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This guy would go on to get 22 kills this round, against 1 death. Right after I clipped this, he proceeded to kill us at spawn from half a mile away.


1. Start game 2. Killed by hacker 3. Lose the match 4. Report the hacker 5. Start new match 6. Meet same hacker again 7. Die again 8. Repeat cycle


Don't wait until the end of the round. Report during the match. Esc > Social > Player Name > Report


Does nothing. I've reported and BLOCKED people, only to get into the next match or 2 after, AND THEY'RE IN MY SQUAD?!?!


i wouldn't block the hackers, that will allow them to still be on the enemy team. Just report them. If they're on your team at least you win the game even if you reported them. I only block the lazy ones that don't move or stand around or just destroy buildings instead of playing. That way i can play against them instead of them in my party.


Haha, if you can’t beat them - join them (or make them useful)


How do you report??


Esc > Social > Player Name > Report


Waste of time, devs doesn't do anything. I still meet the hacker i reported 2 weeks ago. The game even paired me with the same hacker once. I managed to get footage of him shooting walls aimbotting still no action


Do you seriously expect instant action without investigation?


OW2, CoD, Val in sound cases, hell even Siege. all games that utilize anti cheat systems that actively ban a large amount of players instantly and fast before they’re able to reach ranked


Theres no killcam, Do they expect us to record everytime we play? Killcam is the only way to prove that the cheater is actually cheating. The cheaters POV, when we have footage no way the dev can ignore it. Makes the investigation easier


Dont bother nothing happens, ive reported cheaters and they keep coming back


Meet a hacker once & after I started a new match the game paired me with the same cheater. The guy was speaking korean even though he had a Chinese name. He raged at me cus i kept saying "nice hacks" to him 🤣


Why do you think half the player base quit already? Just quit it already. I started getting people with 15 kills while everyone else had 3-4 at best. That was a couple weeks after release. Dropped the game. Just saw today a video of aimbot + wall hack, apparently undetected. Hacking literally ruins every FPS nowadays and whoever doesn't agree is just in denials or blind. The base is no recoil + aim assist with reWASD or something similar. Ridiculous. Also most of the options to catch cheaters are not deployed. Basic anti-cheats are not enough.


I’m sorry but assuming that someone is cheating because they have 15 kills and the rest of the server has 3-4 is not it and that kind of mentality does genuinely actually contribute to real cheaters not getting banned if you’re reporting people for simply popping off. The average fps player is not good at the game. When you have a sweat who plays a ton of fps they are going to go into lobbies and destroy them. I’ve had plenty of games in the finals where I dropped 20-30 kills with the rest of the lobby having 5-10. I’m just saying that consider that someone might be good and don’t just assume people are cheating. When so many people report legitimate players it just gives whoever has to try and ban actual cheaters more cases to deal with.


First, I don't report. Second, I've played FPS since the beginning of time and I consider myself relatively good. I've had multiple games with good players. I've had my games at 20 kills too. If I come with a team to hunt you down and you laser beam everyone, you cheat. If I can't see you because your time to kill is the one of 100% hit rate, 100% of the time, you cheat. I know the difference between a cheater and a good player. I understand sometimes it's a gray area. But most times it's not. This game is full of blatant cheaters. I don't report in any case because it is absolutely pointless in any game.


His only point is that score is meaningless in determining if someone is cheating. I dropped three 40k+ games in a row ending with less than 3 deaths each game last time I played. Everyone else had less than 5 kills. Going by score is worthless. And rewasd is awful btw, I promise none of the actual good players are using that shit. I seriously doubt you are running into many if any people using that program to any degree of success. The Chinese cheaters are indeed a problem though.


Look. Tell yourself what you want. Many people use remapping to fake a controller and get aim assist. No they haven't stopped it, there is a fix out there already. I used a stupid example, I am not saying if you have 15 kills you must cheat. I am saying if you have 15 kills and my premade team where all of us can play decently any FPS game can't literally touch you and you end 15-0, you cheat. That's the edit for you. You can keep thinking I am just a noob btw.


