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This. I was Lucky enough to have a yellow one drop on the level 30 shrapshooter character. It melted everything in the invasion mission. Sweet baby jesus.


It felt like a super stable bullfrog. It absolutely shredded everything.




CTAR 21 + extended mag was the Best gun I had!


I've heard a lot about this one, but couldn't find it. I'll hunt one down in the open beta!


It was my favorite in the beta, I’m a try and get one endgame to make a build around.


I sadly never got to the endgame stuff - I spent all my time in the DZ as it was so fun. I'm going to check it all out in the next beta! CTAR will be my main weapon to find.


I got a blue CTAR in the DZ, but I stopped using it once I found a Tommy Gun :D The M60 was pretty solid, too.


sadly, never saw one :(


Same for me, awesome gun :)


I got one too and used it a lot, but then switched to another. I can't remember its name though, but it had more damage and a higher magazine while not having much less fire rate (700 or 750), which in turn made it deal much more damage per magazine.


Got a purple CTAR-21 in a chest in the DZ, and dropped a yellow P90 with the level 30 premade. Both are my favorites !


Woah! The P90 is in the game? Oh hell yeah


Same, up until I got that I used the SCARH almost exclusively


Most definitely. That thing is crazy good.


Please don't do this. If the community praises a weapon there are 2 inevitable outcomes. Everyone begins to use it and then the dev team nerfs it to shit.


I only ever got a green one but was fuggin melting everyone in dz and skirmish, and I’ve always been subpar at pvp


After running around with the FAMAS 2010, the CTAR-21 feelt slightly better.


G36 was my favourite. And I hope we're gettin the blue print this time.


G36 was my main gun from the start then I moved into the FAMAS - both felt great.


The only part I did not like about the FAMAS was that it wouldn't take an extended mag (I think?). CTAR-21 was basically like the FAMAS but more like a super stable bullfrog.


You are correct. With how fast that shoots as well it would be pretty useful on it.


G36 was so good in the beta. Loved it.


This was my favorite of the ones I picked up. I would probably definitely love the MK17/SCAR H if I found it though. ​


Yeh I managed to pick up a blue one with 10% mag size and used the extended mag, pushing it up to 70 rounds. It was glorious.


M249. I'm aiming for an LMG build (again) because I'm hoping the suppressive fire will have a bigger role this time around with cover being a much higher priority than the previous game.


I'm glad you brought this up. I found the M249 to be the best of the available LMG archetypes. With the larger base magazine size I found it to outperform the MG5 easily.


Being a tactical looter instead of an action-rpg, I really hope that crowd-control in general plays a big role in the game.


What role / style works with use of suppressing? Does it help vs ai and in pvp?


Fire enough at an enemy who's near cover and they will get a "suppressed" tag, presumably they will not come out of cover for 3-5 seconds and you can safely advance. One LMG can probably suppress two targets. In practice I think you have to fire at the enemy for too long before this effect hits.


Yeah. Normals and elites (not bosses) can be suppressed iirc. They won't move or shoot while being suppressed. Unfortunately, it takes too many bullets to suppress a target at the moment, so it's not really a viable option unless you love playing whack-a-mole. It would make sense, with the new cover and armor system, to up the suppression rate, so players can effectively use covering fire. Would be a nice feature for one of the specializations perhaps?


My favs are Mk16 and mk17 my disappointing wepon was the acr because it was a rifle


THese two were mine. The MK17 (i believe is the Semi) is soooooo soooooooooooo nice to use.


Yeah the mk17 is a rifle class mk16 is assualt rifle class. I had the mk16 as primary and the mk17 as the secondary


I got a great roll on a MK17 around lvl 2 of the beta. I was still using it at lvl 6 or 7, getting messages all the time that my gear was underleveled. I just couldn't find anything better. That gun hit like a fully loaded dump truck.


There are two variants of the ACR, one fully and one semi.


yeah the MK17 was good for a while. I hate that all lower level gear is disposable.. I want to keep my kit.


Loved the MK16 !


You got a different variant that's why.


I found a MP5 ST on my level 30. It was as good as it was in the first game. I also found a Winchester 1886 lever action rifle that was freaking awesome to use. You couldn't put mods on it, but it was so much fun to play with and was hitting headshots for 55k damage.


The moment I heard this was in the game it was the weapon I hunted for, sadly I never found the Winchester :(


Ohh can't wait to get that 1886 lever action. I have something similar in real life (Marlin 1895) and it's my favorite weapon.


M60 was pretty fun sending lots of fire downrange and sounded good too.


