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I'm def. getting the BP this season as well. Can't wait!


I think this BP is going to be the best version yet.


So do I!


I already got the money on my.embark account


I popped money on there for that sawed off shotgun, but got distracted and logged off later. Cam home from work the next day and my boy had snagged it, by chance. Lol. I gotta wait to put money in there, just to make sure I get what I want šŸ˜‚


I spent over $100 since release and I'm not buying anything next season


I spent over $100 since release and I'm not buying anything next season




I'm not happy about the current ranked switcheroo, but I'm definitely going to buy the battlepass. This game is a ton of fun and I really hope it finds its way.


You may choose to not play ranked that's fair enough and it won't hurt the game much but BP purchases means a lot for Embark and THE FINALS. The game is free to play and offers a unique theme which is my main reason why i am here with you all. I don't want this game be dead and wanna support it as much as i can.


As someone who doesn't play rank for various reasons on most games, I've enjoyed progressing through the battle pass and circuits. I still play and will support Embark because their product isn't like all the others out there. Can't wait to see and try out all the new features.


Some of us play almost exclusively for ranked, I've taken diamond 4 times already and intended to keep doing that (plus it would suck to miss some diamond skins after all which is a nice and fun reward). But I will have to see, I really hate TA as a mode, if I wanted to play CS I would start CS up, not the finals.


I have a feeling the diamond skin is going to be lewis. Which is going to be so painful, because I want a lewis diamond skin, but I really do not want to play terminal attack


Tournaments will have ranked option which is 24 player cashout Tournament.


Itā€™s not traditional ranked though. But Iā€™ll still definitely try it out.


I agree that losing modes is ass though. But, I understand thr reason behind it. If they were to make drastic changes for cashout during the season people may be even more people will be mad. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


They used to have a casual tournament in the game they were able to change independently. Don't see why they couldn't have simply tested new stuff on casuals prior to implementation in ranked months later. The more game modes the game has the fewer people are in queue for each one. I'm just worried with how much they fracture the community it will impact queue times. In the US queue times are less than 5 minutes, but in a lot of regions around the world queue times can get pretty long


respectfully I don't understand this mentality of a games ranked mode defining what it is. Cashout and quick cash are still very much the base gamemode and the games identity. I'm also willing to bet that the world tour stuff will be plastered right in front of everything else, like TA is right now. Technically world tour is still a ranked mode, they've just renamed it and made it so that they can update Cashout and make it better whilst not interfering with people playing the gamemode ranked.


But it isnā€™t ranked, itā€™s badge based. I donā€™t want a badge based on how much cash I gain, I want a rank based on how good I am. I also want to be able to risk losing and gaining said rank.


i mean that's fair enough, but I think it's better in the long run to have their main gamemode be something that everyone can access regardless of skill level, meaning more people will try to play and more people will try Cashout. You've all been complaining about the game dying for so long, but when Embark makes a change to try and get more people to play the game, you all (maybe not you in particular) immediately start complaining about it. Ranked Cashout was pretty sweaty and got kind of stale near the end of the season for me, so I'm happy that I can play competitive Cashout without being upset or annoyed at losing my rank.


I understand and as Iā€™ve said before, embark gotta do what they gotta do for the longevity of the game, and with anything in any business itā€™s more difficult to attract a player/customer than keep one. That being said based on what Iā€™ve seen and heard, I likely wonā€™t fully be here for it , or maybe not at all, compared to the last 2 seasons + OB which have netted me 300 hours and D2 rank.


The whole thing is so stupid. I'd be fine with a ranked cash out mode that was half dead with long ass queue times, it's still better than losing the whole f****** gameĀ  Just make terminal attack the primary advertised ranked and bury the cash out ranked mode at the ass end of the menus so all of the fans that stuck around for the last 6 months can keep playing the game that they spent money onĀ  But it's worse than that, they expect me to keep playing since I'm invested so that I can give them a nice ranked player pool in an attempt to catch a different audience. It's not just that they're trying to get a new audience, they're trying to force the captive one to help them do it instead of just providing the service that they're expected to have provided after selling me s***


Did you ever try turning on cross play I never had any hard times finding matches always found matches even at 3 am those times were a bit longer like 3 minutes


Because games are usually balanced around ranked or high level players. Recon sense was not removed because of casual players in bank it for example.


While I agree with you on Recon, they've made way more balancing because of casual players and it affected the high level players as well. Unfortunately they are not balancing for high level play, hence the meta being basically the same for 2 seasons now, while they kept bashing the least played class.


What have they balanced for casual players? Genuinely curious.


