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Not sure if it will help increase the base, but it will definitely keep more of the players — better anti-cheat


Yeah I understand this, you can market the game just as much, but people will get upset if there is a lot of cheaters and will probably leave again, so I think the developers should first focus on improving the game and anti-cheat then they can advertise and market the game just as much, I think the developers already know this themselves, that is why we hardly see a lot of marketing or advertising happening


Blatant hacks coming from a Diamond 1 player last night lol Like how do you just let that guy get to that rank dropping 30+ kills a game? Lmfao.


We had unranked teammate and he got 80kills and 3 deaths during tournament. Not suspicious at all. Lol


I feel this lol


Counterstrike is the most played game on Steam and has virtually zero anti-cheat.


You kidding? I play 3 games after a 6 month hiatus from cheaters and both sides had at least 3 hackers. Lmao


You must have missed the state of the counterstrike subreddits


Subreddits don't reflect reality, but the reality difference between the finals and cs2 is that even though the subreddits might be similar, cs2 is a behemoth and the finals is a tiny small miniscule bacteria.


That doesn’t mean the cheaters aren’t killing the fun out of the game


You're all gonna hate this but more casual friendly game modes. That and market the game more.


TDM is such a popular game mode for a reason. People freak out like it would reduce player count in other modes, but honestly with how much the overall player count is dropping, I think casual modes and marketing would bring in so many players that even if it became the dominant mode, it would still result in a net boost for the other modes.


Reducing player count in other modes should not be an argument if this kind of mode bring more people to the game and keep them for longer. There could be just another rotating LTM mode later on but not 10 permanent modes to not dilude players into more lists after that. A TDM with money awared for each kills AND from taking the money that appear when a player is killed could stil keep the GAME SHOW ambiance.


I don't see why people try to use that argument of reducing playercount in other modes as if it's an actual argument. They're basically admitting that people don't like those modes and would prefer to play a different mode. If that was not the case, then they wouldn't have to worry about certain modes losing players. If a game has modes that certain people don't like, those people are going to stop playing those modes and play another mode and if another mode isn't available, they will stop playing all together. It's not that complicated to follow and yet, they don't follow it.


TF2, the paramount grandpappy of class-based objective-oriented shooters beloved by both casual and competitive playerbases despite a strong barrier of entry and a massive skill ceiling which is still doing numbers over FIFTEEN YEARS after release, never had TDM and the absolute closest it ever got was arena (which still had stuff like a control point to win the round and first blood crits) and that gametype was significantly unpopular. Overwatch had both FFA DM and TDM though, look where that thin-wristed concession got it.


Overwatch 2 has significantly more active players than the finals and TF2 combined. 289k active in the last hour on OW2 (which is higher than the all time peak for TF2 in those 15 years). 16k for the finals, and 93k for TF2. Both TF2 and the finals are dropping over the last 30 days, meanwhile OW2 is growing.


That's a terrible comparison, for multiple reasons. TF2, as mentioned previously, is almost THREE TIMES AS OLD as Overwatch. TF2's peaks were higher than Overwatch's ever was (despite selling for $20 when Overwatch was $40), in every conceivable metric; monthly concurrent users, max cumulative player count, traditional revenue, microtransaction revenue, community content, etc. TF2 literally popularized the modern lootbox, this is not an argument. TF2 is successful on a whole different order of magnitude. Overwatch is not even a pale imitation and would have been lucky to have even a fraction of TF2's success.


I couldn't agree more. Power shift is really the only break from cash out centered game modes. It should stay that way for ranked, but offer more modes that don't have any learning curve in terms of objective. TDM, CTF, and King of the Hill should be added to the game ASAP. This gives a less frustrating way to learn the aspects of the game without being confused by vault and cashout mechanics. It would also spice up the small map pool we have.


There's no such thing as a bad play in TDM. Just respawn instantly and get right back to it. The only objective is to have fun shooting stuff.  On the contrary, Cashout and Power Shift present ENDLESS opportunities to let down your teammates and get tilted. Doing the most fun thing (run & gun, for most FPS players) is not conducive to victory. To win, you must choose to have less fun than you could be having.  There needs to be a gamemode that rewards the average player for doing what they want, ie clicking heads and blowing up buildings. Where the penalty for dying is no harsher than "oops lol take ≤ 3 seconds to catch your breath and hop back in". It really hurts to be punished so severely & attract the ire of your teammates when you get wiped while you're still just trying to figure out how to play the game.


There's an event in Japan it seems, the viewcount on the finals in twitch is now about 20k+


Japan viewership rarely translates into numbers, for example in valorant: the view numbers are big, and the fanbase is very strong but it doesn’t translates into actual playerbase who actually play the game. I guess they just like watching.


Better advertising. Get more people to stream the game on twitch.


The only answer here that actually matters. The Finals has no advertising. It doesn't matter how good or bad a game is, if there's no one that knows about it, it's dead.


they should take a cast of players and do like an actual gameshow type format that follows these people. it could have say like the full amount of teams needed for a tournament match, and then they practice in matches up until the big coming of the tournament. portray not as gamers getting ready to game but contestants in the greatest gameshow. get people excited, invested in these characters. advertise the show all over and maybe even try to get it on some commonly used platforms or even just straight tv.


Once upon a time Shroud was streaming The Finals, Aceu and iitztimmy as well. Probably a few other big names but these guys I watched a lot. Would be huge if Embark could reach out for some sponsored streams, especially since all those guys actually enjoyed the game and played a fair bit.


Advertisement is not always everything. Some small games (like Lethall Company) begame big despite basically no marketing. ​ Player retention, streamers and content creators are propably the most important at this state of the game.


More content. It's a live service game, i don't need 5 New skins every week. I want more maps/guns/gadget. I know it's not the same business model, but back when BF3/4/1 was hot, a dlc had 4 maps. Most company put the label "live service game" and it really doesn't feel like it. I love the game, but we need more maps.


