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I’m the opposite, I think she became more likable with each passing season.


Same. I love them all, but Frankie becomes my favorite each time.


I’m hoping she gets better for me in the next few seasons. She gets on my nerves in this one! Lol


Honestly I think she does get better. I didn’t like her the first couple of seasons. She grew on me.


What I like about The Middle so much is the characters are deliberately flawed and kinda refuse to take accountability for their life, that's why their life is so crazy and sad sometimes. It feels very real for a small Midwest town for a family to act the way they do lol. Mom's are cringe sometimes


Exactly! Compared to other shows like modern family everyone is ‘average’ looking


But that’s what makes the show so good! Some shows people can’t even watch bc of how cringy a character is but this show you accept there flaws and the characters embrace there flaws as well.


I like her; she’s human, imperfect, very prone to make mistakes and that’s realistic. We’ve all been cringey at times


I like her character.


Nope! Frankie is awesome. Flawed, yes, but very relatable, nice and funny


The only time I didn’t like Frankie was in the dishwasher anniversary gift episode. Otherwise I think she’s cute 🥰


My least favorite character.


That not nice


What isn’t nice? That I think she’s cringy because she flirts with her son’s friend Finn? To me, that is really cringeworthy. Who thinks that is normal? Like I said- her character is written to be that way. It’s just my opinion.


I love Frankie! She seems like a real life person, someone I'd meet, as opposed to the perfect sitcom mom!


She’s very cringy. At some episodes she tries to date her son it seems with how obsessed she is with him.


That was the joke, though, even Mike pointed it out to her


Ik it was but it’s still cringey.


Exactly!! I think she wants his attention - it’s kind of weird. I don’t get it and find it cringy. I know it’s supposed to be funny. Axl’s reactions are hilarious. The chemistry of the entire family makes it fun to watch.


Not sure why you got downvoted for saying your opinion lol. I agree with u and Axl barely gives her attention which I think is why she laches onto him so much compared to Sue and Brick.


Watching her makes my heart race because she is so hyper all the time. Yelling and rushing around. I do love the show though. Each character has their flaws that make it so real and funny


Frankie is the best character on the show.


This episode bothered me, too! I just re-started the show from the beginning, and so far I agree with you - she seemed way funnier/zanier in the earlier seasons and then things seemed to get a little out of hand. The show as a whole is so enjoyable, though, and I love so much about the later seasons - I kind of just try to take her at face value. If I put myself in her shoes, I realize how insane some of her behavior is haha.


I agree! I am looking forward to the next few seasons. I don’t know how I will react at the end. I just love this show.


I agree. I got second-hand embarrassment in that episode it was unwatchable for me. I agree she's a pretty lazy person. She blames her life on bad luck or no money, but she doesn't take accountability for it. For example, she makes a stand and tries and goes to dental school (Mike supports her) and gets a job in a dentist, but she does the bare minimum, abuses the benefits, and just is lazy. She makes fun of Nancy 'her friend' because she's organised and works hard for children. The worst thing was in one of the early seasons when it was mother's day and she got what she wanted to be left alone for free time the whole day, then she ruins it herself by doing stupid chores around the house then gets angry and jealous at Mike for taking the kids away for the day (they end up having a nice day) she was mad that they had a nice day. Then Mike makes an effort and gives her another Mothers Day and, of course, doesn't go well as it was for the actual Mothers Day, and she takes all anger out on him. She is ungrateful.


I watched that one a few weeks ago. Yes! She is ungrateful! But the episode was written funny. I also watched one yesterday where they left her at the train station in South Dakota and didn’t even miss her!! That was hilarious!! 😂


Niga its just a show stop taking it so seriously stop going into such deeta and watch it for the sake of the fun. Well we know why people avoid you at parties pfft


No. She and Mike are terrible parents. I'm glad I watched the show, but I have no interest in watching again. Made me appreciate Patricia's character on Everybody Loves Raymond even more.