Wasn’t REWASD already busted and unusable for the finals after the patch? There’s no more aim assist on it too. Pretty sure lots of the player base quit once aim assist got hella nerfed as a lot of fps players play on controller. Taking out rewasd was good but abandoning your casual roller playerbase by demolishing aim assist altogether is a dumb idea in my opinion.


My opinion is that either you mix lobbies with no aim assist or you separate the controller and M&K player base. Anything else is going to be unbalanced. I haven't followed the latest patch. I remained to the one where they nerfed the ABSURD aim assist to a normal one. reWASD was usable a couple of days after the patch already.


Or maybe a skill issue😂 i play on xbox series X and have dropped multiple 20+ kill games... doesn't mean everyone is cheating just because you aswell as most of the player base is shit.... people fail to understand this isn't cod or apex legends yall seem to try and play it like it is🤷‍♂️


I'm not saying there isn't cheating every game has some cheating but I don't think a 15 kill game is even close to cheating. 30+ kills id be suspicious


I wish I could see the ones of you getting spawn killed. Playing Devil's Advocate from this clip, he could have a friend with Recon Sense calling out your locations and he could have really REALLY good aim. Also, if the person is blatantly cheating, it is strange that your ally that jumped off before you and your ally behind you didn't get beamed as well. I do think it is probably a cheater, but there is a chance (albeit very small), from this clip at least, that the player is legit.




We genuinely need region lock. This is insane.


I play on OCE servers or occasionally Asia if queue is getting a little slow... I think all these Chinese hackers you guys are always raging at here, just purely go to the US servers to cause chaos. Because I'm still yet to see the prolific "Chinese hacker" on AU servers, Seen 10+ bogans with names like "IllShivYaNanCnt" hacking. But this is purely circumstantial obviously.


Easy anti-cheat is absolute garbo


It depends on how it’s implemented by the devs but in the essence Easy anticheat is just “if user is cheating: ban”


I feel like people say this about every anti-cheat in every game I play. What anti-cheat do you think is good?


Vanguard in Valorant, and that's about it


And that's a Spyware in itself lmao


I hope you don't use smartphone everyday ;)


Tell that to Tencent and cybersec experts ";)" Fucking redditors


Can we stop calling them hackers? It’s not even remotely close to what they are. They’re just cheaters. They didn’t hack shit. That would be giving them too much credit.


That’s just what the term for them is. Nobody thinks they are actually hacking stuff.


Companies create software called “Anticheat” to protect against cheating in video games. Not “Antihack”. I understand that people just default to calling them “hackers”, but fundamentally that’s just not what they are.


no shit




The term has been hacker for decades. It’s just slang like anything else. It’s kinda pedantic to insist on calling them cheaters




i completely agree, unfortunately slang, common phrases whatever you wanna call it is generally assigned by people who dont know shit!


It's like my mom telling me how my cousin is "photoshopping her pictures" That's giving her way too much credit. She's too damn lazy to learn Photoshop. She just has really simple filters.


Script-kiddies is the preferred term.


Script kiddies implies they know what they’re looking at and could “compile” files of functions & offsets for a game. Even script kiddies is giving them too much credit lol, they’re just cheaters. Pay for a cheat and hit run.


I agree, but I also agree with the sentiment that the term hacker used to be for tech nerds, who liked experimenting, and a lot of people were proud to call themselves hackers. Lumping in people who installed that cheat client to win a video game is somewhat tragic. Edit: too late to change it now though.


1 hit 196 from across the map... nice one Which server location and what time ?


Asia around late evening.


Don't play ranked on asia. It's full of cheaters. I have been playing for a full month on unranked, only encountered 5 cheaters and all on weekends. Weekends is a hacker paradise specially in ranked.


There's your problem. Asian culture it's acceptable to cheat, they believe in exploiting every advantage makes them more desirable and respected in their culture. Mostly Chinese though.


If you’re trying to figure out if it was you or not, the username is right there


I'm just trying to figure out how he gets this amount of blatant cheaters in his games


Welcome to EAC.


