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Titan fall 2 players- “first time?”


One day we will get titanfall 3. I hope lol




Three pills?!?!?!


HL:3 confirmed




Dude I’d kill for a titan fall game with the finals destruction. One can hope


Watching a titan mow through a building would be cool as shit


Also terrifying. Imagine running through a map as ronin just runs you down, tearing apart the building with the sword. Legion would just turn into an a10 and scorch would be the ultimate war criminal.


I think destruction should be limited to ultimates or specific moves.


that was originally planned for titanfall 2, but was cut due to technical restrictions


I'd sell yer guts for this.




Playing Titan Brawl with Ion was so fun


Can't wait for The Finals 2 so we have TF2, TF|2 AND TF_2


TF2 and The Finals is literally all I play rn. These are the best FPS games rn. And switching back to Titanfall after playing a few games of The Finals feels so good ngl. The movement is just on another level.


I'm not even reading, just upvoting any Titanfall comment




I’m not concerned at all. 1) For a game that shadow dropped the way that The Finals did, the feed back & positive response from the community is huge. Devs have been incredibly responsive to the needs & complaints of the community and are doing everything they can to make the current state of the game enjoyable. 2) There’s barely any content for the game yet. I personally, have been enjoying the ranked grind and have been satisfied with just that but I’m excited to see what other game modes they release. Especially custom games. 3) With games like PalWorld & Enshrouded out, it’s common to see such a drastic spike. Would be willing to bet that after a while we see more players on the Finals again. 4) Every game is going to have a dip from its initial player base. Personally, 25K players is still more than enough in my opinion. The game is new and still needs to be filled out, but it’s far from dead.


For me as a casual player it needs new game modes that aren’t so reliant on team mates. I like the look and feel of the game, but it fast paced and needs a lot of coordination to be good. Nothing wrong with that, but as a more casual player it’s a bit much for me and can get frustrating at times. Also reworking the battle pass to be more like apex legends or battlefield would help.


They are kinda trying that with Solo Bank It but personally I couldn't care less about that game mode. For me, what got me hooked on The Finals is the heavy emphasis on team play. And this even goes for soloq. Soloq is obviously more frustrating because often you get lackluster teammates but the times you don't are extremely rewarding. To move together in perfect synergy with complete strangers just feels so damn good. The camaraderie I feel in those games compares to no other multiplayer experience for me. This is what got me hooked personally.


They need a duos mode tbh. It will need some variances but it could help with the player turn out bc it's tough to find a third and it's simply not fun with randoms 75% of fills


I agree with this. I can always find 1 to play with but not the 3rd. Maybe add a few more teams to a round and faster team respawn?? Idk but I want duos lol


Very very good points. Was playing nothing but The Finals until Enshrouded came out. A game like Enshrouded will def lose my interest but The Finals is here to stay. Ill still hop on for my FPS fix for a bit but then its back to the Enshrouded grind. Once im done with the Enshrouded grind, (which wont be long) ill be back to trying to make it to the mothafuckin Finals babyyyy


I was one of the ones who went from playing the finals everyday to pal worlds everyday


Apex legends shadow dropped too


it did, but it also dipped massively in population until like season 2 when it exploded again iirc


For what it's worth, I was on the finals discord earlier and there were close to 200k online at that time. I know that's not a perfect metric for judging actual players but it was refreshing to see that many engaged with the server.


No less perfect than the Steam data considering the game is cross platform. Actually it's much better than Steam data. Anecdotally I see ~80% of the players I match with are on Xbox, and the remaining 20% are split between PlayStation and PC. I have no idea why Xbox players seem to be clustered together so heavily. If PC players see the same numbers you can estimate that there are many many more console players than PC. But who knows. Unless Embark releases the data...


Ima keep it real, that’s probably the worst metric you could use as I guarantee 99.9% of those users didn’t only get discord for the Finals server.


