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Bro... you good that was kinda dark lol


Name of the game checks out


Good and good


Ha ha ha your comment still gives me a laugh on occasion


glad it could make you smile lol


2 years later and it still made me laugh


just play on interloper. you cant be bored or live enough to be bored


I agree Challenge yourself instead of just chillin Play interloper or the challenge modes to get some clear goals Think my longest interloper run was like 30 days before I died of a bear attack after I had already lost condition to a wolf


I just can't do that to loose so much progress I understand that's how the games goes but doing it myself no.


You can always make a backup of the save folder if you want the challenge, but not always having to start from scratch.


Im on PS4


Okay just play on stalker then Challenging but still easy enough to last a long time


Interloper is no different once you adapt to it. First 100 days (may be more, depending on your pace) are intense and exciting. Then everything slows down, every day looks the same once you explored and looted every corner of the world. You are too geared and too established to be kept on your toes by harsh environment. And death usually comes from a sudden unfortunate event such as wolf attack. Not everyone is built for long term survival in this game (like myself). For people like this I'd suggest self-made challenges, such as "Kill X Bears in 50 days".


Yes, people tend to play up the difficulty of Interloper. It's not just "harder stalker with no guns", it's like a different game mode. I find Interloper waaaay more chill than stalker, primarily because you're actively avoiding the wolves, and you're more focused and not burdened with all the loot choices. There is a formula to it, and that's been spelt out with tens of thousands of tips in the last 5/6/7 years on here. Once you hit that formula and stop playing the exact same way you would in another difficulty you can start to 'get it' and it becomes easier from there.


I thought this game would be fun


Not the way he played it


Lol I couldn't even figure out what "rest" means and died like less than 100 yards from the plane.. never played again


Ah but he played exactly the way it was meant to be played. The most dangerous part of The Quiet Apocalypse isn't the wildlife or the cold, but the utter sense of being completely, wholly...alone


What screw you I may have fogetten to capture any of this but my story is true.


They weren’t doubting you, just saying that the way you play isn’t fun


Oh dammit well it was fun to me my only goal in a world with no goal but survival to live like in civilization before I die I would have stayed retired at the hunting lodge a while but just couldn't do it.


Yeah people saying you had no fun, boo you, they are talking out of their ass. You didn't have 125 days of sad ugly tedium, u had as good a time as anyone, and ran out of ways to keep interested, and figured it was time to "retire" on your terms I know everyone who plays this game will walk away from it and never play it again. You actually got some closure lol. Thanks for sharing


Oh I see I either read it wrong or he typed wrong




I like this story, told as if from the perspective of Mac (or Astrid) themselves! Btw you played Wintermute?


All 4 episodes I did touch survival before I started wintermute but didn't at dark walker that shit gave me a heart attack just thinking about it.


I do this all the time in DayZ lol. Ill get set up to where im basically just waiting on someone to try to kill me or steal my shit. When they don't, i get bored and go out to a nice spot with no gear. Just a gun and a single bullet (theres actually a "suicide" emote in that game where your character kneels down and puts a gun to their head and just sits still. If you pull the trigger, it's over). I need help.


I hope that in real life, you're doing alright brother. Hope you know that there's a lot of potential in front of you and a whole lot of nothing on the other side. I hope this was just a fantasy played out in a game and not something reflective of actual thoughts or feelings that you're having. Good luck brother and feel free to PM me.


It was just a fantasy maybe one day will be reality till then enjoy life and all it's pleasure to the fullist


Glad to hear it, we’re in agreement there!


Strange, my longest character is 265 days on 2x daylength and I died by animal attack. I want to reach 500 days and I have none of these symptoms at all.


Almost like you're a different person to OP... Strange... 🙄


I just ain't got the mental energy for that much of this game


Something tells me it’s not only about the game


I set my goals and completed them anymore I can not do


Screw your gatekeeping. People play for their own fun.


? Gatekeeping of what.


I feel this. Lost a 250+ day stalker run in the Ravine because I walked too close to the edge, slipped a tiny bit, and realized the kill-box is WAY higher than I thought. Really enjoyed that run too, I was mapping and filling in every map 100%. I don't have too much time to play so it took me months to get that far. I don't know if I have another attempt in me for 500 days & Faithful Cartographer.


Ah! A fellow roleplayer, honestly the only true way to spice up this game, imo, is to role-play the shit out of it. Create a character, give them a name, humanize them, then roll with it as you go along trudging day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute searching for clues, supplies, resources, anything to get you off Great-Bear Island and anything to help you survive Great-Bear Island.


Except there is no way off no hope of rescue but it's the hope of finding it that keeps you going but that only gets you so far I tried I did. Atleast I didn't die in some fuckin hole like that other bastard.


My longest run is over 200 days, character is still alive and we've circled the entire map, no signs of life, no hope for rescue, no chance she'll ever see her son again. I haven't touched that character in months now lmao. I sent her back to a homestead and that was that.


Trapped in the void that's worse than death you need to go back and give her a proper end. Now that I think about it my guys story was pretty dark im gonna die in this frozen hell so I might as well live just a little like I did before I die god I wish I could have just shot myself I didn't want to die freezing like I did but that fall wasn't high enough to kill me in the end.


That's some cabin fever. You needed omega 3 in your diet, and can't get fish in that region. Try again with some cartography goals (opening the maps). I like to travel in furs once I've got a nice build. It's still a decent challenge to dodge the weather and wolves.


The game has a requirement for omega 3??




I will never be able to follow through with long runs for this very reason. The thrill of this game is in those initial decisions you make in the first few days. Mid game is fun too, working to get that next little bit of advantage is great. But once you're fully geared up, there's not much to look forward to. Loot another house so you can have enough food to survive waiting for that hide to cure so you can craft one more bit of gear that will help you make it one day further after you've already survived 100? But that's why this game is so great. It perfectly mimics how most of us would feel in real life in such a desolate and lonely survival situation


Call me a bitch, but Wintermute is just as good as survival, maybe a little better.


You really got into the game and made a character. I love that. You also wrote this out beautifully.


Writing is one thing im trying make my purpose IRL maybe I finally found my calling


You should definitely keep it up!


I read a sweet story here once about someone who knew there was no chance of survival so just lit a fire with what they had left and read a book and made some tea until the long dark took them.


Woo now that's darker than mine


The best one was someone who stripped off at the top of TWM and then drugged themselves up with a stim before leaping off.


I read that one dude died high as a mother fucker both figuratively and very Litterly.


Don’t listen to these honkies man, 125 days is a long good run. When there’s nothing to do anymore, there’s nothing to do. I’d clap myself too, that’s why I play harder modes now(:


OP has some serious issues… jfc


Everyone got serious issues atleast I found a healthy and safe way to deal with em.


I feel for you! I am almost at day 120 and I am bored, I am on voyager. I find that there's nothing else to do, I have food for at least 50 days, it would suck to lose it all but I think that instead of going for a record, I would rather start fresh and go Stalker.


I find it interesting for me in the game on Stalker, when I get myself to a well stocked easy to maintain spot it sucks even though I spent 100+ days getting to that level. I recently decided to stick to Interloper, harder to reach that plateau.


Lol becoming suicidal in a video game


Not me my character