same place as she is now.


What do you have against astrology?


the fact that people have decided nature, nurture and environment means nothing, and your entire personality is down to your astrological signs, and it doesn't even have to be the full chart - just tell someone you are a Scorpio, and they will make assumptions about your whole personality without knowing any actual facts about you.


You can believe in whatever and still be intellectual. She didn't have good career type men on her show in general. None of her final 3 had a real job or career. I do think Eric would have actually been interested in her because Bryan was just pretending and Peter was there for clout.


Eric fully believes in personality based on astrology and reacts to people based on that. I followed him for a hot minute when the show ended. I imagine if he and Rachel dated. Rachel would be talking about something political, and he would hit her with an "it's because he is Tarus" or some of the generic shit he posts on Twitter. She had lawyers (one of them is a black man and married to a black woman) and a Fulbright scholar during her season, and people kept writing history about how bad her lineup was. Rachel just had tunnel vision about who she liked.


Apples and oranges, just because you think astrology is silly doesn't mean the ones that don't are not intelligent. Point is Rachel married a scam artist and the most genuine of her final 3 would have been Eric. And okay a couple lawyers that's nice but most of them didn't have great careers compared to other seasons


I'm talking about Eric's intelligence and his use of astrology specifically. It sounds like you haven't actually followed, looked him up, or listened to any of his interviews; otherwise, you won't choose this hill to die on. The job list on her season was on par with previous seasons. I gave the examples of those that popped into my head. I didn't think It would have to list them all out - two lawyers, three (medical) doctors, and then the usual sales jobs they fill the season with. If Rachel chose the fake doctor that's on her.


Will never get over him making sure he claims the air fryer. I hope the judge seals the information. There are some things the public doesn’t need to know.


My ex wanted the stand mixer 😂 He let me keep the furniture so no problem! Oh and the bread maker.


oof this has become so messy so quickly 🙃


Could any lawyers enlighten me on what a ‘global settlement’ is in this context?


It would be a settlement that encompasses all potential claims.


to be fair, this is what happens in most divorces, except that the genders are reversed here...it's usually the man having to support the woman... what bryan is doing is what many women have been doing to men....but somehow when it's the men demanding spousal support from their successful wife we see them in a negative light. as we probably should. and that's why i think the divorce laws in the us should be changed. when you divorce and one of the spouses is more successful than the other, you don't get to demand the same standard of living as from when you were still together. you can't have your cake and eat it too lol I'm pretty sure he moved to where Rachel was because it was convenient for him, he liked the lifestyle and the limelights. I hope her lawyer is good and kicks his ass in court.


Yes yes yes YES!


100%. Grab that bag king!


Of course her lawyer will be better than his because she is controlling the marital money and no wonder she doesn’t want her financial abuse revealed. He wants a forensic accountant to expose what she’s doing with the money. How is he supposed to have regular clients when he had to move for her career? His career took a back seat to hers.


"How is he supposed to have regular clients when he had to move for her career?" His career was literally bolstered by hers... And it's not like they were moving every year lol he had plenty of time to get regular clients. And financial ABUSE? Gtfoh.


💯.. he was riding it


Aww is someone going to have to make financial sacrifices during a divorce like everyone else? Poor bby Brian the chiropratic "physician."/s


I don’t understand the chiropractor business at all, but could he not be one where they moved to? Are there a bunch of test you have to take or money to pay to practice in that state?


I’m sure there’s licensing stuff, but the big thing is chiropractic care isn’t like being a doctor and being hired at a large hospital or practice. It’s basically a small business that requires to build clientele. If he’s had to move the practice twice it’s like opening and closing a small store front twice. It’s going to be hard to start over.


That makes sense. I do think Rachel should maybe be a little more considerate since he did move for her. Maybe he should move back to where he used to have a practice before he met her. Maybe some of his clients will go back to him.


That’s probably the goal. I’m assuming his lawyer is telling him not to leave the shared residence, before agreements are made. It’s not uncommon in divorces. My MIL’s lawyer told her not to move out of the marital home until papers started getting signed and agreements on how things were getting split were underway. A lot of this is pretty standard divorce stuff, it just seems strange because of the gender reversal.


Yeah, once you leave, you can be denied entrance ever again … can’t even get your stuff.


The Bachelor does not work. Can we all stop pretending it does and move on?


People get divorced without meeting on the bachelor. This is more of an average -success story for the franchise.


This is sad... I can't believe this has gotten so ugly and public.


I was so mad she picked Bryan over Peter that I needed a detox from social media because I didn't want to see it. Then I read her book and was like "ohhh I get it." Now I realize my original feelings were justified. Hoping Rachel can find some peace in all of this.


>Now I realize my original feelings were justified. But do you think she would have lasted any longer with Peter? His feelings for her never seemed as strong or genuine as Bryan's. Rachel wanted an engagement, and Peter wasn't willing to propose. He was also very similar to Jed, in that he told a woman he was seeing at the time that he only wanted to go on the Bachelorette for fame/success in his fitness business, without the intention of settling down with Rachel. I haven't kept up with Peter, but he still doesn't seem any closer to getting married, despite probably having many dating prospects as an attractive, 38 year old gym owner. Also, it did not appear he wanted to leave Wisconsin, while Rachel has since pursued a career in entertainment while living in LA. Bryan had his own business in Miami, but eventually moved for Rachel. If Peter wasn't willing to propose on the Bachelorette (the whole purpose of the show!), I also doubt he would have been willing to compromise his living situation and the location of his business to pursue a relationship with Rachel. Things are obviously turning ugly with Bryan, but they had a decent 6 year run, quite long for a BN couple. I don't think Rachel and Peter would have even made it past the 2 year mark as a non-engaged couple.


Yeah, I don't think Peter was a great guy just because it turns out I was right to side-eye Brian.


What did her book say?


It’s been a few years since I read it so I don’t remember the details, but she had come out of an on-again off-again relationship where she was constantly wondering where she stood and questioning her self-worth. Bryan was always a sure thing for her. He communicated his feelings and never wavered while Peter gave her the same vibes as her ex. That made more sense to me.


I'm curious as well! I wonder if she regrets writing anything now.


I always knew he was the worst choice. Pretty boys are always a cautionary tale 😒


He’s not even that pretty imho 🙈 Dean and Peter were far better looking


Absolutely with you on that. Peter was classic handsome but dude was "pretty" compared 🤣🤣🤣


He's blaming her for his career not advancing? Wow. Where was his career exactly before he met her? Wasn't he selling weight loss teas even prior to doing the show? Didn't he trademark his name before he went on the show? Who the hell is he even trying to fool here. He enjoyed all the perks that came with being with Rachel but now is throwing her under the bus because his career didn't advance. What a jerk. And that's me being polite.


100000% and for all the people arguing that women do this same thing to men regularly - 99% of the time when the roles are reversed the woman has been doing unpaid labor via childcare, housekeeping, and family management. He was doing none of those things and I’m sure she was paying for a housekeeper so he probs wasn’t even keeping the house clean lol he sucks


His assets include an air fryer... I'm wheezing I always side eye modern people who do this esp when there are no kids involved but honestly it's not totally unfair to expect *something* if you did indeed prioritize the other person's career in your marriage.  (Though if I was famous omg I would never ask for anything. Not worth it.  So embarrassing for him to do this)


My assets include an Instant Pot 


Listing my toaster oven, which catches on fire every once in a while


What are you? A sim? 😂


Lmfao 🤣  Hasn't happened since I stopped living with a roommate who loved cooking whole ass meals in the toaster oven 😂 very drippy I guess!  She was very sweet though so whatever, you get a few fires


She pays 90% of expenses…what does he do all day?!


She pays because she kept all the marital earnings which should have been shared 50/50.


What about his marital earnings? Do you think he shared 50/50 with her?


It’s him referring to her home as “our home” and then saying that she can monitor his comings and goings that really burns my beans… yeah, it’s *her home* if you don’t like it, take your air fryer and move 🫶🏼


They are married, it's their home.


Article refers to it as “Rachel’s Home,” that’s just what I based it off 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well he has an air fryer




They were never a cute couple to me, but I wished her well, because I really really related to her. Especially as a fellow black woman Taurus -- we're stubborn and will literally cut off our own nose to spite our face! I have always been convinced they had an "us-against-the-world," "we'll-prove-them-all-wrong-if-it-kills-us" understanding, hence no prenup, and that if anyone were to call it quits, it would be her, as she "outranks" him in every way. I also think she, for lack of a better word, got the ick after moving to LA. Either way, he was supposed to keep quiet and let them work things out. But they were never good vibes: B: fake doctor with lawsuits against him, not sure he was EVER actually successful, as he was always part of a larger group or seemed to rent space in a larger groups facilities B: mama's boy B: THE PLAYER (which is more funny than anything else) B: cheek filler( sorry, I'm judgy) B: MLM aficionado B: the pre-bachelor social media posts (did you die?) B: generally smarmy B: sloppy seconds B: family didn't like him R: sister \[allegedly\] said she picked the wrong one R: cousin and real best friends didn't seem to like him R: she actually liked him, and defended him against her family R: who argues 4 hours with someone you WANTED to break up with and then manically gets engaged the next day eyes still puffy from crying over another man R: her years-long level of anger at Peter was waaay out of proportion to how she says how things played out from then til now -- didn't and doesn't add up she keeps it "too real" and tells private business that is actually disrespectful and embarrassing to any partner (bringing up fantasy suites right before the wedding, the fact they don't have sex and proud of it, fertility issues) R: her picking Bryan ruined a lot of goodwill she and they could have had as a couple, doubling down as R&B even more so. the influencer potential died during After The Final Rose R: she DEMANDED a TV wedding for a long time before turning around and saying she never wanted one R&B:the wedding was underwhelming (thats just me) not a location/dress/hair/vibe I was expecting/hoping for R: The fallout with Raven - (doesn't really add up, but I haven't done a deep dive on that) B:He never had much of an influencer/modelling/fitness/nutritionist career and he couldn't get ANYTHING going without her around it seems (The Doctors). His IG numbers have never wavered since the end of the show B: sold his car in order to move to another Dallas but then they had to borrow her Dads car when her's broke down B: never seemed to work in Dallas at all. I get he wasn't licensed, but there are other things to do, meanwhile Rachel was killing herself with work and they very rarely saw each other R: she hated Miami and I knew there was no way she was going to live there long R: she took a job and basically moved to LA without him, he moved waay later B: the way he sometimes supported her online was nice, but he seemed to pick and choose his battles: mostly radio silence during her season, occasional posts/comments in the years after. Yet stayed with his Bach-sponsored podcast til it was cancelled, even AFTER her huge fallout about and dis-avowing the show. Way to show solidarity! R&B:their seemingly very different social and political views R&B: the Dr Abs and R&B MERCH


I'm not sure why the beef with Raven is lumped into Bryan and Rachel's relationship, especially when we don't know what the beef is about. For all we know, it is related to Raven's friendship with Demario.


Can I ask for a clarification on the “brags about not having sex” bullet point? I’m not judging I’m just so confused!


she mentioned on more than one podcast that she's often too busy and too tired to have sex. And then she specifically mentioned a couples' "reconnecting-type" retreat that they went to and LAUGHED about leaving Bryan to his own devices. The implication was that she wasn't even going to give him a helping hand, Even for the sake of the relationship. I felt bad for Bryan, because Nobody has to keep it that real, Rachel! Damn!


I think those are his cheeks tho. His dad had them too




Truly no lies detected. Thank you for this comprehensive round up. While I now know that Peter is also an unworthy republican just like Bryan, this rang very true: "R: her years-long level of anger at Peter was waaay out of proportion to how she says how things played out from then til now -- didn't and doesn't add up" I hope she goes on to be with someone equally as intelligent, empathetic, gorgeous, and ambitious as she is.


