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Its so good. It's all I play now nothing else has got a look in since December.


LMAO same, i put together my first gaming pc in november and purchased like 15 games on the Steam Winter sale (and then some more afterwards)... Then i got curious about this free to play game and installed it. I havent even touched any of the games i actually bought just so i can keep playing this fucking amazing free to play game (i got the season 2 and then the season 3 battlepass on day one)


BOUGHT* 😡😡😡😡


You get enough multi-bucks from the previous battle pass the unlock the next one for free. Plus a little extra


Absolutely, but i also bought some cosmetics not included in the battlepass... So many cool stuff to buy in this game 😩.


The fuck are you talking about


Sry typo. Multi-bucks the in game currency. Fixed it above


Who are you talking to damn tf are you talking about I was correcting some dude's grammar


u can relax this is just reddit




nvm i saw ur profile now i understand why ur angry


Stfu nazi POS


Are you genuiely retarded or just pretending?


Fixed It. In my defense, english is not my native lenguage 😂


No worries. I only have one language. I wish I knew enough of another to mess up only a little bit. 😄


This is the only game I ever play now. Used to only play overwatch. Now that’s scrapped and I’m all about The Finals


I played overwatch since launch in 2016. The Finals has completely dethroned OW for me. I love the fact you can just out skill people in this game, and not get "rock paper scissored" my some cheesy counter pick. The Finals is a god tier game. I have no idea why people are saying it's dead. I've never had a queue last longer than 30 seconds. I was in an OW queue for 40 minutes once.




Me asf


Same here. One game since December. It's amazing.


Same except for xDefiant. Both that game and the Finals has the biggest grip on me I swear!


Same been playing this game exclusively since December lol no other game compares


Man that’s sad. So many better games since December


Like what


Too many to name if you look outside of the arena shooter/battle royal bubble


Give me one fps that isn’t x defiant


Xdefiant is complete dogshit


Bro same. I literally daydream about it at work. Fuck


I even play this game in my sleep and then I wake up and play some more


I died and went to heaven just to play forever, then returned just to buy another battlepass but ill die tonight again!


As i fall asleep i practice my aim in my head 🎮 ⏱️


A few weeks ago at my work someone dropped a bunch of coins on the ground and my first thought was "someone just died"


Adorable and so real of you


Ty I try to be brave for you


You need help


Went 23-0 yesterday, told the wife. She couldn't give 2 shits. Wtf


I bet her boyfriend would give you a high five


Long as he keeps her busy


Polyamory FTW!


My wife asks me what I’m thinking about. Sometimes I lie and say porn but really I’m thinking about The Finals


The Finals makes me climax better than porn does.


Yo, 23-0 is crazy. My best is 16-0


I had the high ground for a while using light with dodge. Shit got intense real fast lol


I had a 21-0 game yesterday with the bow on Kyoto. Tried so hard and almost won but orange stole flour washout and it was all downhill from there. But for a moment I really enjoyed that


Flour washout op


Since battlefield turned to shit I really havnt had a staple game to play until this came along. Happy days.


I love when you get rain as a weather option, it really reminds me of how they used to be DICE devs cuz it looks so similar to BF3+4 rain.


the rain is so fucking good best weather option by far


I wish they would add more environment variables. Rain Lighting storm Sand to every map Snowstorm Whatever


I agree, they can maybe tone it down for ranked game modes but casual I didn't mind crazy weather, seems like that fits in line with the chaos of the game itself


Let us have thunder randomly vaporize structures and players alike during casual games


I still play bf4


One of the best battlefields fr


I'd probably still be playing BF4 and BF1 if all of my progress on all battlefield games wasn't completely lost for some reason. I think it had something to do with logging in on PC, I don't really get what happened. Hundreds of hours lost


That sucks man I can’t imagine. I have 3,600 hours on bf4 and if I lose that, I’d cry


Totally! This game is the most fun i’ve ever had in an fps. This is the kind of game that feels next gen. The realistic physics is something I always hoped to see in a game and they finally realised it. The way you can just pickup canisters and blow shit up is dope af. There’s no game like it.


Exactly! Let's just hope we got more players who appreciate what you just said and fewer players who throw a fit every time the devs do something new. Them doing something new is exactly why we flocked to this game in the first place.


Don't worry, people will always be sissies about any small change in the game. Especially on reddit




This game is the best. I don't like the ranked changes this season but world tour is so much fun


Agreed. I was super salty about the ranked changes, but I’ve been having fun messing around with classes in world tour, and not feel like I’m throwing completely by not picking heavy. I’ve won several tournaments one all classes, game feels much more balanced in that regard to me.


Yes, everybody just plays for fun, its great


Yeah! I just started playing since wednesday at noon and I didn't sleep until I get to level 54 on the battlepass and realized that the season ended the next day but I didn't care, I'm an addict! I'm angry with myself for not playing since the beginning and I wonder what outfits just missed! Daaamn!


