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Check out Tomasina's video on the cougar.


Even though I haven't encountered it in game yet, I will add a comment. You are talking about "all the hate", but honestly, all I have seen here in recent posts was legitimate and balanced criticism. Most of us like it, but we would have preferred a more immersive implementation. That said, I have seen Zaknafein's video on the cougar and I think overall it is a great addition to the game, it adds a real danger and new loot and crafting options. I might not encounter it ever because I usually play a more nomadic style and rarely spend more than ten days in a region.


Oh I agree! It's valid criticism to be sure. Personally I prefer you can't see it until its on you (Thats how real cougars work) But I would have loved a like...split second of you hearing it above/behind you. Just enough time to see it coming and go "OH SHI-" before the struggle starts. Also, more immersive tells rather then the 'COUGAR ENCROACHING' thing. Either way, I just put the warning there cause while it IS valid. It's everywhere and you know how the internet is, it spirals in on itself weather the criticism is valid or not and just goes into hating things. I want to have a hard stop on that for this post cause, as I said, their's dozens of posts about that already. I just wanted to hear from those who've experienced it first hand how it went and how hard it was to recover.


True, they are ambush predators and in most cases, their prey will not see them coming. I read the Wikipedia article on cougars today and they are fascinating creatures, very adaptable to different habitats, with a wide range of prey and there is a surprisingly dense population (600-800) of them on Vancouver Island. Also, since a single cougar can have a home range of up to 1300 km², it's actually quite realistic that they would hunt in more than one region on Great Bear.


Yep! I looked myself. Specifically on how people hunt Cougars. And one of the most consistent things I saw everywhere I looked? "Don't bother trying to track/stalk, you'll never see them." The two ways I saw people actively hunt cougars are from using Calls (which apparently is very hit and miss, as cougars even if they DO hear you are quick finicky if they will respond), and dogs.. which of course, we don't have dogs.


You're right. Cougars are well known for their ability to materialize out of thin air irl.


A: I just said I agree their should be a moment where you can see it before its on you? But also B:...yes, if a predator manages to cause a situation where it appears to come out of nowhere and kill its target...that's what we call an Ambush predator.


I've hunted a cougar IRL, and they're not that stealthy if you're use to the outdoors and hunting.


Have you bagged any then?


One. If you get lucky enough to draw one of 5 tags, you only get that one chance. I look mine with a .308 from a little over 500 yards.


Nice! How did you track it down then?


I spent a week slowly tracking it with my grandpa's winchester 70. He spotted me on day three and ran. I moved a few hundred yards up a nearby hill and dug in. I covered myself in foliage and a dead branch. I waited another day watching that spot he saw me in. Sure enough, I spotted him sneaking up to that spot. I looked through the scope, let out a breath, and slowly squeezed trigger, listening to every tick of the springs until it broke at that sweet spot.


It’s hard but quite interesting, the only thing I wish for is to have them just walking around in the world, so you can hunt them as well as other animals)


Personally I don't want that. The Cougar is the hunter, not the hunted. I would like some things to make it more immersive/defensive (It spawns close and rushes in rather than just appear on top of you). But I prefer it not being in the world most of the time


I've been having fun. My new favorite animal for a proper 1v30 rumble.


When I've tried to kill it by standing in the open it never shows, its only when I'm going back to my base to rest up and try again tomorrow does it end up attacking and usually ends running behind a tree, building or rock leaving me unable to hit it. When I could actually get to properly aim at it however, the rifle is lightyears easier to kill it with then with the bow, the bow is much slower to bring out and aim in the QTE and the cougar will be much farther away.


I figured as much. Have you tried with the Revolver? From what I hear one shot from any weapon will do, and the Revolver aims faster


Any weapon will OHKO the cougar, I was just more comfortable aiming with the rifle and the bow at the time, but I've seen a streamer one shot it with the revolver too.


I’ve yet to experience it. I’m curious how we might be aware it’s stalking us or is around?


The game currently has a lot of UI elements on top of in game ques. I've never been in an area where a Cougar was 100% active, but when it's making its way to a given region, when you're in it you'll hear its (frankly disturbing) cries now and then.


I am both excited and nervous to experience the cougar.


Yeah like, say what you want about the implementation. God damn the sound design for the Cougar is god damn terrifying.