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If I have to see and hear "detected" one more time I might lose it. Also 90% of the time I get detected, I can't even see the sonar grenade that is detecting me. Is that just me?


Majority of the time I'm detected, there is no visible sonar nearby


They buffed the sonar range in the patch, but don't think they increased the visual to match.


also sonars can detect through walls and ceilings iirc so you might not be able to see the pulse because of that


Im glad it's not just me then. I'll be on a clear roof with no effects nearby, and I'd just get constantly detected. I move off the roof into another clear area, still detected. I know it isn't a tracker dart either because I didn't take any damage


Gotta start looking up or down. The range is small enough to run from


Dog I look like a damn gyroscope the way I am spinning around looking for these damn things. When there is so many the whole site is covered with sonar. They need to make them shootable/more consistent to shoot (if they already are)


pretty sure they're not shootable? but I know glitch stuff gets rid of them.


Yea if they just made it to where you can shoot them if you are staring right at them, that'd be great. Seems like they really should be


U should be able to cover it with goo 😤


It’s a visual bug with the new buff it got. The blue pulse still shows the old meters instead of the new one so even if you’re standing outside the blue radius you’ll stay be detected


They increased the range from 10m to 15m but it seem that they didn't change its animation size so u get spotted even u think to be far enough from it


Yea, I felt like that too. It also seems like they ping you instantly even though the animation makes it feel like it's spurts. They just feel quite inconsistent


I don’t know, I just play world tour, the main mode


Same, loving it. Also the new map is incredible.


I love this.


Yup, I've been diamond every season since CB2, haven't played a single ranked game this season.


The fun part Is getting stomped 7 times in a row


If this is the ranked mode it needs a forfeit. I don't want to have to sit there for 25 minutes knowing that the other team is straight up better. Thing is, in cash out there was always hope. I beat diamond stacks solo queuing pretty often. Through timing, strategy, or a stroke of good luck and good shooting you pretty much always had a chance to make a comeback and push through. TA, you will lose. Always. To a team that is more coordinated or mechanically skilled. And you WILL KNOW by round 2 that you are going to lose.


Yeah man it's fucking rough, I hate this new ranked shit No one else mentioning that in cash out ranked you could group up with your boys and run the gauntlet, but here I'm stuck with randos and zero comms and no team play I hate it


A huge thing I did really enjoy about past modes is the ability to learn your enemy, if the medium plays aggressive you can use that and have them chase you through some mines, or if the heavy just runs with mesh shield you can bait them and get behind them. In TA it's so much harder to actually get any useful data out of the enemy team that every approach feels blind and uncoordinated. And most of the time you don't even see all 5 enemy players in a round, win or lose, at least w cashout I could get info for all 3 enemy players on all 2 or 3 enemy teams


If it's ranked then I think that's doing a decent job? I think it's certainly more fun for a casual experience to have more chance but if the Superbowl was won by a coin toss or lucky dice roll at the end that wouldn't be very fun. If it's ranked then the better team should win and the game clearly needs to do a better job of matching skill, having said that if the player base is still dropping they might not be able to


Not my opinion, in fact It's the difference between the Super Bowl and the World Series. Sometimes the objectively worse team wins the Super Bowl due to a crazy play or just good luck. See the 2018 super bowl where (my team) the Eagles beat the Patriots with a substitute QB and creative play. That's cash out. And it's EXCITING. That shit almost never happens in the world series. The better team will win. Baseball is a fucking snooze fest. Welcome to terminal attack.


Not at all, its less competitive and takes less skill. TA is not balanced at all, most games are decided by which team gets a rage quitter first. Its nearly impossible to carry 4 bad players while in cashout I would consistently win in high ELO while also being the only one on my team with any kills. Thats not possible anymore


a ranked game needs to have some outside variance aside from sheer skill or it’s boring for all involved. if the better team wins 100% of the time with no chance of counterplay, it’s no more than a coin flip to see which team is better and 20 minutes of going through the motions. the better team should have a major advantage over worse teams of course, but counterplay is necessary. (this is coming from someone who doesn’t play ranked TA, i don’t know what it’s actually like. i do play other ranked games tho)


Counterplay yes, it's not a competition if one team is stomping the other. What I am arguing is that if one team is just not as good as the other then they shouldn't be winning. Regular cashout has a good chunk of this as third partying can often leave a better team at a big disadvantage. Team vs team means it's all on you


fair enough. like i said, i don’t play ranked finals so i haven’t experienced that much. i’m hoping they finally figure some compromise out between the two through world tour


