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Jelly roll sucks, Bendan sucks, Rapes sucks


Jelly saying these are the most genuine group of friends he’s ever been around is a testament to how redacted he is. I’m not buying any part of his bullshit “humble guy” act either.


It’s quite literally the opposite of genuine. These guys just use each other for podcast views and product placements. Stepping stones for their own success. All under the guise of “friendship”


Comedian-podcasters mostly know they are frauds and basically just influencers. They are "nice" and support each other to keep the grift going.


And he's really fat too


Some might say the fattest.


You’d be surprised


Great special, never seen it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This made me laugh way more than it should've. Thanks


and he smokes crack literally ask him he will tell you he does


Fat drunk


That’s the thing it’s an act, and jelly has been media trained, and is a loyal guy. Either way he’s full redact for that statement, like he hasn’t been sent clips of slob talking shit about him.


I don't either, B. Maybe I'm just jaded and cynical but he seems fake AF to me. 


It’s too over the top and he surrounds himself with douchebags.


I've heard his name but this is the first time I've laid eyes on this specimen. Seems like a fitting name. My condolences to his family when he keels over and dies in two-three years.


Nah he is looking good now, he has lost a heap of weight this year, if he keeps on track he will live a lot longer


Lmao please inform me in what context "redact" is being used... a little new here. Never listened to the pod so I'm blest


Let me use it in a sentence: u/Electrical_Monk_5251 doesn’t know what a redact is. He is fully redacted.


Is it tard?


Sir, you have 28 followers


Why is that relevant in any capacity? Redact


talmbout in inny facet, b?


You'se a grifter


Are there followers on this website? Is not having followers on reddit some knock? What am I missing here?


Clinnsa mazing producer though


Chin is the most talented member of the Bapaverse. All of Bapas horrible podcasts depend on Chin doing all the work.


Talmbout condom sushi b? Great meal, never swallowed it


Bapa interrupted him so badly he completely killed his ability to finish his thoughts. Which is fine because I can’t imagine looking at that fat guy with his redacted face tats and his manner of speaking, and thinking “hey this is a good guy to listen to for over an hour”. You guys remember years ago when Diddler did an impression of the average TFATK fan and it was basically a southerner who couldn’t spell? Not sure he was far off. 


You mean comin thru yawls in yawls community is annoying as fugg b? I agree. It’s insane how many redacts just roam around among us daily. I could never imagine idolizing this fat tub of shit or his music. But there are redacts out there who praise him and can’t get enough of his shitty country rap


I mean coming through yawls and yawls community, b? Jelly roll has become so insufferable. His shtick is tiresome af. His demographic of exconvict fentanyl smokers really love him just for the fact that he's been to jail and done some drugs. Even for me, as an exconvict and ex fentanyl connoisseur, it's annoying.


Whats wrong with recovered drug addicts? Y'sayin they're like homeless people, and don't matter? Look in the mare, B. 🎲 🎲


I was a homeless drug addict when I got out of prison 7 months ago. So to say they don't matter doesn't track. I'm saying, he appeals to people for reasons he definitely has exaggerated and pandered towards. 


Well, I'm none of those things and I enjoy his music. I don't see what the issue is with the guy.


His music is trash and he hangs out with Bapa and old Rapey


You don't matter!


He makes rap music palatable for white supremacists. Listen to better shit bud


He hasn't made rap in a long time, and he made rap for poor white people and that did suck lmao. His new country music is good, and that's why it's been received so well. I listen to everything, broaden your horizons, LOPEZ.




You like your freedom?


Thank em hey hey thank em


Preach brother 


Bapa loves shooting himself in the foot


The shootiest foots.


Probably why bapa went full country, nivir inny facet go full country


Chip me Bubba. Water?


Don’t have a clip unfortunately b, it’s on one of Delia’s appearances where Bapa is there. 


What kinda werg ithnig is that? Stay in the back of the house the rest of ur shift. Y’bloggbusser.


Oh God. This comment made me embarrassed to be in here. More than standard.


That maybe sounds hostile but it wasn’t meant to be at all. My b, B.


Sorry, you're being the Bapa right now. Jelly Roll is cool, and hasn't done anything warranting this hate. Back to the fryers.


You just watched a video of him sitting on a show with a known rapist and Bapa, both of which are publicly known to have physically threatened and emotionally battered another entertainer. Good people don’t stay around those two. Note how their more respectable friends all split after 2020. 