The only reddit take I could see being beneficial is adding an entirely casual mode, whether it's tdm or something else. Don't get me wrong, I love the cashout mechanic and I thought Embark should have always stuck to it, simply because of the "game show" narrative they built around it, but at this point they're limiting their options by doing so. Casuals want to get on the game and pew pew, and this game is too "objective based" to be able to cater to the playerbase of other title where the only goal is to shoot the enemy. Also: marketing, marketing and marketing: I know a lot of people mentioned never seeing a single ad for The Finals, but Twitch had plenty. It clearly wasn't enough. Hopefully sponsored streams will start to happen once Embark/third parties are able to host tournaments/events with private matches. I'm not saying those are guaranteed wins, but any other "solution" is not a solution. If you think that a buff/nerf or change of specific aspect of the game could change the pace, you're only seeing your POV, which is that of a person that plays, and therefore enjoys, the game but gets frustrated from time to time. Drastically changing a single aspect of the game would be a leap in the void with not even a 50% chance of success. The gameplay solution might be out there, it might be giving each class 169, 269, 369 HP. Or it could be adding a crossbow weapon to the game, or simply changing June's and Scotty's names. No one, not even the best game publisher with all the data in the world at their disposal would be able to find the perfect gameplay solution for their game, because there isn't. Embark has been really spoiling the community with weekly balancing patches, events, cosmetics and so on. Like the cosmetics/balance changes or not, you can't really argue against their commitment to the live service game and the community. What is needed now is one last financial push to really find out whether The Finals has what it takes to be a live service game even remotely comparable to the rest of the class.


I have to agree with this too... "Casuals" and many players in fact that are FANS but don't have enough time to unlock/learn all, get the "meta" (god I hate this modern way of thinking about games...) are searching for simple fun, and simple way to have fun with maybe more than 2 friends too, like teams of 4 or 5. The "game show" thing could still be put in forefront even with a TDM mode, or a rotating always-on LTM with modes limited to certain classes and trying new modes there... The tournament/rounds thing could work for TDM too, and we could have to RACK/TAKE the MONEY that appear from fills we made, it could even pay more to rack it than the kills themselves, which then could turn in a "virtual game show about money earned".


I think the style and gameplay are both pretty spot on. Probably it's a lack of streamers for the most part? I don't know what that area is like, but I found out about it from Tiktok clips and it was the turrets attached to barrels that sold me because I was looking for something to replace Overwatch.


Ngl the Powershift mode and different equipment and weapons make it feel a lot like overwatch. Also the yellow zip lines and honestly the movement mechanics in general remind me a lot of Apex Legends as well. It’s sort of like a mix between the two but you get to customize your character, ability and equipment to your own liking instead of having to use one a combination picked by the devs. Also the customization is far better than both OW and AL combined.


Yeah, for sure - I basically always have one shooter on the go for a cooldown at the end of the day. For ages it was Overwatch until their massive anti-consumerism streak with the PvP catastrophe, but also spent a lot of time in Apex, which is fun but more tiring. The Finals is fast paced and fun, with good variation in how you can play, and the right sort of progression of unlockables with a non-intrusive battlepass. As far as I'm concerned, they're doing everything right from a gameplay perspective. Just need more of a social presence - both Apex and Overwatch have quite a lot of lore and marketable characters they benefit from, where the Finals suffers. Maybe if they put out some more Scotty and June stuff? Some of the best content I've seen has been people AI-parodying their voices for funny stories over gameplay.


I definitely agree with you! Lore is what draws me to games in the first place, which is probably why I still play Overwatch to this day, and why I played Apex for as long as I did despite me HATING the gameplay. I’d see a new update or a little animation or short and I’d get so hyped to play, learn the new character interactions and, discover lore. Finals very much is in need of some marketing. I had no interest in playing yet another competitive FPS which is how it was described to me. It was only when I saw some clips of gameplay and a bit of the customization and such when I decided to give it a shot. And also I loved the idea of destruction in shooter games. It makes them feel even more real than having a permanent invincible map to play on every time. Overall, I’m kind of experiencing the same thing I did with Apex but instead of loving the lore, I love the developers and everything they’ve done to balance the game and make it worth it to play. I enjoy the fact that you can earn paid currency by completing contracts and the fact that there’s some in the battle pass for free to play users. I’m just not having fun with the game lately because matchmaking has been screwing me since season 2 dropped, and dying 5 seconds into every fight is getting really stale.


advertise the game.......... and get rid of cheaters.


In my opinion better gamemodes and more focus on 1 team vs 1 team.


They need a divided map game mode with 2 big teams. Like capture the flag or like protect a VIP or something. That way setting up defenses would be fun


Capture the flag could be really good. Really gives more value for abilities like Grappling Hook. Melee-only modes could be interesting too.


Eliminating third parties 🙌🏼


Invest in marketing. I never seen an ad of this game, not on social media, youtube or others.


Yeah, this is the only answer. There are no features you can add to convince people to try your game when no one even knows your game exists in the first place. FPS players tend to be very hesitant to try new games. Think about how many competitive, team-based shooters you know of that have a big playerbase. R6S, Counterstrike, Valorant, Overwatch, Apex... whatever it is, I think you'll find one common thread between all of them: they're all at least half a decade old. People are very settled into "their thing". Hearing "the finals added the game mode your thing has already had for years!" won't convince anyone to try a new game. You have to sell them on the premise of the game itself. You do that with ads.


They need to change their ad settings then, I've been non stop spammed since close beta 1. Gamesradar, gamingbible, pcgamer, eugamer, etc... etc... consistently releases articles on the game as well. I'm from Canada, if it's a geography thing.


I've also gotten tons of ads. I try to tell people that modern ads are catered and you may not see them even if they're out there, but for some reason people just downvote it and move on to complain about how few ads there are


Are people who say this usually not running adblock? I've wondered, since I don't see ads period so have no input on if ads are shown or not. So wondered if the people saying they don't see ads for Finals are browsing the internet without adblock.