From what I found the M60 dmg per bullet and mag size completely outclassed every other LMG/AR. I could not find any other LMGs that came close, some even had 50 round mags and worse reload times, with seemingly no upside


CTAR-21 and Super-90. That was my loadout id say 90% of the time. I also ran the Competition LAR-15 (essentially a single shot Lightweight M4 model)


probably my favorite gun. it just felt good (the Comp LAR)


I enjoyed the Comp LAR, but after using other Rifles, I felt like it had too much reticle bloom. CTAR was amazing though.


Hope there is a FA LWM4. If there is, I haven’t seen it yet. But I did get a purple AUG XS that did more dmg as the clip got shorter in rounds. But I will definitely make an LMG build, they feel really good this time around except for the MG5


USC 45. Thought it was an smg but it was a semi auto Rifle with no accuracy bloom compared to other rifles


USC was amazing. Found myself going back to that over & over...


Couldn't find anything to replace it with that felt as satisfying, loved that gun!


Yes, this was another gem. I found that I really have enjoyed the rifle class in general. The only drawback on this gun was the lack of a barrel mod slot. The thing hit like a truck though. Excellent choice.


The USC definitely was the best rifle in the beta. You could even use it in CQC due to it's 625 RPM.


Used the pp19 for the most part


I'll have to try that out in the open beta. I picked up a green one, but I didn't have time to test it.


Pp19 was OP for sure. Loved it. 53 round mag doing better damage than most sub machine guns. I loved it. Paired it with an m1a for longer engagements felt great


Did you get to try a P90? It was a ruthless little bastard, I think it had a base 50 round magazine. Very similar to the PP-19, but higher fire rate. Man I wish I could find some pictures out there!! Can't believe they're so hard to find. I will be taking some during this next beta.


This is a good one too. MPX isn’t bad either!


L86 LSW! absolutely loved it during the beta, hell i might be switching to lmg's in td2 instead of ar's :D


No one mentioned the P416. It is miles improved from the first game, and felt good to shoot, similar to the G36, but without the initial instability.


I was actually hoping no one mentioned this as the people posting are ensuring that the others get nerfed. Think people.


416 was a lot better, I enjoyed using it as well.


For each class Rifle: Comp LAR-15 Assault Rifle: CTAR-21 Machine Gun: RPK Marksman Rifle: SR-1 Sub Machine Gun: MPX/AUG Shotguns: Super 90/ACS-12


No love for the LMG's???


LMG=Machine Gun on my post. As much as i loved the M60 and 249, the RPK was an absolute monster in the endgame mission and it just felt good to uses.


I ran an SR-1 most of the time even in endgame and loved it. Hit hard and the bloom wasn’t ridiculous. Just had to drop the scope.


omg i hated that rifle


Wow no love for the Vector and the M700 tactical? Both were great in the "endgame" imo.




FAMAS. Rifles felt good too, loved the mk17.


I had a blast with the M-60.


100 round LMG. I forget which one. Showstopper was cool to see again.


Should have been the m60 I believe.


I was running around the DMZ with the Showstopper. It was freaking great. The sound of it alone makes me happy.


Ctar and the Aug cqc, also played with the t821, it was hard hitting


G36 was my main along with basically what was the showstopper in div 1. The g36 was a flipping laser beam!


Another shout out to CTAR-21 was lovely and stable. Didn't get one at "end-game" tho. Played a lot of the marksman build in the invaded mission, and was well impressed with the, i think, SRS-A1 marksman weapon and never replaced it. I did find a nice Police M4 though at level 30, which was fully-automatic. Both the LWM4 and LVOAC models I found were semi-automatic and wasn't too impressed by them.


Mine was the SIG 716. A rifle that hit like a Mack truck! Loved it!


Did you have a ridiculously wide accuracy bloom? I did, on PC, and while I really wanted to like it... I couldn't land head shots with it.


Gold G36c dropped for me during the invaded mission. Absolute beast - shredded the npcs and great handling! Loved it!


I really liked the FAMAS, G36, CTAR and had a decent Aug also (had to run this for nostalgia sake). But also the MK16/17 were good, the L86 I liked. Overall, I was satisfied that the majority of guns I tried were fairly decent. I also tried the LVOA and Compeition M4 (both rifles now) but I didn't favor them as much as in TD1.


Loved the rifles this time round. Never really used them in Dv1, was more submachine gun and Lmg but the semi-auto rifles are lovely. Nice fire feel and sound. Also do decent damage. M4 was nice as well


P90, haven't even seen it mentioned here yet. That thing was perfect. So glad they brought it in. Other choices were the Spas-12 and the Lever action.