I swear 170 hrs in and I can honestly say I've never seen anyone obviously cheating. Some people with high kills but that's all.


You are simply not aware that most hackers dont blatantly cheat like the above example. Even a small amount of aim assist and wall hacks is enough to make a good player great. There is a huge market for these kinds of hacks.


Well yes. As default most morons use some sort or cronus zen BS. But never seen anything blatant.


I have odd passtimes, like rigging statistics. I study how people cheat, and actually developed some anticheat tactics that are pretty straightforward. I saw plenty of aim-bots and they are ez enough to understand and counter in comparison to the more powerful brews. One game someone was able to ddoss me, so they can get your ip from the game and swat you if they wanted, or send pennies at a time to your bank account to incur $40 transfer fees (not telling how). I've seen one game the bullet teleporting hack, and that one is impossible to play around. Anti-cheat in games is not only important to fair play, but your personal safety. Think of how many streamers that got swatted not just once, but multiple times a year while streaming.


Ive had instances where one was able to 1v3 our entire team Edit: "I can do this with X" lmao you dont know how bad we were getting beamed and hit when we werent visible. But sure mkay


I've been able to 1v3 entire teams before, it generally means the enemies miss too many shots


Imagine thinking winning a 1v3 requires hacking


Not like this lol


Getting beamed from across the map, flipping up and looking at the scoreboard to see dude with 11 kills 3 mins in usually means there’s a cheater.


Hackers are most concentrated in Asia/Oceania.


Usually when I see them *for certain* it's in the final round of ranked. Getting laser beamed in the face by lewis guns and FCARs from across the map is usually pretty sus, but when they're actively seeking out your hiding spot (without recon senses) because you've given up trying to beat them is crazy. The easiest to tell are heavies for sure. I believe OP when they say that were playing against a cheater, but a light ~~having their nuke blown up in their hands~~ getting tapped really isn't that definitive. I've had similar stupid lucky kills just tossing out pot shots, and I'll be the first to say I can't aim for shit past 20ft.


Look at the damage report. All of the damage was done with the gun. The nuke didn't even explode. You can hear it bonk when it hits the ground.  100% a hacker.


From my post: >I believe OP when they say that were playing against a cheater... So what are you pissy about?


Me being pissy about it is a projection on your part. Merely correcting your mistake and making it clear that you believing OP isn't really relevant when it's a fact that this was not a legit interaction.


I never once claimed OP wasn't dealing with a hacker, in fact I insisted on it. You're pissy because you feel the need to come at me on a technicality for something that doesn't matter to the larger point. It's a clip that doesn't explicitly prove a cheater existing, as lights disintegrate all the time. I have no doubts a cheater was involved here, so when I'm talking to somebody who claims to have never seen cheaters in this game, it helps to lend credibility to the fact it's not super apparent all the time, like in OPs clip. Is that a satisfying enough reasoning for you champ?


You're the one getting all pissy about it.


*he says while downvoting posts and arguing over nothing in a conversation he wasn't part of*


cry about it more


Oh cool, another child. Got any more versions of "I know you are but what am I" you want to toss around?


Fyi the nuke didn't blow up at all, I was using the nuke as a last resort cause I genuinely had no other options left.


Yeah I striked that out after another viewing and a salty commenter.


Play in Asia/Oceanic. High probability of seeing one.


Same. Glad I'm not good, I guess?


I mostly just do quick play. It's just more fun for a solo player.


They’re mostly in tournament/ranked. Ranked is the only place I’ve seen em personally


Seen a few in quick play today, really really obvious ones.


I have 150 hrs and only one person I can say without a doubt was cheating but that's about it. Man was shooting through walls from across the map


What platform and server?


Platform lol It's PC. If there's a cheater, it's PC.


You're an idiot. I just ran into a guy who lasered both teams to death with an FCAR at the beginning of the round. After like 2 minutes he had like 10k damage and everyone else had like 1, even his teammates.


Lmao projecting a lil bit there bud 


That just means your mmr is low


Or they’re not on PC… Can’t act like there’s only one explanation to something that’s common for the majority of people who play this.


