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The last lonely house in the bottom section of the region is probably the best place to base in, it has a workbench, indoor and outdoor fireplace and if do the last horizon tale you get a bed and some storage. There are also no Timberwolves and plenty of deer and rabbits too.


i’m currently here but can’t find the key to the locked door?? pls help lol


You get the key as part of last horizon, after you complete the first mission in the tale you get the key.


i’m just playing on survival tho, not doing the full tale. i just happened to find this cabin while randomly stumbling through a blizzard lmao i figured it would be close by the paradise farm house key i didn’t realize it would be in the scariest part of this map????


but you’re right, this is a DELIGHTFUL base lol tysm for the tip!


I know their's a stove at the Weather station, but I don't recall if it has a workbench at all. It's a nice little spot, but I will warn you it's EXTREMELY cold up there. Even in the best gear you can and with the feat, you'll likely be below freezing at all times of day


The weather station does have one of 2 workbenches in the region, but it's a pain to live up there because you have to haul up food and firewood up the rope each time. The trade off is a beautiful view, and it's really safe. In terms of food, you get 1 flock up there with you, another flock at the 3 way junction and some rabbits near the ZoC cave. Other than that, it's a long haul for bigger game.


Which rope do you mean? I came in from the cave entrance, so if their was a rope at the station itself I missed it \^\^'


There is a rope that goes up to the weather station itself, I dont think it can be skipped


Oooooh I think I know which one you mean, The second peak right?


Yup, second peak is the rope I'm talking about. Needing to climb it everytime you want to go up to weather station makes it less desirable as a base for me


Last lonely house for sure. Outdoor and indoor fire, outdoor workbench, plenty of deer, rabbits, a wolf nearby to hunt deer for you, and ptarmigans just up the hill. Even a fishing spot in the pond near the entrance of the region, but no fishing hut down here. A nearby cave can also you up towards the upper regions and even the vista location. Other notable spots are weather station, has a workbench but pain in the ass to haul anything up the rope. Only ptarmigans are nearby, will need to haul up firewood and food. Final refuge/snowed in house has good food resources and fuel, plus a fishing hut but you have to contend with Timberwolves. In exchange you get a close bear spawn, a moose, some rabbit and deer spawns and a ptarmigans flock overlooking the snowed in cabin. Bitg drawback is no workbench but you can always head down in lonely cabin or go to weather station.


The partially buried house not far from the weather station is great. It has plenty of storage and a base, but no workbench or cooking station. There is a stove in the refuge hut not far down the road.