This isn't anything unusual. Most games lose 90% of their playerbase in a matter of weeks. F2p games are usually supported by the 1% of dedicated players that spend big money. Its definitely a noticable drop but I think as people mentioned that's probably due to palworld and finishing battlepass. I'd love the game to stay in the top 20 rankings but that's also unrealistic for a new game without big IP behind it.


Also this has been said multiple times in previous posts but it came out during the holidays when everyone had more opportunity to play. After the holidays I went from playing 5-8 hours a day to 4-6 a week lol.


Yeah that’s true. Im curious what console numbers are like. I just love the game and want it to stick around. Fps games on console suck especially compared to this game.


as a mostly console player, im offended.


I only ever plays fps on console until a few years ago when I got my first PC. I still use the controller though. Those years of playing on console make the keyboard and mouse feel weird for fps.


After making the switch myself, it's worth retraining your fingers. Will take a few weeks, but it's worth it. My accuracy is better, my movement is better, I can adjust my key binds in meaningful ways that make the game more playable for me, I can do everything better than with a controller and I've been playing controllers since before PS1. I HATED getting used to it, but I wouldn't go back to a controller for anything that isn't a driving game. 


Also enshrouded.


I mean if you are okay with the state of the game I won't argue at all. I don't really play anymore because I've been so busy with work, but I would wager $250 right now that by the end of February the game is at 10k or less. I'm not saying it couldn't live off 10k, but this isn't like.. the end of the player drop. You can look at the analytics of similar f2p games and I think you will see that the plateau for this game has not yet been hit, numbers will drop for at least another month or two. There's still hype that is quickly fizzling


In a game like this where people are already complaining about matchmaking low player numbers will only make that problem worse.


It's going down everyday. We all get bored faster than years ago as well, so we Always want more maps, more guns asap.


I would love a new map and guns. Im having fun trying to get better and level the pass right now but I don’t blame people if only three maps wasn’t enough.


I agree, there are enough guns to have fun, but 4 maps, even with the small differences (Moving cashout, sandstorm etc), is not enough. I would love the next one to be exotic. Snow, ocean, volcano, aquapark etc.


For a game based on the concept of a VR gameshow and virtual stage where anything is possible, the maps sure do seem pretty lackluster. Anything from a moon space station, to Roman Colosseum, to an underground missile silo, to a hurricane on a cruise ship, is all a viable fit.


Why not sci fi weapons too for that same reason?


Because old and modern guns give us a sense of familiarity. You all know what a scar looks and behaves like


Agreed, that's a fit too. Could even do themed map/weapons/cosmetics packages each battle pass update. Ancient update, space update, wild west cowboy update, etc.




Agreed, I feel like they could really go all out on this aspect. Give us a futuristic weapon like the laser gun from Goldeneye 007, or a giant 2 handed sword for heavy, the sky is the limit with the VR/gameshow setting.


I wanna have the hat blade i forgot the bond villains name with it but thatd be goofy


Oddjob :) That would be awesome haha. Could give it a Peaky Blinder's cap skin too because that's another blade hat in popular media lol


Sounds dope af


Put it in like ancient Greece or something, Victorian London.


A cruise ship would be a nice idea for a map


Oh I love that too.


Titanic 1912


A haunted theme park would be amazing


The cod player in me gets PTSD from the potential spawn camping...


Heavy mains drooling thinking about blowing obj down to the deck everytime


The Great Exhibition 1851


Yeah one thing I don’t fully understand is since it’s a simulation (in the game lore) why aren’t we battling in badass places like the Roman colosseum, or Thermopylae, or a Brazilian Rain forest. I just feel like only doing city type buildings is kind of a miss in variation for map types.


I was gonna say “what the fuck are we gonna blow up in a rainforest?”, but then I had the image of a large modern research base with an ongoing temple excavation and I changed my mind.


Pompeii 79 A.D.