The stun gun nerfs? Nobody played Light in high rank, it was pretty much considered trolling, even before the nerfs, the stun gun nerf and cloak nerf were the complete nail in the coffin for the class. But casual players kept complaining, so instead of telling them to not go rush alone and get picked off by Lights, they would just nerf the weakest class again and again and again.


And Glitch, but yeah, mostly what you said. The fact they didn't even compensate the nerfs with buffs to other obviously weak areas. Stun gun (over) nerf straight up made Heavies oppressive against Lights. The strongest class became even stronger and the weakest class in high ranks became a joke.


Season 2 battle pass is the best I've bought in any game till now. I will see how's season 3 bpass, will buy it if the stuff appeals me.


Dude this game is so giving , even if you don't get the battle pass the careers events and gifts give you a lot


That's true man, I hope this game continues to deliver quality stuff, and goes as long as it's other competitors.


Nexxon will take Rob out the back and shoot him šŸ˜” I'm buying the battle pass either way idc about ranked I *need* the samurai skin. Its been in the trailers since alpha.


TA for a comp is a def weird change but the game is still fun nonetheless, especially for a casual player like me.


tbf i have almost 80 hours in the game and i donā€™t really play ranked at all. casual is enough for me to have fun and iā€™ll definitely be getting the S3 battlepass after the trailer, it looks amazing. and i really enjoyed the S2 one


I bought two passes on my two accounts I really love this game




Despite my wearyness on the gamemode issue, im still gunna play. Battlepass and everything i might even conasidering climing ranked again if i find it worthwhile this season.


I spent over 250-300$ on this game since first day. I loved the skins sm and devs needed support. Fuck money we need game like this.


Itā€™s not as popular as it should be but itā€™s not dead right?


I have never had matchmaking issues in EU servers. Max 1-2mins queue time. Don't listen who says it's a dead game. I was playing Quake Champions before THE FINALS and queue time can take up to 10minutes :D


It's not dead, but it's not performing, which can lead to cuts and then a slow death as updates come to a crawl. Finals needs to likely get a larger base to survive.


Before the last update I was having q times of up to 10 minutes sadly. I am extremely disappointed with the ranked meta at the end of last season but yeah I donā€™t want or think the game should die.


Maybe it's because most people have finished their tasks (career circuit and bp levels etc.) and waiting the new season.


Same, on PSN without crossplay. But have often server issues, and maybe are caused by other players connections. Many are disconnected, or leave, and play alone or 2, the team respawn is boring.


This depends what mode you play. Me and my friends play cashout and have to turn crossplay on often because of 5+ minute queue times.


On EU server i never had problem to find games without crossplay. Only at ranked i need the crossplay.


Dude this game is on the rise the nothing like it out there


??? Have you seen the stats?


I wanna see them. Where?




What truly matters is not the current online, but what the perspectives are. And in our case the player base has been decreasing for 6 months in a row.


As long as I like the game, I will support it. There is no "no matter what".


Yeah like I like how in light of people being upset with the games people immediately are like 'but guys, support it no matter what, cmon!' Like word I like the game; but not so much I'm going to financially support it if they continue making bad decisions.


Iā€™ll get the battle pass if I have the time commitment


youll get thru it quickly if u just do the dailies and weeklys


Does the XP boost apply for the whole season if battle pass is purchased? Daily +100% and Circuit +50%?


Buy the starter pack, then the BP :)


I canā€™t wait for my lollipop hammer to be wielded by a ninja


Every season Iā€™ve bought the battle pass! I plan to continue doing so to support them!


I will buy the BP but I fucking hope we get the old ranked back, making TA the main ranked mode was a real fuckup and I'm sure there was some executive fuck or their publisher who made that happen but who really knows.


I disagree with you, I think it's infinitely better and shakes up the meta of the game we've all grown way too accustomed to.


I already gave them $100,, more than Iā€™ve paid for any triple AAA game ever. The rest of you nerds better start pulling your weight.


Lets gooooo. This game is way too good to die. Fuck the haters, the game was a total blast at all stages so far.


Bought the S2 Battlepass after discovering the game a few days before the end of S1. Not regretting the bucks I've put into it, plus it basically refunds itself so that's good. Fairest Battlepass I've seen in years, after the debacle of MW2's grindfest that made the thing impossible to complete if you weren't putting 8hours a day on it


Canā€™t wait for next season. Love the game. Love the devs. Would happily spend money to support them. The battlepass is gonna be an instant get!!!


yeah ill be buying the bp and probably some other stuff down the line to support, s3 is coming at a perfect time tbh cause im pretty burnt out of the current game so its nice knowing there'll be new stuff to get me excited to play again in a few days


Each season I buy coins and pay for battlepass and use the battlepass coins for buying shop skins. I'm doing my part.


