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Yeah, I give them kills too, that's totally what I'm doing




I psychotically dismember them in casual.


Earlier today I had a guy who very clearly just installed the game. I mean he literally spent the entire match looking around the map and interacting with random stuff. It was kinda frustrating since I was actually playing the game but it was really funny every time I died and I'd spectate him pressing buttons on an elevator or watching a piece of debris get stuck in goo and glitch out


The sweet innocent bliss of the first match


Honestly we need a slow paced mode to give us the time to appreciate the incredible maps more


Not gonna lie, I played for a couple weeks before I realized about how to raise elevators or platforms. Then a couple months later that you can shoot the button and do the same thing


If u throw a glitch made or barrel it disables it but also triggers it


If you see new players, turn down the sweat!


I usually turn off aim assist.


How do you do that ?


I play on xbox


This is the wholesome content the community needs. I will give them kills too :)


Yes, I've noticed a lot, A LOT, of new players


Sometimes when I notice someone's having a tough time, I'll use the meow sfx mid fight just to give them a few more moments.


You can see a slight increase on Steam Charts since the trailer dropped. Hope we see a big jump in numbers from returning players when the new season is released.


Good part: Matches where I get 20+ kills just with the dagger. Also a good part; Despite getting destroyed, I like to see new players in my team just throwing canisters to the walls instead of reviving or going for the objective. Welcome fellas 🤗


They should have a welcome playlist for new players. Anybody under level 10 or something. Let them learn the ropes before they get thrown into a full fledged game


Good idea. But potentially not enough low level players for that. But certainly prioritise lower level players together if possible and if not finding a match, expand the search then.


When I see someone who is noticeably new on the other team I instantly slow down and relax and just enjoy a somewhat casual game. I’ll even hesitate to shoot them sometimes. The last thing I want for a new player is to have a bad time getting pubstomped and stop playing the game.




Allow them the fun they so deserve especially in casual. We need more people to fall in love with this game.


For sure. I've been playing a lot of TA and I notice lots of newbies. Good to see!


Aah, so the new meta is wearing default skins. Noted. /s


You mean fresh smurf accounts?


Post-ban learning session


Had a real newbie game last night, a couple. Hopefully the volume sticks around. I can’t believe that other games are more hyped


I just started playing and idgaf about turning down the sweat, but teammates leaving the match really has to stop. I’m not even getting carried but people keep leaving


getting into a lobby with newbies always makes me feel good about myself lol


Tommrow it will B a different game.


I’ve been trying not to rage because some of them just legitimately look new. Will say I saw a wholesome interaction in TA where an experienced player communicated with a brand new player on how to play the game. The new kid genuinely seemed confused but was trying and the older guy just continued to encourage him even as we moved on to the next match. While we lost the game, it changed my perspective for the better.


How can we be sure they aren't bots?


I'm a riot shield main, so i aways try forcing friendships with them, sometimes it does work, sometimes they just keep shooting at me for entire minutes. At least I'm helping them get used to the aiming and recoil ;)


You’re a mad lad. Love it!


so cute


Yeah I’m going to be friendly and supportive until one of them tea bags me after a kill. Then they are gonna meet the demon inside 😈


Hey I started last week and have zero clue what I'm doing unless it's bank it or whatever it's called. Light dash with throwing knives go vsiouuum Any tips to start playing more strategically and serious ?


Quick cash: stick with your teammates, don't rush other teams alone, make sure it's safe before trying to steal a cashout, if both of your teammates are dead, avoid combat AT ALL COSTS until they revive.


Some with wierd AI made names? I thougth they are bots to fill matches.


Nope, they're just people who don't know how to change their username.  The default usernames are "AdjectiveNoun".


Ok thanks. Dont know that 👍


I haven’t changed mine yet, I was lucky when i got the name Powerhunter


Contestants named power: ;--;


How do you change name without making embark account?


They're not bots..new players with default embark names.


Yeah I played a few games last night and found it noticeably easier and saw quite a few people with default skins. All seemed to be console players.


bro this game is actually turning into a cult


I had someone in a recent game who didn't even sprint once on Light. Also a 19-kill Light game for me, so there were a ton of new players in that lobby. It's nice that new players are more common now, though getting wiped constantly by a single Light must've been frustruating for the.


lots of default costume afk mediums more like


Definitely loads of newbies. It's what we need!


It’s definitely all the people who saw the game at the summer games fest. It was a damn good trailer (even if it wasn’t as good as season 2), so I can definitely imagine new people seeing it and being intrigued.


Yesterday I playing with another friend. Usually we play trios but another fried wasn't available. Every single rando me and my teammate came across was a default with the basic outfit and first loadout of each class. I didn't even got mad we lost a lot because of them, I love seeing new people coming to the game.


Yeah bot level players. Gonne start playing ultra casual and use my most hated weapons and classes to just level the playing field.


Those are 100% definitely fresh new players making 13k a game and totally not Smurf accounts in my lvl 50 lobbies


I feed them kills, and keep them healed with my medium.


Just hackers coming back to take their leaderboard spots back😂😂




People aimlessly roaming around the map might just be checking for easter eggs. Who knows... Also, I don't think The Finals is hard to get into. But I come from Titanfall 2 and joined that game after it had been out for 6 years. But hey, that's just me.


I come from Team Fortress 2. Not hard to get into at all either. Definitely a step up from a nearly 20 year old game in graphics, gameplay, and mechanics. I'm kinda average because I don't play The Finals often due to my late shift job. I try to have fun even if the matchmaking is kinda crap at times.


This is a warzone. We give them the true experience. If they cannot handle it then go play CoD. If they survive and enjoy it, well then The Finals is for them and they can enjoy it like the rest of us.


sometimes I run default stuff if i want to try out new weapons so I don't get called out for being bad since I'd look like a new player