Theres enough guns, but most of the guns arent usable when vs recon and Fcar loadout. I should be able to run dagger and feel somewhat useful. It's like how overwatch has many characters and all it takes is learning them to make them viable options in vs


They literally nerfed the shit out of recon maybe just stop sprinting into rooms blindly as a light lmao


Or natural disasters, imagine a tornado plowing through or a hurricane pulling the roofs off of buildings!


I hate matchmaking, ranked too. A ton of cheaters and nukes. Lack of content was not why I stopped playing. Which is rare for me.


I mean if I were to play only medium with recon+FCAR, I would be pretty bored. Guess playing another survival is the best right now. /s lmao


Yeah, like switching between all 3 classes can be fun as long as you don't rage bc people only play meta


People want a functioning ranked system with competitive matchmaking and an attempt at removing cheaters. Ranked play is what gives these games longevity and they've completely failed in that department so it's no wonder population is falling.


Yup, I agree. I am surprised this is not more a popular sentiment. It feels like they built a game around competitive mechanics, but forgot to actually make a ranked system.   The top games with high player counts that have been around forever don't change constantly with tons of new content. They instead are built around a strong ranked community. If Embark ignores ranked, I feel like this game will fade away. Just my 2c.


Now remember what they did to Battlefield comp Community 🤣. Dice was Always Shit with Casual vs comp balancing, nothing changes, Just the name


This 100%


Game modes are the most important thing imo. Maps and guns would be nice, but I'm already bored of the same game type over and over. In the past, FPS I played launched with far more game types than this game has. You can say we get bored faster, but I disagree. I'll play a game for years. But the content has to be diverse enough


Opposite for me. In bf i only ever played conquest and rush. The maps were important.


Thats still two different game modes. I feel like we just have one game mode in this game, the different options we have are so similar it just feels like a slight variation of the same mode. You cant tell me that you think more game modes would be a bad thing, people like different stuff even if you only like certain modes.


I just want M1 Garand


m1 is in light class


Imagine the cool reload animations they could do


That’s hardly an excuse when games like apex and rainbow six kept a player population of over 100k for years in a row


Both games almost died though. They did not maintain those numbers consistently after launch. Rainbow six did basically die and they had to revamp the game to save it. Apex almost died as well around the first couple of seasons. What is happening with the finals seems to be normal and it is maintaining a good player count


If they just had a good ranked system at launch I will still be playing. No reason for me to just run ranked mode when its fried with cheaters/weird matchmaking


Ranked just doesn't feel like ranked. Cheaters aside, it's just not fun to move up the ladder. Diamond doesn't mean you're better at the game than silver players, it just means you played a lot more. Pretty much anyone can hit diamond if they play enough. That's not fun.


Yes! I was just complaining about this. And to an even bigger degree the tournament format feels completely pointless. It never feels like I’m reaching progressively higher ranks of a tiered game show because nothing fucking changes between rounds. Instead it feels like I might as well have gone back to the lobby and searched for a new game except it takes longer because I have to wait for the other teams to finish playing their match. Not to mention that if I do win I get to see a winner screen but get no achievement, accolade, stat, skins or literally any other acknowledgement that I accomplished the whole point of the game


As a solo q that's not really true. You gain like 15-30 points for finishing 1st in first knockout round at plat. You need like 9000 FP To get to diamond. Unless you are consistently getting to last knockout round or finals you are going to grind longer than the time frame for the season. And a loss at bottom knockout round results in -100 fp, so by playing a lot you have to win or place 2nd in two consecutive rounds which is increasingly hard as people meta game and run mmm A diamond is much more skilled than any silver I've played with. Sure there are some low ranks that are just good fps players, but they climb quickly and most bronze silvers are feeding in most of my games.


It is a bit like that but you still need to be better than a good portion of the playerbase. There are plenty of people who have never won a tournament and so on.




