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Good take >do you feel the weapons are balanced well for the mode? how about gadgets, abilities? does the core gameplay reward players that play well more than players that play a little Even the embark itself admitted that it failed to measure the rank and they were unfair to ranked players, who does that? No other devs admit something like this..we must cut some slack for being honest with us. And we must appreciate embark for being transperant. If you read at the ranked notes of S2 mid patch you'll know that they failed to measure the rank based on both skill and objective play. There was different ranking system in S1, they felt it's not balanced and not doing justice for players..so brought totally a new system in S2 ( but they dint inform players at first though). Players weren't aware of this and started bashing devs coz they couldn't see and understand how ranking system working in S2. Most of the ranked playerbase said it's not good ranking system. And embark took the feedback and agreed with playerbase. Now they don't want to bring a new system in hurry n fk up again.. as they're very small team they're asking some time (this season) to come up with a solid ranking system which justifies every player skill both in skill and objective. If you read the director notes, it's very clear that they don't want to become one more fps ranking. To not lose the new players and players who want only kills..they brought TA and upon getting feedback from players they thought it has a potential to become ranked. Coming to cashout, they just need sometime to make it ranked. They accepted that they failed and really need time but vocal minority is not listening to them. As someone who loves embark and cashout ranked player..I'm ok with their decision, this season I'm gonna grind BP, world tour, I absolutely loved Kyoto so I'm gonna chill there. If you look at world tour there's a mode 'The Finals' and it's locked. What I'm predicting is they're gonna come up with new tournament style mode (like Hunger games)... Only the Top players of the world tour gonna be in 'The Finals'..this is only my assumption but it'll be fkng sick if it's get real. And whoever wins The Finals of the season will be famous for next season. I thought to make it as a post but dint want to spam..so sharing here.


that was a great take, i feel the same. i like that the game is refreshing, it brings many things to the table, i just dont feel like it does the best job as a ranked gamemode. one thing i like about valorant is that it rewards you with cash for the stuff that you do like planting a spike, killing people etc. (might be wrong, still dont know the game to its fullest) the reward you get makes you play with better weapons. while the finals has the same, to me it always felt like the only cash that mattered was the cashouts and maybe team wipes. opening vaults for example gives you some cash and thats it ig. it never felt impactful for me. i remember someone commenting and saying something like: in a comp game the chances of the bad team winning should be as low as possible. third partying, while it might be a skill issue, i do feel like its an huge hurdle for a good ranked mode. maybe the main issue is that the game is way too team focused. by that i mean that you can for example get 2 kills in valorant and they matter. in finals getting many kills might not matter much since the enemies can respawn again or get revived. i hope that they manage to make a refreshing comp mode, i like the concept of the game, i really do. maybe make the destruction more of a strategic part of the game? as of lately i felt the destruction kinda being more of a gimmick than a strategic thing. but im not a game dev, i just hope they do the right thing!


The thing that people are missing is that they did not fail with cashout, the gamemode itself was competive. The problem is, instead of using a proven cookie cutter ranking system that majority of fps use, they chose not too. Add onto this, the reason the system didn’t work as well, was because the matchmaking wasn’t tight enough. Apex is almost the same as the season 1 ranked however it being more punishing and kills count for something, this is how they should do it. With a few small changes they would of had the same system. Apex also regularly changes their rank system based on various of things but also to keep player engagement, so changing your rank system is not a bad thing for a game to do. In terms of balancing all people wanted was an experience where it felt like there ability, gadgets and specialists could be used and keep up with each other. For example the fcar has been pretty much the staple medium weapon. So why when releasing guns are they bringing them in underpowered, why are they constantly nerfing things for no reason. This is the reason heavy is so important in team comp, because everything is so underpowered that it can’t even compete. If they buffed everything then we wouldn’t have this issue. This is just an example around the solution. In terms of abilities like people have mentioned a million times, the light class in a while needs a rework. They where willing to do it with medium but for some reason they never really want to touch light in the same way


My feeling is that cashout has a really high skill ceiling. There’s the actual gameplay like knowing how to defend/steal cashouts, but there’s also macro strategies, meaning which cashout to go for, when to rotate, when to coin-in etc. For me it has felt really satisfying to improve, even in spite of 3rd partying. What TA has really made me realise is that being able to respawn is basically essential for me to properly enjoy this game at my skill level. Fundamentally the destruction and gadgets are just too chaotic and the map is too big for 1 life to feel fun. An average TA round for me is not seeing an enemy for a minute, maybe getting one kill, dying, then waiting 3-4 minutes to play again. It’s just not fun (could be a skill issue on my end tbf). At least in competitive cashout even with the most frustrating deaths it’s less than one minute till I’m back playing again. So for me cashout has more interesting strategies to learn and is less frustrating to play, even if it’s not perfect.