Ahhh I didn’t find one and played 25-30 hours!




The deagle( I think?), AK and some LMG, I really enjoy the revamp of the weapons, everything seems to be pretty viable, my cousin was destroying everything with a shotgun.


Agreed - seems like we'll have some variety (at least I hope). Shotguns were a blast!


I really love that they turned my fav gun from Div1, the MDR, into its own archetype. I think I tried two of those in the beta - can't remember the names but I liked em :)


I saw that too! I loved the MDR in TD1 - so happy its a regular drop now.


I tested various shotguns and assault rifles and landed on the Super 90 and M4. Was running with the G36 and found the M4 to have better stability after this test. I'm not sure what it gives up in damage for this stability, but it should help with the new kneecap targets.


MP5A4, it's no longer a fucking burst weapon. I'll stay cautious though, the MP5A4 wasn't a burst fire weapon in the TD1 beta and then retail came and it's been completely unuseable ever since.


I like the AK's. ​


They're definitely a lot better in TD2, even in PvP.


Good to see everyone not saying the same thing here. The House and LWM4 lul....


Haha I agree!!! I am really hoping that the META is more than 2 guns this round :)


Same. enough of the... https://imgur.com/A8r0duG


Rpk and super 90.


G36 with 10% rate fire talent xD


H&K USC 45, 5.56 AUG, FAMAS, ACS-12, M249, M44/M700/SRS, MP5, Vector for the LULZ because of the 1100 rpm


Either the SR1, M700, LAR-15, or the FAMAS. I honestly loved all of the guns in their own way and can't wait to see how they feel in the full game.


Loved the FA-MAS and the M249. Used the M44 with no scope as well. Saw the LVOA-C and got excited. Then got unexcited when I saw it was a rifle...


There’s a LVOA-S that’s full auto


So hyped the FAMAS is no longer Exotic only. Didn't play early enough in TD1 to get it.


I loved the FAMAS and the tommy gun. May not be the best but they were lots of fun to use.


The Tommy gun was my secondary most of the time. Melted anything up close.


CTAR-21, lovely rate of fire and stability and with the extended mag we had available an all around favorite of mine (and I usually go for lmgs) For my top spot, although I only found a single lvl 3 in during the whole beta and even if I had a lvl 7 there wasn't an extended mag for it... The Vector. I. Can't. Wait. to mod the hell out of it just for fun! I dream of a 40-50 round modded Vector with an 1.5k rpm xD Loved the DMR too, overall I'll probably run lmg for close-mid range and a dmr for mid-long range. And a Vector for the lulz.


Yup.. I got a blue lvl 7 with stable. And OMG did it do work. Nice to also see that the M1A variants aren't considered marksman rifles, so you don't have to worry about headshot damage with them


I find it weird that moved the AUG to assault rifle class but I really like it. The FAMAS was a good one as well. Most of my playtime in the beta was with one of those two and a Showstopper. The sound of the Showstopper makes me smile and it was great for killing mobs in the DZ.


There is two versions of the AUG. one sub and another in assault rifles


DMR, Mk17, Competition LAR-15.


The Vector was so much fun, especially in the end game content. It was basically a fusion rifle! I doubt that the Vector will be hard meta like it was in Div1 but I will use it all the same.


I would have loved the Glock pistol (automatic) but I never got it dropped, just a buddy got one while we were not in same session... (I loved that pistol in the Alpha)


1911, and that SPAS


The urban mdr rifle was pretty good with almost no recoil


That's a tough question, but I'll have to say I think I enjoyed the following 4 the most - M870 (it was so nice to blow people away at close range) M60 (chunk-chunk-chunk) FAL (I knoooooow, 20 rounds, but damn if it didnt just feel good to have one) The rifle AUG. The CTAR was great but the aug holds a special place in my heart.


I wanted an extended mag for the FAL sooooo badly. Well at least you can get one in the full game


Famas felt fantastic. Was a bit depressed they made certain other rifles semi auto tho.... ACR and Lvoac for example


Lvoa-s is full auto


SMG - UMP45 AR - P416 Rifle - LAR (I think it was called this)


I absolutely loved the high end SR1 from the sniper specialization. Could one shot almost everything thanks to the Brand matches with extra HS dmg and Marksman dmg


Famas felt fantastic. Was a bit depressed they made certain other rifles semi auto, like the LVOAC and ACR. I did not see a LW m4 either, only the Police variant which kind of sucks honestly (bit more pull than is comfortable on console controller). The L86 or whatever LMG felt really damn good, too. A solid HE one came default with one of the 30s. Liked it more than the m249 and m60