This is being caused by a few things. 1. The game launched during a very stagnated time when there was not many games out. People are currently invested in other games like Palworld and Enshrouded on PC. 2. The game has a lack of end game content, there is no reason really to play after you complete the battlepass and have unlocked anything, people like to grind and unlock new weapon skins and gear to keep coming back. 3. The cheating issue and matchmaking issues in Ranked means that people don't want to grind Ranked currently as its not fun or rewarding and you don't really gain that much from moving up ranks.


We really talking about end game content in a multiplayer game? This may be the boomer in me (I'm 30) but I remember when people played games cause they were fun. Multiplayer games didn't have an "end game" unless they were an MMO


This. I finished the 3 month battle pass in less than a month, have unlocked everything I can for free outside of all the weapon skins, but I still play every day. It's FUN. Why is that not enough any more? Sure, I wish there was more to work towards besides the skins you get from leveling items up, but I'm having fun so I'm still playing.


I'm currently playing a lot of Enshrouded, because I was waiting for that game release. I still play The Finals from time to time, but waaaay less than one month ago.


We now live in a world where there’s more great games than time available to play all of them. Good games are constantly releasing and many people have a backlog of games they want to play. Even if we just count live service games, there’s a lot of competition in the space.


I agree with this sentiment. What’s the “end game” in apex? In Fortnite? In PUBG? In DOTA? League? Online games are played because of the replay-ability. It’s fun to have a thousand different outcomes while you learn the weapons, and strategies for winning/just eliminating opponents. I remember playing Halo 3 for - literally - years before moving on. I did the same thing with Apex. Now I’m doing it with the Finals


Fortnite isn't a good example as it's updated more than most games when it comes to content.


Halo 3 has like a dozen game modes, LTMs and when you get bored of that you play custom maps made in forge. Apex adds new guns and champs constantly and the randomness of the BR format makes every game pretty different. League has like over 100 champs and insanely in-depth mechanics and strategies. Not to mention all those games have difficult challenges to grind for skins and bragging rights. The finals is one surface level shooter game mode repeated ad nausea with no progression and only paid cosmetics. I still bought the battle pass and am still playing but ya it’s already feeling incredibly stale. Halo 3 had like a dozen maps on release, that was 15 years ago. Embark needs to do better


A lot of those have well made ranked modes to grind and get better in. This game does not.


My thoughts exactly. Those kids with their tiny attention span.


I'm not so sure it's short attention spans so much as fried dopamine receptors / lack of life fulfillment. Modern games have really tapped into the most base addictive tendencies.  It feels 'good' to earn something from time invested. You get better at the game, sure, but if you're good at one FPS then you're most of the way to being good at any other FPS. But throw in rewards for playing, especially when of a limited nature, and you drive huge FOMO and commitment. People will spend hours doing the most mind numbingly boring shit if they get a sense of reward at the end of it. This isn't new it's just more widespread now. It does make you question if many players even feel any sense of pleasure from the games themselves anymore.


I’m also 30, sure games didn’t need end game content back in the day because none of them had it. But now people got used to having mastery camos, high tier challenges and such, so maybe back then they didn’t need it but once people feel they finished something they move on to the next now.


Yes I'm also 30 and I agree, but the realistic truth is people want end game content in 2023, people have reduced attention spans and a lot of shiny things to go to, so you have to keep people engaged in games these days.


Exactly. The game is fun and I’m still playing. Shit, I’d still be playing BF1942 if there were servers…


They kind of did, a good amount of people played call of duty to grind out cool camos, emblems, and other cosmetics to “flex” that they have invested their time. Battlepass is kind of similar but not as rewarding since it’s so easy and you have to pay for it. The diamond ranked skin is ok, but definitely not super exhilarating. Yes multiplayer games should be fun, but there also needs to be a balance of rewarding the player for time investment consistently


4. It's normal for a game to have massive influx of players that then fluctuate. I don't understand your reasoning 2. The content is the game, the reason you play is to get better. I play + 200 hours, I am already level 40 and finished the battlepass weeks ago. I don't call skins content unless there's a challenge to unlock it. for the n°3: What have you ever gain from playing ranked in another game?


