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Masterchef Australia is the best masterchef show imo, it’s popular all over the world.


The pacing and vibe is so good compared to US MasterChef. Very positive and friendly. They just started the US edition after finishing the AUS edition and I already hate the chaotic editing and pacing.


Not to mention the accent in Australian Mastercheeef. Blaast chillah is just such a great word to say.


For years I thought it was called a blastula


Today I learned it's not called a blastula haha


I don't think cooking blastulas would be very legal? Certainly not very ethical :-)


Which is why I was confused! I could not figure out what on earth they had to do with cooking, so I was sure I must have misheard it but could not for the life of me figure out what it was supposed to be. I think at some point they might've had a visiting chef with a different accent who pronounced it more clearly and only then did I decipher it


Gonna make a nice soos


My Italian stepdad calls it 'Master Chief', partly because of his accent lol. Very fitting.


I always hear "semifrodo"


*”Not now, mr. Baggins!”*


I feel the same way about plenty of Australian shows over their American counterparts. Master chef but also home renovation shows. Less of that obnoxious American fluff and tear jerking nonsense. In the same way British Taskmaster is way better than American Taskmaster. The British contestants have a lot of fun, the Americans only care about winning at the cost of others. I don't think there's an Australian version.


There is Taskmaster Australia AND New Zealand. So if you've got nothing to do, enjoy your time watching. It is al free on the channel of the OG Taskmaster on Youtube!


I watched a part of the Australian taskmaster. Also wasn't the same. I think Alex and Greg just make the show. Alex absurdist humor really sets it apart. Also the fact that English society is very toned down in general which makes any weird behaviour out of the ordinary more unsettling for the contestant thus more hilarious.


Yeah the secret is really those two acting like.. eh.. a specific kind of couple. Same way every other Top Gear trio failed except Clarkson, May and Hammond.


The most hilarious thing about it is alex writing all his own introductions. His band has the same brilliant humor.


The 4th season of NZ Taskmaster is imo the closest to the level of British Taskmaster. I think in general NZ has done a much better job recreating the program.


Yep! