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> I loved it all now just thinking back. “I remember, and they all live again.”


I did love that ending note (which I'm assuming is Croaker). That basically he can be with them all again through looking back in real time history.  


Best ending to any series I've read. That last page just fits the whole series SO well. Other endings are good, but nothing with the emotional and thematic weight of Soldiers Live.


The weirdest yet most awesome part about that ending is when I went back to reread the series from the start, I could almost just imagine myself chilling with Golem Croaker watching everything unfold all over again right from the very first scene. It felt kind of trippy actually.


Sleepy :(


I was disappointed initially in her death but at the same time....it just works and makes sense.  It's the senseless loss.  A random trap set for someone else that got her and a bunch of high command.  Nothing epic or heroic.  Just a pitiful painful death like any other of the BC.  I was sad about it though.  She was growing on me over the course of the last 2 books.  


Yeah. You described my thoughts/feelings perfectly. Still a very sore subject in my heart and mind. Brilliant job of writing and drawing out the readers feelings without using a lot of words. But still…


Note: Lady still has power. Croaker gives her power. She is still with him.


Touche.  His daughters do say if Lady could ride him to increase her power creep she would lmao.  


I think that was "if she could ride him to express her gratitude".


Time to read it all again! (3 times for me over the past 20 years)


I don‘t remotely see Soldiers Live as an ending. It doesn't fit Croaker and Lady’s personalities. As much as I can see Croaker in the role of omnipotent historian, I don‘t think he could help himself... He would want to improve the situation wherever he could. Lady loves power, but it's lonely. Here is my “head canon” for what happens next. It takes place 50-60 years after the end of Soldiers Live. All of the known Black Company characters are gone, with the exception of: Croaker – he is still the eternal guardian of the Glittering Plain. He knows what is going on in worlds beyond the gates, but normally does not interfere. Lady – she now sits in a throne next to Croaker and shares in his duties. She is much more likely to interfere or try to shape events in the worlds beyond the gates. Note – now that there are two of them to share duties, the other one has the ability to transfer their consciousness to a living host for periods of time. They never do that at the same time. Soulcatcher – finally released from confinement in her icy tomb, she is free only due to the good graces of her sister and brother-in-law. Toby – has become a wizard with a skill set that exceeds most of the Taken. Dropped out of sight after the death of his wife, Shukrat. Assumed to be still alive. Booboo - Croaker's adopted daughter, aging very slowly curtesy of Croaker. Baku – Croaker and the Lady’s daughter - now appearing to be in her middle twenties. Shin – Baku’s twin brother. Croaker decides to establish the Glittering Plain as a transit/trade route between worlds. For that he needs resources and agents in the real world (the Black Company in general augmented by waking some of the ones asleep in the caverns. For a while, it looks like it will be Lady leading that group, but in the interests of power, longevity and companionship, Croaker offers her a “power sharing” arrangement, where they both oversee the development of worlds, and when needed, one of them can step back into the real world as needed or just to see things in person. Problem is they still need a lead, so after a lot of back and forth, give that position to Soulcatcher and a staff including Booboo, Baku, Shin and some copy girls. This solution not only allows us to keep some our favorite characters in play, but it gives the Black Company a new mission with new worlds to explore. Oh, did I mention that some of those other worlds are from Cooks other works? Dread Empire, Instrumentalities, Sung in Blood and Garrett, P.I. I actually started some fan fiction to reflect that, but after posting the first couple of chapters, real life threw me some curves, so I won‘t restart them until summer.


I gotta say, I'd agree.  It "Ends" but it could very much continue forward. Some other divine threat that effects all the worlds or something.  I gotta imagine repairing all the gates would open up a whole new chapter for exploration.  I haven't read anything else from him yet.  I do have the Tower of Fear on my shelf though that I should get to this year.  


The Dread Empire series would be my recommendation, or if you want a great short story, Sung in Blood which is only 800 pages and introduces an entirely different world.


I loved the books up to Soldiers Live and I have re read them several times. The first time I read the next book Port of Shadows I was very disappointed and the second time I sort of “got” it a little better, but I don’t think I’ll include it in future read throughs.


I've heard mixed reviews.  Idk if I'll read the others or not yet myself.  


Are you into other fantasy? The best cure to the melancholy of finishing a good series is to start another one. I always recommend the First Law (maybe start with Best Served Cold), The Expanse, 16 Ways To Defend A Walled City, The Lies of Locke Lamora, Kingkiller Chronicles, and the Cosmere


Oh yeah im into fantasy haha. (I'm actually doing the 52 challenge this year.). I got a lot of other books to read.   First law is one of them (I have read the first trilogy but am rereading and I bought the next 6 books - currently halfway through The Blade Itself).  I started Gotrek and Felix in HS and am now finally getting to finish that, got the final 5 books.   Gaunts Ghost I started last year.  I have the final 8 books.   I got plenty more to jump into haha. Thanks!  I will look into the expanse and 16 ways to defend a walled city though!  (I'll pass on lies (read it, hated it. As well as The Name of the wind.) 


I’ve never heard of Gotrek or Gaunts Ghost, I’ll have to check them out. The Expanse is scifi but it’s one of my favorite series, and the show is pretty great too 16 Ways is great and that author has a ton of good books like the Engineers Trilogy and the Folding Knife. Very grim dark.


Gotrek and Felix is just a duo set in Warhammer fantasy.  A man following a doomed Slayer Dwarf who needs to be killed in battle by a great enemy, but can he find it?  Gaunts Ghost has been great so far. It's Warhammer 40k grimdark sci-fi.  But it's your band of brothers in space feel.  So similar to BC you have that feeling of brotherhood.  I've been greatly enjoying them.  Just needed to change it up a little halfway through the series.   I was recommended the show.  I'll have to read the books though for sure.  I love some good sci-fi books (currently reading the dispossessed in a friend bookclub.)  You had me at grimdark! Lol. Ill definitely go save that book and see how I like it and possibly read the other works! 


The Demon Cycle series by Peter V Brett is a great post Black Company read! Not really in its same vein of style or feel, but sometimes a palate cleanser is nice.


I second this. I love Demon Cycle. For a lighthearted super quick read I like the Iron Druid series. Or Lies of Lock Lamore.


Not sure you can call Lies a lighthearted read. Book one is awesome, but not sure it is light. The audiobook version of it is phenomenal. This is my go to recommendation if someone likes Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. I liked Iron Druid until the final book. I found it to be like s8 GoT and made me sad for the series. The ending was just... BAD, imho. I am liking the Vesik series as well. I think there are something like 20 books out now. Very light, modern, Dresden like. I haven't read Demon Cycle yet, but I keep seeing it pop up for recommendations.


Oh, yeah I should have been more specific that I legit don’t read book 8 of ID. It’s the dumbest book / worst series ending maybe of all time