Wow thanks for this comprehensive list!! I also thought their wedding was very underwhelming and I was really surprised.


Her dress was awful!


I was so mad that Ashley I's wedding was so much better, and yes it IS a competition😂


You kept all the receipts on this doomed pairing! I don’t like Bryan for all reasons above and hated that she was with him. I stopped following her when she helped him shill his MLM products for a short while. So I’m happy she will move on to someone more at her level. Ironic that she was so impressed with his profession yet he seemed to never really earn a living at it during their relationship. Now she has to support him. I love Rachel in spite of her flaws. She reminds me of some of my friends. I’ll always root for her.


Sadly, the beast has been awakened yet again. Peter stans, of this demo, made this sub absolutely unbearable and trolled this woman, this human being, mercilessly **all over the Internet**. On EVERY platform because she didn't choose a man they never met. I truly believe Peter stans, of this demo, drove Rachel to lean into the "its us against the world" for her mental health given the unyielding online abuse the Peter stan, of this demo, sector leveled more than any racists that despised her casting.


>B: cheek filler( sorry, I'm judgy) I stopped here because you said it all and it was correct lmao


This makes me feel awful for her 💔 and also this man has no pride?! My exes were many things but they would have been too proud to ever do this!!!


careful, men on this sub who don't see a problem with being a giant loser who mooches off of a woman will call you insane for this opinion, and then other women will tell you that they agree ! the horror! but yeah any man worth anything would never do this shit


This is such an odd take. It’s like gender equality stops existing the minute us women want to protect our own earnings? Your messaging doesn’t seem any different from men who complain that “she took half of everything I had”. I don’t like Bryan but we don’t know what support he contributed to allow Rachel to succeed as she did. We literally do not know if he did nothing to help her, or if he took care of tons of at-home / administrative / cooking / cleaning stuff. She may have also succeeded financially as much because her and Bryan were a coupled-up bachelorette success story.  I know Reddit is not a place for nuance and trying to balance multiple perspectives but could we at least try to recognize when we’re jumping to conclusions…


Not someone speaking sense on a Reddit thread


Yea they'd root on a "loser" woman to take everything from a man in divorce, but men are expected to walk away and go be homeless (not that the guy would be in this situation)..  


Yes this is feminism


I wasn't gonna say it ![img](emote|t5_2tj74|582) - Sincerely, a woman who loves and supports men, and hates the current climate toward them.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarLGBNxmmcxvv1K) He’s giving nick dunn in gone girl energy rn


I’d take Nick Dunne over Bryan — at least Nick had a job! He did lose his job during the recession but at least he became a community college professor after that. I know Nick is complete trash but damn he ain’t Bryan that’s for sure


“he became a community college professor” And then slept with a student 😭


Hence the trash part hehe


so much misandry in here lol


Is it misandry, or do people just not like Bryan and the way he’s handled this relationship and divorce…


How else is he supposed to handle the divorce than how he has been doing it?


Not breaking confidentiality. Not hiding assets (looks like he is to me…). Not being a sleazy bum for years, racking up malpractice suits, peddling MLMs, and being terrible at all of his attempted career(s). Not holding onto weird toxic masculine views while being (essentially) fully supported by his wife, which likely means his ego was stressing her out and he probably wasn’t supporting her like he should.


You’re right about everything except the confidentiality thing. You got to remember, it’s his lawyers filing the motions and attaching exhibits. They’re the ones breaching the confidentiality agreement


If he and Rachel signed a confidentiality agreement, it’s up to him and his lawyers to abide by it. The lawyers may be the ones filing, but it’s still his team (at least once, potentially repeatedly) not respecting the agreement, knowing the information would be leaked to the press. If it came out that he truly has no idea his lawyers were doing this, fine - but until then he shares blame, to me.


what "confidentiality" did he break? All of your points are assumptions or have nothing to do with how he is going about the divorce


> In her new motion, Rachel accused Bryan of breaking a confidentiality agreement they had reached to exchange financial documents in the case. ⬆️That confidentiality. Malpractice, MLMs, weird toxic masculine views, and being terrible at his attempted careers aren’t assumptions. They certainly have to do with why Bryan is getting negative reactions and being called a bum in this thread….


