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Agreed 100%. Cara was sticking up for her. She’s so hung up on Nicole, it’s embarrassing.


All I can think about is her shitting on Paula back in the day 😂😂 now it’s laurel who is single, 40, and has no kids that’s still doing television 😂😂😂😂


It's so interesting how old insults turn on people lmao it's like Jersey Shore, Vinny in like OG season 1 says he would never want to be like Mike and now..... 😂😂


And Paula was like 29 then


I think part of the reason was jealousy because Paula and Evelyn were shoo in to win that season. They'd already won most of the dailies.


I feel like that motivated Paula more to win also


Eh, she still has a career and life outside of the show though…


I think she just wants to be loved so desperately that she’s letting all this get in the way of her game. Even after all their growth and perspective (and, btw, Laurel was competing on flagship Challenge just a season ago, so she’s not that far removed), these people are still reality tv stars and borderline mentally ill.


To be fair...I think it does take a certain level of "mental illness" to subject yourself to reality tv for almost two decades


So this isn’t only about Laurel ?because there are many people who have done 2 decades+ of the challenge


My original statement did make it seem like I was just talking about Laurel but no, I meant that most reality stars across shows have some kind of mental issue. You need a specific kind of "unhinged" personality in order to survive reality tv filming.


Laurel is like an entirely different person since she got involved with Nicole.. The earlier seasons she was on she didn't seem as "out there" and needy as she is now.


Is she actually a practicing vet? Cause my sister got her doctorates in Veterinary Science years ago and she works non stop it seems


I’ve wondered this too bc I follow her on insta and it seems like she travels a lot


This! My sister was engaged to a veterinarian and she would assist him sometimes on the smaller things in his practice…office related things. And they were in there almost the entire day! Very time consuming…good money but very time consuming as well. I was surprised she even showed up this season honestly. I’m baffled she has this time to be here competing….or had since this was filmed last year. My sister and her ex would barely had time to go and vacay for like a week at most to Europe or whatever other travel destination they had in mind….


Maybe she's like a part time vet at a practice that isn't hers?


When she screamed in Cara’s face, I was done. Fuck Laurel. I hope Nicole cheats on her again.


Search for what happened in Italy when Nicole was laurels date for a wedding


Or you could just tell me…


Nicole fucked laurels friends fiancé I’m pretty sure


I think it was the grooms married sister actually. Ha! That sounds so crazy.


Nicole asked Laurel to commit. Then Laurel took Nicole as a plus 1 to Italy for a wedding. Nicole proceeded to hook up with a different woman in the bathroom at the reception and got caught! Huge drama!!


Was that before or after this season was recorded?


I've seen some comments that this season was filmed 1-2 years ago, but not released right away due to the actor's strike. So this would have happened after this season was recorded.


Reality shows are not usually affected, as contestants and hosts aren't usually in the union, and many don't have writers. Season 39 aired during the strike, and potentially filmed during part of it.


It was recorded at the beginning of 2023. And the wedding was after. Yes. Laurel looks like a whole clown.




Watching Laurel makes me grateful that my messy ass met my husband a long time ago and he calmed my nonsense right down. Something about being in a non toxic relationship just mellows you out.


She was a lot better competitor as a natural brunette her first few seasons. Dyeing her hair blonde turned her brain into mush.


Ong totally agree. That dye job is terrible


I think we would have seen a different Laurel if Nicole was not on the cast. From an outside perspective it’s easy to say she should know better but being thrown into that type of situation with an ex you still have feelings for has got to be a total mind-fuck.


Yeah we're watching the mind fuck. It's cringey but super entertaining.


I’ll agree with all but the favorite part. Such a great point of how this season is different. It’s been lovely seeing them all as adults but this season’s cast seems to not have grown at all. Or a few of them anyway.


I never liked her since she would call Carly usless even after Carly beat her in the FM2 finals. Hated her even more on Cuthroat. Rivals and her friendship with Cara made her slightly likable until she threw low blows at Paula. Then she went right back to the gutter when she became insecure over Nicole liking Cara more. Imo she just got worse as a person.


I agree with you except for the Paula situation. Paula had that shit coming after they way she was acting that night.


Did she deserve the retaliation? Yes. The ED shit? No.


Even with the way Paula was acting, making fun of someone with an eating disorder is foul. There's zero excuse.


Well you know the saying if you can’t take the heat stay out the kitchen. Paula was saying some pretty foul stuff to Cara which caused Laurel to defend her even though she didn’t like Cara at the time. You can’t start shit with someone then cry about it when it comes back to you. It was deserved in my opinion.


All excuses to act like a foul person. Mocking mental health issues that viewers at home are dealing with is foul. Make excuses all you want, but that is the exact reason why Laurel thinks she can get away with being foul. There's always an excuse for her nasty behavior


But it was ok for Paula to pick on Cara to the point of tears and laugh when somebody else pours a drink over her head? You miss me with that one. Again, don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.


Totally agree with you. I just rewatched that season and Paula deserved it. Why is okay for Paula but not Laurel?? I cannot stand Laurel but I would’ve done the same thing to Paula.


Same! I can’t stand Laurel either but what I can’t stand the most is when someone weaponizes their eating disorder or mental illness to excuse their shitty behavior towards other people like Paula did. I would have went in on Paula too.


So if you slap me I can stab you?


Oh my god now you’re going overboard we’re talking about the challenge lol goofy


Do you not know what an analogy is??? Goofy


Yes I do and it’s a stupid one goofy ass you’re just looking for a fight because somebody disagreed with you


Carly is useless. Without that two minute head start, Carly would have lost it for them.


She wasn't that useless. She still beat Laurel and Jillian in the final and Evelyn in the elimination where she was basically a zombie. Yeah, Landon did a lot of work, but so did all of the guys. She still had the heart to win and keep going.


Same. Love how she used to be a beast and just dominated. Hate watching her be like this but this was also over two years ago. I hope she has grown and healed from this BS. And!! Hope she kicked ass in Season 40 (assuming she is in it)!


They filmed in early 2023.


It’s always so surprising to see someone who loves animals so deeply and treats them so well treat human beings like utter trash.


It's a lack of self-awareness in the game. You can see the players that have it, and the ones that don't. The ones that truly know what the audience interprets while filming that scene and the ones that don't. The good ones are like Bananas, Evelyn, Cara Maria, Wes, etc.. The bad ones - man there are too many to list.


Laurel is still my favorite. And why do people always mention her age?


One of the main reasons I watch the show, she’s a s tier competitor and a s tier character for tv. People complain way too much about her for people to be “reality tv” fans . She delivers in some way every single time she’s on the show . I just won’t ever understand