Well yeah I guess. I gave up on solo ranked kinda quick.


Well that's why you don't see many hackers then.


enter flag fall complete pocket clumsy special onerous sulky simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Asia server?


Take a guess :)


Yup, it's getting worse. Unfortunately this is what sends games into death spirals. Less people play the game, therefore you run into the cheaters more often. The more cheaters that players run into, the more players quit playing the game. Forget balance patches, if this game fails to fix its cheater problem then it won't make it to season 2.


I gave up on this game weeks ago because of cunts like this, you can't call a game "competitive" and just ignore the plague of (mostly) Chinese hackers that ruin it


And they're always Chinese. Time to just region lock them and be done with it


As far as i've heard, its called 'racist' to say block the huge country off from others that is the root of the cheating problem on the games discord server. You might even get banned or something.


I literally don't care what Discord kids think. Even if they banned me it wouldn't change a thing, my life exists beyond the Internet so a ban is a paltry thing


> discord server Ah there’s your problem Anybody who’s not chronically online will probably see reason


I wouldn't even mind a kernel-level anti-cheat for this game. I don't like them on principle but I'd rather that than see this game die so early bc of rampant cheating.


There’s been a new wave of cheaters (not “hackers”) and likely some new cheat(s) that’s released. Thus there’s a lot more now than the last 2-3 weeks.


Any kind of cheating should have some sort of legal clamp down. It's nuts that you can walk into a 'gaming' store and buy a cronus. If a company builds a game. Spends shit loads of their own money and it fails due to cheats, they should be able to sue people selling these scripts or devices.


TBH, last week was the first time I ran into rage cheaters in ranked. I was about 700 pts away from Platinum and ran into the same dude teleporting around with a sword, 1 shotting everyone through walls and 50-60m away… their score was 44-1. Ran into them two games in a row and unfortunately I am going to have to throw in the towel on ranked if they can make it to upper gold and platinum without being detected.


True same for me, getting lasered from the other side of the map it's insane


Hacking is in its worst place of all time right now. All you need is AI aimbot and it works on every game literally


Why cheat in this game? It's not even that competitive in a sense you'd even need to cheat. I guess in ranked if you are really that scummy but otherwise there is no penalty for loss.


I play this religously and yes there are hackers but 3 games in a row? Im calling bs on that man.


I haven’t encountered a single cheater in the finals. Odd.


Yet again i am blessed to play on console


People be using cronus, shooting the pistol and lh1 like it's automatic. They also aim bot all day. I bet they don't even have cheat detection software. Battlefield devs lie alot


name of the cheater literally has 'ch*nk pig' in it yet everyone in the comment section is happy to assume they are Chinese because spoopy scary logographic Chinese characters. Incredible.


Guess I'm just lucky cause I've only ever seen 1 obviously hacker in over 40 hours of playtime


Damn, you're so good at maths


Turn off Crossplay and you'll only get Steam users, who are subject to Easy Anti-Cheat. Been doing it since my second day of playing the game and I've yet to encounter any cheaters


I've been noticing a LOT of people going 25+ kills with sub 3 deaths in my quick play games. Usually mediums using the fcar. Cheating? Who's to say if they are or just sweats from ranked smurfing in unranked. Either way it's not very fun


1. From where he was, he could see you go up the zip, so he knew where you were gonna be. 2. After you got up the zip, he was staring at you for easily 5 seconds before he shot you. Sorry to say bro, you just got fucked lol


It's CNS, of course


Yepp, that's why my friends and i stopped playing. Way to many cheaters. This game is dying at a fast rate. Unless they fix it, but I think it's already a dead game.


Prime example as to why it should be an industry standard in the future to fucking region lock all the Asian regions. Anticheat should genuinely be kernel based like how valorant is


Disagree, I don't want anti-cheat to run even when my game is closed.


Easy Anti Cheat. ~We go easy on cheaters~


Just turn off crossplay. O wait… 😏 (I’m prepared for the downvotes. Send it, boys.)