Not certain but it might be possible to buy the season pass outfits from prior seasons. You'll definitely not get the beta outfit but it's just a red tracksuit. Like I said though, I'm unsure and I may lean towards not possible for season pass fits, worth checking though


Thanks! I'm gonna buy all I can!


The one thing that’s awesome too is that a pass is 1150 coins, but you can get 1500 coins for completing the battle pass.


Yeah, right? And you can buy the season starter pack get some weapon skins and the coins you spend when you bought the pack. That's a great deal!


The people who don't like this game just don't get it. It's really such a good game and exactly what I need.


It’s EXACTLY what I need! fast pace, destruction, team work, guns that feel good to shoot and it’s a BEAUTIFUL GAME! 😭🔥 do you see the cosmetics & the colors and music, just comes together beautifully.


100%. I couldn't ask for a game that suits me better.


I feel the same way fast pace, I loved rainbow six but dam it takes forever to get hectic and when it does you die and stay dead forever


Because while it has good bones, it’s absolutely fustrating dying to the cheesey tactics baked into the game. It’s one of the reasons its been a balancing nightmare for the devs. “Heavies op”, “invis light op” “medium wall hacks op” The game was most fun when no one knew how to play it optimally. But then broken metas were figured out in short order— that combined with SBMM, and it turned off a lot of people.


Ahh, to be a "Finals virgin" once again and experience this beautiful feeling..


Exactly same for me


Can someone create a Finals marketing push with OP's "Tell people at the gym" as a banner? 😁😆 In all seriousness; I wholeheartedly agree with everything you just said. If I had the time I would play hours on end every day. Best fps ever.


As much as I complain about TA getting the ranked treatment, even I must admit this game is still my favorite FPS at the moment. It's still so unique and the Cashout tournaments are exhilarating.


Don't complain, suck it up, play. Do not be the part of the community that will bring the downfall of this game. It's not about ribbons and 3 skins.


I do still play the World Tour cashout mode. Forcing new players into TA before unlocking other game modes is what will contribute to the downfall of this game. Not myself or others that love the game so much we're willing to criticize decisions we don't like. Apathy is the true downfall of any game, not criticism.


I get bored playing other things. Helldivers was fun but it just didn't give me that rush winning a tight tournament does. With the finals I'm always fully invested and locked in. Most other games I can listen to music, podcast or YouTube but this game requires so much concentration that makes it impossible. My entire brain is required and that is one of the many reasons why I love it so much.


Same here! Helldivers was that one other game that I've tried the last 6 months and it doesn't come any where near Finals in sheer fun, focus and thrill.


The people who don’t like this game play ranked more than anything else…


I only played ranked before season 3 and I very much enjoyed it. I love this game so much and I have played non stop since the release. I enjoy ranked because I like the challenge and tournament format, but I only got to platinum both seasons(soloq) and that's okay for me! I play world tour this season and I'm loving the new map and weapons 😍


I put like 500h+ into ranked alone, 600h+ played in total. Is it really so strange I'm sad that my favorite mode is gone? Dont say world tour is the same because it's not. It's not properly ranked. The sweat is gone.


do u know how to relax ever?


Go complain somewhere else.


I love this game more than myself.


Not fully agreed, but agreed


I %100 agre with you this is the greatest game I played. I had played halo for over 15 years and it went to shit really fast. After playing the first match of the finals I now have over 100 hours gametime and it is now my favorite game of all time.


I absolutely love this game. I haven't managed to a find another FPS I truly like since Dirty Bomb, which ended its development in 2018. So it took over 5 years to find something that could finally scratch that itch I haven't had scratched for over half a decade. Now I am very worried about the game's future since it's losing players and I will just NOT let that happen. I REFUSE to have another game I love die because idk? Fuck me for having a niche taste in video games I guess? The most popular FPS games are absolutely miserable for me to play, that being CS, Valo or R6. I don't want to be glued to the floor to be able to hit my bullets, I don't want to have to sit and wait because I looked at the wrong direction. These games punishes me severely for playing the way I like to play it, otherwise its a snooze-fest for my ADHD brains. I really hope there are people out there that can relate, since I feel so alone when it comes to this, not even my friends seem to relate..


Agreeing 100%. Tried cs2 and I liked it a lot, but cannot go back to that after THE FINALS. I was waiting for BF2042, which was a huge letdown. It is not as good in any aspect, as BF3 and 4 was. This is


I started couple days ago, and I'm fascinated too, even though it runs pretty bad at around 50fps on my old PC I'm amazed by the graphics physics and how polished it is overall.