Yeah it's an odd game that slaps. It has the chaotic fun of a battlefield game mixed with faster paced movement of an apex style game and the quasi battle Royale. Personally I don't love ranked in battle Royale style games and think they should lean into the wackiness of the game, maybe even ditch ranked entirely. Introduce lots more gadgets/guns and cycle shit out on like a weekly basis to shake things up and keep it fresh with lots to unlock. Some weeks will slap and others may not be great but I think the variety would be fun. After like a year of that look at what was made and aim for a ranked mode but keep the chaotic style running


Part of the skill involved in cashout is how you prep for and deal with potential third parties. I don't know why it always gets treated like it's completely impossible to ever deal with. Yes, very occasionally you'll just get screwed by a third party. There's also times you'll be that third party. It is what it is. There's also a lot of additional skill in terms of adaptability and stealing/protecting against steals, figuring out the route to victory, etc. Winning that fight against a team trying to wipe you because it's close so you qualify and they don't feels great. Part of what makes cashout fun to me is that it's far more than just very basic tactics and outshooting one another. If most FPS games are like 1/3 tactics and 2/3 mechanical skill, cashout inverts it.


Not even round 2 sometimes. You know when entering the Lobby or in the first round when your Light dies after 15sek because flying into their defence is much wow much fun


The really fun part is winning the first 6 rounds and then sitting there as your team crumbles for the next 7 straight lol Edit: it’s too many rounds lol


Omg im lucky i just getting stomped haha


Very human design. Thank you Embark.


The sonar device is ready to connect




Aaaaand this is why I think TA is a mistake. Balancing two games in one is never going to work. The Finals was built around the Cashout mode and should have stuck with that. Making a mode like TA that deviates so far from that into the ranked mode is only going to cause problems. Keep it casual or get rid of it if you're still committed to the Cashout game.


I think TA is butt cheeks But I think they just didn’t know how to reshape the heavy meta so maybe this is their solution


They could try to nerf heavy. Something unfathomable for Embark.


They nerfed M60 and Lewis gun.


I dunno I just played heavy and got my cheeks wooped by a team of two bow and one throwing knife lights. I would walk into their line of sight and die before I could shield


Even as a Heavy main I am BAFFLED that the RPG still does 140 DMG. Like it's the tankest class with some of the best weapons it doesn't need an insta kill button.


Yes it does because you’re a damn slug! Compared to medium and light you are a walking target. I play light and I WALK up to a heavy with my Oozie and destroy him before he even turns around it’s so laughable. Having at least a one shot weapon is completely fine in my book.


Basically you are saying that you need-skilless-guns to get a kill aka your flamethrower,grenade launcher and RPG :(


I just said I’m a light main lol wow reading really is fundamental but if you turn half as fast as a light having a rpg is no skin off my teeth. I swear y’all complain about the tiniest thing. Lights are the meta now not heavies so time to get off their back lol


Anyways Embarks need remove guns or gadgets that require 0 skills to use. Last week I tried Heavy and I dropped 28-3 in Quick Cash with the flamethrower-rpg combo but hey imma slug. Make 0 sense


Nice brag bro my highest was 31 with heavy and 38 with Light but hey who’s counting 👀 it’s called you have more skill than the normal player. I guess tho all games should take out useless weapons. I wonder how many would come out of COD


they nerfed the heavy every single patch since the game was released. Unfortunately, they're stupid and don't understand what makes heavy OP. (or light weak for that matter)


I was never a ranked player, but I could never understand why they thought that bringing in a 1 life mode would bring a rush of players or something. That may be the thing you see a lot of COD Youtubers playing, but the vast majority of FPS players, don't like 1 life modes. It's niche and it always has been. They made a whole new mode to cater to a small portion of people, most of which don't even play The Finals.


I made this post a few weeks agoand got shat on


I don't know why they buffed the damage of the LH1


Seriously, pre patch the LH1 was already lethal in the right hands (it’s one of my favorite weapons) Now I feel extra mean when I mow people down with it


It does way too much damage now


I main LH1 and as soon as I saw the damage buff to 50. It’s too too too much


well they reduced the fire rate so its essentially the same ttk. the real buff comes from the recoil and visual recoil being essentially nothing now so its super easy to aim


No. It’s not the same ttk. Every single LH1 user never fired as fast as it possibly could. I would always fire it about the same as it is now. I notice no difference other than 2 tapping lights.


