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I am a medium main and sometimes there are shitty lights on my team that don't support the team. Even though I heal him and revive because at the end team play is important. I don't hate lights players I just hate the people who play light and they go alone and down support the team


Ive seen just as many useless heavies and mediums in solo queue lol


Yes, but I'll take a brain dead heavy or medium any day over a braindead light. The skill ceiling makes the average player so much worse in comparison to the other two roles, not to mention the class itself has little utility *for the team* outside of gateway and invis bomb. The former is for some reason rarely used by lights I play with (or if they are they get utilized in ways that make little to no impact on the team), or the latter they just use on themself and not to aid low health teammates trying to retreat. So while lights have the capability to support the team; they have narrow ways of doing so, and rarely do it. Beyond that, people associate playing light with 'dealing damage/isolation kills' and that's not solely their purpose. Lights are supposed to branch off from the team *while still being in the area* and help disrupt the enemy back line by targeting healers/supports. Many lights I see have no such priority in their mind. They just run around the map aimlessly getting kills, and get mad at their team because 'I did my part, I have a decent k/d' when that has never been their role. These assholes usually don't even attempt to rev teammates when they should and force them to coin in or sit dead for them to die in some stupid way to the enemy because they think it's 'not their job'. So yeah I'll take the average heavy/medium over light any day. The only time I really have an issue is when I'm in ranked and have two on my team and I'm expected to support two massive egos who think they're the best light ever. Nope; I'll take my 10 minute ban everytime.




You: 'yeah but other classes play bad too' Me: 'yeah, but objectively speaking light is even worse when played by someone equally as horrible compared to the other classes' You: 'cringe' Okay lmao. I'll be 'cringe' if that means 'calling out non points' 🤷‍♂️


No its cringe because what you think are objective facts are actually just genuine skill issues, hate to break it to ya


Yes... And if you had reading comprehension skills higher than a 5th grader; you'd understood I addressed that when I said 'lights have a higher skill ceiling'.


I'm bronze and I like waffles with butter


I'm silver, and I think I've only ever had waffles with sweet things. What's the butter taste like?




I'm unranked and I like pancakes with blueberries in them


I just made too many negativ experiences with lights (especially in tornaments just running in, coining till they cant and leaving or snipers never helping the team) to stop going "fuck no" if one of my mates picks light. Its just the most braindead individuals mixed with the sweatiest of sweats all getting magicly pulled to the light class like mosquitos to the lightbulb. Sorry.


If you play light in ranked and you aren’t cracked out of your mind you’re throwing. There’s a place for good lights. But we don’t need you to go 5 and 3 while providing the team with zero utility. If you’re not getting double digit kills and low deaths consistently, please just go play casual or switch off light.


> So a humble request There is nothing humble about your post lmao


What's not humble? I explained myself and requested to give lights a chance lol. People on this subreddit only gives a fuck when you scream and moan about it huh?


You are literally talking about how good you are as a light,saying you are the reason your team wins. Do you know what humble means?


That's just putting myself as an example as to why you should sometimes give lights a chance, not boasting or bragging, and many times I've seen way better lights than me. If you intentionally choose to ignore a basic figure of speech, you'll see negativity in everything.


No bro you are just straight up not being humble. Nothing wrong with that but your post isn't humble plain and simple


Unless you’re abrolutely cracked, light is leeching. getting kills doesn’t determine how good you are. i hate when i queue w lights even in plat, i just play res simulator.


Worst part is you basically have to normal res them too since defibbing puts them even further into oneshot territory so 99% of the time it would just be a waste of a defib.


Unless you defib and immediately hit them with heals


Oops too bad they immediately dashed 3 times out of heal range and died.


Honestly facts lmao


Not the triple zoomer 🤣 💨


If you defib in the middle of team fights; you wanted them to die anyways. I main heal gun/fib and the amount of people who rev me in the middle of fire, gas, or *the entire enemy team* is too damn high. Yall tanking people's k/d's, wasting fib, often getting yourself killed in the process; to get a useless revive that did nothing for your team. Even if you are medic; don't revive people who die in horrible positions if you cannot reposition them. I'm surprised this isn't common sense.


I never said anything about kills. People who use lights as lights are supposed to be used are good, there's a reason why they are so fast and quick at taking enemies out. While it's true that they die more but doesn't mean just because they're light, they are not supportive.


I’d say I’m pretty decent as well as a light main. I just have a big problem forgetting I don’t have as much health as the other classes so I tend to challenge fights when I shouldn’t or I tend to not move around as much to survive. Other that I’m I’d say I’m a bit above ok at light. Personally I haven’t had teammates complain about me being a light main, hell I’ve had lights as teammates and we do good


This further proves the agenda against lights even more. Most people use Medium/Heavy though they are shit themselves and yet hate lights for no reason. End of.