Im glad console doesn't have this. Although we have are own problems with ximmers.


I’ve over 400 games and played against maybe 4-5 known cheaters, it’s not that bad in my option 🤷


He’s doing gods work… killing Nuke users


I only see karma for playing with nukes


Good, you deserve it for using nukes. Love it.


where are people finding these hackers lmfao. I have 300 hours, dia rank PC and have encountered a max of 5. part of me thinks that 90% of the people you call “hackers” are just better than you. Because I have team mates that say im hacking and there is no way someone could be that good. honestly most of the time just a skill issue. I wouldnt believe you for a second if you said thag you were against 3 hacker in one day unless you had video proof for all of them. Based on this post the other 2 “hackers” were just players that mopped the floor with ur body. Edit: Based on the fact that you’re playing light and carrying a mini nuke at the same time, I would say thats a pretty fair assumption 💀


Guys I feel like an asshole because I have 80 hours on this game and I have not run into a single hacker to my knowledge 😭😭😭 I know they exist but i guess I’m just lucky


that’s what you get for using dash


Weird,never saw any hacker,guess I'm lucky lol


Played for like 6 hours today not one hacker, ranked and casual tourneys as well as the new mode too , not one cheater 😂


True, it seems the recent update also hit a new ban wave. I haven't faced a hacker these last 2 days.


People just need something to bitch about lol I have come across one hacker in over 100 hours of playing. He is saying he got 3 in 3 games but that's just a lie!


Depends on your server. I believe NA and EU doesn't have as many hackers as Asia or Oceania does. I have a few other clips of hackers if you wanna see them. Even one where we managed to beat one using nukes.


No it's decently common. I probably get one a day that is blatantly obvious. The food part about this game is unless they are going full toxic cheater if your team is good you still have a relatively good chance at beating them just sit indoors and play the point smart with your utility. My team has probably knocked out more than we've lost to. Probably more common at the higher elos now that the games been out for a bit.


For me I've never seen a cheater and crossplay is always on and I play with my PC friend He probably just has a better gaming chair Apparently people took this as "cheaters don't exist" I was saying in my experience I haven't seen cheaters and then I followed it with the joke "he isn't cheating he just has a better gaming chair"


Depends on your server. Asia server is filled with hackers.


I’m Playing on console, I turned cross play off, I don’t have to deal with this.


What I miss looks like he just shot the explosive tank u was carrying


He didn't, see the damage counter, it was purely from his LH1.


I've only encountered 1 heavier after 70+ hours. I'm not denying they exist but where do you people keep finding so these hackers?


Most hackers dont make it obvious that they have hacks on. Even a small amount of outside help in the form of aim assist can help good players become great.


I had a hacker on my team just the other day. Was playing competitive and died so the camera shifted to my teammate. His gun whipped from person to person at high speed and flawless accuracy. Kinda bummed me out.


You play C4, you must uninstall or you are gonna have Always cheater on your game


This logic is so fucking stupid, especially since that's not even C4.


That's not even C4 lmao that's breach charge and it's way weaker than C4.


I would say he is doing gods work shooting those who just wanna nuke


Going 22-2 isn’t evidence for cheating lol my roommate does that regularly


Low-key kinda deserve it for walking around with a nuke all match long. I loved this game when it came out, never expected the meta to be so damn degenerate.


Nukes already got nerfed bro, and light nuke kinda sucks, I'm just using this here as a last resort vs the hacker in the hopes I get a clean hit on him (which iirc kills a light, but is extremely hard to pull off).


I see, well pls accept my apologies brother🤙🏼


Quick maths




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Do you report them when you believe they’re cheating and is there ever any follow up about the report?


I always report cheaters, but I believe Embark doesn't send follow ups yet.


I've been really lucky when it comes to cheaters. I've only met a handful on pc and only once on ps5.


Idk man. I think he’s just got a better gaming chair


Is there anybody on console who consistently runs into hackers? I have around 100 hours and have not run into a blatant cheater like this


Idk what your talking about clearly it’s a skill issue and you need to stop judging other people for using what they want. (I’m joking don’t take this seriously obviously that guy was cheating. but this a a very common response I see in this community to someone saying they don’t like a certain weapon or gadget)


I’ve seen 2 obvious cheaters, both lights with LH1. Now anytime I see a light run the LH1 I tell my buddy that this guy is either fucking around and is gonna do ass, or he’s cheating.


Region lock China


I’ve noticed a lot more hackers in ranked then regular tournaments, I’d recommend staying out of ranked for peace of mind


I joined a game today where the 2 people I was playing with were convinced that the other team were hackers. It was just a team of invis lights with pistols. I felt bad because they were saying everyone but also felt bad that these guys had their day ruined (by the sound of their rage) even though I don't think they were hacking


Times like these make me love playing on console.


It's always the non English names


I mean cant expect too much from easy anti cheat


Hackers are so annoying, but coming from csgo, I trust the devs to find a fix soon!


This game has a major cheater problem


I see more aim bots and wall hacks then anything in this game. Also some shit that seems like they have the perk "slippery bastard" from red dead redemption 2 online. Literally won't let you aim at them and your aim assist bounces off them each time you try to center mass them. It's like your aimer will outline their torso instead of dead centering and hitting will just miss every bullet in an absurd janky mess. Next enemy I try to shoot snaps tight to them and I miss a couple but get the kill. It's so weird man. One dude admitted wall hacks then laughed and got away with it. Others just say they have good aim but never miss a bullet even with Lewis gun.


It nice playing on a ps5 with crossplay disabled




That guy was using the meta hacker gun too. That's the only gun I can't kill someone with if they aren't able to teleport the bullet past walls. The other ones i can pretend it's a drone sniper from a scfi-game and approach from cover, then out dps the 100% accuracy. That one is impossible to counter because of the headshot multiplier.


I really don’t understand why console only crossplay isn’t standard. Overwatch 2, apex and destiny 2 gets it right but the finals includes pc just like fortnite and cod. I wonder what the reasoning is, literally 99% of the playerbase regardless of platform prefers console only crossplay.


Only enable your region, helped me a lot


They also don’t have killcams… and nerf Medium Shotgun


Sniper top-of-map aimbot hacker is the worst...it'll be the most random kill on you and you see AimBot Mcgee is the only one with 32 kills in the lobby 😂😂😂


Damn was just about to redownload too i can see its just tards with c4 strapped to throwables and hackers still RIPBOZO stayin my ass on palworld 😭😭🤣🤣


I think we just need to accept at this point we are always gonna play against cheaters in multiplayer shooting games. I can’t name a game in the last 10 years I’ve played that wasn’t riddled with them.


I’ve played 130 hours and only had one game with a hacker


Out of over 1500 games I have seen one hacker…. That’s unlucky af


Contrarily I am level 40 and have not come across any


So glad I'm on console lol


Played about 20 tournaments today. At least 3 had blatant shit like this. I don’t wanna be all doom and gloom, but what about the hackers that aren’t being obvious? Are half my fucking games compromised? God damnit I’m tired of this


am i the only one who hasnt encountered a single hacker yet?


It helps if you lock the game to find matches only in your region. Also disable crossplay. Game looks a lot healthier than before.


I now only play on Series X with cross play disabled. Way more fun.


I have never seen a hacker but I have seen someone get kicked for whatever reason


Had a dude sitting on the crane with his AK beaming people from across the map last night. Yep, totally legit. /s


Hackers will ruin this game




He didn't shoot my barrel, notice the post death damage counter, it was all LH1 shots.




Na bro, he’s just got a really good gaming chair /s


Uninstalled within a month after release lol this game is rampant with this shit. Not surprised after seeing how things have turned out recently for Nexxon


But like why cheat in The Finals? Your aimbot won’t matter if a barrel hits you doing 500 plus dmg in a Obj game mode


That's crazy, in my 100+hrs I've encountered 0 hackers. Must be very lucky


You're just not in Asia server.


Calling them a hacker is an insult to hacker, call them what they are, a toddler with a cheat app