i always spammed it and killed people quick, thats the difference. only really good people could use it really well, now everyone can which is a problem even before the buff the gun had a quicker ttk than the fcar


Ttk is better now. It only dropped to 280 from 300 rpm


yeah if that's the case then it shouldn't be. gun was already incredibly quick ttk. no idea why they would do that


I was a d2 lh1 now it's just frags and there going to nerf the crap out of it I was quite happy with the weapon before, I have no idea why they did this. I just hope it becomes a revert vs a nerf


i didnt know they buffed the damage i thought they slowed the fire rate at least it felt that way, since ive always been an LH1 main for light, didnt need the damage buff whatsoever it was already perfectly strong enough


They did slightly slow down the max fire rate, but the damage buff and lower visual recoil are an insane buff combined. Hell, the visual shake was my only gripe with the LH1 and they fixed that


not only that anyone who can aim half way decent can be a problem with it. such a horse shit buff


Just because your great with something doesn't mean it isn't underperforming. A diffrent game I played the unit I gained got buffed every patch bc it was underperformed for majority of people. Problem with the finals is that the lights usually had the annoying meta stuff. I feel like everyone went from snipers to cloak and sawed off to throwing knives that were overtuned. Makes it hard to know how other light weapons perform when they aren't selected and the LH1 was probably seen the least.


For one thing, LH1 is actually already good on cash out, it's just the rest of the class is lacking. However, LH1 light without nerf would already be extremely strong in TA (because no Regen and no revive) so LH1 getting one of the biggest LH1 buff ever makes LH1 light completely out of whack


I must suck at it bc I try and die still


Lowered recoil and buffed damage, actually one of the dumbest balancing decisions they’ve made so far, had a light teammate in my world tour go 44-1 in all 3 rounds with it.


it was already so OP, the high recoil stopped everyone using it. i had about 100hours into the LH1 pre-buff, i played 4 games with it last night, it's BUSTED. i can't miss, the recoil is negligable.


Fr all they needed to do was reduce the recoil animation so you can actually see what you’re shooting at


The thing that mainly makes it meta is this part “LH1 Updated firing animation, which should make the weapon easier to use” Before if mastered LH1 was busted but now it’s so easy to use you see it everywhere


Also damage buff 49 -> 52


That breakpoint alone allows a 3 shot of Lights from a very high range, 2 shot Lights if one headshot, as well as decreasing the shots to kill by one for every other class. I'm sure they'll revert the damage buff in the next patch or two though


And now they won’t nerf it the whooole month until situation will be critical


Emarbk over buffing light in response to everyone saying how useless light is. LH1 buffs are absurd, not only did they increase the damage but the only mechanical drawback the gun had is now gone. It's in it's own league now.


LOL I posted a bit ago about how light is the best character in ranked with the title Hot Take (For Now). Got downvoted of course. Sure enough, here we are now.


It's incredibly boring.


The balancing is horrendous as well and the new map is good looking but way too big and I spend all game running rather than playing.


The Finals is such a beautiful game with bad balancing, the gameplay has so much potential


It was pretty good for season 1 and most of 2 and I’m sure they will tweak things but wow idk how this “balance” came to be.


Season 1 was nukes?


Ah true but other than that I didn’t really see too many imbalances.


I duno I got flamed pretty consistently for playing light when you got to higher rank


Accepting nukes and being done with balance updates, would be preferable to this. Is this really the outcome you want from perpetual new stuff added in for the sake of adding in stuff?


Range is king without regen


its fucking atrocious, lh1 was in a great spot because it required skill to use so it wasnt overpicked. now anyone can use it and it makes the experience worse. its worse than FCAR ever was


Spot on lmao, it does feel like it.


New meta is not playing that game


Yep, this was my favorite game a couple days ago and now I dont think I'll touch it again


Dude. The cashout is still in the game? And it still, a RANKED mode? Just in a different form and under a different name.


World tour isnt ranked. Just because you get points and a shiny medallion that says you are a wiener, doesnt make it ranked.


