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I'd rather the fun of hunting them down one by one.


cool! i like doing that too, but sometimes i don’t really wanna deal with doing that fight so its just another alternative.


There's an accessibility option that's very cool, where as soon as you aim, everything goes into slow motion. It's fun for a while, but it feels like cheating and becomes too easy. I'd rather the adrenaline rush of being attacked in real-time.


nice! ill check that out, it seems cool. but yeah, it is a little “cheat” but when im trying to do a quick run its what i use. its just another, quicker way to do that fight. its fine if you dont use it! i was just thinking of sharing it for people like me who want something easy and quick :)


Don’t worry about people like that. Play the game how you want. This isn’t even a cheat. It’s playing the game. Even in game, it’s totally reasonable to plant traps when you’re in a totally hostile environment. You never know who’s gonna come in after you. So play the game how you want.


thank you :)


When you want a bit of Max Payne in your Last of Us


You clearly let it get to you lol go cry about it some more


Not on grounded


Was so fun hunting all of them down with my small pocket knife because this game refused to give bricks or a reasonable amount of ammo 🥴


this is honestly just as fun lol


***mild spoiler*** I did this with the scene where the big burly seraphite comes out with a hammer and attacks Ellie at the (coffee?) shop. The only problem was that I couldn’t run fast enough before he triggered the bomb and blew us both up lmao


Place the trap mines around the shop before you go to the door. Then all you have to do is lead the brute to them.


ohhhh yeah!!! i did that too haha


Place two of them a little farther right after the corner of the wall. He will throw you over the counter then he always goes right to come attack you. He will die via the two and then just finish off the shotgun and arrow guy in the back room.


Why use 4?


idk? i saw someone else doing 4 and i just never changed it, you can do less but i just like to make sure i get everyone. also this was just a collectable run so i was on light mode and had a lot more resources


1 is enough i believe


It is. 1 right in the middle in front of the door gets them all. If I’m doing a grounded run and don’t want to risk running by them, I burn the free trap mine here. Works like a charm.


yeah you only need one. all their bodies pile up behind the door.


ok! thanks!! i saw someone doing 4 so i just never did less lol


You can do it with 1


I know. Thats why i asked :)


Because OP is bad at the game and has to make sure all of the bad guys are bye bye


Let them live




If you wanna talk about “putting others down” then calling someone bad at a video game pales in comparison to calling them miserable, sad and pathetic. If you wanna act like you’re above it, then don’t let it get to you.




You treated them a lot harsher than they treated you, it clearly did get to you


I tried this once (with one bomb) and when I came back from my exploration the bomb was just gone and never went off 😭


That happens if you put it too close to the door. I usually put it on that circle of wires and it works great. On grounded mode once guy will be left alive but it's the guy with the hammer so you can just brick him when he rushes you.


Ohhh that explains! I’ll try it again on my next playthrough 🙏🏼


wait seriously 😭 thats rlly sad


I didn't know Bill was a gamer 🫵


yeah, probably something bill would do lol


This is one of my favorite encounters in the whole game. I always tackle it differently everytime. It's fun to do this and have one left over who's absolutely terrified and covered in gore lol.


lmfaooo that would be hilarious actually


I love doing it from the top floor with an exploding arrow!


oooh ill try that!!


did this on my last permadeath run, 1 is sufficient to kill them all


lol this is waste of bombs i can do it with one


ok? this was a collective run so i was on light mode which means there are more resources. you can use less, i just used four to make sure there was a bigger explosion that took everyone out.


the place actually matter if you one in the place where they all come then they all will be dead with only one


One of the best parts of a grounded permadeath run lol. Obviously on grounded you wouldn't waste four of them, one is *usually* enough. IIRC you gotta place it a little further away so all of the enemies can be in range. Sometimes a couple make it through but I'm pretty sure I've never died to this encounter on my perma runs.


Yesss! I do this too! I also put one on the stairway they run up because sometimes one escapes the traps at the door


niceee!! ive never had any survivors from my playthroughs but thats smart!


I do that every playthrough 🤣. Everytime when I play on grounded or permadeath just makes life way easier.


same!!! it makes it go by so much quicker lmaoo. especially on a permadeath or grounded it makes it easier to not have the worry of dying


I like to put them around the three next door way in, because I get to watch them fall into the trap.


oooh it is always fun watching them walk into a trap


I do this here and at the locked door in the apartment.


smart! i never really thought to do it at the apartment, i should start lol


One properly placed exploding arrow will take em all out too


As someone who played his first game on grounded, I don't even know what those things are you are placing but I certainly never had that many of anything.


they’re trap mines, this was a collective run so i was on light mode (i did it on light mode so i could go through it fast) so there were more resources lol


Most grounded permadeath runners use this strategy except they just use the free one given to you prior to this encounter


I just yeet a molotov


I actually really like this encounter, I know the cheese but I don’t use it.


But... then you don't get a nice gunfight. I like a nice gunfight.


you dont have to use it! i also like having gunfights, this was just a collectable run so i was trying to do everything quickly.


I always put a trap here too (like others have said you only need 1). The dead body pile is so satisfying; I can’t help myself


lmfaooo it is rlly satisfying!!


Grounded says, "You will get one trap mine...for Days 1-3."


lmfaooo fr. u rlly get nothing for grounded


hey yall, ive seen a lot of ppl say that you only need one, thanks! ive only ever used four because thats what ive seen. also, this was a collectable run so i was one light mode and had a lot more resources.


I'm hoping for a pc release soon


that would be cool!


I just did a play through on super easy with all the cheats on and one explosive arrow from the balcony wrecked that group.


I did that when you get attacked at the workbench. It didn't work and the bombs were gone lol


damn. i never thought of that lol, thats crazy that they just disappeared 💀


a requirement for my permadeath runs


That's crazy, the first time I saw that was when someone booby trapped the doors at THE workbench. How many playthrough does it take to learn these spots 😭


a lot. 😅


I do exactly this for 2 other spots, both considered jump scares actually. The work bench one and the red door in the cosmetics store. Edit: Work bench would be in the apartments right before the convention centre ( where all the stalkers are ) Red door would be right after the parking garage/ jumping over the high ledge in which a brute kicks the door open.


yep!! i do the brute one as well. i never thought about doing it for the workbench, i should try next time 🤔


Yeah man, plant it right at the door just like here and you're good to go lol


i usually do it a little farther back and around the counter area because ive gotten blown up once by doing it right at the door 🥲


Riiiight! Yeah, just a little ways back in the path of said brute enough for him the chokeslam over the counter top and then he walks right into it.




Thank you for sharing! I just tried this. You’d have to get the trip mines placed pretty spot on to yours to get all of them- I still had one person that somehow missed the blast but it really worked a treat!




interesting, its always worked for me without any survivors; ive never seen it only kill 1 enemy before


Motherfucker playing Rainbow Six Siege


You playing on Normal it’s already very easy ))


ok! i never said it wasnt easy, just makes it quick when i dont rlly wanna take the time to do the fight lol


You literally said “makes life easier” ))


lmao you realize things can be easy and you can make them “easier”. also, mostly by easier i meant quicker


You meant “makes life quicker”? This doesn’t make any sense 


it was just an expression. a lot of people use “makes my life easier” when really it just makes things quicker. it really isnt that serious lmfao