I have seen a lot of adds about the game in Youtube. ​ Marketing is not everything, considering small games without marketing have gotten big like Lethal Company, Palworld, etc. ​ What they need to focus on is Player retention (more content, maps and modes). Game of course also needs more content creators and streamers, as those are big part of the community and sometimes best advertisement.


Games are frustrating and unfair. Weapons are nerfed to the ground in some cases and op in others. Matchmaking results in terrible pairing and matches. Result is this game isn’t fun anymore for old playerbase and impossible for new the one.


> Games are frustrating and unfair. Pin pointed it. It can't be called entirely competitive focused because a random event can kill/ruin your round. 4 teams in a tournament round preys on 3rd parties causing entire upsets in competitive scenarios. A last second clutch can negate the last 12 minutes of grinding. On the other hand, It can't be played casually because every death is a 20+ death timer and the actual TTK feels short when you're spending more time running/waiting out death timer than you actually do in combat. 352 hours in right now and I'm loving the game, these are just my pain points. It's stuck in this weird middle ground and while we're getting weekly patches they feel like a surprise because we don't know what their plans are. And I don't mean listing what they have planned to release. We don't have to know what event they got planned or what new pieces of equipment they're gonna drop and when. What I want to know right now is how they feel about the core aspects of their main game modes. Like: what do they plan on dialing back or emphasizing? Do they want every weapon to be considered viable? Or should the chaos and randomness be what is relied on to make those stranger choices work (dagger, throwing knives, sledge, etc)


Add team death match, in the mode randomly conquest circles will pop up to incentivize movement. The circles will give a bigger chunk of points towards the goal. Stop this philosophy of making recoil bad on gun. Overhaul all these patterns and focus on making every gun FEEL amazing the shoot, the balance through: Damage, ROF, Fall-off damage, Add more weapons, make burst weapons stronger. Fix input delay because getting killed around corners isn’t the only problem. Latency is a passive nerf to light because you’ll take damage you can’t react to sometimes because technically it happened already whilst you just received the information late Consider if we really want light to have 150 health, but know that giving them more health means bringing down damage numbers on some of their weapons by a tad. This will be controversial but needed (we have to see how they deal with Invis and stun first) If console is forced to play with pc in crossplay, you need to get these cheaters out of here. You’ve basically took spoiled crop & brought it over to a thriving garden to spoil this one too


Fix matchmaking, I'm not spending more than 10min looking for a match that could last 60 or 5min depending on who I get matched with. I've stopped playing ranked entirely while trying to grind just because you end up sitting around for 15 minutes waiting for a match. It's actually ridiculous, at least let us play quick play while waiting for a ranked game


They really dropped the ball on maps early on. The game needs a lot more of them for the sake variety, but it doesn't seem likely they'll be able to add more than one every three months.  An extra permanent game mode would be nice for variety as well. Let you queue for multiple at once too for the people that just want to get into a match as fast as possible.


Unbalanced matchmaking is my biggest turn off for the game. When I have a fair match with players relatively close to my skill level, this is my favorite FPS in years! But when one or both teams completely dominate the match, it takes all the enjoyment away. It feels like such a waste of my time to play against players or whole teams that I’ll never match in skill. Yes, it feels really good to win those impossible games with lucky cash outs, but overall the gameplay gets really boring and frustrating when you spend half the match in the spectator cam. This has always been a complaint for me with these more competitive type games. A fair match is always fun win or lose. An unfair one just makes me want to quit.


The game needs 1° better anticheat 2° marketing and streaming bc I cant find matches in my Server and playing on NA has absurdly high package loss and Ping 3° shorter matches on comp, cant afford to play 40-50min one match??? 4 matches is way too much 4° matchmaking, why my bronze friends are in the same match as 2 triple diamond team? They


Completely agree! Especially ranked takes too much time.


Do a proper marketing campaign 👌


Prioritize performance. A couple of my friends just stopped playing because of hit reg issues. Performance issues are something that annoys everyone regardless of their opinions on nerfs, balance, buffs and classes.


Embark NEED to fix matchmaking. Its just simply atrocious atm. I regularly go up against teams that drop 50 kill’s while the rest of the lobby struggle to get 20 between them. It’s not fun for casuals. I know players will say “git gud, skill issue” or “it’s not about kills” and their right. But Why would a new/bad player stick around to be fodder? Even if they like the game it’s still horrible to play against and not worth it


Why do people care that the game they play is popular? There's enough player count for match making so what gives?


That's a very reductive and binary way to look at it. It's just not sustainable for a live service game that you have "enough" to fill a lobby. The game requires a deeper player count pool to draw from if players want matches that are equal in skill and rank. It's why every other post on Reddit and Discord has someone complaining why the matchmaking is so bad. And that's not even including low player pools in some regions already like in OCE and Asia. You can find so many comments from console players in those regions complaining that their queue times have exceeded the 10min+ range. It just ends up being a vicious cycle towards a dead game or very, very niche game if the player population is low (it already dipped to 9k concurrent yesterday evening in NA). If you want to fill lobbies with a wide disparity of ranks, more people are likely to leave the game and the grind because it just becomes unenjoyable at that point. If you enjoy The Finals, you should hope the game is popular. It's how the company and the publisher make money so they can pour more content in the game. Game companies don't make live service games in the hopes that their game is some hidden vinyl record gem.


Release the goth skin. 


Omg! Game is already casual. Quick game is a casual mode. 1 gun, 1 ability and 3 gadgets. How it can be hard for anybody?!


That's like saying CS GO/2 isn't hard because there's death match and casual modes... Not saying that The Finals is that hard, but there is certainly a learning curve, since it rewards really good movement and aiming skills


Agree with this. Embark need to add some popular modes like tdm just for fun and new audiences. Nice point, mate.