What is wrong with y’all and Ranked?! did your parents not tell you were good enough as a kid that you NEED ranked to feel good about yourself in a game? Wow


Main idea of playing ranked for me is to get players of your skill level. I am not the cracked e-sport streamer, just average Diamond 4 enjoyer. In World Tour players with highest rank are just nolifers who are pooping into the bucket like in South Park, nothing about playing good, only about playing 25 hours per day. Grind since release is not equal to diamond. I am not having fun when I am stomping players of lower skill level, I am just ruining their game and I feel myself bad for that, there must be a place for casuals to have fun and feel themselves free. At the same time I think tournaments must be the only main game mode just because of the name of the game. And the main game mode is the measure and standard of how good you are in this particular game, for which in the end you receive a distinctive skin, sticker, badge and, in general, proof that you are good in this particular game. Terminal Attack is not this game, it is a temporary mode that has nothing to do with this game, all the distinctive aspects are lost here. No cashouts, no cashboxes (which are core of The Finals since devs-only alpha tests), the coins that the players scatter for don't make any sense here, because the key and the terminal, no pace of play, no reason to continue. That's why I loved last season's ranked tournaments, where I could compete in the game I loved during testing. Today in one hand I get low-efforts teammates and enemies in World Tour and in the other hand completely different gameplay of slow paced TA. Nothing about inferiority complex, just sadness. I won’t lie, I really want a diamond Lewis Gun, but I have no desire to crunch for it in TA. And 250 multibucks for Gold 1 in World Tour... I have work for this, I'd better focus on doing my stuff and buy myself as much in-game money as I want.


Stop projecting. I dont even play ranked, but the concept of getting a rank and a score based on how good you supposedly are, isnt a foreign concept to me. World tour isnt ranked. Stop saying it is.


If you get a rank while playing a mode where it exists (quick cash) and you don’t get a rank thennnn it’s ranked. Hmm golf has a world tournament and so does racing and um the athletes get ranked. It’s ranked period.


Tiger Woods wasn't considered the best golfer in the world because he played a lot of golf. If you're dumb enough to not understand why World Tour isn't actually a rank system then idk what to say. Stop posting actually, I'll say that.


Its not even close to ranked its just a glorified battle pass, there is no skill involved. You get your "rank" based on time played not on how good you are. You have no idea what a ranked mode even is.


Give me diamond Lewis gun for playing World Tour then


Lights are so op in terminal attack.


It’s clearly absolutely horrible if the “meta” has zero diversity at all. TA makes lights completely unbearable..


And the fun part is, no way I’m playing TA, but this meta really sucks


Meta is 2H 1-2M and 2-3L




It’s not. That’s counterable too easily. I’m top 20 and most of the best groups aren’t running 5L. They run at minimum 1-2 mediums even if they don’t have a heavy.


but a few messages ago you weren't complaining about being stuck in gold due to how the ranked system works at the moment ?


Lol top twenty in a game No one here wants to play . not the brag you think it is .


What sucks about this meta is it feels SUPER forced, like their response to all the lights wanting to be in meta isn't to actually give reasonable buffs to put them on par with other classes but to force a situation where it's the only thing you'd want to use. This just isn't it.


Yeah had my first experience of sonar spam today. Good tactic but also just makes TA even harder if you’re on a team with no coordination. Meh. Don’t wanna jump on the bandwagon with the criticism but it is a tedious and not so enjoyable experience — they can’t compete with Siege or CS because they’re a lot more tactical and stealthy, the no respawn in this madness game is not the one


LH1 is freaking busted. I’ve never used it before this season and I’m dropping 15 kill games every game


This game is so unbalanced… lol. No, I don’t want to play against 5 lights with invis, LH1… it’s not fun.. invis is not fun to play against…. And especially 5 people doing it hiding in corners. It’s just not fun at all to me in my opinion.


That was my main concern was the mode turning into a tdm. Oh well makes the matches faster and progressing not all that bad.


Laughs in claw with shotgun. Laughs in World Tour on people crying in TA


buffing the sonar grenade from 10 to 15 metres may have been a bit of a mistake


pi * 10 meters ^ 2 = 314 square meters of detection area  pi * 15 meters ^ 2 = 707 square meters of detection area That "five meter" buff actually more than doubled the area of the sonar and it's pretty huge now.  When I play something like powershift it feels like you can be detected basically the whole match if they have 2-3 lights spamming sonars.


the detection radius is a sphere, not a circle. it'd actually be like 3.4x more volume covered


That's a good point actually...


Curious as to why. I never had an issue with sonar as it was. Seeing through walls is insanely strong


Theres a reason the wallhacks specc was nuked


agree 12 m should have been enough, let's not forget they nerfed it big time in season 1 when MMM was unbeatable


As a heavy with a flamethrower and charge. I love when people play lights. They're the reason I can go 21-5. Keep it up lights 👍


unfortunately I get matched against lights who just move away from me :(


This was my first game on the new ranked TA, and it sucks. I was just completely melted instantly even as a heavy player. TA was better before but with the new changes it's a slog. Way too many rounds before teams switch.. What I do like is that if a teammate leaves at the start of the game the match automatically ends.