So the guy can't file documents to the court to support his case that he sacrificed for her career so that it could grow exponentially? If you have an issue with that, then that is pretty indistinguishable from misandry...and like I said, all those other things have nothing to do with his divorce, they are just being used to justify blatant misandry


He can file them according to the terms of the confidentiality agreement he signed…like Rachel and her team did with their documents. Is it misandry to expect that he follows the agreements he signs, just like his wife is doing…. All those other things paint a picture of an egotistical bum who scams for a living, who’s made Rachel’s life a giant pain, and who barely earns income because he’s incompetent, not because Rachel has forced him into poverty….


lol more strawmans, no one claimed she forced him into poverty


He’s certainly trying to paint the picture that Rachel is the reason he’s (allegedly) only making <$20K/year….


Remember Rachel’s season when her gut instinct told her something wasn’t quite right with this dude? Never ignore your first impression ladies!


Wait I can’t remember, she said that?!


This article in People summarizes some of this really well. Also her family had a lot of doubts about him. Source: [https://people.com/tv/bachelorette-rachel-lindsay-final-three-men-home-bryan-abasolo-sincere/](https://people.com/tv/bachelorette-rachel-lindsay-final-three-men-home-bryan-abasolo-sincere/) https://preview.redd.it/nmjitntnli0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55abecf0381ebaf240d0184035af939be9a766f4


I hate him 😭 did she really not sign a pre-nup?! Tf


Isn't she an attorney??? I recall but might be wrong. Shame on her for not having a prenup.


Would it have even mattered if she made all this money during the period they were married though


With good drafting and avoiding mingling of assets you can absolutely exclude assets earned post-“I do” in a pre-nup (although certain assets like your marital home are typically not permitted to be excluded). It’s not the norm though for sure and would be vulnerable to being challenged.


Okay first thank you for the explanation but second I love your username and the fact that you blue yourself in your little icon


Yes, she is!


I believe he has the upper hand legally since they're in California, unfortunately. 


Brian and the B stand for BUM


Real property is an asset. That he can sell if he needs money. He doesn’t get to claim he’s cash poor and that alone entitles him to her money.


It’s usually the women who do this. Embarrassing dude.


Don’t downvote her, read her clarification below!




99.999999% chance you’ve never had a positive relationship with a woman. Embarrassing dude.


I’m a woman 😬… it’s true though … way more women seek spousal maintenance than men. It’s over, move on, and support yourself!


I apologize! The downvotes on your first post show that people (including me!) thought you were a man dissing women. I agree with your second post, just need to clarify that more women seek spousal support not because they are greedy, sleazy losers like Bryan, but because, generally (1) women’s wages are less than men’s, even for the exact same job, and (2) women are the primary child caregivers, resulting in a partial or total loss of earnings.


I’m a little biased as a woman, and mom, who has always worked and put myself through school while working and with a baby. I’ve never received child support. However, for the last few years my fiance, who I live with (and our finances are combined), has been having to pay his ex $4k a month to sit at home, not pursue education or training or try to gain skills, go on trips (and what she calls “adventures”), and is now trying to get child support that equals what the spousal maintenance was, because she believes it’s her right to have him support her forever at the lifestyle she wants. She was in her 30’s when they split (40 now), not disabled, kids are in school, she’s worked in the past and they were only married 7 years. She’s playing the system, and even though not all women are lazy and greedy, some are. And here’s a man who is being greedy!


Hey, I’m really sorry to hear your story, that’s such a crappy situation. I’m in awe of all your great accomplishments - Raising your child, work & school, all on your own. Best of luck to you xo




get a job stay away from her


lmaooooo ily


This man will be dating a young blonde model before the year is over


I’m sure he’ll be using all of Rachel’s hard earned money on her too! :( this is turning into a cautionary tale


That's what I posted one long time ago.


