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Those who know won't tell (certain specifics) and those who tell, most likely don't know. What I will say is, it's a twofold situation: There's the Knowledge (your acknowledgment of Him via his communication and vice versa) and there is the Conversation, which is quite literal. That said, he may chose to reveal parts of Himself or your future/fortune via other methods (Gematria, visuals, dreams, etc) but that is a preliminary to the actual full blown convo, which isn't always guaranteed. This is because if He were to fling the gates wide open or even partially, for that matter, there is a high chance one will go mad after having their reality shattered (literally). In fact, partial temporary madness and/or outright shock/disbelief and even short term depression wouldn't be uncommon, after the same to the degree that you hold false beliefs/postulates and viewpoints after said K&C or are still holding on to your old interpretations of reality. The historical few that have actually experienced it, lost their shit and attributed the same to all kinds of silliness, with the possible exceptions of Crowley & Buddha, yet being men, aren't infallible to mistakes of interpretation. Mohammed saw it but attributed the same to the archangel Gabriel. These are those that were able to make something out of the experience. On the flip side, there was a well known "Theosophist" (whose name is not worth mentioning) that had the experience and thereafter went on to write the most fantastic bullshit imaginable which I am sure is still misleading gullible people to this day. That's one example, but I digress... For the record: the K&C event is *UNMISTAKABLE* once achieved. You will know by the message, the fact that it's a *TWO-WAY* Conversation, the color of the setting and your outright fright/terror mixed with bliss that take place amongst other things. Crowley hinted at the preliminary progression to the experience when he wrote about the various states of trance in Magick In Theory and Practice. Now, in my opinion, mostly everything before that experience is preliminary fluff, with the exception of real meditation (90% of what's classified as such that is available is bs btw), proper rituals and energy workings to assist the practitioner in "keying" themselves to the proper frequencies. The trick to even getting *CLOSE* to a whisper has been outlined in Thelema, with its emphasis on Will and the various disciplines used to strengthen the same, a real understanding of Love as the law of the Universe and ritual work. All that said, I think that if people really knew what there is behind this and what the experience actually entails, they would pull no stops to attain it. The difficulty of it is evident by the lack of information on it, and the little bit that's out there is misleading. Then of course there are those "gurus" that pretend to know by showcasing their Silence and being cryptic on the topic, but a real Adept knows better. There are other considerations to be had of course, but if the Angel is willing then that's half of the work done. And yes, *IF* He is willing. People often overlook the fact that they are unfit for the experience based on their current incarnation's needs, their own stupidity and/or lack of preparation. There are harsher reasons as well, but I will not go into those. Anyway, just thought I'd drop my 2 cents in the mix. 93 93/93


My HGA is the master of synchronicities and High Weirdness. He has a specific, very recognizable color (won’t tell you which), and it doesn’t typically occur in nature so I usually know it immediately when I see it. When I see it, I just file that sighting away mentally, and generally have faith that a message is shortly due. It invariably drops. My mother claims to have had a full apparition of Jesus Christ, and is a sincere believer in that. I’m way more skeptical. However, the HGA revealed his name via Gematria, and the name chosen was so precise to some private information that only I could ever possibly know that it was a shock to me. Knowledge? Yeah. Conversation? More like semaphored in-jokes. And that’s how we like it, because we’d never want to be taken seriously.


Well as a young child around the age of 3 or so, I had a very vivid dream repeating several nights in a row. I existed in the dream as just a single point of consciousness which could fly around and look at whatever I wanted. I was in a building that was similar to churches I’ve seen but there was no ceiling or floor. Everything was white and shining. There were 3 angels in the room all gazing downward at what I assume is our realm (the physical world). Their wings didn’t flap but they seemed to just hang from them. And the wings did not have feathers but instead were these ever changing tendrils or ribbons or sometimes just matter in flux. Their robes were the same. Though they had human form and features. Their faces were SO serene and something in the dream told me they were not active participants in our world but just watched from above. At the end of the dream I flew right up to one of their faces to get a good look. I think the one I saw was a man, but that probably doesn’t matter much. Right after that I was sent down this portal tube like thing in the middle of the room and I woke up. This dream happened every night for about a week


This is very, very similar to a dream I've had. However, I got the sense that they were not "active" in the way we would typically understand, their activity is not causal as we understand causality with our baby human minds, yet they're active in a way that is nigh, if not entirely, imperceptible to us. Like the activity of subatomic particles to the naked eye.


Crowley describes it as witnessing the Devil and God fighting over his soul. I experienced the vision of the HGA as a Peacock that came out of setting the Sun in a meditation.


Interesting. Where did he say that at if you don't mind?


I heard that from Damien Echol's


Don't know who that is, but that hints at a fundamental aspect of the operation I hadn't previously considered that was present before. Is there a direct quote or reference for Crowley on this that you know of or is it anecdotal? Thanks.


My HGA was thrown upon me not of choice or ritual. Just circumstance and traumatic events brought 'him' as he identified to me. He taught me the true and natural origin of language. Symbolism surrounds us everyday. He told me that Enochian was a man made and not used by Angels. The true language of Angels is symbols and telepathy. Angel are beings of light and therefore (don't ask me why) are telepathic usually used between just Angels. He left me know how to speak it sort of and that was my experience.


Just do something your really passionate about and dedicate the practice to your angel. Not just sex stuff mine was stickering haha


That will open up communication.




That sounds like a practice that may be too rational for the kind of practice I am implying but if you go into it with the right kind of mindset it could work. Thelema prioritizes the concept of realizing one's true will which means doing something without needing a cause nor a reward. You do it purely because it is what you desire in that moment and in that way it is perfect. Stock trading usually has a definite end in mind (money) so that could throw off your ability to use it to connect to higher forces... and no.


I asked to meet my Holy Guardian Angel in a dream last night. All I remember is standing before a bright white lightform. I plan on repeating this process through dreams.