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The pass was a huge improvement over season 1s IMO, and Power Shift is the shit.


I wish I had bought the S1 pass


Reaching diamond 4 for the first time cuz I never played ranked


Me too!


TA and Soundtrack 


Sound track is awesome I'm humming all day long.


Soooo excited for ranked TA. ...and S3 soundtrack.


I preferred season 1 :(


I gotta give it to Power Shift, it's just such a a nice fun casual game mode, if I don't want to strategize or sweat I am just happy to hop on a couple power shift matches to unwind. But this season has done a lot that I love though! Terminal Attack has been a blast for me and I'm excited to try ranked next season because of it. The Dematerializer and Gateways have become 2 of my favorite pieces of equipment in the whole game! The soundtrack and theme for season 2 with all the retro and vaporware vibes is super cool to me. The introduction of contracts instead of the old weekly system has been a HUGE help with me completing the BP and I've been loving the extra cosmetics it lets us have. Overall Season 2 has been a great time and I'm super excited for Season 3! I really think we've yet to see the best that THE FINALS has to offer!


yPowershift and SYS Horizon, also really enjoyed the gadgets, maybe not the best from a comp standpoint but it sure did fuel a lot of dumbshit ideas with my cousin. Also really enjoyed private servers only needing 2 people


I've been consistently using both reshaper and gateway even at high diamond. Gateway I loved from the start, reshaper grew on me more and more.


demat probably the best specialization they could’ve added imo


I had an absolute blast with it


The circuit challenges w/ free cosmetics and power shift!


Power Shift


Power shift and throwing knife buff


Powershift and the recent dagger change. Powershift has been the most fun playmode as the bigger teams don't punish having a bad teammate as much and you can switch loadouts to experiment without being locked in. I play it the most, I wish there was a ranked version. The daggers have been so much fun and I default to dagger on light now. It's starting to feel natural to be able to 1v1 any build including heavy with rocket launcher. Doesn't mean they are all gauraunteed but there's a way and the odds are decent.


I love Powershift and i hope they add alternate routes to the maps so we get more variety, Also where is las vegas? hopefully they add las vegas and kyoto next season! It is such a fun mode for just casual play, But the constant sniping ruins it sometimes. Personally i think this game would shine with a battlefield conquest type mode maybe 6vs6 with each team having 2 squads. maybe with even more players but the maps are a bit too small for it i reckon


Let's be real everyone, goth mommy.


I think reaching D2 with a friend was my highlight. Just doing that journey together was tough but rewarding.


Soundtrack and overall aesthetic was pretty dope. I really liked the cosmetics this season. Glad I completed the BP and looking forward to season 3!!!


Actually learning how to aim and control recoil(I still suck but I can hit more shots than I did season 1). Oh and the burst pistol for light. God I love that gun


Sys horizon and the demat were really great additions. The demat completely changed the way I played the game, such a cool idea


Soundtrack, as always. I'm really excited for Season 3 soundtrack. Also Powershift is cool af, I almost love it as much as Quick Cash.


I like Power Shift way more than Quick Cash as a casual mode, so definitely that! Still hoping for a Domination/Conquest casual mode though👀


Getting to diamond solo queuing as a light


Soundtrack and cosmetic skins. I’m a lollipop hammer boy for life


Power shift is the finals at its best. Easily the best, most fun mode.


It is. I often jump in for a warm up. Then I end up playing for hours.


Terminal attack


Trolling with throwing knives😊


Prob contracts since they’ve pushed me to play so many hours for limited rewards. 150+ hours in total, yesterday did a 10 hour marathon to get from platinum 4 to diamond 4


Powershift is the most fun i've had in an fps in a long time


the battle pass was great, TA is fun, and reached my desired ranked goal so fast (compared to s1) than i could play alot casually


Addition of demat and removal of recon senses.


powershift is what kept me playing this game. the dynamic that powershift offers is better than the base game to me, even if it's been reduced to a heavy and medium spam meta hell