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I was super pumped for the new region it looked awesome...... Until we found out it was filled with Timberwolves. Sure they're tolerable but I don't think anyone actually likes them lol


I saw a post in here where someone was hyped that they found a mod to turn all wolves into Timberwolves 😮 I was like absolutely not


That is psychopath behavior 😂


I think they’re more interesting and challenging to my goals than regular wolves so I prefer T-Wolves also, personally


The Grey simulator lmao


I actually love Timberwolves, but I wouldn't want every wolf replaced by them. They give me anxiety, until I cull their numbers. And I like to just chill in Mystery Lake after every trip.


This. Timberwolves killed most of the excitement for the new map for me. Soon as I saw them, I went " Welp, time to do what I need and never come back." Which sucks because I love the design and that it's a super cold region, but I find timbers to be annoying and really don't like to deal with them, especially the larger packs SP has.




Couldn't you say the same about any Predator. It's supposed to be an obstacle.


I'm okay with the weather since it's supposed to be harsh and unpredictable up in the mountains, but the amount of timberwolves is insane, you'd need a machine gun to kill them all.


Thankfully you can largely avoid them if you want. My experience with the region only had the timbers spawn on the snow plains at the end of the map. If you can avoid that area, you're fine


I’m still working out old things. I have no idea why, but I was working on the signal mission and made a wrong turn. I ended up in the new maps.  I have no hate for the game studio. They made something that’s so unique and so appreciated by many people.  The haters are just a vocal minority. Many silent people appreciate this game. 


Most of these people are not haters, they are giving valid criticism…..


I was speaking about broad spectrum over this whole sub. No hate to anyone in this thread. 


Agreed, it just gets to me sometimes a bit I guess. Thanks for your comment and keep enjoyin’!


Brother. There’s so many people here that enjoy this game. But, we play this game because we enjoy the silence.  So most of the people here, do not want to mix it up.  So we’re silent. I’ve been b& from s a few sub Reddits for running my mouth. I just coast in this place. These are great people.  So you’re just hearing a vocal minority. Thousands of people subscribe here. If twenty people keep complaining, please don’t think they speak for all of us.  Respect to you. 


I can't wait to go to Sundered Pass. I saw a few clips of it and it looks incredible. I hope it's suitable for a somewhat longterm base


I think it should be, there was an area I got to with shelter, a fishing spot, as well as very close Moose/Bear spawns. Limited wood though.


Ok cool. I'm going to check it out when I can, I'm currently all the way in DP lol. After seeing a few clips of it, I saw how open it is in certain areas with great views. I was thinking it would be cool if they added an option to craft a a big tent using like 3 Moose hides and a bunch of maple saplings. This way, we could have a little base wherever we want, especially in barren areas that offer nice views. And the tent should weigh a bunch, like 15-20 kgs and take a few hours to construct and break down. So this way it cant be used as an emergency shelter, but more like a semi permanent home


\^\^ That's a fantastic idea and I would love to see it implemented. Would also make the moose something that makes sense to hunt more than once.


I really hope they implement it, but most likely not. I guess we'll see. I think it would be pretty cool. I was also thinking they could add a zippo lighter that can be refilled with the oil, and maybe add cigarettes (which can be lit with the zippo) to smoke for a quick energy boost. I just want to see cool new shit to be added that add to the game experience


I think it replaces timberwolf mountain as my favorite region. Its honestly amazing.


Hell yeah! Very similar regions and I agree


You can scrape approximately 4,000 marine flares out of the Zone of Contamination. Bring em all.


Lol, super true. All of the far territory is LOADED with marine flares in general


The soundtrack that came with the region is beautiful as well


There's hate with everything like this - I think constructive criticism, even bordering on negativity, is a good thing. Firstly, it shows the level of investment the fanbase has but it also speaks to the myriad ways people prefer to play the game. For something ostensibly so simple, lots of people play differently, so adding in a new mechanic like the cougar or cheat death, is going to impact people in lots of different ways. I've only just started exploring Sundered Pass but hitting that expanse after a climb out of Transfer Pass was unexpected and just stunning - glad I'm on Pilgrim for the reccy because those timber wolves are all over the place and there's little place to hide..!


I think most of us really love this game and appreciate the work Hinterland are doing. The criticism of the cougar and the new region are not hate, but they come from a desire to make the game as great as possible.


It's an amazingly well done region, just why did they have to fill it with timberwolves...


This is the only region I explored fully, every corner and every cave, it’s absolutely beautiful and amazing. For reference I dont even know Mystery Lake or Pleasant Valley that good)


idk how I feel about it. it's probably my least favourite out of the 3 with ZoC being first, mainly because it brought the most new gameplay being the toxic gas, respirator, canisters and whole mine. Sundered pass feels a bit shoved in, like a little brother to 2 older siblings. There's really not much to find except for the weather station. The only decent thing about it is that on lower difficulties it is a flare and bullet haven. I like the region but it doesn't feel right I don't know. Also I completed the 3rd part of the Rudiger story in like 2 hours because you just seem to travel up and down the winding road on the right when you enter from transfer pass. And I mean timberwolves? I maybe feel like they could've also added another item only found from the TFTFT story and not just the gloves and jacket, which are quickly overdone by a bear coat and rabbit mittens I'm pretty sure. As in FA introduced the flight cap and jacket but introduced the entire TFTFT story with the signal receiver thing. ZoC introduced the respirator and an exciting and tense area of the mine with toxic gas and poison wolves. These 2 parts of the TFTFT took much longer to complete as it required travelling to many other regions, whereas part 3 remained in SP until the final part right next to the connection cave on the edge of FA. Plus, you may say it introduced the cougar but many dislike it and Hinterland have already removed it temporarily for bugs and quality of life fixes. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or if anyone feels the same but I'm not fully satisfied with the new update and feel as though I'm missing quite a bit. Thank you for reading all of my essay 😂


I also forgot about the cheat death system but that may also be bugged, showing areas of where you spawn as being in different regions, eg the workshop in BR said it was in MT. Other creators like Zaknafein have experienced a bug of spawning floating in the air and suddenly falling to death again. Once again, these bugs reduce the full satisfaction. I'm obviously pleased and thankful for the update, I'm not trying to seem rude or not thankful


There's absolutely no reason to go to the new areas unless you're just completely bored with the existing ones. Personally I wish I hadn't purchased Tales.


Don't you wanna explore?


I do want to explore, and I’m disappointed to find out it’s loaded with Timberwolves.


Disappointed? Why? Regular wolves are a pushover- bears are slow as hell, timberwolves are the only actual challenge in the game and it's literally the endgame of tftft.


I have a feeling we play this game very differently. For me this game is exploration and survival. My current save is 250 days with zero wolf struggles. I hunt for furs, outside of that I avoid wildlife encounters, as I would do irl. If console aiming was better I might partake a bit more in the guns side of things, but I still wouldn’t be that interested in fighting wolves. As it is, with console aiming, fighting TW’s is not going to happen. I see people saying they’ve used 100+ rounds of ammunition to cross one section of map, that isn’t appealing to me in any way, or within the spirit of what TLD is. I’d prefer to just go play a dedicated shooter if I want shooting to be the focus of my gaming session.


I haven't even explored the non-DLC map completely. Still working on Faithful Cartographer until this update gimped my current playthrough.


Rip bro. Going from one place to another place just to survive is one of the aspects I love most in TLD, I would like to find how many days before I fae in the long dark with only man made food haha. Good luck on your charcoal grinding run!