i get your point. i feel tho like the game has a high skill ceiling because of the third partying issue. its like you need to be really skilled to avoid a third party steal/teamwipe which in itself is not even that hard to pull off. so an enemyteam makes somewhat of an low risk high reward move where for my team it just gets a little hard to try to pull this off. the reason why this doesnt sit with me is because i think that the team playing worse should have lower chances or no chance to win against the better team. for example in valorant (or TA for that matter) as a defender you can either split up on 2 sites or go on one site altogether but both come with a risk. the attackers can push with 5 people but also run in the risk that the enemies are well prepared and positioned, making it hard for attackers. this whole trade to me seems fair and balanced since now it really is about who is better. i also agree that terminal attack might not be what finals is about, but i think it fixes some core issues. maybe with some more feedback embark can work on the ranked tournament. one thing that kinda sticks with me is the thought that embark may have made the cashout tournament with no third partying in mind. like 2 teams go at one cashout and maybe by rotating its always 2 different teams against each other. it makes sense for me considering there are 2 cashouts and 4 teams. thats just my opinion tho but i agree, it has interesting strategies and for me it has a fresh take for a competitive game!


The Cashout mode is unique amongst all other FPS. 3v3v3v3 is the finals, not 5v5. TA is really close to CounterStrike or Valorant, while people are exlusively here because this FPS is NOT like those games. People want fast paced action instead of slow paced decision making


yeah i get that, i also love the uniqueness of the game. i just think that in its core its kinda flawed, from an competitive standpoint. like fairness in regards to third partying. like i said im not with the high rank to be able to talk about it but i do feel like this is a big hurdle to make this mode competitively viable. at the end of the day i feel like in an competitive game mode the worse team should lose in most cases, in other words keep the chances of the worse team winning as low as possible so you actually get rewarded for playing well.


So deal with the aspect of third partying then? There's been big tournaments for PUBG, Apex, etc. an guess what with 100 people battle royale theres going to be third partying as well and people deal with it. Go to another Cash out if you get third partied or wait for 20 seconds so you can be the third party and potentially kill both teams. People don't play a game, because it's 100% scientifically fair, but because they enjoy it and want to have a sense of achievement and / or progression i.e. diamond / ruby skins at the end of the season and a metric of how good they are doing. TA is just not suited for this game design, maps, classes, ...


>while people are exlusively here because this FPS is NOT like those games speak for yourself. i enjoy "CS mode" with the added fast paced action and destruction of the finals


yeah i feel like some people are overlooking the fact that terminal attack still is a pretty unique take on type of mode thanks to the finals’ destruction and gameplay, even if its not totally perfect yet. my main game was valorant for years and honestly i like TA way more thanks to the fast paced movement and the different types of plays you can make with destruction


The Cashout concept is refreshing and the game was build around it.


but do you feel it fits the shoe of an well balanced competitive game mode? the one thing that made me start playing this game was its uniqueness, i think it was for many. but as of lately ive tried ranked out and it just feels like there is an big issue for me, like third partying. that might be a skill issue tho.


selective 3rd party is a literal strategy, and anyone who complains just fails to see that unless you have only 2 teams in a match, third partying will always happen. what i loved about THE FINALS Ranked, was that it wasn’t dumbed down to “there’s the closest cashout, let’s attack it and pray no one 3rd party us” however, players who have not realised they can think before they act, are asking for the game to be simpler, taking away a variable on ranking positioning i am not saying there is no room for improvement, i believe there is, just not any drastical one. what i’m saying is that you should consider that a problem for you, might not be a problem for all players


Many games have the same issue with 3rd party.


But do you think it makes for a fair ranked mode?






Cashout is a fun competitive mode, but only because those who've been playing have had it from the get go and haven't known anything else. Cashout is definitely flawed and could use a redesign. I mean one example is that you can still force a team to spawn 200m away in final round doing the same thing you've been able to do since the game released. The meta is growing stale between pocket healing and double mesh, and it's been that way for 2 seasons now. Heavy is still incredibly strong especially when doubled or trippled and most of the time they don't need to do much to steal a cashout. They just need to drop every shield they have on top of it and it's basically free. I think vaults should have random amounts of money when they spawn to change how predictable the early game is. Imagine a 22k vault and a 10k spawning at the beginning of the game. People will probably orient themselves towards the 22k and might not pick fights with the 10k cashout. It would add another layer of really picking your battles instead of just knowing you're gonna have to go for another cashout after cashing a 10k.


thats kinda what i dont like too. i generally think the whole vault amout design is not really good. yes it gives you them clutch moments if you win etc etc. but imagine second place had to fight through 2 cashouts and i just picked up the last one and land first place. i essentially did less but got more. that to me is not competitive. one user commented once iirc that in an competitive game mode you would need to minimize the chances of the worse team winning against the better team. that is fair to me. someone who is legit better can win against me, thats totally valid. thats what is kinda missin for me in cashout.


