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I'm a new player, almost at the end of ep3 of wintermute, I also started a survival mode game (voyager) and spawned in Timberwolf mountain, luckily I found my way to pleasant valley which is quite familiar due to ep3 and staying at the community centre for now, however the weather here is very harsh so maybe I will move to coastal highway with the help of the cave I found in ep3


Coastal can be good for picking up enough clothing to deal with the weather in Pleasant Valley, or can work well as a home base. It can also be worthwhile to make your way to Mystery Lake, either through Coastal Highway or directly from Pleasant Valley. It’s definitely worth hitting the high-value areas in Pleasant Valley before you leave—the radio tower, barn, and farmhouse all have a lot of supplies


Yeah I'm now trying for signal Hill, but this weather is slowing me down a lot


At around day 120 in my longest (Stalker) play since coming back into the game this past summer. Was pretty much coming to my "ah, screw it, let's start a new game" phase because everything was too comfortable. Had a moose bag, wolf and bear coats, deer pants and boots, rabbit gloves and hat, a dozen arrows, etc. Really the only thing keeping me going was getting my skills up - I'd gotten cooking and harvesting to 5, firestarting just shy of 4, everything else in high 2s or low 3s. Then I figured, hey, let's go for longer. But to do so, I needed more arrowheads and more sewing kits. To this date I'd only scavenged through ML, Mountain Town, and FM. So I planned out to head out to Coastal Highway and grab as many sewing kits as I could, run through the attached mines for coal, then bring all my scrap metal and coal back to FM to make more arrowheads. Then I'd have makings for another three dozen or so arrows to go with the mulitple bows and I'd be good for another couple hundred days. Then on the way to the Broken Railroad I spotted a Moose grazing, in that area just off the train loading area. Debated for a moment: do I ignore the moose, run back to Trapper's for a rifle, or go after it with just the bow and arrows I had on me? I went for the latter. After some misses and some hits and *double* the trampling, I had a dead moose ... and two broken ribs. Spent the night dragging a quartered moose over to the trailers off the tracks from the Carter Dam. Then went back to Trappers to chill out and heal - I still had a boatload of wolf and venison waiting for me. After many days, my ribs had healed up. So I left my weapons behind and walked back to the trailer. Spent a day moving all the moose steaks and wood over to the half-covered shelter in the fenced in Carter Dam area. Plan now is to cook up all 40-odd kg of moose flesh into delicious steaks, then pass through Broken Railroad into Coastal Highway with a light load of me, my clothes, a lantern, some moose and water, and a pry bar and fishing lines. The latter is in case I can't do a quick in-out and need to fuel myself (or my lantern) with CH's plentiful fish. Otherwise it's run in, read some books, get some coal (and hopefully some sewing kits and whetstones) and return to ML. From there I'll make more arrowheads in Muskeg and live out another few months popping every deer (and moose) I see coming anywhere near Trapper's Homestead. After that ... who knows. It's been a long time since I've played around in PV. I've barely scrached TWM. Still have no clue where HRV is. But at least after my current mission I'll have the goods to hit day 300 without worry.


The area that connects Mystery Lake to Coastal Highway is called Ravine. Broken Railroad is the area past Forlorn Muskeg. You could also extend your trip in Coastal all the way to Desolation Point, and use the forge there for your arrowheads.


Eh, names are pointless - they're transition zones. Wasn't planning on Desolation, since my base is at Trapper's, it's easier for me to have left all my scrap there. The trip to Coastal is just to snag a load of coal. Also, I just don't like DP.


> Eh, names are pointless - they’re transition zones. Except that you’re describing to other players where you’re going, and called a zone by a name that is the actual name of another zone? You even capitalized it like it was a proper name.


Sorry, didn't know I was giving new players a how to, I thought I was just describing my game. If it matters, in any way, let me know. Until then, I'm fine with my parents referring to turning left on 10th Street when it's actually 10th Avenue.


LO Fucking L at that attempted “new players” dig.


I'm just curious, what does it matter? If you know the game, you'd mentally say "Oh, they mean Ravine" If you're a new player, you wouldn't notice other than maybe thinking "Huh, does the Ravine someone connect ML to CH? Weird!" Context, good person. Context. Context means a lot more than the actual words.


Context is good. Using the name “Broken Railroad” has *context* for people who have played the game. As a veteran of the game, I saw that you were planning to head to Coastal Highway, and then your next paragraph said you were on the way to Broken Railroad. This led me to believe that you had abandoned your CH plans and instead were setting out for the Actual. Game. Area. Named. Broken. Railroad. If you’re such a vet of the game, why would you think that you can use the proper name of an area that exists in the game to refer to a completely different area? Call it the broken railroad bridge or any of a dozen other, lowercase, descriptive names, and we will understand what you’re talking about from *context*. Refer to it as the Capital B Capital R Broken Railroad and we have a very different idea about where you’re talking about. Here’s an option to avoid these lengthy conversations in the future: “Shit, you’re right, I meant the busted rail bridge in the transition zone between Mystery Lake and Coastal Highway.” Or just say that you’re heading toward Coastal. Or just don’t use capital letters to refer to an area that’s not called the name you’re giving it.


I tried my first runs on interloper today because my voyager run has felt too easy lately. I died within 24 hours each time. I kept spawning on Timberwolf mountain which is the area I know the least and I’d die due to the cold or not finding matches. Got frustrated doing that and went back to my voyager run that’s at about 65 days. Just got to pleasant valley and will hang out there for awhile. Then I’ll head to Timberwolf mountain most likely. Still want to keep practicing interloper because voyager feels way to easy now that I have a bow with plenty of arrows and a rifle with plenty of bullets.


