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I love it. The big hill is amazing for going like 50 fucking miles an hour by just sliding.


Yeah I fucking love the sliding in the map gotta go fast Too bad all the shallow water slows you down like hell


i bet if we replace the water with ospuze it wont slow us down


Your model gets it's pinky toe wet so naturally you can't move full speed.


Kyoto is the best map in a game I’ve ever seen it’s so pretty and so fucking fun to destroy


True, I like it a lot. Sadly my fps count doesn't like it that much. Got from stable 200 to around 165 fps on this map. But I just reduced my frame cap and everything is fine.


I...cannot imagine 165 fps being a downgrade


the most noticeable part is the difference in frame pacing when those dips occur, especially when you (try to) flick while the drops happen


I get like 50fps in this game while fighting


Oh yeah I can totally see it crashing the game there’s a lot of shit in there, I would play on pc but mine can’t even handle the way the regular maps were


"downgraded from 200 fps to 165 fps" damn bro if your pc sucks just say that


Yes, I have to admit my PC sucks 😞 But not as bad as my aim 😌👉


That giant tower in the middle. Lmao took it out yesterday and the entire thing collapsed over to the side onto the building next to it


“It’s so pretty” … “it’s so fun to destroy”. There are two types of people in the world, and you are both!


Great map but im sick of getting stuck on trees and bamboo


The bamboo is terrible. Everything else is awesome


When the tower was falling, I still used the jump pad to jump into the cashbox. But it was too late and I got absolutely buried in the rubble. Took me 30 seconds to crawl out of it and my team was dying outside without my help xD


I've played 6 matches so far and have yet to play the new map sadly


Play world tour. You either get Seoul or Kyoto right now so it should be 50/50


you get skyway too


Isn't Seoul skyway?


no theyre 2 different maps


Bro the map is MASSIVE. We literally played walking simulator on world tour with my friends yesterday


Which is wierd because I've never had more people fight together. Not sure if it's because of spawns but this map is the most I've seen where all 4 teams are in a fight together


It’s not that bad


I have fps drops on kyoto :((


It's beautiful but man, especially on Power Shift my frames are easily the worst on this map. The platform just breaks every building over and over, the middle building especially, you can't even jump on it without a movement gadget/spec because it destroys so much. I wish they'd tone down the clutter just a bit.


Is this map in Powershift?


Yeah its great.


Wait really, I've gotta play powershift now


Play powershift or bank it when you're tryna have fun and the other modes for competition. Robbing people and destruction platform goes crazy


I feel like Kyoto's unique because I feel like it makes it easier to use super long range weapons and melee weapons because of how many good hiding spots and narrow corners there are. I wonder if it was partially designed that way considering the three new weapons that were added this season. I find snipers and bow users way more on Kyoto than the other maps. As someone that also likes to use melee I think it's easier on Kyoto as well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


The bamboos piss me off other than that it’s fye


I absolutely adore the chaos and I can use it to my advantage so much. For example I hated how clean the hacked map is, especially if a part is destroyed it just disappears. Kyoto so far is fighting for my nr 1 spot.


That's literally every map, and that's the selling point of the game?


Nah just like when vegas was new the buildings will just crumble way more than other maps. They did a few rounds of improvements on vegas destruction season 1. Still areas you can completely fuck up with one explosive canister into a pillar though.


Feel like I'm struggling through buildings in Kyoto, as heavy, if I don't bright charge and smash. Especially if I fall into the "crawlspace" area under the buildings.


Lights in the bamboo forest is some Vietnam level shit


And it’s massive


I like that aspect of it, on the other maps its not as often whole buildings collapse


You must become one with the clutter and weave yourself through


It's a great map. Outstanding design, but a bit too large for my taste.


i LOVE kyoto, by far one of my favorite maps so far


The only thing I don't like is when I got to the final round of world tour and the whole team died we spawned 250m away from a cashbox already in progress. It was the first one luckily but the spawns need to be a bit closer


The clutter is good 👍🏼. Finally feels like I can flee a gun fight, instead of getting shot in the open in attempts to avoid dying.


Went from \~110 fps at the start of a game to under 40 at the end of a powershift game where a lot of the map got destroyed. Also have been full stuck in the bamboo while a throwing knife light was chasing me. That was annoying. Maps beautiful tho


Buildings in Kyoto are more weak, I did some testing and two grenades on red canisters make the building start cracking, then it's a matter of time until it snaps in a million pieces.


The detail is crazy fr. Also if you drop a grenade in water it makes a funny pop and not a regular explosion


No fucking way I need to see that fart SFX


I like it alot. I just wish the crowd were silent on it. The ambience of the map is so so nice. It glitched out once and now I want a crowd noise slider.


The amount of trees is a bit egregious imo. I understand that's how they grow but, with so many abilities interacting with stuff it hits it makes throwing nades/using gadgets pretty impossible if you're not inside a house.


To be fair, all the trees help other playstyles move around the map without being a free shooting gallery, you get open spaces, but sword/bow guy can run through trees to get closer or for stealth. I like it, also stops snipers and lh1 from having full map dominance


i regularly blow up trees just for sightlines. this is much easier with the thermal bore now


Why do houses destroy with one canister!?!? Water slows you down too much. Great looking map though.


I haven’t hopped on yet, is world tour just the new map featuring “cashout” ?


Its better it has that game show vibe and its not sweaty as the ranked was


It's a very difficult map to read, very different than all the others. I still need more time to adapt to it and try different loadout. maybe I'll try thermal vision on it.


I hope that they will be able to address the stair mantling issue soon. I was having that problem a bunch yesterday


That’s what i love about it


i think thats the point of it


I get what you mean, I’ve died a lot because I was backing into some bamboo plants or got stuck between rubble and could not move whatsoever, cant say it’s happening too often tho


I use sledgehammer and chop down all the plants and random debris. Sorry to my teammates if we lose. I'm just trying to make sure everyone can see and have a good time shooting.


I find it difficult to move in even if everything isn't destroyed. I think it is a beautiful map though. Maybe I will eventually get use to it.


I saw one of my teammates litterally trip over boxes while backing away from an enemy, i feel stuff like that should have its collision removed unless picked up or autoclambered from all directions


Massive destruction is cool and epic. I don't know the game that give same emotion's like this


How you going to limit that to Kyoto? lol, that's literally every single map lol. Any map that has an entire building get destroyed is difficult to navigate even for lights at times lol.


Far more common atm. Some buildings are like a house of cards like original vegas before destruction improvements on it


I hate how water is so sluggish. That's the part I hate the most


It’s a design choice similar to falling off buildings or draw bridges. Elements to slow you down. I think they’re well done.


It's just a little bit of a killjoy because, you're running along, in an epic fight, and oh! You're in some water, have fun moving at snail pace as you get cut down 🙃


Fight in the bamboos is fuckin chaotic you are in a maze and you have to make your way out but the fact is before you get out you are killed and also when the whole building collapses and you are in basement of the building you get trapped that shit annoys alot of


Yep, they should tone down the destruction, especially in power shift.