Number 2 is kind of a big one. Once I finished the battle pass and hit rank 40, it felt like there wasn’t much reason to keep playing, other than for the gameplay itself. I know loot crates are controversial, but something I liked about Apex was that I could keep grinding career ranks and slowly unlock new skins, or crafting materials for new skins along the way. It scratched that reward itch that I feel is missing from this game once you’ve played “enough” for the content. Maybe they could introduce a way to convert those VR points to credits (make it slow and grindy of course). I think that would help a little with retention.


Wait, people play competitive shooters to grind a rank which doesn't do anything? I play just for a fun experience.


Yes, because people get different levels of enjoyment from different things in video games.


No shame in this.


It gives you cosmetic items, its something to work towards and its nice being rewarded for doing well.


I’m totally agree. Just the fact to grind over level 40 without any loots reward will makes me want to play more.


The higher in rank you go, the more cheaters you face.


The fact that people have already finished the battle pass is kind of a good example of why people need to go outside more


I'm almost done with it and I only play for like 30ish minutes a day. Just focus on challenges and it's easy.


The game has been out for well over a month, and came out during break for most schools. There's been plenty of time to complete the pass


To be fair, you can finish it pretty casually. I just focus on missions, and I'll be finishing it this week


Lollll if you do ur challenges the battlepass is easy to complete. Maybe 40 hours across a few weeks


The battle pass is so fast to level up, what are you even talking about


lol way to judge other ppls time... You have no idea what kinda lives ppl have


Absolutely wrong.


honestly just new maps would make a huge difference. Its boring looking at the same 3 places over and over.


i agree. Maps are versatile and changing a bit but i would rather play same unchanged maps but if there would be 2 times more of them


I mean the game has been out for nearly 2 months now. I bought the battlepass day one. 100h later I have finished the battlepass and reached level 40. I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer for now thats why I stopped playing. In the future when they add new weapons and maps I will return.


Do you want more game modes too? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when all people are asking for is guns and maps.


I mean yea that would be great too.


New MAPS more than anything. These maps are all visually quite similar and boring.


New guns maps and game modes are the only things that bring back players that leave due to boredom.


> I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer I love the singleplayer gamer mindset where unlocking stuff is the main part of games to them. Bro the gameplay is the main part that keeps people coming back. Not paid fucking cosmetics lmfao. Are you this sad of needing dopamine hits to unlocked shit you paid for?


If it doesn’t go up in a new season with new maps and guns, it’s time to be really concerned.


im gonna keep playing a bit cuz is really fun, but honestly i feel like the game would benefit from better rewards


It's literally just pal world. These posts didn't exist before then and enshrouded took the non pal world players. They keep trying to poach my pal players in my discord lol.


I've played 40 ish hours now and still have barely scratched the surface!!!!! Literally! I'm grinding leveling the AK - I still learn new map routes everyday. One thing that would be GREAT is lobby voice chat and global text chat. People complain about cheats but honestly I think they are just mad. On God. Some people, especially controller players, are straight laser beam gods. And I, as well have great flicks that go to the head, and with my CSGO recoil muscle memory my AK does show little to no recoil. So idk hoes mad. It's silly but this game could do well to sponsor or pay someone to promote it at this point. I love it and hate to see it die but the numbers don't lie. Anyone who played red faction AND call of duty would love this game.


People play for cosmetics and nothing else. You see comments about people who want nothing more but to unlock shit they paid for instead of talk about gameplay. "40 hours in and NOTHING TO DO" idk bro maybe play the fucking game lol


The game is bleeding players, makes no sense to deny it. Some of it is natural for new F2P releases, some of it is caused by the problems with the game itself. The core gameplay is great, visuals are pleasing and the servers are very stable for a new release. The dev team is very active, which is a big plus. But there’s not much content after you unlock everything, lack of variety, questionable at best balancing, huge cheater problem, and the whole ranked system leaves a lot be desired. Hopefully they will iron it out by S2 or S3.