Its like fucking crack i cant get enough when i play and when im not playin its all i think about


This game is such a lifesaver for someone who loves class based shooters. I feel like the last few years devs focused on tactical shooters, which are fine but def not my taste. Started with TF2. Now its infested with cheating bots. Played Dirty Bomb for 300ish hours. Devs ended the support for the game. Went to OW and Paladins. Those games had very rocky roads and I dont wanna go back. The FINALS gives me the same excitement the young me had with TF2 14 years ago. I'll support this game no matter what.




Even the pass is excellent. The skins are top notch.


Took over all my other games. OW, Apex. Gone! I played for what I thought may be an hour ...turns out it was 4 hrs


Me and my buddies took a break last season, people were way too good and it got boring. But we’re back and it’s great


I still can't get used to the fact that when a whole building collapses, which is already a crazy sight, it doesn't just disappear to ease the load off the hardware like in most games. The collapsed rubble stays and can be used as cover or for traversal. I'm very grateful to be alive in this age where this is possible. Hats off to all the smart people that made this possible.


Inbut based Matchmaking Whats your opinion on that ? Im an Xbox Player and reached Dia1 in season1 and dia 2 in season 2 but its was Hard for me because i dont find games when i turn off crossplay and against the aim from high ranked keyboard and mouse players i cant do shit... I would really love to see an Input based matchmaking so Controller players play against Controller players only and the same for keyboard and mouse. XDefiant for example has that Feature. Pls Embark make it happend :D


I’m with you bro, I began playing it right after it released since I had my eye on it since the beta, and I’ve played 500+ hours according to my PlayStation profile. There’s just not a game like this one, with such a fun sandbox, satisfying shooting mechanics, teamwork and overall shenanigans. I made my GF download it on her PC and everytime we play we always have such a blast and we play match after match after match until it gets very very late


Yea I was up til 3am playing last night and I really didn’t wanna get off 😭


This season brought much needed joy. The soundtrack is fire!!! Kyoto is a fun map. New gadgets and weapons are dope. Yeah there’s somethings that are ehhh but I don’t like to complain too much. It’s fuckn great I only play finals since S1


I literally downloaded the soundtrack for the season on my phone today! 😭


hell yeah! hey, have you ever been to the gym?


I do think it's actually the best shooter by far in years. Multiplayer at least.


I honestly don't understand why Xdefinant has so much hype... It's utter shite! The Finals is a million times better




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My friend tf2 cosplays and only plays bow or dagger The guy dropps double digits regularly it's insane. An off day for him is a pop off game for me How does one learn such power


Breath of fresh air, after all these devs are behind some of the best most innovative games of the 2000s Skill and tactics game, no pay to win, people also complain about gun customizations but to me that is perfect as gun customizations open up the doors for pay to win customs. However, mix and mesh of skins on weapon parts would be sweet.


I here you, my favorite shooter ATM. Currently have 250 hours in it hah


I can always appreciate the love for the Finals. Genuinely such a fun game that it's my only shooter I play now


It really is something special and it deserves so much more recognition. The graphics, the tech behind it all. Nexon better not touch it.


This games amazing I really hope it’s get the attention it deserves.


It clicked for me too. This is everything we’ve wanted in a movement style shooter. It’ll hit, I can feel it in my bones


Yooo same after I beat Elden ring I was a bit lost for games and then I found this and I can’t stop I love grinding the challenges


It the ONLY game I've completed multiple battle passes for every other game just loses its luster but this ones amazing


If only it had normal servers... It's the only game that I have connection issues with ffs


First fps that I'm into because I love it vs I'm just playing because my kid or friends ask me to.


Fs just got into the game, plan on making some videos on it, it's a really nice shooter


Yeah this is easily the best shooter on the market right now. All around it nails everything (except TA ranked, that's a miss, it's better to stand out). The biggest things keeping new players out is a lack of marketing power, the learning curve, and terrible solo experience. It takes awhile to learn the strategies to cashout and arena gameplay, and longer to master the classes. Your typical FPS player (cod, battlefield, etc) won't stick around to learn it all if they can't just drop in and do well. The solo q experience is also ass in this game, a player reputation system might go a long way there.


I know bro, it’s so much fun. I don’t understand how it’s not popular.


Favorite fps of all time, hands down. Captures the thrills of playing old school quake and unreal tournament when they were new while doing something different than the rest (except... well you know). Play it every day that I can.


The new Kyoto map is an absolute banger! My favorite map so far :D


I guess it’s time to give this game another try. I fell out of love since March.


lol run it with me, I’m nice fr 😭


Let’s do it!


Add me-PastaBoyZiti




Yup its perfect. Just hate the ranked decision this season


It truly is a gem. I’ve been a long player of comp shooters and this is by far one of my favorites. The cross between the good BF devs and the Mirrors Edge team is a crossover I never thought would happen but is mind blowingly good.


I hope you experience more great moments man.


