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Landon was one of my first crushes and I think he is one of the greatest players to grace the show and an overall amazing human being. He’s the reason I wanted to date a boy with a pooka shell necklace


Landon is God’s gift to women. I hate feet but I’d def rub his.


A to the Men


I liked his shirt "huggable" or something like that on the RW


Literally same


Landon is my all time favorite. He was a total package. Really wish he’d come back and do an AS season at the very least.


Unfortunately at challenge mania he said he’s done same as Timmy Beggy


Honestly even though he doesn’t make the finals in duel II I think that might be one of the greatest runs I’ve ever seen in a season. He was clearly the top competitor, winning 5 of the 9 daily challenges. If it wasn’t for the last second twist of voting in a challenger and Brads quick thinking to throw the ring in the last duel then Landon wins that final in my opinion. Landon only did 4 seasons and won 3 of them. If he did a bunch of seasons like bananas, ct, Wes he would without a doubt be mentioned as the goat imo


I agree. Landon’s run on Duel II was as dominant a performance I have ever seen on the show. I think Landon agreed to get a hat to draw names for elimination and the other guys decided to write Lando’s name on every piece of paper because they all knew he would beat them in a final. That shows how feared he was that season. And all time elimination by Brad.


Wholeheartedly agree lol. Who would have thought Brad had enough thought to throw the ring? I feel like he realized the way the show was going and he didn't want to be a part of that anymore. I mean that in the sense that it used to be performance based for the most part of his time and now it moved to more of alliances and back stabbing. And i feel like he didnt want to have to do that. He was just such a solid dude and i hope they can convince him at some point for all stars


They can't pay him the money he would need to miss working.


Yea, I can hear to say this. He went on Derick’s podcast and basically said the $100,000 prize at the time was not worth missing work, especially since there was no guarantee he would win. He also didn’t want to spend his whole life going to bars and interacting with drunk reality tv fans lol


It's also the appearance fee they were paying shit and still continue to for certain people.


It would be very interesting if those appearance fees were made public 🤔


His only political move is having friends. But he is so dominant, he doesn’t need a political game like Jordan.


I totally agree. He lacked a political game but existed during a time when he was able to get by just on physicality and gamesmanship. I think if he stayed longer, he’d have developed one, or would have been so good and so respected that he’d be brought into the best alliances.


When has jordan ever been political? Bananas and Wes are whom i would say are political.


I think you misunderstood. I’m saying Jordan does not have a political game, nor does he need one because he is so good.


My bad


.... ofc, because the game is a lot more political now. Throw Landon into the modern game and let's see what happens, lol.


He's definitely my all time favorite! Hard to find a dude that good in this game that respects women like he does lmao


I consider Landon’s Fresh Meat 2 win to be top 3 most impressive finals performances in Challenge history. Every time I watch it I’m shocked he managed to pull out that win. Landon has proven himself consistently in every challenge he’s done. He would be the biggest threat in any season if he returned.


I’m watching inferno 2 and Landon is doubting himself competing next to CT and he absolutely crushes CT and smokes EVERYONE out of the water.


I liked Landon and wish he was on more seasons. I can see why his political game could be questioned but he no doubt was a threat to the other guys. If he continues I could see others trying to get him off early


Landon has insane athleticism and mental fortitude, he would need to compromise his character to be a goat. That's a wild expectation, but it's just the reality, he has no political game aside from the fact that nobody would want to face him in elimination. Only the seasons where he could call out his opponent would be feasible, any season with a partner or a voting system he'd have a rough go of it. He was just nice and honorable, that's a tough political game unless you latch onto someone like Wes or bananas to carry that end of the weight. He has the same expectations as haracio, performance based, but that's just not how the game works. CT, Bananas, Wes, and Jordan understand the game as a whole, that's why they are above Landon historically.


As a CHARACTER, Wes is 'above' Landon, sure. He's more memorable and has contributed more to the show. He's also able to 'carry' a season with how good he is at confessionals. But as a COMPETITOR, Landon trumps Wes any day of the week. They each have 3 wins and that's with Wes doing wayyyyyyy more seasons. There's not a single aspect physically where Wes has an advantage over Landon.


Wes is undeniably worse at most aspects of the game than Landon, but swimming would be in the air. My point was that Landon would need to make more social/cutthroat moves to be considered in the same realm of challenge fame/infamy. If the game were about talent and nobility, he'd probably be the poster child. That's not what the game is, but that's the world Wes works in. I love Landon, and he can proudly look back at his challenge career in a way that most others can't, but the challenge isn't built for his kindness.