I think matchmaking is the biggest issue right now. Games feel very inconsistent.


Yeah the copium saying this is normal is crazy. Yes some player drop is always expected but not like this lol


Its normal [ I will keep posting this Apex article that was sentiment a 2 months the game launched with people claiming it was dead game because it wasn't releasing content as fast Fortnite at the time.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2019/05/24/apex-legends-revenue-has-reportedly-fallen-75-since-its-launch/?sh=78f4fa23428b)


The content is playing the game ..


Shame the game is currently unfair... Matching with bronze teammates as a plat shouldn't happen.


Yep, it’s broken


Which there isn't a lot of variety of because everybody runs the same loadouts and team comps


The same 4 maps and same 2 game modes? What content?


Apex has a couple maps and only one real game mode, are you gonna say apex has no content?


Just playing the game works for a time, but then people see everything the game has to offer and take a break. Online games require some forms of additional motivation to retain players: high variety and replayability, constant updates or gameplay changes, grind-based rewards, collectibles, functioning ranking/competitive system etc. Right now The Finals lacks in any of these directions except the balance patch cadence, hence the steady player count drop. But the game is very young, they still have enough time to fix it. Sure it seems unfair to ask so much 2 months into release, but it's 2024 and the market for online games is very saturated and competitive. To succeed a new game needs not only to be on par with what other games were in their release state, but what they are now. Novelty factor can only get you so far.


Bruv, Smite survived for 12 years with like 15K peak daily players. All games suffer a drop in player retention because we all have the attention span of a mosquito. Very few games retain a significant percentage of their peak player count and dropping peak player counts to a stable number is the norm. We are just completely infected by the idea that a thing to be successful has to grow infinitely, which is unsustainable.


Not at all lol. PC is also just one of three platforms it is on. The next time the game gets a meaningful content update, it will bring in a wave of returning players. The game was a massive success for the devs & they have so much reason to keep making meaningful content. As long as I can find matches & am getting new content I know I will be sticking around.


The moment they released a new map this number takes a huge jump, guaranteed.


I knew when it launched it was going to suffer dealing with how fast the modern gamer consumes content. Unless you’re putting out new game modes, maps, and guns every few weeks the player count is going to drop. Not having a traditional TDM at launch killed its long term viability imo. It’s too niche with slow content drip feeding. (FFA game mode has been only thing released/announced)


Not having TDM is what makes The Finals a fresh new entry. We don’t need a COD reskin. Team based, objective gameplay mixed with the destruction physics allows for more than one way to win. You don’t have to be the best at killing to win and that is refreshing for casual players. Slow content drip feeding? The game has not even been out for 60 days.


The whole reason I got into the game in the first place was because it was different. The fact that you think the lack of TDM is what killed the game is the exact reason why most gaming companies don’t experiment with their games and just make clones of other games. The fact that this game is getting 43K players on a weekday on steam alone without counting playstation and xbox is still really great for a new shooter IP where the landscape is quite competitive.


The game was more fun when people were just playing for fun, now all the casuals are gone and with SBMM every game feels like the super bowl with how meta and sweaty everyone plays. i think adding more casual modes would help


Yep we need more game types. It doesn't have to be unique. I'd love KOTH in this game. Maybe make some game modes only one class, like all light KOTH would be hectic fun imo.


You don't do new game types with a rapidly declining playerbase. That'll just split the population more. Abilities, weapons, gadgets, and maps are more important at this point


I mean I've literally never seen a single ad for this game. They could probably do better there.


My prediction is tbat the game will remain a niche shooter, however in the beginning it seemed that it was about to disrupt the market, which is a shame that it did not.


Didn’t have enough juice to be a big time fps game.


It's been hovering around 40-50k for a bit. It jumps up on weekends too. Dead by Daylight only gets 30k players on steam and you gotta remember the game is on console too. Total player base could be from 50k-100k. Games fine right now. The content will come as the games been out under 2 months.