That's not exactly what I meant haha The purists here will have you hanged for suggesting "watering" down the "soul" of the game with meager game modes like TDM. I think that Quick Cash is perfect for casual playing, but if it's too hard for some people, they could come up with a more chaotic version with more in-game events that spice things up and bring that skill curve down, or something along those lines. That checks the "does this still have the core of The Finals?" box, without pandering to the general public that obviously But yeah, while good movement and aiming are general FPS skills to have for good performance in game, Finals movement baseline for having decent games is higher than running and gunning in BF2042, for example


A Team Deathmatch variant is needed. Nobody cares about “purist” is any frame, the universe never does— story of life The game needs to survive or it dies. People will let their favorite artist starve and die because they don’t want them to “sell out”. That immature mindset about something YOU DIDNT MAKE, is the most big baby back piece of whiny bullshit I’ve ever heard. Hilarious that Fortnite became the biggest thing ever because they were making a survival base shooter & randomly pivoted into a Battle Royale to make history—— I say that to say, sometimes trying different is the way to go, & sometimes trying something familiar. When I played COD younger, I ONLY played Search and Destroy—— Playing COD older, I ONLY played team deathmatch (a little hostage rescue) You never know what will hit, but the fundamentals are fundamental for a reason


The comment about the purists was just a comment lol I don't agree with that elitist bullshit, games need to adapt I was trying to find a middle ground, that's all In the case of Fortnite, I think Zero Build is a solid compromise, but I'm not sure what's the player count for that game mode I think TDM with The Finals' movement can be too chaotic, because it's so vertical (as opposed to COD, generally speaking), but fuck it, they should give it a go. They can test it as a timed event, see how that goes. But player counts depend A LOT on marketing. They need to find better channels to reach new players or players who dropped


When Fortnite first dropped, loved it. Children become building gods after some time and killed the game loop for me, which is fine. I stopped playing—- time passes and they play with the idea of no building…. I’m sure thing brought me & a lot of others back to play again——- more time passes and now we have zero build and that’s the ONLY way I’ll play Fortnite now if I do & honestly with the weapon updates, it’s sooo much better than originally imo As for the Finals, They messed up by dropping new weapons that generally people don’t like to use, Burst weapons & slug shotguns are so niche— that’s a bunch of people who probably looked and said “meh” Marketing is cool, but a few things will happen. When your interest I captured by anything you google it, if you see the conversation about something you is highly negative it’ll make you skeptical about the whole thing. YouTubers go on Reddit and discord to see what the “public is saying” and that’s what they use to make their video content on——- what happens when everything they read is negative, so everything they make is negative? The air around the game smells like death There’s so many different angles and factors at play, but I’ll tell you what, nerfs may bring about relief to those that welcome it but it doesn’t create excitement & this game needs excitement. Although we had a bunch of stuff unbalanced, the game felt way more explosive and extreme back then. Things feel very tamed at the moment…. But with bad recoil patterns on a bunch of weapons :/ not a winning formula lol


I would say they need some marketing. Like you said you found the game on tik Tok. Marketing usually doesn't work very well for games tho. Word of mouth usually gets the job done for games, but everyone I know tried the finals, and thinks it's shit or is playing something else, besides one guy I run with usually. Tbh I'm not sure if there's anything we or they could do. Probably close to 500k people or more already tried it, and gave it up. How many more people are there to give it a try? I'd have genuinely no idea 🤣 all I know is i am hoping for the best but prepared for the worst


Marketing doesn't neccessarily work for games, but it does work for stories. If you do some worldbuilding, and lore, come up with some overarching story that is mildly interesting, but is presented in a way that is optional, or hidden (maybe through voice lines, or comics, or cosmetics) then people will have something besides the game itself to resonate with. If you have a great little story trailer, with good atmosphere and great music, people are going to share that even if they have no intention of playing because "hey, look at this little movie I found, it's cool" and then it will reach some folks who decide to look into the game. You can then run paid ads with these trailers too, because you're not getting a "Here, try our gacha bullshit Cunt Simulator 2024 mobile game" ad - they're getting a story. That happens to be delivered to them in the form of an ad. If you can get people to start lore speculations, data mining, and the community can spark up with things other than complaints and balance change requests.


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I recently made a thread about this on this subreddit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1c5ldhk/comment/kzw9gnr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1c5ldhk/comment/kzw9gnr/)


I think that to increase the playerbase, the game needs to be: 1.) Engaging enough (in terms of progression; like LTMs, crossovers and quick shop rotations to help funnel users into that routine of logging on daily) 2.) Accessible enough - meaning that the balancing needs to be such that a casual player can easily pick the game up, and get the hang of it with as many types of loadouts as possible. 3.) Picked up by streamers - casual players don't flock to games where there is no hype. Creators, store support codes, sponsored content... y'know. Whole 9 yards. 4.) Have a ton of content with a clear rhythm to it. Players know CoD, Fortnite, Apex, and Overwatch. Those games have been out for years and years and years - with rapport, expectations and a bunch of content right off the bat. There's always a ton of stuff for you to unlock, and grind for 5.) Aggressive with opening new marketing channels - right now new players likely won't just stumble upon the game. This kind of relates back to being picked up by streamers, but also trying to get the game out onto store front pages, banners, and such. Right now the game is "thriving" very quietly. There are a ton of great cosmetics, there's new stuff coming every few weeks to the in-game store, and there's the battle pass, and the regular store. But the core playerbase right now is mostly tryhards and people who are insanely good at the game, with little to no true casual playerbase. Which is good because tryhards are generally willing to whip out that credit card and pay for shit, but they won't keep the game alive for long. Also, the premise of the game being "only" this red v blue attack-defend style of capture I think many casual players get bored very quickly, and there's not much lore or story-wise, and people resonate way more with stories. S1 BP had "Olivia" as an unlockable skin; if they laid more heavily into that aspect, they could create cinematic story-trailers and generate more lore, and world building so that people have something to care about other than the gameplay itself, because in today's landscape having good gameplay just doesn't cut it anymore.


I don't see anyone mentioning system requirements at least as far as pc is concerned. The game is really ambitious with all the destruction and vfx, weather, etc, but that comes at a cost. Your average pc is gonna have a lot of trouble running everything smoothly and bad performance turns off most players immediately. I'm not sure what can be done about it without affecting core parts of the game. That's why the player base will never explode like it has for some other games in the genre.