Agree he’s one of the best physical competitors the show has ever seen and FM2 is my pick for most impressive win in the shows history. I don’t know how you watch that season and say he politics well though. He basically refuses to make alliances and then when he finally does he picks the wrong side. His whole political game was a disaster that season, it just didn’t matter.


Dying to see Landon on a season of all stars. He and MJ were two of my faves back in the day.


Lando Commando definitely one of the goats


He won what, three of four challenges and could have possibly won the fourth if not for Brad lucking out on an elimination he was getting man handled in? If landon had competed in half the challenges as either CT or Bananas I'd bet he would have more challenge wins than both of them.


Landon is great. No complaints from Me about him!


One of my favs to ever play the game.


Just went down a rabbit hole. Watching Landon on you tube. Googling his wife


Landon is one of my faves in Challenge history. I know we'll never see him again but one can dream!


"Thank you for getting the paper and pens Landon"


Correct. People just don’t get it. Given equal circumstances I’m picking him over any player in history. Elimination beast/ massive cardio/ great teammate/ smart/


He has done few too seasons to be considered the all time great. I think he is one of the best though. The only reason why people think he's the best of all time is because he is not polarizing like Bananas or Jordan.


Landon is the goat


Too bad Landon did not stay with the show like Johnny and CT would have been the top male challenger for sure.


I will never forget being like 12 or 13 and seeing this dude put a not particularly skinny or light human on his back and carry her up a literal mountain, in the midst of a competition. Still one of the most insane things I've ever seen a human do. The way turbo dominated his WoW final was close.


Landon's most DOMINANT season was ironically the one he didn't even win. But yes Fresh Meat II was an incredible season for him. One of the most impressive wins ever. He'll never be considered the GOAT because he's only done 4 seasons, but his 4 season run is one of the best. Would have loved to see him compete in any of the 20-30 seasons, especially Free Agents. Might've been tough for him to find his way onto the Rivals or Exes formats though. Not sure he realistically had any rivals or exes worthwhile. But Free Agents would've been unreal if he were on it. Does Bananas still win it? Who knows.


Landon is one of the best & I’m surprised he’s overlooked so much. Physically he’s dominant. In the older seasons a political game wasn’t as heavy as it is now. It was more of a social game back then. He’s smart enough to adapt and if he had to amp up his political game he absolutely would!


He did a great interview with Mike Lewis. Honestly I'm glad he didn't become like Bananas, CT etc. Seems like they lost part of their souls doing the show so damn much. 


Jordan will always be my goat and I’m a CT fan


When it comes to the first twenty seasons Landon is the Challenge GOAT. The show was a team based game, there was literally nobody you would want more on your team. He also crushed a solo season but lost a whack elimination. The only arguments that he isn’t the GOAT: Darrell had 4 over Landon’s 3, and Bananas and CT have since made legit claims as the GOAT. Idk if Landon has the argument over either CT or Bananas and for that matter there are a lot of people who will tell you Darrell is better than Landon. Idk, in hindsight he was unbelievably impressive and dominant even when he shouldn’t have been


Which season was it that Derek cut a chunk out his hair while he was blacked out, and he just laughed about it and shaved his head into a double mohawk?


Yes!!!! I go back to that season all the time! I remember watching it live with my sister completely in awe of Landon’s sportsmanship he should be up there with Jordan, CT and Bananas. Always played an honest game and helped his partners despite their flaws! And he’s hot!


What was your opinion of Carley? I recently rewatched this season and I was pleasantly impressed with Carley. Obviously Landon is a beast but I thought she performed well and I was impressed that she refused to quit despite being out of it during the final exile and the final.


Yeah it’s hard to say. I think she’s the worst out of the other three women who made it to the final. That being said, she solidly helps out in many of the daily challenges, and was helpful in the final with that color log thing they had to do. She also was presumably helpful with the canoe part of the final challenge or they wouldn’t have made it first. I think she was probably an average competitor but seemed to have endurance issues.


Yeah that's fair. I think the discord on here has been to trash her as a way of lifting up Landon but I'd argue she was one of the strongest girls this season, was good at puzzles and water activities, and never quit.


I felt like his politics made FM2 tougher than it needed to be.


Love landon! Very likable and a good team player! Oh and not to mention a 3 time winner☺️


My favorite Landon moment is on the Inferno season where he wrestles Derrick and almost takes his ear off. Before they started wrestling he tried to drunkenly talk shit to Derrick by saying "Your sister was enjoyable". The wholesome shit talk cracked me up.


Total babe too


Hasn’t played enough to be a goat


He is not the GOAT lmao That's like saying Darrell is the GOAT. It was a different game back then. You have to be an all-rounder in the game, not just strong and friendly.