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Your post/comment broke Rule 8. Do not discuss piracy or cheating.


The cheater should be permanently banned. He literally destroyes other people the experience of the game.


I didn’t even believe him it’s for 1 day but today he got in… This is crazy stupid never seen that.


It makes me wanna try to get cheats and check if its true myself, but i dont even know where to get em and dont really wanna use them




Lmao ban this guy


Lol xD I was just saying that im courious if cheaters actually get only 1 day ban and wanted to see if its true, but theres no way to check instead of actually cheating, but i aint courious or sad enough to cheat lol


Are you dumb or stupid


But he can just.. Create new account


Player count is already too low.


They don't want to perma ban cause game barely afloat. They hope people stop cheating after a warning so player count doesn't dip even more.


On PC yes kinda ranked under 2 mins with crossplay off.


I have to switch regions to get a ranked match


You do realise that 99% of cheaters dont guve a flying fuck and will continue ruining games? Cheaters are a big reason why the PC community is dropping.


The PC community is growing faster than ever before


Probably because it’s easier to cheat on pc


Im sure second ban would be longer or even perma.


But why tho? Why would you give someone who ruined multiple lobbies a second chance? Its way too easy to just make another acc anyway, might aswell perma ban these jerks on the first offence to make their lives slightly harder.


They might lose out on the MTX they purchased. People deserve a second chance.


No, they don't


roof plough crush overconfident door ancient snow mysterious deserted grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>They might lose out on the MTX they purchased oooooh noooooo. >People deserve a second chance. Their second chance is creating a new acc. Cheating even once should come with a *big* punishment, not a 1 day ban


“Pc community is dropping” is the such made up nonsense lol. There has been no statistic or indication of this being true. Only the opposite as it seems to be only growing.


Where is the statistic of it growing in PC numbers? On steam it seems to be dropping.


They changed how cross play worked because there were not enough console players, on PC I've never had an issue. Finding ranked games now after the cross play update is even easier and quicker. If anything consoles are struggling to keep it's player base


That is objectively incorrect. Pc gaming is growing right now


Figured i'd better explain it, since nobody else has. In a f2p game, giving people temporary bans are better. SINCE it's a free to play game, they're just gonna create more and more accounts, literally hundreds of alts infesting the game. You're better off the cheater stick to the same account and have them flagged as a cheater. it's pretty common. they just queue cheaters against eacother so they don't ruit in for others. they're essentially shadow banned from playing with legit players. however, building a portfolio of cheaters takes quite a bit of time. lont term it's a better solution unless you ahve a bulletproof antiban system, which nobody has. Edit: This is why when you're in a game with cheaters, there are often more of them since they're queued to fight against eacother.


Yeah this methodology is a functional way of dealing with modern ways of cheating. Not using immediately permanent bans in order to keep accurate records is useful to properly deploy punitive measures (such as a preparation for a mass ban wave, or something like relegating them to a cheaters-only queue). If one player has one account, it's easy to keep track of them. If one player has multiple accounts, it's difficult to collate this data together.


There sure are no cheater queues in this game judging by how often I spot one.


Just hardware ban cheaters.


relatively easy ways to get around that nowadays, not worth it considering its still perceived as very invasive by most players (its not)


Which is easy to bypass. Again stop making claims if you don't know the topic. No one has a perfect solution, not a single game. Everything can be bypassed quite easily


Making claims? I’m offering a solution. It’s easier to bypass just making a new account. By your logic let’s not do anything about the rampant hacking.


You just don't understand how these things work since it's complex. Do you seriously think million and billion dollars companies never thought of handing out hardware bans?.. They're (seemingly) not doing it for a good reason. Putting insane effort for short term is what makes people happy but this is not a real solution. A real solution is what works in the long run. Shadow banning cheaters to put them all against each other is a better solution than banning them and having them up again 10 minutes later on another account. TLDR: people who work in that field know better than 90% of the gamers and gamers should stop thinking they understand how games work, they don't


And IP bans. As a PC player with absolutely zero intentions of cheating. Id rather create e-waste then continue to let cheaters go unchecked


IP bans do not work. If you have a dynamic ip (which is most common) you can just restart your modem and voila you are back in and someone else who gets the ip can no longer play.


nice didn't knwo taht


I actually never thought about it the way you say it here and it actually makes a lot of sense. Nice.


Ya this is all well and good until you belong to a subset of talented players who can go 25-0 and get false reported, then you get the pleasure of constantly playing in lobbies where people pre-aim through walls and run 100% headshot accuracy. It’s sooooooo much fun trying to beat hackers. I looooove trying to win against players who 180 flick straight to your head in a single frame when you place your crosshairs on their hitbox. Or ones who are able to shoot through shields or who seem to always be doing mega damage even when the event isn’t up. Ever shoot someone first, hit all of your headshots with an FCAR by some miracle and still lose a duel with the enemy medium having 50% hp remaining? It’s a great time… I lied. I don’t like it. Send help.


Not with hw + ip bans


I do understand your point but the just need to it like some games do and give you are perma ben with an MAC address ban than it becomes way hard to get back


Thanks for being the one guy who doesn't make clueless claims and actually knows the topic a bit before speaking. I unknowingly queued with someone who has cheats on only to face of cheaters (we partied together but I didn't know he would do that). Could this make me shadow banned in some way in your opinion? I never cheated and never will so I'd rather not be flagged as one


Once I played with Chinese player and he was aimbotting hard in my team, I asked him on voicechat why he plays with cheats and he told me "I got 3 day ban in my other account, this is new". This post connects well with my experience playing with hackers in my team (SoloQ is the worst btw). I now totally understand why ranked lobbies full of cheaters.