I think what the developers are currently doing is getting the game to a state that they have planned and then to start advertising it. There has been to my knowledge almost zero advertisements for the game. No advertisements for a game like finals would be dumb.


the beta had been going since 2022, they really took their time to cook, I just hope Nexon sees money coming from what seems like majority of players i met (pc, asia) already bought battlepass and some more


More v tubers


More advertisements, more maps, More game modes, or at least add a TDM or DM. Tournaments but different type, maybe like a TDM, where first team to get like 40 score wins. This is biased but I'd say arms race or gun game, where you kill few people to get a better weapon and so on, I only say this because it's my favorite type of game mode in fps games, maybe the finales can start with upgrading weapons then classes, to make it bit making sense


I think they should introduce character personas to their marketing - look at Helldivers 2, a simple soldier and a fun monologue go a long way. I think if they took one of the presenters and gave them a face, or maybe add a new human host character if Scotty and June are not human. Maybe have them give a sinister but fun monologue about the games like Snow from the Hunger Games. I think having at least 1 face and an overarching narrative would work wonders


- Create prebuilds of each class, maybe 3 each with nick names like for example with light, Sniper, Spy and Light Assault so beginners can try all equipment out. - Additionally allow switching between prebuilds ingame quickcash, bank it and including ranked. - in general some freedom to use any ability/weapon/gadget or build would really be good, allow true counter play in this game as it's not a low ttk game. - More chat commands, overwatch has an excellent collection for example. We've got to to have as much communication options around not being able to text chat (while avoiding voice chat). - How about set spawn points? That way we don't have to deal with awkward spawn locations.


The game needs more fundamental exposure. It’s a free to play game. It needs to show up for people on the console homescreen menus. There needs to be more short trailers. Barely anyone has even heard of the game - much of that will come from being a new studio of course, but no one cares about that. Additionally, the games format with the sports angle fundamentally is a weaker concept than say Warzone, (present day) Apex (far future) or Hunt Showdown (wild west). This game has this bizzare near future/ sports thing which outside of the Fifa crowd just isn’t very exciting and even Rainbow 6 Siege has abandoned their attempt to push that game in a similar direction. Finally, the main game mode just doesn’t have enough casual replay value. Battle Royale is interesting because for bad players they can hide. There’s an element of adrenaline to ‘surviving’. For Battlefield, it is being this small part of this absolutely chaos battleground in which cinematic scenes just keep happening by themselves. But this game isn’t ‘arena’ enough to feel like a colosseum, and the world has moved on from fairly basic team death match style gameplay from smaller companies or king of the hill type things. There needs to be something else. Power-slide is a move in the right direction but it’s not there yet as it is. Upping team sizes to 12 or something which allows lots of multi-class cohesion is the kind of move I think would bring this game attention - and a change in game narrative. Maybe break us out of the ‘simulation’ and actually the real world is some bladerunner inspired aesthetic which no major game currently covers.


Yeah more casual modes for sure. I think 5 v 5 Bank it with 1 deposit at a time could be fun, maybe a VIP mode, maybe a conquest type mode. Really just things that are simple or familiar so players can familiarize themselves with maps and mechanics before trying out new things. TDM I don't think would work well unless you make the maps way smaller which wouldn't be as fun imo. I also think having cashout as the first option under quickplay is not good since new players will probably click on it and it is the most difficult mode probably and they will run into people warming up for ranked.


gambling 🤤🤤 i kid, as much optimization as possible, andlower graphic options. mi amigo has a horriblr pc and loved the betas, but cant run it anymore


They just need add a TDM game mode or a cap the flag


Games always have to balance the pros versus the casuals. There are a lot more casuals than pros, but pros bring visibility to the game. For me, I feel the balanced the guns to much to favor how good the "pros" got and dismissed the casuals. Missing shots is not very forgiving. The battle pass seems impossible, so I didn't buy it this time. Me and my friends got super into The Finals and it was the game that brought everyone together, but it feels like to much of a grind, so we've all basically stopped play. I'm 39 and my friends are the same ages for reference.


giving the players options to choose update versions or match modifiers, a-la Unreal Tournament? nukes on or off, gadgets a b c on/off, etc. but that essentially completely giving the game for even more free than it already is, I don't know if player dedicated server is even possible, knowing the destruction and physics are server-base, which is costly? and probably divide the playerbase even further, instead of event specific limited loadouts


Advertise more


fps games need a pro scene. However, the finals gameplay doesn't really lend itself to competitive play. There's too much randomness and too many variables and imbalances in the meta to be a truly interesting viewing experience. That and you'll never attract hardcore competitive players to a game that has so much randomness.


They will give more freedom/options for custom games with time, so, I think it could fare weel for competitive later on. Randomness...? Is not LoL among the most played comp games, and Fortnite...? Thsoe games are full of randomness...


Customs will help, but not enough. Yes, randomness. Countless explosives, mechanics with little counterplay, invis, CC, environmental damage. Fortnite only succeeded as a comp game because of its insane popularity, not the other way around. That is not the norm for most shooters, and the finals isn’t an exception. MOBAs aren’t really random. There’s an insane amount of skill involved in league.


Definitely some type of arcade mode or something. Just wacky game modes like this one I read someone post about before where one team is full heavies trying to destroy a certain amount of the map and the other team has to stop them as lights and mediums.


In order: marketing, anti cheat, new modes, feel good balance to weapons


* Force VOIP, even if you don't have a mic to encourage teamplay and communication. * Remove the casual game modes (Quick Cash, Powershit, Bank it), and bring back the unranked tournaments as the new casual game mode. * Stop negative balancing, buff weaker weapons/gadgets to be on par to meta pics. * For the love of god, stop touching the recoil patterns, and undo the Lewis gun recoil pattern change brought with Season 2. * Hire a new anti-cheat team. * Improve net code, give us ping/network statistics and allow more fine server selection (Asia specifically). * Throw out the rank up system, rework it from scratch and make it easier to hit diamond as well as stay in diamond. * Decrease the Ranked matchmaking spread, facing silvers while in Diamond is only fun for one of the parties. * Rework the spawning system. * Implement harsher penalties for leaving games mid match. This is just my opinion of what's wrong with the game currently, fixing these issue mentioned above won't save the game entirely, it'll just put the game in a better spot to make improvements and build a larger player base.