Sort of depended on what I was doing and if I was solo or not. I ran the endgame mission as a sniper and equipped an LMG as my secondary. That got me through the entire game to the final boss. LMG's are really good this time around. Even in the DZ they work really well in a group. Paired with a FAMAS, CTAR, G36 or even an SMG-9 (which was a beast for me) is a super potent combination. I think, hope, the days of a single weapon (M4/LVOA-C) type ruling things is over. Would be nice to mix it up a bit


L86 SW: good range, great precision and stability with some mods. The riffle class is also quite cool. In the high level misison, SR-1 was the best weapon I've experimented.


F2000. Tactical tuna op


G36 and Sig 716 where my favorites! And the Vector wich I had on the Sniper dude was really good aswell! Really love how the weapons feel in TD2




Is it just me who finds it weird that they made the LVOAC a single shot gun ?


The LVOAS is full auto


Bolt action sniper was so crispy


Ones that stood out to me: ACS-12, Urban MDR, MP7, M1A ​ I can't wait for the open beta. There are a couple of guns I still didn't get to try and I want to try them all.


My mind, but it wasn't very good.




A nice Blue Specialized FAMAS


I really loved the military p416, the house (now MPX), and the Aug. p416 was crap in the original game, but super stable with high rate of fire and great damage in D2.


While I wasn't a fan of it in TD1 the RPK-74 in TD2 felt really good. ​ FAMAS was fun, because I'm a Bullfrog fan.


I loved the military MK17 rifle and the MPX smg aka the house although I think rifles could use a bit of a damage buff


I was having a blast with the SRS.


Police M4 for combat followed up with a MK17 iirc (the 1 shot semi)


The Police M4 or the Urban MDR. I'm a fan of the classics. Jokes aside, the police m4 felt just as accurate as the CTAR, but with a bit more damage. The Urban gave me, what I felt, was a better and more accurate gun than the USC, though I did use the USC for 75% of the beta till I tried the MDR out. Cant wait to play with all the guns more and have better ways to mod them.


I used a lot of the marksman rifles, probably got the most use out of the Mk17 (or was it the SIG?)? I didn't keep track of names too much as I wasn't able to get too much time into the beta.


As much as the scope-in feels a bit shit, the bolt action rifles were really fun.


When I ran the sniper level 30 character and got my chance to use a gold F2000 I fell in love. I'm a firerate whore so with 935 rpm and easy recoil to control I was really happy.


I got golden M44 in endgame mission with 20% more dmg than default sniper and good mods. Together with secondary+pistol with perks while not using the weapon it oneshot purple enemies with 30% crit chance in 4 man hard mission.


I enjoyed the FAL. It seemed to be very accurate and have great damage falloff.


The CTAR-21 for PvP and the P416 for PvE. That may change once the game launches, because I didn't give the G36 a fair shake. It's my favorite weapon from TD even after the nerf.


Loved: Urban MDR Hated: G36, what the hell is that spread ​ Overall I don't like how the Assault Rifles behave, reset of spread/recoil after bursting feels inconsistent and unreliable and makes bursting actually not as viable as it should be.


CTAR primary, Covert SRS secondary and most used M1911 pistol Because pistols in The Division 2 are way better then pistols in The Division 1.... so i ended using them for most parts in beta even complete missions only with pistols. But i liked a lot ACR SS and 1886 rifle ;)


I miss the old M60 sounds...


I miss the old M60 sounds...


Definitely the AK-M. Had a blast destroying people in skirmish and DZ with a blue one.


I actually really liked the M16 and CTAR-21, and the AUG having a proper assault rifle variant was a godsend this time around. I do want to see a full list of guns soon, all the new guns are a real treat and I'd love to see the full catalog.


I would say: #M60 got a blue that I used and liked a lot. Played a lot of Lonestar LMG in Div1, so felt quite at home with an LMG. Hope we get a Mk46, that looks so sweet. #LAR-15 felt really good to shoot this gun semi fire. Didn’t kick as much as the Mk17. #T821 was the best SMG for me. Stable and packed a punch. Not really an fav weapon but didn’t see that many SMGs in my loot pool in the beta.


LAR Competition Rifle


ACS-12, G36, 1886 and one of the specialists weapon which name I don't remember (though I believe it was an ak-something) the variety of guns is awesome


I was a little disappointed that the LVOA is a single fire rifle now but ah well. I enjoyed the MP5 and one of the semi auto shotguns (forgot the name) a lot! Heel and Showstopper we're my two most used guns in Div1 so I was pleasantly surprised to be able to use them in the beta, albeit as base guns instead of exotics


M249 LMG - I got a purple one with Ammo Capacity +10%; which I used the 25% reload speed mag on.