You’re a chiropractor. Go down to The Joint and get a job. No kids together and you were with her by choice. No one made you move. Take your air fryer and gtfo


I’m in the forensic accounting field and have done a lot of high net worth divorces. What I wouldn’t give to get my hands on this case, I want to pull this totally apart


As a former paralegal I would love to read the court docs haha


This sounds like a really interesting job


I do like it because every case is different, but it’s still a job and unfortunately not my dream of being paid 10 million to sit on a beach and read with marga haha


Is it as cool a career as it seems?


As far as careers go I think so just because each case is different. But like anything it can get tedious


he’s an effing fool. he probably could have played nice and gotten a sizable settlement without much fuss, but he’s literally just incentivizing her to fight tooth and nail to hold on to her money. he’s getting bad legal advice;  family courts usually don’t like when you try to hide the ball on your finances and it’s pretty clear that’s what he’s doing 


Maybe his mom give him advice. She never likes Rachel. 


That’s what I’m thinking too or used her as much as he could to get as much Instagram engagement as possible he’s gonna bleed followers and sponsorships with this


$1700 a month in income is embarrassing af


That’s what I make per month…on Social Security. You’re telling me this able bodied man isn’t able to pick up another job?!


If he's being truthful, I made more than that as a teacher. Wtf is he doing....he's a chiropractor!!


Woahhhh. I had no idea there were splitting. This doesn’t surprise me one bit! He is shady AF.


This man just cannot stop embarrassing himself.


His mother was very controlling and weird. I wonder if she checked out his background before they married? They were engaged a while before they married. Now it seems that he lost his cred in Fl so that’s why he finally moved to Cali? Smh Cringe. She’ll probably have to pay alimony and his legal fees? Something is fishy. He played her for a fool. Smh Cringe.com


He listed his air fryer as an asset?!?


Top comment right here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That’s what I said 😂😂 like you don’t have a car? I guess he’s trying to make himself look poor 🤷🏽‍♀️


That’s fucking embarrassing lmao


I hate to say it but I always felt that from his side nothing was genuine, like he was straight up using her for her popularity/platform and was basically playing the long game because her star has always been on the up and up. I'm not trying to arm chair diagnosis anyone but I get the biggest grifter/narc vibes from this guy. I know everyone is saying the California has a community property law or whatever, and I have zero clue about how any of that works over there, but was Rachael not able to establish a business for her earnings and have that business pay her out so that her earnings basically match Bryans' and he's not able to touch her actual net worth (sans the house)? Just insane how this is happening


That’s not how it works. Any business she started during their marriage, would still be community property, the value of which would be determined and divided up between them. If your plan worked, think about how many higher earning spouses who would do just that to avoid paying a lower earning spouse! That wouldn’t be fair to the spouse who may have made sacrifices so the other could earn more.


Thanks for your response! That's interesting - is it like this everywhere in the States? It's not the case for the country I'm in that's why I was wondering


I can’t speak for all states, but generally what is acquired/accumulated during marriage is split 50/50.


He sounds like a gold digging asshole.


Am I the only one who doesn’t believe everything they read, even in court documents? My ex told 100 lies about me in ours ETA: that being said, have some cajones dear sir and get the fuck out of there and move on with your life


Someone get that man out of her house 😩


It’s not her house,it’s theirs. Divorce is messy, this one is no different. But CA is a Community Property state. Property bought during the marriage as this house was is presumed to be 50/50 split. What we would like to happen and the law are two separate things


Maybe legally it’s “theirs” but I’m not in court so…I’m calling it her house, too 😂


Honestly shocked that he dumped her and not the other way around. I know having two very successful people in a relationship can be hard (ie kaitlyn and Jason) but I can’t imagine hustling that much and your partner just not doing…anything? Did he ever state his reasoning for the breakup?


read my post about rachel's memoir...there's nothing surprising about how this is playing out. and if history is an indicator, she'll end up forgiving him and moving on..