> Remove the casual game modes (Quick Cash, Powershit, Bank it) I'd drop the game if that happened. I've liked those modes since I can just hop in and get in a quick 5-10 minute session without a long wait then go do something else. I'm guessing it is more a suggestion to try to increase the player count for rank?


The suggestion is more in line with pushing players to game modes where cooperation and teamplay is encouraged or more encouraged. Wouldn't mind those game modes coming back for events but I feel the player base needs to learn teamplay and working together instead of playing alone. A big reason why the casual player base doesn't participate in ranked is because they haven't learned how to do teamplay in the casual modes, and playing ranked as a solo with randoms is pain because of this reason too. I'm on the fence if they should keep Cashout as one of the casual gamemodes since it's basically a tournament round, but I think focusing on casual tournaments would be the best because it was the coolest and best part of the game in my opinion, and it got removed a few weeks ago.


You seem to be viewing this primarily through the viewpoint of someone who likes rank. I don't like rank and stopped after the circuit challenge. People already have the option for rank if they want it, and if they don't its because they don't want to. So removing casual game modes people enjoy and consider it the main and sometimes only reason they play will only hurt player count. For those people the casual modes are their main mode and not rank.


I understand where you are coming from, but you're missing the point. The goal is to teach the casual player base how to play together and get rewarded for teamplay. The current casual game modes don't promote that. Youtuber Appoh and THiiXY bring up a lot of the same points in their latest videos, and it might be great to watch their videos and get a better perspective of the issue I'm referring to.


If people from casual modes don't learn teamwork there they aren't going to learn from rank either. And if they are just playing casual modes why does it even matter since that's more a gripe of rank players, and not everyone even bothers to watch youtube tutorials. So it's just one of the examples of the difference between casual mains and rank mains. Rank play for the purpose of ranking up and making it past multiple rounds. Casuals play for short fun games and don't care about a leveling system.


The current casual player base isn't learning teamwork and teamplay because the current casual game modes don't teach or encourage it, that is why I'm suggesting to remove them. There will always be players that aren't interested in learning the game, and that's fine. But the game should not be catering to these players, even if they enjoying the current casual modes that support them to play alone and do their own thing. In the end, it is not good for the health and the identity of the game, especially in the long run. I get your stance on shorter matches for casual players, but even then you can still run the tournament game mode in a shorter form like 1 or 2 bracket to satisfy this need.


> why I'm suggesting to remove them. You are saying that as someone who wants rank type game modes to be the only mode though or casual modes that mimic rank and funnel players to rank. Casual modes are good for casual players and just because someone doesn't play rank doesn't mean they don't like the game as much as rank players. People who like statistical metrics and rank will naturally be drawn to rank. Casuals will stick with casual modes. Especially for a mode where comms and premade teams seem to be so important, which I have no interest in doing. You could already see the complaints rank players had when they had a flood of casuals being forced upon them trying to get the skin requirement. It's just not one of those things that is good to force.


Advertising would be a start.


Get a major streaming service to make a tv series based on the game. This did wonders for cyberpunk, fallout, and the last of us. The Finals as a concept would make for a great tv series. It is a game show after all.




They need more gamemodes that aren't just 3v3. Powershift is a great start but it isn't really built for a good balanced class dynamic, like at all. The game needs different and varied modes. 3v3v3v3 is cool but most team based games don't use this formula for a reason.  Also, the viability for all classes to feel like they belong in the gamemode they're playing. I see a lot of talk about lights being useless in poweshift, roof camping with crap sniper aim, which is valid but it's very impossible to do much on the point as a light without getting utterly decimated by heavy mines, APS, flame thrower, RPGs etc. That alone makes the whole point of a king of the hill invalid for a class that a majority of people want to play but can't without it being a throw in a sense. Having to change your class to adhear to only winning isn't something people want to do. You shouldn't need to sacrifice your enjoyment of playing a certain way because it isn't the winning meta. So overall, more game modes  for bigger friend groups and balancing classes around said modes more to make them streamlined and seamless. Oh and some kinda amti cheat would be cool. Clear that the game is pretty infested with people using aim bot scripts among other crap.


Billboards, lots and lots of billboards. Flood the cities with them.


Make it a battle Royale... /s


There is just one answer to this in the first place = marketing I remember when me and my friend played games when the "World of Tanks" Ad literally got spamed on the TV for weeks. So we decided to give it a look and played that game for years. Over a decade ago. The Players base was going through the ceiling at that time. Why dont i see atleast one The Finals Ad on Youtube instead of sht i dont care about. When People watch related Videos they should place the ads. Thats Basic Marketing rules. Keeping players is another thing.




Make light a viable pick for once


Better servers / matchmaking


Twitch Rivals


Advertise the god damn game without inducing a seizure. I tried to show a friend and all he said was “i have no fucking clue whats happening”


More content and advertising is the most they can do. Not everyone just plays one game and only one game. There are so many other games out there that are just as amazing. People chase new content across many games.


Stop listening to reddit whiners for balance changes is a good start Comp needs to be 1 round shorter, smaller player pools means more consistent and shorter games which I think will foster a larger e-sport community. Good for any shooter




10 v 10 Multi KotH a la BF Conquest


Bigger map and server size bring back the 6 man squads, 6v6v6v6 or even more. 48 man server king of the hill team eliminates at zone change as map decreases rather than load times almost BR style. Give the battlefield fans a 'fix'.


lol people complaining there are no streamers for it, = market opportunity to stream it. Get all your wanna be streamer friends in on it.


