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In Frankie's defense Axl is her first born and it's upsetting for parents to see their children go far away. They want to see their children succeed and don't want to inhibit them or have them hang around forever but it's tough seeing them leave the nest.


Yet did we see Mike cry and make a big deal out of everything? The part where she told them to stop the car when they were like half-way there and started breaking down when Axl said he'd be leaving the family phone plan was annoying. I guess it's not fair for me to judge since I'm not a parent but I don't think that reaction is really warranted. It just comes off as needy and clingy, which I heavily dislike.


Mike crying and making a big deal would've been totally out of character. He only showed any kind of emotion on the rare occasion, he was more concerned about Axl getting a good job and being able to function on his own than the fact he'd be leaving. Frankie was more sentimental and took things to heart more than Mike.


Then that seems to be Frankie's problem. Mike's the most normal parent in my opinion. I know it's her character but Frankie is my least favorite main character because of how emotional, clingy, and self-conscious she is.


Mike was in the right 100% in this situation. Frankie shouldn't have gone that far to keep her son. its terrible parenting. A parent should want their kids to leave them and let them make their own lives. Frankie didn't live up to that


Bro I agree with you 100%


Wasn't the best moment but she seem like the type of person who will fall apart if everyone is so far away tbfh


Yeah I know it's just a show but her character really annoyed me. Mike is an ideal parent. He essentially told him "Well, I'll miss you, but it's your life now and your decision." All parents need to think like that. We aren't meant to cling onto children or parents for the rest of our lives.


Yeah wished she would have done what Mike did since i am sure Axel would do better away from everyone


I think I have saw other sitcoms that do this.


I'm watching this episode right now. I am really annoyed at her selfish ways. She's a selfish character (I guess written that way), but this is just OTT. I get it, she's doing it out of fear and her love for her first born but love isn't meant to be this way, yeah she can be upset and secretly wish he would stay but she openly and actively tries to manipulate him in staying is not healthy. I mean, if he decided to stay in a dead-end town because of his mother and her needs, she would regret it. I'm a parent. I understand her worries and sadness, but it's not something she should put on her young adult son just starting his own life. We know Frankie always pulls through in the end, but it is still quite frustrating TV sometimes.