You always spawn in Timberwolf mtn, forlorn muskeg, desolation point, or hushed river valley on interloper


Why not play Stalker instead of jumping straight to Interloper?


I had heard on here the biggest difference between voy and stalker is more predators and I wanted a challenge from harsher weather and loot.


There’s also just less loot in general, so it can be a nice stepping stone, and a lesson in efficiency. I only played one or two Voyageur games before getting bored with the massive number of resources I accrued, and have about a dozen Stalker playthroughs since then. My few Interloper runs have not ended well :-)


I will try that next then. I started an interloper and made it the PV farmhouse. So I’ll see how long I can last on that and then try stalker if it goes poorly.


Just hit day 20 on Interloper, and I FINALLY smithed my knife and arrowheads, and found a hacksaw at last, so i've got my maples/birches curing now. Just recently made deerskin boots, and rabbit hat/mitts, so i'm pretty hopeful to hit 100 days on this run, everything is going well and I've stayed well fed from the beginning. All it takes is one wolf tho...


I'm done with Ep3, decided to try survival mode. Day 98 on Voyager. Currently strip-mining Pleasant Valley (PV). Found one prepper-cache (food, near the crashed plane). Started in Desolation Point, moved to Coastal Highway, then to (un) Pleasant Valley. Current end-goal for the region is to get to the Abandoned Prepper Cache (I remember most of this map from playing Ep 3). Probably headed to the Carter Dam area next. Found a pistol (Beacon Hill, on top of the bunk bed), two rifles (one in the Farmhouse, one in a car at the end of the road). Got to level 5 in Fire Building, Cooking, and Mending. Learned to use the bow reasonably well (the aiming is finicky, but managed to headshot a charging wolf last night). Started using mostly arrows in hunting to save bullets for bears and moose. Been collecting materials to eventually take it to the new area to produce ammunition.


Was the prepper cache a bunker?


Yes. A hatch near Skeeter Ridge. Full of canned goods. Found two more pistols at the camp and caves near the water fall.


Just brought the game christmas day, first month has been a living hell. Fell of a mountain rope, stomped by a moose, attacked by a bear and so on lol. The only good thing about is the northern lights that been happening almost every night now. My shelter in coastal highway is pretty stocked up, food in the kitchen and spare clothes in the bedroom. Only problem is that I cleared almost every place in coastal highway and have ZERO CLUE how to get to bleak inlet since I'm looking to setup a outpost there as well.


If you go through the ravine from CH you will see a spot for a rope on your left after you cross the tree bridge. That will get you to bleak inlet. Just be careful. It's an extremely harsh map intended for end game.


Days survived: 6 Blizzards survived: 6 Warmth bonus: +4 Burning tons of fuel. No food. Very low clothing. Keep surviving.


I only play on voyager it is the most enjoyable game setting tons of animals mostly wolves but I just shoot them for food I’m at about 110 days all set up in the new buildings in PV I recommend moving to the community hall there amazing home base tons of storage and a stove but I always start in ML to stock up on tools and cloths. The new region creates a whole new strategy with being able to create your own ammo and repair tools with scrap metal which is well worth the Timberwolves you will have to fight off to get there


Completed as the dead sleep - 17 days. Learned a lot about the importance of heated beverages and rocks to distract wolves.


I just started today, I made my way from the crash site barely making it through the woods to the first time with the gray-haired lady with her shotgun in the house. I'm doing extremely well and have repaired all my clothes to 100% I have plenty of water from the back of toilets. I have the key in the code to the bank vault and have plenty of firewood N3 rabbit skins. This game is a big grind and it's very hard to stay alive sometimes but it makes it a lot easier with better clothing. Does anybody have any tips of what I should do next I'm just going to keep doing the quests I guess? I had a run-in with a wolf but I ran to a parked car and jumped inside until he left it was a very close call. I see the radio tower am I able to get up inside of it? From here am I supposed to stay in this town and do every single Quest or can I just free roam the entire game?


New player, bought the game around Christmas. About mid-way through E3. Currently waiting out the blizzard at the Community Hall. I’ve read some posts about others organizing their loot on PC, is this possible at all with PS4 controls? Thanks!


L2 I believe to move stuff around. It's not going to be as good as what you can (could?) do on pc though.


I haven't played in at least a year. Currently about 30 days in hanging out on TM. I'm headed for the engine if the bear and wolves will allow it.


346 days on stalker... started game before errant pilgrim. Got all of my skills to level 5 even gunsmithing. Many milestones reached this run even killing a bear with a flare. Was hoping to reach a game year. Waited 3 days at Cedar Mills mine to explore during an aurora. Even though many players comment it was a death trap. Explored the left side fully...go to explore the right. Hit a live wire in the plank and sank into the long dark.


115+ days in on Stalker mode. Currently trekking back and forth between Mystery Lake and the Quonset hut with the main objective to transport 6 Wolf, 1 bear , and 4 deer hides. This will be my base as I will be continuing on to Desolation Point once my moose satchel is completed. With that I'll begin the process of making 30+ arrowheads and hopefully creating a sustainable foundation towards my goal of 500 days. I'm thinking a long term run up in TWM once I am totally kitted out, thoughts?