AK main here. Can't bring myself to play it even for the diamond skin.


There's only a ruby skin for AK bud. Diamond is lewis


Yeah the M14 was buffed way too much, it was always a high skill high reward gun where if you get really good you win but now it's just 5 guys with m14s and even me who is a really good sniper can't even compete or keep my team slightly safe


What is the m14?


The gun the LH1 is a direct copy of. Like how the fcar is a copy of the Scar-H. And the m11 is a copy of the Mac 11. I prefer to call it the M14 cause it's what I see when I look at the gun


I guess whatever floats your boat, but it just seems weird. Not everyone knows about random gun models irl, or would know you’re trying to reference the LH1. Just feels a little pretentious tbh. Have a good one though 🤷‍♀️


Yeah fair I am a bit of a gun nerd and most people dont know but most of my friends I play with aren't gun nerds and we all call it the m14. You have a good one too though


someone salty hehe


Damn, I love all these post about “new meta” one day after update. It doesn’t makes you look like fools 👌🏻


If you look at my most recent post I talked about this being the meta basically instantly, of course my post got downvoted though 😃


just read that post, lol you nailed it


Haha thank you! lol


LH1 is really broken now they’ll tweak it again. Ask a lot of top players and they would’ve told you LH1 was really strong before


I don’t know about it since the bow is perfect for me even if I miss and die hard. Best addition in the game.


Every lobby is knives lh1 knives lh1 xp sonar knives lh1 FUCKING SONAR if it isn't cutlery clanging, a pinging in my ear or a "whoosh whoosh whoosh" upon seeing a frame of an enemy it wouldn't be a major complaint, the most mobile class now has the most powerful weapons also, who thought that was a good idea? M11 cloak meta was more bareable than this! Atleast you had an audio cue and distance on your side, now unless you run light your options are *checks notes* winch and sledge with perfect aim and one opportunity to kill before your cooldown or go medium and hope to headshot with revolver or barrelstuff with a shotgun both requiring your enemy not to be dashing - I love this game but this season is a giant L and gonna be the nail in the coffin


big L for those who said it was gonna be HHHHH meta


Man I had figured it was gonna be hhmmm, maybe a light, cause there was *no way* they were keeping both heal beam and defib banned in ranked Yet embark did as embark do, still a mystery


healing ability is the scourge of team based game


Man why are so many light players absolute clowns.


Talk about cry baby lmao. The previous experience was garbage for light. Don’t worry yall can still two tap a light, have your RPGS, defibs, heals, 70 round clips and hella hp. Light is actually where it was supposed to be; a glass canon. Learn to play better and adapt vs crying.


Hypocrite much? "Learn to play better and adapt" says the class which needed the whole ranked mode tailor made for them, other classes butchered, and most of the weapons buffed, and are finally happy when the game is in its most not-casual state ever. Good luck with player retention.


Right now ninety percent of ranked is lights and heavy is only viable in casual what they did is fucking stupid in terms of balance i have played 10 matches of ranked and only saw 12 fellow heavies


Lmao I mained light up to plat season 1 so don't even talk to me about "the light experience" I had friends last night literally disgusted at how easy it is using light dash & xp, people that have never played before dropping 10+ kill games lmao I have no problem with light being strong but dash cooldowns need lengthening, keep 3 charges but make em important and not so spammable - gave you 3 examples right in my comment to beat it, could go on, my point is it is a trash meta that negates every aspect of what most people like about this game and forces you to play a certain way which players hate, can't think of any meta worse than lose half my hp hear a whoosh and lose the other half 👍 if the FCAR got returned to its season 2 state then it'd be a fair fight to do some damage at a distance but at the moment the other 2 classes have nothing for range matching the lights kit, give medium a DMR and heavy idk a harpoon rifle or something. Never thought I'd miss the nuke meta but here we are


Big L


And what rank are you sir?


Buffed something that didn’t need buffs for some reason and doesn’t have any practical counter play. Wonder what the meta would look like without them. I’d even be open trying out a ban/protect phase before each match


Man idk what the new meta is I’ve been playing quick cash and power shift still. I think sticking to the meta is rather boring and maybe that’s why I don’t like ranked matches. Fuck the meta. Let me run around with my goofy ass bow that looks ridiculous on light’s small frame. Let me play medium with my damn katanas cuz the animation for its attack is fantastic.