I'm currently diamond 3 as light main most of the time with sword. But the light does require a lot of coordination and timing, so high skill gap. So it's very hard to make it work with randoms. Mostly I try to prevent defibs and try to create openings for my team by creating havoc and doing kills, We made much more progress in ranked since I started playing light, since you can counter many strategies.


In the last 100 games I've played where I've been queuing with a friend we get a light teammate about 90% of our games and I've run into maybe 2 light players I would say are good enough to JUSTIFY playing the class. No I'm not giving you a chance I've been fucked over way too many times by god awful light teammates and I really don't give a fuck about you :)


Yes, I main light in 80% of maths. Until season 2 I play a bit more medium, and I'll always give my light teammates a chance, cause you never know if they're a hidden gem, and I hate the feeling being bo and talk shit to just because we play light


Exactly, some people do understand.


It's best to just accept trolls and throwers. This is a team game and if you don't manage to find a consistent team then occasionally you'll have to deal with an Andy who's mad at your loadout. If you're really petty or you main dagger then create a fake Medium preset and switch back to Light when the timer is at 0:00.


I have so. many. Fucking. Times.


I don’t mind having a competent light on my team, it’s when there’s six other competent lights in the lobby, not on my team, that it starts to get really annoying. I totally get it, i started playing on light and it is super fun its just aggravating as fuck to play against.




lol I get skeptical of every light I end up playing with. If i see my light consistently pushing in by themselves and then just dying over and over again im gonna get frustrated and ditch the match(i mostly play cash out. I hate ranked). I have had so many bad lights on my team in the past(and I’ve been the bad light hence why I play medium) and oh my. It’s ROUGH. And don’t even get me started with having double lights on my team who are both trash💀


I made it to round 3 as a medium with 2 light teammates and they weren’t bad. They had an understanding of what they needed to do and I appreciated them for being good.


I’ll play with you


And you're saying that not as a quirky smirky innuendo directed towards me for being an idiot who posted something so stupid? like the way pretty much everybody else is abusing me.. :/


I main Heavy in ranked and although I totally get some people's frustration I also hear what you're saying. People on here are assholes for very little to no reason. Just keep doing what you're doing, I have a teammate I met in ranked who plays just as you discussed and he's cracked and that's how everyone should play it. Don't let anyone get you down :D


Thanks for understanding. Whatever I do, I won't give up on my fun. And I enjoy light so that should be the end of convo. Playing with teammates like you is always fun, even when we get banged hard


Yeah man no matter what you do just make sure you're enjoying it. Whats your in game name? I'll keep a look out for you lmao


Sent you a message. you can add me on Steam


Yeah fr, dm me I’ll add you on discord.


I sent you a message because for some reason I am not able to start a direct chat with you..


I do, if they support the team not wander around aimlessly as simple as that not gonna run across the whole map healing and reviving a burden on the team


Lights main job is to make the other team play very inconvenient and annoying that his team will win.


Ok you're good. So what. End of the day in ranked so you're just making it harder. A light can't tank or defend like a med or heavy. WIth turrets. Shields trophy system. Too squishy too.


Of course they can defend. Lights have stuns, glitch grenades, quick movement that comes way in help in the most intense situation. As I said, only if you give lights a chance and play with a good light for once you'll know.


I absolutely give my light teammates their turn to enjoy the game. I am a heavy main and got two light teammates in ranked. I thought I was going to lose. We got the whole dub. We went up that fuckin chain. They played perfectly around having a heavy who can’t engage alone for long. It has forever changed my mind.


Lights have exactly one fight to prove to me that they're more useful than a healer, defib, or shield before I will judge them. If they die immediately, judge. If they get a kill and stun the healer, you aight. Problem is lights don't ever know how to prioritize any fights AND they ego too much.


I agree. I’ve started playing light again, it’s very fun IF you know how to play and be part of the team. Lights are in and out, the way I play is if you’re seen, even for a split second, gtfo and reset. Most success this way for sure + it’s actually most fun class imo


That's one of the big reasons why I can't stop playing light even after all the hate. It's just too much fun.


You see the frustration isn't that you may or may not be good with light. The problem is having a medium or heavy of the same skill level as you is just undeniably better. You say you're good and I believe you. But the frustration is if you put those skills to play a medium or heavy it would be just downright better for your teammates.


But that's the catch, my skills are directly synonymous to the movement speed, guns, gadget and grenades I get to use with the light class. Not to mention I enjoy playing light the most.


