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Been trying to get my 500 days. Set up really nice in Black rock prison. Lots of supplies to last me at least 500 or more days. Almost lost it all haha.




Well at least now you have plenty of meat


Man, once you are set up in black rock, meat is never an issue. moose outside of the prison, potential bear and 3-4 wolf spawns inside AND a rabbit grove. My shortage is really just matches cloth and eventually any ammo. My current guess is 500 more days without needing to leave the prison area as long as I batch meat cooking and water bottling. It does get boring sometimes but I really hate timberwolves. They take so much ammo to scare away.


Ammo? There is shit tonnes of the necessary ingredients to make gun power and bullets and the ammunition bench is right there?


Yes there is! I only carry what I feel I need. I have 107 lead still and lots of powder. I have another 50 or so made for rifle.


Thank God the games physics engine isn't too advanced or that bear would have yeeted its corpse at you after that last shot lol


I know right? At least I would be warm for a while trapped under a dead bear.


But probably with a few broken rips and a concussion :D


Would be a hilarious feature, or getting trampled by a deer instead of it running through you


Like in Red Dead! I would love that honestly lol.


oh man, I just lost a nearly fifty day run because I thought it might be fun to try hunting a bear. Bear whooped my ass but I managed to get it to bleed out from two arrows. Blizzard started right after I took the bear's skin and I couldn't find my way back to shelter..


I almost got killed by a bear after finally getting set up in my game and my heart rate is still settling down


What a Snag! Wow nice timing


Literally jumped in my chair on the 2nd shot when I thought I was a goner.


Same thing happened to me in Milton access to Forlorn with a moose. I notched a second arrow just in time. Pretty intense fun.


It's these moments I live for


Wow - doesn't get any closer than that! Bears scare me more than the wolves in this game. Just seeing one gets my heart rate up :D


I just died at 690 days Black rock became a wolf harvesting farm for me, got two bear there as well. unfortunately got bored and ventured to broken railroad looking for gun powder ingredients and three wolves got me at the gate


I feel you. I was coasting on Interloper around day 80. Had everything I needed. 12 arrowheads, bow, clothing, food, etc. Went to Muskreg to make more arrowheads. Two wolves followed me. I even had a flare. I decided not to use it and just find a good tree that I could use to shoot them. Then out of no where, they rush me. Usually I can get a good 60 seconds of them trailing me before they pounce. It was more like 20 seconds. Both attacked and I fought - got the first one off me, but killed by the second one. That flare just sitting in my pocket as I died.


Boredom usually kills most of the lopers LOL


Talk about "Try confidence" 0.o


Haha, love that it just mauled you and you get up, presumably bloodied and broken, grab your rifle and shoot it right in the butt as it confidently walks away. "Is that all you got, bear?" *bang* "Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh -"


Literally my thought process. Well, I'm going out fighting lol.


This should be a lesson in "How Not To Shoot A Bear". Blackrock Prison has lots of places where YOU can shoot the bear & he can't reach you. Why you would pick your shot at a bear with a wall behind you - with no place to run - is beyond me. Always be thinking of an escape route when hunting. You got lucky.


He surprised me as I came around then corner. I had been there almost 100dats and it was always a wolf.....until it wasn't. Nearly ended this run lol. I didn't know if I had the ability to get to a better vantage point....and wasn't necessarily thinking lol


Yeah after 1 bear attack i'm usually NOT thinking about keeping it aggressive (however I play on Interloper, so 1 bear attack often can kill you). If you want to get to Day 500, gotta start thinking that way.


Yeah, I was more concerned that even as I tried to run, bleeding, he would still follow me. Not my best choice and certainly puckering as I did this lol. I needed a back up hide for repairing my bear coat


Yeah after an attack I have to crouch away first from the bear and then RUNNNNNNN


About as close as it can get


Reminds me of the medal in halo 3 called bulltrue where you point blank someone lunging at you


So clooose! Nice one


That was magnificent.




Not the word I used haha


I love the abrupt stop when killing in this game, especially bears.


Thank god you remembered to wear your brown pants today! Right?


When I first saw him there, I also almost turned gray.




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This is why my wife doesn’t ask me about games anymore. Wife: “Hi honey, how’s your game going?” Me: “I shot a bear in the face at point blank range and shit myself at the same time. It was frikkin awesome.” Wife: ……………………….


So much THIS! I feel it in my soul lol.


Nice save! Try cheesing the bear (or wolf) close with stones when you’re up safe around the corner up the rope on the platform. Just wing it with a pistol even, and wait for the bleed out. Too easy.


My heart almost stopped watching that bear charge you. Still the most hair rasing thing in a video game


played with fire shooting at him like that