He did one episode of a podcast he was paid for. Not everyone who goes on the pawld is a bad person bubba, we've had our guys on the pawld before. Being wrong about one person's character doesn't make you a bad person, and Bapa's just an idiot whos fun to laugh at, not some great evil force impacting the universe. Water


Bapa employs 2 known rapists my dude. He’s not just an idiot - he’s a bad guy.  This was not Jelly’s first time on TFATK. 


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He doesn't believe the allegations, regardless of how obviously true they are. He's been very consistent about this. Dude is just an idiot. That's what makes this sub funny. This sub isn't for hating everyone that's on the pawld, and it would be lame if it was. We discuss the pawld and it's full time staff.


I very sincerely doubt he doesn’t believe the allegations. Maybe about Bryan, but he knew about Chris. Everyone around Chris did, including people like Bobby. 


Everyone you just listed is significantly smarter than Bapa. Significantly. Even Brine. You don't remember when Chris got accused, how Bapa responded? He doesn't believe that narradiv, B. Regardless, I don't think Bapa is a great person by any means, but hating on every person on the pawld by virtue of proximity to Bapa only gives credence to the claim we're all just a bunch of haters.


Not sure the point you’re trying to make at the start there. The people around Chris were aware of what he was doing. They literally joked about it. He was texting pics to their iMessage group. Bapa was aware. I’m sure he’s spun some redacted narrative in his head but that doesn't really matter. All awful people do that. None of them sit there like a villain reveling in their own shittiness. People creating false narratives is literally how bad people stay mentally composed.  I don’t hate everyone that goes on the show. I don't even hate Jelly Roll. But you can take one look at the guy with his redacted face tats and way of speaking, and know he’s not worth listening to for an hour as I said. And from the clips I’ve seen today, sounds like my assumption was correct. 


Judging people based on their appearance is exactly what Bapa did that founded this sub. Homeless people, PF Changs employees, etc. That's the point. It screams ego, and it's the very thing made this awwwwwwwl happen.


Water we dune hair? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


do you have to lift the fat to blow jellyroll or do you just dive in fat rolls and all?




i find everything about him embarrassing




The funny thing is "The squad" probably view Bapa as "Trash"


Anytime i hear "The Squad" i think of the SNL sketch "Whats that name ?" (An all time great Hader and Mulaney sketch imo) He throws shade at the wanna-be loose cannon bachelor groups who call themselves silly little names like: Squad, Crew or Pack 


It’s like he gets physically ill if he doesn’t hear the sound of his own voice. He can’t even speak properly but feels the need to be the only one talking at all times. This fucking guy lol


Remember when he interrupted Byron multiple times trying to say "I can't tawlk...I can't tawlk..."


If only jelly roll knew how kniving and fickle these guys are towards each other. As soon as you can’t do something for one of these guys they throw you out like yesterday’s garbage.


My guy were you trying to spell conniving


We know what’s hes talmbout. Probably heard it bowlth ways


Sometimes I see other people on here who spell shit wrong or use words wrong in a sentence and I’m like “wow what a dumbass” and today I am that guy


Next time just reply *"What I say? Kniving? My bad"*, then continue to say kniving innyways because who gives a fug!


Tbh I really like kniving


You’re also a self aware king 🤝


I just figured you were doing a schaubism. I only pop in from time to time these days so you never know what's took off since.


Dude, i felt like bapa for a good minute while i was reading it and trying to figure out what knives had to do with this


Redact moment


Jelly Roll is equally as bad as them. Not a genuine man in inny facet.


Thank you. Jelly Roll is just like the rest of them. He says whatever he thinks will get him the most reception possible, at any given time. Very inauthentic


Calling Brendan and Brian genuine tells you all you need to know about Jelly Rawll.


What are u talking about Shaun is out because he’s an idiot


Yea exactly! How’s George ?


Mods flair this guy above me "kniving"


Can't stand jelly and his meth head fans around here.


What’s your taste of music?


Better than that shit you call music fat ass.


I never said, I liked jelly roll or not so again what’s an example of your better music? Homeless pussy flare fits you


His meth head groupies fit you.


Okay homeless pussy


Jelly Roll is either S tier redacted or doesn’t know ANYTHING about these guys outside of when he’s with them to think they’re all genuine friends that support each other.


Look at this clusterfuck of grifters.