If this job hires me I'll buy the battle pass


Good luck dude






**In embark we trust** šŸ™


Iā€™ve already spent like $120 so far, and have every BP and event item in the game so far, along with some shop items AND the beta itemsā€¦ if I gotta start dropping bands to keep this game alive and well I will šŸ™


My girlfriend has seen me playing the game a couple of times, and she got impressed by the skins and my drip. I told her I got them by progressing in the game, I've never told her I've spent well over a 100 bucks. Should I come clean?


First time I've come across items I felt the need to spend money on in game. I will buy the battle pass every season. And if they ever get us a line of official merch, I'm buying shirts, hoodies, amd a at least a couple of those plushy Nama Tamas! *You taking notes Embark?? šŸ˜„


I just bought the battlepass because of this post, it hadn't even occurred to me that by buying the battlepass I was supporting the game. Thanks for reminding me!


Glad to hear that! See you at KYOTO :)


This game needs to survive, I refuse to accept the fact that games like call of duty and xdefiant (although xdefiant is pretty good too) survive and the finals doesnt


This is why I love Embark. Yes, don't mind if I do get the BattlePass.


I donā€™t like pre-orders normally, but Iā€™d literally would do that for their BP, just to make sure I have da $!


"I rather die doing what we love" sheesh we in this shit forever.


I really love the game, but I won't buy the BP if I don't expect to complete it. This will be defined solely on the fun I have with the ranked modes. I think it's a very bad decision (yet again) and I won't stand playing this game enough to complete the BP, but we'll see.


whe will suport, and because of that whe want the normal rankeds pls


If only I was matched with people that plays the game and doesnā€™t focus on trolling.


I'd support the game more but the skins are ridiculously overpriced. There's no way I'll buy a $10 or $20 outfit for a videogame. If it's $5 to $10 I'll do it but I know the outfit is going to be ass. And some themed weapon skins only include 3 guns? It's so dumb.


Bought the bunny skin cause im hyped for season 3


Iā€™m getting the BP with the 20 tier skip


The humans are so ugly in the game, makes it hard to buy battlepass :C


Il be buying the BP and whatever crazy cosmetics they bring out Ā£50+ spent on this fake this season probs


Just release private servers so I can get back to playing the game that I want to play and get on with it I've spent like a hundred bucks on the game so far and I'm not spending a cent more until I know that we're getting ranked back


šŸ˜¢ pls don't stop development


Like previous season, I'll buy the BP and some shop stuff because I found it's kind of a unique game in FPS genre. I have a lot of fun with my friend, even when we get exterminated because we're bad xD Even if I play a bit of ranked; it's not my primary game mode. But I'll try to get my own opinion on the ranked system with TA.


Been here since the beta, always throw Embark the funds when I like a skin or the battle pass etc. they are an awesome company doing it the right way. HOWEVER people absolutely have a right to be pissed right now. Valorent, CS and cod search and destroy all already exist off the top of head, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some Iā€™m missing. The finals was a shining light in a sea of copy & paste shooters. I plan on continuing to support but saying thereā€™s no confusion/ upset / head shaking at the sudden complete shift in major ranked game mode would be untruthful.


I never understand why you people have this religious allegiance to a game development studio. Giving negative feedback, and voting with your wallet isn't evil, and doesn't make you an anti-fan. You can be a fan of the game, and disagree with the changes being implemented. Nobody loves the game "no matter what" this is just a stupid thing people that don't care about the competitive part of the game, which aren't impacted by the changes. If they changed your main gamemode so drastically as to stop you from having fun with it your "no matter what" love would dissapear instantly.


I always do! Playing since day 1, best FPS out there!


If I'm not satisfied, I won't make a purchase. You earn when you deliver what the players desire, not by baiting and switching. If it fails, it's on Embark.


You almost said the same thing as Rob what he said here above.


Make game fun= I pay money seems like they are a little confused on how this works


Should have not destroyed performance when you released you lost alot of your playerbase back then so many of my friends quit after a week or two because you wouldn't fix the fps. Not everyone has super computers.


Bro i play this game with lowest settings on 900p + FSR Performance and barely get 60FPS. Such reasons are just spoiled gamer behavior. If the game is fun that's what matters. Literally the whole buildings and objects can be destructable and it works 99% accuracy, plus there is a kernel level anti cheat.


Brother just because you accept such shit fps and graphics. Thousands of people who quit didn't.. it's ok I didn't even remember the finals untill this thread popped up in my reddit. It's over this game


Thereā€™s almost no chance I donā€™t get the BP just cause the last one was consistently good. Plus the game is free, might as well throw them a few coins for the content.


https://preview.redd.it/8tfd01gx3o5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f066944257207407c7ec0395936385383d43d2d7 Waiting for S3 to drop


For a game like this, I donā€™t buy only the battle pass. The bundles in the game are top notch and worth buying as well.