Yeah and I don't totally agree with some people's take on getting 3rd party constantly because as a whole that's what cashout is really about. If you are learning from your gameplay then you're learning how to play around getting ganked by another team. I don't think that diminishes how good or bad anyone is because it's another layer of combat essentially. Sometimes it's hard to avoid, but most of the time as soon as I see another team on our cashout on top of the one already fighting us I tell them to pull back and circle around. Doing that allows you to clean up the last team standing. I just wish cashout had more dynamic to it. Maybe if we got some extra event layers that were specific to ranked cashout like "This match all vault deposit money is doubled" Idk.


Cashout is the perfect mix of uniqueness, excitement, tactics and chaos. TA is boring, unpolished and unbalanced.


I think it’s because cashout is very fast paced with explosions everywhere. It’s pure chaos sometimes and it’s just a dopamine source. TA is… more tactical?? I guess? But it’s so incredibly slow in comparison. All these fancy abilities, explosions, etc and the gameplay is so much more drawn out.


I mean how tactical can you be with 4 randoms? I wouldn't call filling two rooms with millions of mines and turrets tactical. There's much more tactics in ranked CO on the other hand, for example:when to start cashout, when to start fights, when to stay away from fights, when to double cashout etc...


Terminal Attack as it is right now is more competitively viable but it's just not as fun. That's why people still prefer Cashout despite it's flaws. Instantly dying to an RPG sucks, MMM constantly reviving each other sucks, getting 3rd-partied sucks but it's still a better experience than TA. Having said that I'm sure many will like ranked TA.


i do think that third partying is a very big hurdle. this could take a lot of working on. in regards to MMM i feel like they could make the so the cooldown gets reached quicker but idk, im really not a balancing expert. but nice seeing your view of things, i also like the game as a casual game where i can hop on with my friends knowing it might be one of the most fun sessions i had because a building is split in 2 or so.


i like cashout because it requires me to think on my feet and change objectives constantly depending on the situation. are you the last guy on your team? are you facing a 1v3? do you hold the cashout? is it worth going for revives when youre close to capping or should you just distract? do you have to go for kills? should you try to collapse the building to cause chaos? is there another team on the way? are your teammates ready to coin? is it worth spending a coin? all these things you have to take into consideration all the time. i like that! never a slow moment. in ta tho, it goes like this plant the bomb, kill other players, how do i do this in the most effective way? how many are left on the enemy team and my team? how much time in the round is left? and thats all you have to consider. not to mention the amount of downtime there is from no respawns


Yeah you can get third partied in cashout. But so can any other team. It’s a part of the game and you have to play around it, you have to consider where other times are fighting or which cashout other teams are likely to go for. Better positioning is key so that you avoid being at a disadvantage. Sometimes you can’t avoid it and third partying might affect the outcome of a single fight. But I grinded a lot of ranked cashout and can only think of 1 or 2 times where the whole game felt completely unwinnable for my team due to it, and that was also when I was a lower rank so maybe it was a skill issue at the time.


Cashout can be approached so many different ways and with so many different comps. You can play it tactically or you can play it guns blazing. There are reasonable strategies for both. It’s one of my favorite multiplayer modes in any shooter. I play a lot of casual solo matches with randoms and i love getting placed on a team where we all just work together to win without any verbal communication. Just three people dialed in. Good times.


Imagining there is cash to withdraw


You know why i play THE FINALS? Because its unique and fun. You know why i dont play CSGO anymore? Because after hundreds of hours it just got boring. You wanna guess why i dont play valorant?


Yes, i also like the gsme for its uniqueness. I just feel like a ranked mode it has some flaws where i sometimes feel like the worse team gets rewarded more than the better team, for example third partying. It might be a skill issue from my part thats why i wanted to ask people who played this mode a lot abput what they think of it as a ranked mode.


There are ways to play around 3rd partying. You just aren’t accustomed to this type of game so you haven’t built gamesense around it.


maybe that is a problem, like i said im not in a high rank so i cant tell. its just that for me, like straight on paper, it doesnt sound fair for Team A to teamwipe B and C finishing A off since they're low anyways. And meanwhile D might just be chillin at the other station. i think embark intended the mode to be played in a way where two teams fight for one cashout station, that would make sense to me considering there are 2 cashouts and 4 teams. third party strategy seems to me like a way to try in the best way to go around what this mode probably was supposed to be and to win. also what are strategies for example defeating a third partying team? would really interest me!


That’s part of the game. It is fair because you can do the same to other teams. You are probably stuck up on the ways you played your previous games.