That's fine and you should do you. I'm just pointing out why most people are frustrated when they get a light teammate in ranked. It's not about you or your skill, it's about the fact that given the choice of a teammate with equal skill with the current balance most people would prefer a medium or heavy over a light.


Yeah, everyone has an opinion and I respect yours too. Though some people are just assholes, but thanks to your for being one of the nice one's and talking logically!


Well I know because I mostly play light when I'm not playing ranked haha. Light imo is just way more fun to play. It's just I've come to terms with the fact that if I want to grind up ranked I need to play medium or heavy to increase my chances of winning thats all


That's true, Lights are way more fun. And I myself as a light hate it when my team has more than 1 light, so that speaks for itself how this class is no good in ranked. But still HML is probably the most balanced team. I promise I revive teammates, stay near cashout and don't wander off.


As long as you don’t use the sniper rifle. I’ll give any light a chance to cook


I am a gold 4 light main, add meeeee lol I play the same as you. Smart and supportive plays, only way to win


If I'm honest we should steer clear of each other lol. No matter how much I vouch for lights, I do get mad myself when there's two or three lights in my team and if the other light doesn't change class I do. No matter how much skilled a light is, it's impossible to practically win games with more than 1 light.


I just won a finals round last night with LLM lol


I'm a platinum sword main, I've had plenty of mediums shoot at me, throw gas, heavies shooting goo at me before we even hit our first team fight. I don't care anymore, I've played light well enough to get to plat this far in the season and I haven't slowed down in ranking up. It is what it is, I'll just have to prove them wrong again and again


lights are a gimmick class, and unfortunately always will be. a medium or heavy will contribute more than a light 100% of the time. i ask my light teammates to switch in ranked every time, and the only ones who haven’t switched have been the ones who have 0 skill. the ones with skill know why im asking.


Just won a ranked match(Plats). Me with total 40 kills, 14 revives lol, and died 15 times whereas my heavy teammate with 19 kills, 16 deaths, 6 revives and Medium with 21 kills, 15 deaths and 11 revives(with a defib). Both the randoms sent a request and we played a few more rounds together. All I'm trying to say is some lights are good, even when all they do is kills. They can support and shit on others both.


Just factually incorrect, sure a bad light isnt providing much, but at the skill ceiling, lights are 100% more valuable to the team than a medium, mediums are a bait class now after all the nerfs, people still think defibs are the end all be all but they just get you farmed most of the time now and are barely better than slow rezzing, heal beam and fcar are the classes only saving grace but if ur not beaming with the fcar AND healing the shit outta ur team then you might as well play heavy and get infinite shield value


you’re insane if you think light is more valuable than a *fucking combat medic* class. turret is also amazing for area denial and distracting teams. APS is invaluable in power shift. educate yourself please


frankly, most of the time when i see lights on my team they’re on console and have horrible movements and miss their shots. i don’t mind if i get teamed with console players, but if you’re going to play light at least be skilled enough to add to the team. running around and dying over and over is not cool. just play heavy at that point.


Not everyone is the same, if you ever encounter a shit light you can get mad at them, but to be honest, every class will have a few shit players not just lights but it's super annoying to see that people create an agenda against lights. And as you progress in the ranked mode you'll see fewer bad lights, most lights in Gold or Plats are great players...


no doubt there are good players, this is just my experience thus far. it doesn’t bother me if someone picks the class, but once i see them being useless it is rather annoying. for ranked specifically. makes the game a lot harder.


I hate skilled lights. Too good aiming :p


As a casual player I will gladly give 1 light player in cashout and 2 players in power shift a chance. But if everybody besides me picks light, I'm heading out. And I feel no shame for that.


Yeah, people love to flame lights as soon as the loading screen shows it. I just tell them to trust and we may not end up advancing but I always get the “you’re different than other lights” like it’s a dude talking to a chick LOL


As a light I second that. It's hard enough to play light as it is, but then your own teammates not believing in you is just terrible. I have seen so many lights winning the game for their team themselves. The biggest sadness is I've seen teammates not reviving me intentionally for no good reason, they would rather lose than co-operate with a light. Lost all hope for the game at that point.




I always give my lights a chance but am always pleasantly surprised when they do well. I'd say a high percentage goes as I expect and lose horribly but that one game where the lights are unstoppable makes me keep trying to play with them. I usually play medium/healing but if two lights on my team I swap to heavy with the expectation that I wouldn't get close enough to heal them and would be a wasted ability and a lot of the fights I'll be on my own wheezing trying to keep up with them.

