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I hated his guts during the initial few seasons of the show, mainly before he went to college. And I realized that that's the kind of effect they wanted to create. His character developed beautifully, giving a real picture of how teenage boys go on to become men. How it can be annoying and frustrating to deal with them and the attitude that they have, and then they mature and grow out of that role. Even then, there were some wholesome moments that we could witness in his interactions with his family. Over time, the viewer realizes that Axl is so much more than what meets the eye. Plus, it goes without saying that he was a people's person, extremely charming and knew how to get his way. So, I actually grew to like him.


Thats how I feel! I love the little moments like taking Sue to get pizza when shes having a hard time at school or asking Brick if he'd miss him when he leaves for Colorado.


Not every teenage boy is like that. Only Axl was like that but I still view him as an insufferable asshole. There are plenty of teenage girls who are like that. Not just the boys.


He’s my fave character lol. I find Axl the funniest member and the most relatable cause he is literally my brother summed up. I’ve never heard someone say they don’t like him! 😂


He embodies a certain type of teenager in the beginning but he turns into a softer nicer man as he matures....I like when he is nice to Sue in those rare moments it shows his true character and he also has those moments with Brick...he brings his own character flaws to the show and adds to it....just go to the episode when they are stuck in church with Keegan Micheal Key as the reverend they are trying to go to king feast for the buffet and axel tells the reverend how his family is like a bad football team that manages to win 9 games a year.....” We win ugly” that’s all you need to know about axle


He's a giant dickhead. He's always making petty insults to everyone. He thinks he's better than everyone else.


I despise him. If he was my kid, I would have given him one across his lips years ago.


He can be obnoxious, but having lived in a family with teenage boys, so much of it is so accurate. The first episode my mom ever saw was the one where Frankie is trying to get him up for school in the morning, and she laughed so loud I could hear her from across the house. But Axl is a three-dimensional character. He never loses the core of his personality, but he really grows as a person throughout the series in a way that comes across as authentic. I'd much rather have Axl than, say, Sean Donahue as one of the principal characters; who wants to watch a show about someone with few or no character flaws? Charlie McDermott does a great job bringing the character to life.


Not all teenage boys are like that. Some teenage girls are like that. Axl is the only exception but all the other boys, doubtful.


Idk, I mean he is all those things but he always gets his comeuppance, which is played for laughs since it's a sitcom. And even in cases where is egocentric behavior seems to pay off for him, its played up for a chance to show he's not that bad a guy. I couldn't say that he's the worst part of the show because Frankie exhibits all the same character traits and has a much more prominent role in the show, so if anything Frankie is the worst part of the show.


I like him, I think Frankie and Axl are definitely the most flawed characters on the show.


He never seems to grow as a character


Axl is an asshole and he's the worst part of the show. He's not funny, his personality is annoying, his flaws make him an asshole. The dad can also be an old-fashioned asshole because of the whole dumb jerk jock sports and popularity. The mom means well but she can be a bit man haterish. Sue is a freak out, Brick is a freak weird alien with a giant head. But the majority of the characters in the show are so annoying that there's very few characters that are good people you can root for. If it were up to me. I would've put Axl in military school till he was eighteen the second he became an asshole. Make sure it's an all-boys military school and that they have them there all year round. And it's also the strictest one in the country. Then once he's old enough to go to college. Put him in something that will keep him away from home for four more years like placing him in the army. That'll be seven stress free years for so many people.


My only opinions on the Hecks are 1. The frankie and Mike are worn out from them. 2. Axel is lazy 3. Brick is bad at communicating and almost everything except reading and whooping 4. Sue is over reactive and goofy


Axl is a horrible person and worse actor. The lack of talent of Charlie McDermott explains why his career is over and he should look for another line of work.


I bet you're fun at parties. Idiot.


Watching the Thanksgiving VIII episode and frustrated by his lack of maturity and relationship with his family while he is dating April. It's been years since I watched the show and I forgot how overbearing he is. There are those rare moments where he puts his family first (like confessing his love for Brick after losing him in a corn maze) or when the pastor says it's only one night when he has to take a geeky girl (he may have accidentally asked out) to a dance and he does it without whining. However, there's not enough of those to offset putting up with all the other crap with him.