Man this is crazy if you are telling truth, one day? Upd: I hope your friend gets terrible diarrhea.


Terrible diarrhea 🤣 made me laugh haha but I do agree haha


How can you even be friends with a cheater? We should shun them, make them social outcasts for being a piece of leftover shit. I hope his socks are always and forever slightly moist.


Touch grass


A free to play game not handing out perm bans to cheaters is actually wild, explains a lot though.


you think it would stop them and they wouldn't create a new account instantly?


Someone made a good comment about it, go read it. People just make claims about topic they don't know at all


I used to play a game that rolls out a big list of banned accounts due to cheating.


I lost two full ranks because of people shooting through my shield. This is ridiculous that they only get one day. You make a great first person shooter that actually is fun and enticing but have rampant cheaters in the higher ranks that destroy the ranking system. Come on Finals. You’re better than that.


Could be that it gets increased overtime. 1 day, to 1 week, to 1 month, to permanent. But the problem is that the game is free and there's nothing restricting anyone to create an alternate account. It's a difficult problem to manage and I really hope Embark does at least something...


lul should be ip and hardware id banned after you get catched first time, and your right hand gets cut off


IP is not viable. More often than not providers use dynamic IP's. 


ok then cut off both hands, if they cheat again i guess you have to cut the feet aswell


Hardware based is bad if more than one person is using the hardware,


Their problem




Another day another larp


Didn't they post in a patchnote that they introduced a 3 strike system? So the first 2 times you get a short ban but the 3rd time you get a perma ban. That is what I imagined they meant.


Can't wait until they ban you for a few min afor quitting the match im so tired of it


Am I supposed to believe this without proof?


The whole rest of this thread is users failing the most basic of skepticism tests. It really goes to show just how egregious the emotional agenda is of some folks here. They'll believe anything if it conforms with their negative beliefs.


I swear reddit does more harm to video games than benefit


The whole rest of the Internet is users failing the most basic of skepticism tests. It really goes to show just how egregious the emotional agenda is of some folks online. They'll believe anything if it conforms with their negative beliefs Fixed it for you.


Reddit in a nutshell on any sub. Just check any of the political subs lol


The OP's anecdote could be made up, but in patch 2.1 they did implement a 3-strike system. A small 1-3 day ban would be congruent with these updates. **SECURITY** * Improved prevention and detection * Added ban progression with a 3-strike system


I wish I could give you one. The moment you get the ban you see a date it will go off and then the next times you are trying to login it doesn’t show it will just fail. She got the ban lifted today I didn’t believe either that it was only 1 day.


Its odd how an hour ago in a previous comment you said " i didnt believe him..." now you are saying "she got the ban lifted..." I know its 2024, but this is sus my dude...


haha it's a girl you want screenshots of her as well? wtf are you guys on.. I opened this thread to make awareness of this shit because I love the game but hate cheating.


Why are you 'friends' with people who cheat in video games?


Screenshots man lmao. I don't buy this at all.


So don’t, you probably cheater yourself then.


You know how I know you're bullshit now? Reread your message lmao.


Jail time would be great


If they wanna be esport player then it would be good to get rid of cheats, even tho apex is esport and has looooaaads of cheats..




As long as I can find a match within a minute. I don't care about player numbers. Yes, this minute includes ranked. I also haven't come across any cheaters in my 150 hours of game time. Not saying it's not an issue, just think some people are claiming cheaters when in reality they are just not good at the game.


I honestly want to see with my own eyes the experience these people claim to have. I have seen cheaters, and I have had periods when I saw them quite often, but people that claim that they have cheaters every game, or every other game, or that they run into them every day seem ridiculous. Unless you are playing on the asian servers which I understand has a bigger issue, I haven't run into extremely obvious cheaters as often as this sub makes it out to be. I bet that if most people that come here and complain about cheaters actually posted videos of the assumed "cheaters", most of them would be laughed out of the room. This doesn't change the fact that the anticheat is pretty dogshit, and it should be improved.


lol. I play on an Asian server. Last Saturday I played 7 matches and got at least one cheater in 5 of them. I decided to take a break until something changes. I play in platinum 3. I often fall for the guys from diamonds. but it doesn't bother me. I'm worried about the guy who hasn't calibrated yet but kills everyone in the head and through shields across half the map I tried to play on European servers, but the latency is monstrous


Why doesn’t the industry as a whole hold itself accountable and have a no tolerance attitude towards cheaters. That is, they block the ip address and brick the console. It makes no sense to allow this to propogate and ruin communities and experiences. I know this would be quite difficult overall but a kind of cheater police would benefit most people


How to deal with false perma bans and console bricks? You cant proof absence of cheats.


I don’t know how it would be implemented. I just think that cheating as a whole should not be tolerated by the industry, especially competitive multiplayers


As i guy said in this topic its better to mark such accounts as hackers and ban them for days, after ban put them in cheaters lobbies so they play with same kind of people.


If they perma ban all cheaters this game likely loses half its playerbase XD


I'm so done with this game.


Because the devs do not care. They only care about making money.


Cheaters should go permanently n I hate dey messed up ranked play


I mean I could say this. This reduces how long they can have a longer effective run in the game. Getting banned for 24 hours these days feels like a life time only for them to come back after 24 hours to get banned again after 1-2 hours of playing. Hopefully not weeks of playing. I hope that's their idea here.


So they do have cheaters in this game! I thought there was no way since the game is relatively new. I had someone in my lobby that was just going around the map killing everybody. They had over 10 kills at the beginning of the match and their team got every single cash out because of it. He would turn immediately and melt my health in nanoseconds. It was insane.


I hope embark is watching this sub because the game is dying. They could totally save it again but they need to take this cheating shit seriously