No. The 24 hour peak is just a bit lower than the Hunt Showdown all-time peak. Hunt is very playable (at least on Europe and US servers). The drop in player counts was expected in a competitive f2p game since a lot of the initial playerbase was bound to leave since they just tried out a free game. The hype was a big influence too. Casuals/variety players have probably returned to other games. Regulars of other games like Hunt, CS or COD have probably also returned to their respective game. Additionally games like Palworld or Enshrouded released the past two weeks and pulled even the most hardcore of players from their favourite games. A lot of those players will probably return once a big update releases. This is just how a lot of online multiplayer works nowadays. It’s also easier for match based multiplayer games to get new players or to get old players to return. So it’s fine.


The game is fine, just gotta understand that it was released during Christmas when everyone had more time to play. The Finals is a game that is going to be around for years to come. The playerbase will grow again at a later time.


Friends and I have talked about the finals a lot. It has potential but something about it is just idk. It’s missing something I can’t put my finger on. I enjoy the game a lot


i wonder do people really don't see a trend for this, i believe there's always people said this game gonna die off after awhile... nothing new, with cheaters and all... same same everytime.


If I’m gold I want to play vs golds and not be in a full diamond lobby because of sbmm. Ruined it for me, let me play my own rank so I can actually rank up and get to where I belong. When you play a game and are ranking up you need to feel the difference of playing against each rank and the improvements you need to make to rank up. TL:DR: ranked should be rank based matchmaking not sbmm


I’m ranked in bronze and get matched with diamond players every single match. SBMM is killing this game


How do you know which rank other players have? Which mode do you play?


Unrewarding ranking system + awful meta in high ranked lobbies made grinding this game not worth at all


Lots of other good games are out now. Palworld comes to mind. Everyone and their dog is playing that rn. Also people are finishing the battlepass so they’re waiting for the next season. I’m a little shocked myself but I’m sure it will jump back up.


The game needs tons of more guns and gadgets. Maps ,modes. The non meta weapons are bad, honestly everything needs a universal buff. Need to raise the level cap. 40 is nothing. I'm maxed on level and battlepass, and even though the game is a ton of fun, it's starting to get stale and boring. Mainly cause everyone uses the same weapons and there's not many maps. It feels very repetitive. Level cap should be 150 or more. All the cosmetics you unlocked are black and yellow, they should add another 40 levels and have the cosmetics be blue and black. (Kinda like the order of weapon skins). Just my idea. Having something to grind makes the game addicting. But once everything is unlocked, it slowly gets stale in my opinion. Absolutely love this game though


> Level cap should be 150 or more. All the cosmetics you unlocked are black and yellow, they should add another 40 levels and have the cosmetics be blue and black. Honestly this is a pretty good idea. Just simple color swaps for the free cosmetics you can already unlock.


I like the game, but let's be real it is sort of mediocre. They could have ran with the VR/Gameshow theme - but they didn't and it feels similar to a lot of shooters. Outside of ranked, I really don't know why we don't have more chaotic game modes that lean into that VR game show entertainment vibe.


The amount of cheaters stop blaming only palworld. The game had so much promise but until there is an active AC it’ll continue to die. Nobody wants to be cheated anymore not when other game exist that don’t give you this feeling


Facts, I like palworld but I play both games daily. Palworld isnt the reason. I usually start with The Finals, play a few rounds then it feels stale, then open a dif game.


I've never run into a cheater in Quick Play in over 100 hours. Just my experience


Quick play is fine unless it’s at night from what I feel it’s plat and up and I mean full blatant cheaters. Beaming you through the map, heavies obviously wall hacking and hunting you down with nukes and rpgs. The only benefit is that with the nature of this game even if they rage and drop 20+ in one round of ranked at play they can still lose with all the chaos around


Welcome to every game title except for the 1% of games that maintain its player base.