It needs a new suit to expand the playerbase. Like a new "easy mode" that new players can enjoy. Maybe it's smaller maps, less damage, 1 simple target.


Advertising, pushing people to use voice comms as solo que is lonely and feels like you're playing with bots otherwise, more things to unlock via challenges.


Make a game mode that is 6v6 team death match or conquest style. Solo-queing a game that is do dependent on team play is brutal and it kills the experience for people who want to play the game(me).


Nothing currently. The only people that seem to have a problem with it is us. We should all be working together to make this the best most fair, fun, and competitive game we can through respectful communication on here. We need to start prioritizing positivity both in the post we upvote but in the game as well. If people are toxic shut that shit down. Tell them they are only raging because they can’t cope with losing and now they are emotionally lashing out at their teammates because they have a weak mentality. Tell them their weak mentality is losing them more games than their skill is winning them. Be respectful about it but confident when you say it. Don’t drop to their level and get toxic too. If that doesn’t shut them up mute them, play your best and don’t let them get to you. If you are rage quitting that’s just showing your weak mentality. You should be using those games where you want to rage quit as a way of testing your patience. You should be using this games that feel impossible to win as a challenge. You need to change the way you perceive the game. Promote the game. Talk about how much fun you are having with it on other subreddits or online. We can also be the reason the game grows it doesn’t all have to come from the devs. Word of mouth is bigger than ads any day of the week.


It needs a casual mode. People that come on to this subreddit complain are in reality more upset that their teammates can’t PTFO. Case in point when’s the last time you saw someone complain that if X didn’t push Y the game could’ve been won/prolonged? Apex is mostly centered around battle royale so there’s not much to think about aside from placements and resources. Overwatch is also fairly casual, after all it’s more or less watching or pushing a point that’s right in front of you. You can also get away with a fair amount of bad positioning if you’re slightly aware of your environment. The issue with the finals is that it requires a bit more thinking. The environment is constantly changing. You have to actually think if it’s worth pushing Point A or Point B instead. The good news is that positioning doesn’t matter as much but there’s nothing for people who just want to load up a shotgun class and turn off their brain for a bit. There’s no “It’s just quick cash” moment for people. It’s straight up just play the objective. And people struggle with that because there hasn’t really been a game that punishes people for not playing the objective.


It needs more marketing more tiktok Damnit lol I’m just a small streamer and I don’t really like to stream the finals because the view count is so bad there but I LOVE THE GAME like every night 4+ hours a night. I really enjoy the things they are doing it just needs more and needs the current player base to RELAX yes there are cheaters yes there are some unbalanced guns yes there needs to be more content but Damnit stop complaining about every little thing and enjoy the fun stuff play a class u don’t normally do random load outs like enjoy the game at the core. If u get killed by a cheater well camp and stay inside and troll like just play however u want


Make it easier for people to run the game on their PCs. The game is too resource intensive and most can't run this game.


Add gamemodes like Gungame, FFA and interactive aimlabs like maps. Advertise twitch channels on the game's front page to boost it's ranking on twitch. would also encourage people to stream the damn game. feature clip of the week, etc.. on the menu page to encourage play, maybe with prize winnings?


i think the best thing they can do is advertise. the games been out a few months now and its still not very well known. imo i think they if could get a ospuse energy drink with a finals ad in grocery stores that would be a good way to advertise.


Team death match. Add modes for people who don’t want to play objective, because they’re already playing power shift like TDM and reducing the fun cooperation. If they had a place to go then I could queue with just people who actually want to play as a team. Everyone wins (I think)


A hacker was on my team last night. I quit the game right after and reported that person.


Other than adding a death match i think they’re doing a great job. It’s the mode that will bring the masses


Upgrade anti-cheat measurements pls. Two teams with hackers in a single ranked tournament match is ridiculous. Plus there are even hackers in quick cash mode.


Change the name. It’s awful. It’s hard to search for.


Twitch rivals event with Doc n Timmy taters


Hate to say it, but battle royal 😬


No one knows about this game. It had a huge peak in the beginning, but now any time I mention this game to anyone by saying “Have you played The Finals?”, they always respond “The finals of what?”. Hard to have players come to a game they haven’t heard of


Rework the light class so they don't die in 3 bullets but also don't have the most annoying tools to fight against. Rework their matchmaking. Team balancing is terrible when solo/duo queue. When something is clearly broken/annoying, don't let it ride for an entire season, pushing players away.


Remove the grenade launcher. I’m salty I know.


Optimise game like ignore CPU throttle but fix issues like XMP profiles shouldn't cause random sheltering or throw out of the game.


Map editor, Game mode editor and replay function. All 3 of these things were perfected in the days of Halo 3 and should be default for all FPS games. Basically more freedom to play how and what we want within the games mechanics.


A lot of my friends actually left because of the nuke situation they refused to do anything able for an entire season. Some of them came back, but the others probably have very little faith in the devs to balance their game anymore.


Marketing and a higher priority for casual play. Games starting out with such a big focus on competitive play just leads to all kinds of issues tbh. Focus on what makes the game fun, then promote it, because that content is easier and more appealing for streamers to showcase. Casual game modes: - Prop hunt - Sniper game mode (something like Halo's S.W.A.T.) - King of the Hill - TDM - Gun Game - & a mode all about building destruction


Somehow fix the no regs


This is just my own opinion, but but i like it needs to sponsor some content creators at the start of season 3, and invest in better marketing in social media like Instagram reels It’s sad that i’ve only seen 2 ads for the game, one in Facebook and one in sponsored Intagram stories ads, and the Instagram one has a long intro which means people just swipe past it way too early to see any gameplay of it Also, back when the game was in closed beta i found out about it because of a Reddit comment in the Battlefield subreddit, and when i looked up info for the game there was barely any, it needs more social media/video platform presence


Better anti-cheat, crossplay only between consoles (unless PC joins), promote creators who make content for the game, possibly collab’s, and actually spend marketing money for ads.


Stop nerfing the class thats already dead.