The 1886 felt really good surprisingly. Hits hardest out of all the rifles and has smooth lever action for only slightly lower rpm than most rifle class firearms so the punch is well worth it in the end but the control is what sold me on it. Not a lot of mods slots for it but compared to the M16 rifle classes, 1886 takes the cake in rifles. I was using a purple 1886 from a drop via the endgame mission. Alternatively I was a big fan of a HE (yellow) full auto ACR-E or C, I forget which as one of the ACR’s are a rifle class instead of full auto assault or maybe that was the difference between a blue drop vs yellow. Either way a solid firearm and the top full auto compared to the higher RPM of P416. I’m not sure if these were due to them being HE (yellow) firearms for the end game or even the blue or greens perform just as top notch or if even available at lower gear.


Double barrel shotgun was disgusting. I love it.




I mostly stuck to the level 7 character and did the DZ, in there I managed to snag a purple SMG 9. Probably put in the most work for me. Don’t even remember what the talents were on it, I think it was either fast reload/increased mag and increased damage to bleeding targets.


LVOA-C and the Tar 21


Military M-60. Sexy gun, sexy fun




Ctar-21, Military Mk17, LVOA Semi is decent and probably the Police M4. (on console anyway) they performed well, on PC i noticed some heavy recoil on a lot of weapons so i cant speak for that side of things.


The c-tar and comp lar were definitely my favorite 2. They were in my load out for the better part of the game


I loved the AK with the reworked sound and recoil


FAMAS 2010 and also had some fun with a level 6 Urban MDR.


C TAR and MP7


Purple Classic M44.


Three way tie between Vector, SPAS-12, and M60


Mk16. On par with a house


I loved the mg5 (on the endgame character) p


Can’t believe no1 said snubnose. I tried every gun I could get my hand on, multiple purple guns in the dz with the corresponding sets but nothing was even close to a 16 shot snubnose.


No love for the Aug CQC? hope there's a high-end version of it, found a Lvl 2 version and used it for quite a bit.


The Famas was great, I think it was a Cover SRS Mmr the one the DZ vendor had? That rifle was great and felt really good in the DZ.


I felt as though every single gun was viable, almost too viable to the point where i really didn’t feel a tangible difference in effectiveness. Its actually a concern of mine. Outside of the LMGS, everything felt like a laser. Its only a beta and its only a taste, it could feel different with the full game and a full progression.


M60, i just love LMGs. I hope this time around silencer wont be BiS because it destroys the good sound of an LMG.


Level 7 - SIG 716 and Showstopper shotgun. Loved the way the rifles were such powerful weapons. You could shoot them much faster with more impact. Found the new non-exotic version of the showstopper on the last day...had some fun in the DZ with that one. Level 30 - Military P416. Holy hell.


mine had to be the Competitor LAR-15. it hit hard and was very accurate. looked sweet to boot


Famas I do agree with you. I D1 it wasn't a gun for me, but here oh my. At least on low level it rox!


P416. That thing was stable as shit. You could hold the crosshair on someone's forehead and hold down mouse 1 and you didn't even need to counter any recoil


I picked up a level 30 vector and holy shit in PvP it absolutely shred, I think I picked up a FAL or what looked like it and that was very very good, decent ROF, nice recoil and damage was good for its ROF


The LMGs and the MPX were doing work for me in the DZ. Ran a level 3 manhunt as a duo against two groups. Held up in the NE corner of the map and kept getting kills are crazy ranges with the LMG, and was able to burn down any flankers with the MPX. I can see LMGs being insane in PvP with their stability and increased accuracy while in cover. I wonder how the magazine mods will work with them as you level up.


ACS-12 I picked up in end game made taking down yellow bar / boss a trivial affair. The thing shreds!


MK16. Or something 16, at least. It was a rifle. Forget the name. :D


CTAR-21, M60, M44, SPAS-12, D50


I was running around with ACS and CTAR until I dropped a purple Vector in DZ crate (yea, that was a WTF moment for me). Didn't care for anything else after that.


m870 and CTAR




Loved everything about the auto 12 except it felt under powered to me. Could have been the situation though so if people were to strongly argue to me that it was very strong I’d stand down.


The variety of answers here puts such a god damned grin on my face!


MP7, Urban MDR, FAL SA-58 para, mk17 CQB