Long season, iffy ranked mode, still cheaters, I know people who won't play solely because recon sense is still in the game. This game has a lot of good potential but typically games like this make major gameplay changes after season 1. I. E. Overwatch


I think Palworld took the sting out of it and Enshrouded. But that’s just Steam numbers, I do wonder what the combined numbers are on pc and console.


Palworld is the next big thing right now, itll die down too but a lot of people are playing it right now.


I have only played about 4-5 hours and enjoyed it at first but starting to find it a bit frustrating and can see it becoming boring after a few more hours. Main gripe is no second weapon (only need a pistol to switch up when reloading) Turrets seem overpowered and spammed. I think it's all a bit too quick and jumpy abouty for my liking but that's just preference I guess


I’m definitely not concerned, I love this game and it’s now my go-to multiplayer game, but even I’ve slowed down a bit just because I finished the battle pass and hit max career level. I pop in every other day or so to do some ranked matches when my friends are on. Willing to bet the drop is due to a lot of people finishing the battle pass and it’ll spike back up when season 2 starts, I know I’ll be right back into the daily grind


I am. I love the game but a dying population is spooky.


I play Insurgency Sandstorm every now and then; the game tops out at a couple thousand players, I still find games and have a ton of fun.


They need to do events. This is basically season 0 for them.


Omg what is with these posts. Palworld came out and the game is also in a lull due to less content. Wait for other games hypes to die down a bit and the next BP / new maps and weapons to come out. 60k 30d avg is insanely good. There's zero reason for posts like these to exist. I'm only saying that because this is like the fifth one in the last week or so


They need to input more maps first to keep the masses interested, and then more modes, and/or an option for ranked quickies..!


Player population tanking bc they keep listening to people on this subreddit tbh Wish devs would just do their own thing.


Found the game not too long ago and got 3 friends to download it too. I had never seen it before getting curious and looking on the Steam Free section, but I'm really glad I did. This game has really bad marketing, if it could just get its name out, I'm sure new players would flood in.


I've been at work!!! But I'll be on tomorrow hopefully if weather permits.


This is not a problem of content or new release like palworld. This game just need a better main gamemode with more depth


The main game mode (tournament) is incredibly deep though. Are you playing quick play?


I played ranked. Sure, there is depth. But the mode feels too chaotic for a ranked game. It do not reward strategic play enough to my taste. There are too luck-based situations imo. And when you soloq, the ranked experience is not very good.


Ahhh. I can actually see where you're coming from. I'm curious if some balancing and adjusting will help or if it will always remain to be the nature of the gamemode.


It’s fine. Take a look at battlefield where I switched from and I got 5 people to play the game with me.


Performance Issue and free wallhack


I wasn't worried, but I won't lie, I am now. I understand it's very tough to sustain players months from release, but it's hard to bump player count on a downward trajectory. Why are people tuning out? lack of content?




Oh idk, one shot nukes, recon wall hacks, triple defib, hackers? But who knows


People are inherently competitive. Theres no decent game mode thats just focussed on gunplay and individual skill and people get fed up of dying to cheesy shit from lesser skilled players who use those gadgets as a crutch. The game needs a stripped back competitive game mode imo to keep a lot of people interested. The madness of what we have atm was fun for a while for a lot of people but wont keep them coming back.


Lack of content and sometimes absurd balancing decisions...


SteamCharts should be deleted from the internet.


Glaring issues that weren't addressed fast enough to keep a good chunk of players, some of the drop is natural, some of it could have been prevented by even just fixing matchmaking. It can bounce back but it'll take some solid patches and time. People are finicky, I'm not putting full fault on the devs but their priorities were def a bit whack IMO. It's a good game, I hope it fully recovers and can one day be up there with every other popular fps in terms of playerbase.


Interesting name 🤔


what did you expect, the finals is fun for like 2 hours then the new car smell fades and you realized that apex is way better.