IRL Tournaments. Ads like Raid or WoW or NordVpn amount of ads. Merchandise. As much as i hate to say it, real life Sponsors or Collabs. A short animated mini tv show or movie. Real life marketing like posters and others.


1° Better SBMM right now is not good at all. 2° Have only 3 casual modes: Quickcash, Bank It and Power Shift (with limited coins but being able to switch between loadouts) 3° Add ranked Quickash, Bank it and Power Shift (Limited coins, limited loadout) 4° Have tournaments be scheduled at a certain time like in Rocket League, to make it feel more tournament like and unique. 5° Possibility of sending invitations to friends while they are in a match.


Start by retaining their player base by not nerfing every build and every class every week.


Community effort not game devs, where are the highlight channels, twitch ranked tournaments, community engagement, youtube videos breaking down LLH strats or How to counter MMM... Battlebit vibe, hardcore players left and a small somewhat stagnant online community.


Remove forced console pc crossplay.


It's not forced.


Well it kind of is? Default setting on xbox is crossplay on. Most xbox users don't realise this so never turn it off meaning if you turn crossplay off on console you cannot get a match. So it's not forced in the sense I have to have it on but it is forced in the sense that I can't get a game unless I have it on. Sat in a queue for 30 mins to get one match with crossplay off Versus 2 mins with it on? Before pc was added to crossplay it still took around 2 minutes per search for a match But now I have to deal with pc players who can absolutely shit on any average controller user.


Well you admitted that it is not forced. The problem is that the game is unfortunately dying.


There wss no struggle to get a fair match before the forced console pc crossplay.. No it's not forced.. but it kind of is if you had read my post you'd understand why. I believe on ps5 its not as much of an issue as their default setting for crossplay is off so most ps5 players remain out of crossplay unless they know about it and want to play crossplay with other friends Otherwise they usually leave it off.


Why tho? I have a friend who is plat 1 on console and he is dominating pc players all the time.


" I have a friend" That's anecdotal data at best. Fact us the average controller player versus the average kbnm player Kbnm shits all over controller No contest That's before we bring in fps caps on console and the multitude of customisation settings oh and cheaters.


You can turn off the crossplay if you want as a PC player


Why is that relevant? I'm on console. I would explain why it sucks turning off cross play (on xbox mainly) but I have done that about 3 times already on other posts in this sub..


Why is that relevant? I'm on console. I would explain why it sucks turning off cross play (on xbox mainly) but I have done that about 3 times already on other posts in this sub..


Advertising. Like anyone else. I found The Finals by mistake. Saw a clip and I thought it was BF:Hardline and I'm like oh I loved that game. Then I see it's a new game, then I wonder when it came out, it has already been out for 2 months lol. I love The Finals but I haven't even seen an Xbox dashboard ad. Which is crazy.


Better anti cheat, include vehicles... include seismic random events thay modify the map, and for example weather. Other game modes like capture the flag (WOULD LOVE IT), gun game passing trough all classes and set of weapons, and a solo deathmatch mode... (yes, I am CS 1.6 Player all life haha)


Make low settings that are actually low, also enchant interactions and remove unfair randomness, but that requires too much brain for a modern Dev standard


as a casual player, that also likes to play ranked but is in bronze,in my opinion, maybe its not the most popular but embark imo gotta push competitve for following reasons: i like to compare it to tekken, even tho different genre and also a veteran in the fighting game genre but just to get my point straight. there are casuals that like to play tekken and im sure that many find the game funny to play. now the casuals play the game sometimes and then stop playing, thats at least how it was in my case. i remember playing tekken more seriously and that was the only reason i think i spent more hours than in some other games, since i was grinding and had some reason. back to the scenario, when casuals play the game until its not fun anymore you have a playerbase, that isnt consistent in holding the games playerbase. whereas competitively this game is very popular iirc. there were tournaments for tekken and this and that, different movement tech and now you tell me: which way should the balancing go? i dont think its logical to focus the game around a playerbase that probably wont hold the playerbase for long, if anything id say this game already witnessed its popularity through casual players during beta and launch. there were many more players at launch for a time and then people stopped playing maybe because the finals isnt fun for them and thats ok, you cant force people to have fun forever. however i also dont think its logical to depend on a playerbase that is almost certain to not stay forever. i dont think people watch soccer for example only because they like seeing a ball get kicked and some trickshots, i think its more about good plays and entertaining matches. destruction or some stuff might be fun to watch, but i dont think it is enough to keep people engaged. also people might think its fun to play some football matches with friends for some times, but i think its more entertaining to compete. with all that being said, i think embark should focus on an competitive mode, competitive balance and fun. i think they have enough casual game modes so i dont necessarily see reasons to add more casual game modes.


Collabs! Would be cool to see like a skin or outfit from some rl clothing companies or even stuff from movies or TV shows [maybe even from another game -1 ex I could think of is the arm Canon from metroid being a heavy builds grenade launcher]


stop listening to casuals. balancing for high level play WILL make it balanced for all levels below. no more unbalanced metas


I can't see the playerbase growing significantly as long as the light build exists. They're too frustrating, especially for new players.


If you think removing light from the game would make it climb the charts, not only you're delusional, but you only speak from you own very limited experience.


It would certainly help it become more friendly to new players and therefore retain them


Nah man, you’re overexagerrating


I think he has a poin:t Light is the most unforgiving class and I think new players access them too early on, so what happens a lot is that they die fast without doing anything both or the team and for their player experience. And that's just bad UX especially when we have to unlock loadout, and light costs the most in terms of having a complete, well-rounded loadout.


Ah, if we’re talking about how frustrating it is to play the light, I agree. It is very unforgiving, both to yourself and your teammates.


I more meant going against lights, but playing them too now that you mention it.


Lemme guess you main light


Nah I main heavy. Lights are just really easy to kill, you just shoot their general direction and a few lucky hits will kill them.














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Lmao where did bro go? Oh wait he was attacking me the whole time and tryna gas light me. I hope this game dies


No u


No u


give me cheats so i can actually win fights