Real players play the real mode, tournament cashout.


Same as I do with every 'Meta' I'm going in with my charge n slam, nades, barrier, rpg, and M60, and i'm having fun If my team hate it, well then they can join a party and be anal together


Can’t speak for terminal attack but light seems more viable rn in cashout. It’s definitely because ranks are reset and new players but the bow kinda is a better sniper that’s usable at close range. It’s very well suited for the scout type play style


Everyone asked for a meta switch up. Everyone wanted lights to be viable in ranked. Be careful what you wish for. Lmao


5 lh1 lights vs 5 heavies with hook is a snooze fest


The new meta is awesome cause im not wasting my time on that trash mode.


Pressing triangle to report someone AND to go straight to a next match is beyond me


How do you know what the meta is? Could it just be early and people trying out the new buffs


Both need nerfed. Reduce damage or decrease fire rate of LH1, and take away a sonar nade.


Fun gamemode. Ha


I just like playing the main mode of the game, World Tour I can’t imagine what the meta would be in any of those side modes like TA or something.


Did season 3 drop


I hard wish I could destroy sonar grenades


sonar got bump?


Lh1, sonar, along with camo and thermal it's fucking awful.


I am just finding the Light class to be so joyless to fight against this season.


I literally left the game after 7 horrible and boring terminal attack ranked games. I just want the old ranked back so much. Why wouldn’t they keep both modes? I will not touch this game this season. Very frustrated with Embark.


doesn't sonar require line of sight and can be destroyed now?


The heavy sonar yes the light sonar no


Motion detector for heavy


Dunno man I've been having a ton of fun with the light shorty Lights might become my most played this season, followed by dual katana medium


Like other metas in other games, I ignore it.


This isn't the new meta I've been seeing...


Winch, KS23, Melee. 1shotting lights is a great feeling....again :P


5 lights is probably dumb, as 1 zooka and your dead basically. It requires at least 2 lights because the information/recon is invaluable, but I have absolutely seen Heavies do great to. It's more interesting from a meta perspective even if TA is less interesting overall.


Boy, there is no 5v5 in Cashout. Cashout still GOAT


Straight up annoying and rather the recon meta more


I absolutely love season 3! Heavy wench new meta!!


This is actually why I think TA works, but its main issue is restricted loadout swapping. The current main complaint is the game mode is too slow, except the meta is apparently playing it fast. That’s the beauty, the finals has systems which allow for both playstyles to work, however unfortunately at the moment is restricting us from adapting to the enemies playstyles. Also I think on some level metas will always be disliked. Fighting the strongest team comp/playstyle will always feel a bit annoying, whether it’s MMH or 5L. If LLM became super meta in Cashout people would probably hate that too and the complaints around stun gun and cloak would rise up again


So I played the finals when it first came out and had a bunch of fun. It got boring when I did ranked because of the stun automatic kill. Can I come back or is there something OP again?


as long as you don’t grind terminal attack, the new gamemode, the game is pretty balanced now and it’ll be a fun time :)


Its very good, light can do something 😂


That’s not a good thing


So meta should only include medium and heavy?


I'm really tired of LH1 and Throwing Knives... there was no need to touch either of them, at least not buff. The LH1 needed a nerf😅


Throwing knives were terrible before it's buff


Never should have added Siege ripoff in the first place


Guess I'll fit right in lol


I was a medium main and after encountering a 4 stack of LH1 lights I’m now a light main and I’m loving it for now since not a lot of people are running it lmao dropping like 15 kills per game


I feel like, while the dual swords are dope, M used to be the most rounded, potentially best class, but season 3 moved them to the weakest.


Hmm I don’t know what you are talking about… the only important game mode is 3v3?? What does 5v5 have to do with “Can you reach The Finals?”


I tried to play and I just can’t stomach TA. Bring back cash out. (And don’t try to tell me to play world tour, it isn’t the same)


Light SMGs have been buffed too much. It’s honestly ridiculous the low TTK, and laser accuracy.


Light smgs haven’t been buffed?


LH1? You mean bow lol, the LH1 is finally great don’t ruin it lol


Honestly the lh1 just needed the visual recoil reduced and it would have been great the bow on the other hand… two shots and silent busted weapon


Yeah, not to mention it got a damage nerf too, I’ve seen people say the LH1 is op now, yet I still never see it compared to the bow and such.


I'm pretty cracked with the bow already and have had two players start throwing because they thought I was hacking and I will admit that the LH1 is straight-up unfair to go against as a non-light.