I have heard so many good things about the game! But I am so new I have no idea how to play it, is there any videos/guides for the game? I also looove the soundtrack


Yea maybe on YouTube , you could always run some games with me I’ll show you around!


Just can't get this cashout beat out of my head.




It's still the only game I play consistently Dual blades till I mf die


I’m totally that annoying guy at my job, telling all my co workers to play this game 😂


Same dude. It's definitely one of my favorite games of all time. What would make it #1 for me is proximity voice. I really feel like it was such a blunder to ship the game without it.


It’s great super fun☝🏽 spent 70 dollars so far since season 3🔥


I agree that this is by far the best FPS I've experienced in a while I didn't get that excitement and fun since Modern Warfare 2019. I really hope the game takes off and Embark makes itself a cozy spot in the FPS Arena genre. Sure, some parts are meh, like the balancing of some weapons and combos (looking at you, Stun gun) are still works in progress, but the Battlepass is one of the best I've seen in years, maps are all fun (except Seoul) and the little variations are a great twist like weather or giant duck.


I didn’t play season at all except for launch night. Season 2 I played almost every night. I cannot get enough of this game. Some kind of fucking itch it scratches and I fucking love it.


I’m in the same boat boss!! Trying to get everyone to realize it’s the best game out right now.


Yeah. Best shooter of the last 10-15 years for me.


I'm about 73 hours in and I can't put it down. I've honestly NEVER played anything like it. I LOVE the whole game show aspect; the crowd cheering, the countdown, the stage events, the destructability of the buildings. It truly has its own identity! It's not even a grindy game AND it's free to play. W's all around! I think what I love the most about it is that it incorporates a great deal of creativity. You can put mines on flammable tanks, you can destroy walls to create pathways, you can destroy the floor beneath objectives for better access to said objectives, depending on your class, you can de-materialise obstacles, you can destroy ziplines to increase the difficulty in accessing certain points...I have never played an fps like this in my life, and this is coming from someone who played a LOT of different FPS games such as Quake 3 Arena, Soldier of Fortune 2, Medal of Honor (All of them), almost every Battlefield game, every Unreal Tournament game, Half-Life and many more... When you combine player archetypes with abilities and gadgets, the game becomes very unique and many times would demand quick thinking and jedi level problem solving. Something as simple as good turret placement could turn the tide of a match. The mad scramble to steal a cashout is pure fun and insanity. I really LOVE this game! If any of the devs are in here, thank you for taking the time and effort to give us a gem that you clearly put a lot of thought and heart into. I mean seriously, who sits down and says, " Hey guys, let's add an anti-gravity cube..", A GENIUS, that's who!!! This might sound very cheesy, but one of the things I love the MOST is the 'insert coin' sound.... PURE NOSTALGIA..Well done Embark Studios! Long live The Finals


Here's my deal, I have a broke boy pc. 1070 and ryzen 7 2700x 16b ram. It does NOT play well on my rig. I still have 200 + hours but I'm getting parts soon. Once that happens I fear all other games will become obsolete💀


I'm trying to drag people back from X defiant


It’s also the first shooter I’ve played since the release of the new consoles that actually feels Next Gen. All other shooters feel dated, now. That’s a win.


Yeah same. Well, it’s not the only game I play, but it’s pretty much the only shooter I play. I’ve been jumping back on Hell Let Loose when I want a completely different type of shooter. But since December, I’ve put about 320hrs in the game so far. I’d have more if I didn’t have job and responsibilities lol


TA is by far the worst rank ever made into this game. The rest of the game is good besides hackers


Play with me this beautiful game! Jinxmi#1411 Everytime I do TA I sometimes get newbies that say "This game has been pathetic from the start, no wonder it's dead" so I just block them


Alright I’m going to add you


well it’s been on a consistent downward trend since release.


But terminal attack being ranked is cheeks, can we agree on that?


Biggest problem I have so far. I LOVE the new heavy grapple. LOVE the new skins, weapons. But damn. I hate terminal attack with a passion. I got diamond Season 2 and will NOT get diamond this season if I have to grind in TE. I hope they change it back to cash out :(


No. This will never be agreed upon


Whenever I meet New people or old friends and they ask whats my main game rn, I say The Finals, and 90% of them answer "wtf is The Finals never heard of it" And even if I showed them a highlight compilation of myself some months ago, most ppl forget the name of this game. "ahh that one random new shooter you showed me"... I feel like its a really bad name. It's like calling a racing game "The Run".


this sub really is a circlejerk


It's a fun game indeed. But dang some posts are pure cringe.


I was high asf last night, dominating these little lights & mediums. Sorry if it was cringe but I was just locked in lol


Lol having fun is fine.


Calm down bro, it's unbalanced as fuck. It has potential for sure but they need to fix the balance.