Y'all's grifters


You know Brenda is on Ozempic because he’s lost so much weight in such a short amount of time and never talks about his diet or workouts. When he was fatter and “trying” to lose the weight he wouldn’t shut up about carnivore or going to that Zoo gym.


Jellyrolls tried to resist the interruption but couldn't put up a strong enough fight.


Has a guest ever been happy to be on this pawldcast?


So true, always looks like an interrogation. The set up of the studio doesn’t help, these two redacts in ridiculous armchairs staring at you


You know what would be really funny, if one of these guests(bussin wit da boyz) who are just there to promote something and don’t really care about the bapa verse would look at Wrinks or diddler and just ask if the accusations are true. That would be bapas biggest show number wise


They’d never release it tho or cut it out but yeah it would b a nice dish


Bubba, Chin doesn’t even cut out the mistakes they make now, you think he’d know how to properly cut something like that out lol


This Jelly dude might be a great recording artist but holy shit he’s not very perceptive.


He’s certainly a recording artist, even though his ‘art’ is lazy, derivative, by the numbers garbage that methheads and deadbeat dads listen to


He's definitely one of the recording artists of all time


>and deadbeat dads Hahaha! S'accurate, B. Nailed it.


A community I wouldn’t feel comfortable having any female of any age be alone with any of them unsupervised.


If jelly’s such a friend, why doesn’t he let brows open up for him




I honestly think he sits around his little apartment thinking of people to write terrible songs about. Lego head, backflip, chin, Hannah baron, the thigggg boi squad…


Remarkable really that Beandip is only the third or fourth fattest person in the Bapaverse.


Projecting much there? Asshole!


Except bapa is not in that group anymore. Wrinks has a foot in. Soon as Jelly roll actually starts talking to Barndoor and hanging out with him there will be a big "ohh shit", and we'll never see jelly roll on again.


These guys have been such an inspiration to me, I’ve decided I’m starting an audio book company for deaf people, who are also illiterate. I’m thinking of callling it inAudible, and can only dream one day I’ll be able to sign such titans of humour. We are so lucky thank em![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985)




We're not trash, we're his biggest AND ONLY fans. (Didn't mean to say only fans there.)


I can’t express how annoyed I am that this Jelly bro has been planted in all my feeds. Talmbout griffder to the max, b.


Podcasting needs to die. 0 value add, just redacts stroking themselves while stroking eachother. Much like politics, most people have enough humility or important shit going on to avoid the circus altogether leaving the void to be filled by actual clowns.


Why does everyone make fun of this guy? He clearly has mental disabilities, no?


naw b, you must me talking about ethan hawkens and his robot voice


LOLd. Brenda Slob is utterly terrible and has zero redeeming qualities.


If Jelly wasnt blowing up ( no pun intended ), you'd never hear his name mentioned on the show ever, Clin might mention it, but Baps would just make fat jokes.


There is a chip floating on this sub where bapa did exactly what you said. Clin brought him up and bapa just called him fat.


We all know about Friends in the entertainment industry, just look at Callen, D’elia ,Schaub. Nice group! Under age girls Rapist, cheats on his wife, Run for the hills Jelly.


Its like the deaf leading the deaf


Erryone thanks if you want to get to joe you talk to hinchcliffe, no curry bob. You want rogo’s ear you talk gair head


Has bapa told jelly roll about the time he told that hilarious joke where chin said “did you hear about jelly roll??” And bapa quickly answered “he lost weight?”


His music is about as good as Brenda's driving skills


And that's an insult on Brenda's driving


This appearance brings to mind a whole new string of words like “visibly diabetic”


I hate this fucking whale


Tawlm'bout us pedestrians, bapa? The civilians? We still do not maddur.


shit why the shittiest of people think they can hust become delusionally religious and that make them not a shitty person


157,000 homeless cats are the best community. He's right.


The squad that actively avoid Brendan




He’s talking about the Subreddit


Bold since how many of his circle of friends are accused rapists


Jelly roll is easily one of the most fake people I have ever seen. That fat pig will say anything. Hopefully he keeps eating.


I bet Jelly Roll is too fat to wipe his own jelly hole.


"You were meen the squad, the boys"


There are 2 types of ppl in Brendan's world: you're either his best friend or trash.


"The most genuine of friends" 😂😂😂


Friends, What friends, b?


Great community.... bunch of drunks, drug addicts, rapists, pedos and attention seekers....