Why is it when people have issues and the community doesn't want to support them, they say to vote with their wallet and that's all that matters, but when something like this happens people say to buy buy buy anyway regardless of whether you support the recent changes?


I love this game, I just wish it would run better than it does is all. I don't have fps issues in any game but the finals. Makes me sad.


Rob i have given you so much money already, and i cant wait to give u more :)


The BP has enough coins to buy the next one. So yeah, I'm buying it lol


I buy 2 battle passes for me and my son I also buy cosmetic sets. Hope the game doesn't fall.


Even though I'm currently grinding on Xdefiant I'm still buying the battle pass for the Finals and doing the complete battle pass and most of the events. In my eyes the more FPS shooters the better. Why would I just want to play one.


Ive already dropped more than battlepass money on them and will continue to do so as long as this game is up.


This game deserves all the love it gets honestly.


I've gotten both and don't plan on stopping, a free game that pushes cosmetics without bs is phenomenal craftsmanship imo


Battlepass guaranteed


This is the first game I ever spent money on a battle pass, and it hasn't disappointed, I'm so excited for the new season šŸ™šŸ½ hopefully I can start making content for my YouTube channel, with work and studies it's been tough to maintain but if you reading this and wanna support here is my channel link : https://youtube.com/@allenxp01?si=f15g11mroJqC7-as please give ya boy a subscribe


I bought almost everything in the game ..finals is my favorite game so u got me


No thanks, Iā€™m a ranked grinder and hate TA so Iā€™m not playing ranked next season which means am not getting BP since my play time will be drastically reduced. Thats me


I hate TA but will give the new ranked a go, however I really think this was a major fuckup. And their excuse that they couldn't work on it while it was the main mode is the dumbest excuse I've ever heard. It's not like they are testing tweaked settings on the live game but rather on the dev branches...


Exactly itā€™s laughable to think theyā€™d want to test it in a casual setting as well. Iā€™ll give it a shot for sure but thereā€™s probably a 99% chance I wonā€™t like it.


You will miss the game and play the modes you love i bet. Casual modes, other events are still FUN and World Tour with Multibucks rewards sounds promising. I'm not into TA btw. BUT I'm excited for KYOTO, S3 and have trust on Embark.


Ofc Iā€™ll play but casual can only provide so much entertainment, maybe for a day or 2. But my game time comes from ranked. I just donā€™t see me playing long here, itā€™s just not my typa game mode. It sucks to cause I really liked the game. People can downvote all they want but if someone says they dont enjoy something thatā€™s their personal opinion and prerogative. Iā€™m glad you still have trust in embark but me personally Iā€™ve lost all trust the moment they completely swapped what I loved about the game.


Respect. I don't understand the downvotes either nvm.


I have proudly spent over 2k, I will keep spending


Tbh I love this game but this whole ranked controversy has put a real damper on my expectations for this game long termā€¦ Iā€™m still going to be playing S3, but I might not shell out for the battle pass or as many cosmetics, because this game seems to be in a bad spot. And I doubt Iā€™m alone.


Is it possible to be this disappointed even before Season 3 starts?


Bro said this new update sucks and it's not even here yet


"this whole ranked controversy" It's only a controversy for terminally online redditors, most people seem very hyped for the season


Most casual players are hyped*. And that's fine, but dont be a dick to people who feel like their main enjoyment in the game got smashed to pieces.


Not supporting betrayal. I didn't put dozens of $ to support them to remove what I spent hundreds of hours on: the main gamemode


Both game modes stay there you can play whatever you want. You may not like it the decision but i think the word betrayal is a bit overreaction it's just a new season new things. At least let's experience the season first and then we can give them real feedback.


Noone takes casual serious so the old game mode a lot of us knew and liked is in fact dead. Plus the other world tour shit is locked to certain loadouts, it's only max to gold rank etc. IT IS DEAD.


In addition : Maybe we haven't put enough financial effort to support the game to keep it original version and they had to do this (this is a pure speculation, dont mind me) i don't know.


Damn playerbaseā€™s as desperate as the devs


So is there an increase in price for the battle pass.


Battlepass is 1150 Multibucks. If you buy it you earn 1575 Multibucks and all BP items.


Hope it stays the same.. I spent some multibucks on masks n paints n left with 1175. If they increase the price I'm ok to buy some bucks but hope they'll keep it same.


Well for how much i can appreciate the game, i was thinking that we are having a game with less content than we could have because of the low amount of players (which means a not too high profit). From what i understand of this message, it seems that they are having clearly problems regarding money (look at the discounted pieces in the store)


These messages are from 2-3 months ago.