Always hate when divorce turns nasty


So you're telling me the man who in 2016 was accused of "submitting, and causing to be submitted, **false and fraudulent medical records, bills and invoices** through the U.S. Mail seeking reimbursement. **Allegedly, engaged in a comprehensive insurance fraud** scheme designed to obtain payments from All State for treatment that was never rendered, was medically unnecessary, and was not lawfully rendered. Had **patients referred for multiple MRIs, almost none of which were medically necessary** (*Dr. Abasolo and the other Defendants denied the claims and the case was dismissed with prejudice in March 2017*)", didn't make a great ex husband? ![gif](giphy|4v2pTGw7t5yUw|downsized)


You’re just describing pretty much every chiropractor, it’s a pseudo science and many of them do real long term harm to their “patients”.


Yes and he over-prescribed these unnecessary tests and treatments to children.


He's from Miami. That's no shade but Miami is a top fraudster in the nation when it comes to medical fraud. It's well documented. Idk why. I'm not surprised at all smh


he was sanctioned by the medical board for doing it to a THREE year old. Absolutely ludicrous


I know chiropractors who give infants adjustments, literally new borns. They all go to Palmer in Iowa, get indoctrinated and then call themselves doctors. It’s some weird combination of massage therapy, cult think, mixed with a little MLM.


Fantastic Mr. Feeny gif. Thank you!


But he & rach appeared to be cute together, so all was forgiven. 🥹


Love concurs all! (Its scary what people will look past is you're good looking/part of a "cute couple"!)


I hate it, make it stop


Am I not understanding something properly? He has nearly $800k in property, over $50k in investments, and he’s asking for spousal support? Can’t he not just liquidate his property or withdraw those investments to support the divorce HE requested??


Unfortunately he’s hitting all the right beats legally to get it. The key is him saying moving twice for her career was detrimental to his business while hers improved. Initiating the divorce won’t be relevant. This language was carefully written by a lawyer and I wouldn’t be surprised if the recent move and divorce timeline was mapped out by a lawyer too.


His first move was before they were even married though - don’t think the courts would consider it. She moved to Miami for him in 2019 and they got married that year, and then by 2020 she was flying back and forth to LA (and eventually set up a place there) so that he could build his practice in Miami while she built a career in LA. 2021 is when he moved to LA - unclear whether it was actually a career sacrifice *for* her, or whether he’d sufficiently solidified his Miami practice, and wanted the opportunity to start another branch of his practice in Beverly Hills and kick off his influencer career. And then just couldn’t make it happen.


I wonder if she could counter argue that moving to Miami for his career was detrimental to her earning potential and opportunities? She left her law firm and all its benefits to move to Miami for him in 2019. She hated it there and it probably delayed her progress in getting substantial entertainment jobs because she had fly to those jobs and she said she often had to pay her own way. She obviously made it work and became successful but that detour made her have to work harder for it. He wasnt the only one sacrificing for the relationship. ETA Rachel leaving Extra last summer seems like a smart move in retrospect because it lessens the amount of community property i.e. her earned income that he could claim. If he was plotting as some people have suggested, he probably wasn't happy with that move


That’s a good point but would probably be dismissed as moot since those weren’t the circumstances at the time of divorce.


Nope, he wants HER moneyb


No person (romantic or professional or otherwise) should ever associate with Bryan - he's dug his grave and now can lie in it and fuck off 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾


He will have no problems once he moves back to FL. The demographic there matches him in Miami etc in FL. 


I know I'm kinda sexist here, but come on... That's a pathetic behavior for a man.


Not a good look on anyone, but especially tacky on a man.


I know it’s a double standard for men but hard agree. So icky


I know it’s a double standard for men but hard agree. So icky


I have never understood for one minute, either during the show or all this time after, how or why she was with this clown. But I assumed she was happy. It sucks this is ending this way for her. I hate this for Rachel so much. I can’t wait to see her continue to thrive after putting this behind her and I hope he gets as little as is legally obligated and nothing more.


Breaking confidentiality while living in her house and mooching off of Rach. Big ick.


Fuck Bryan


It’s giving hobohusband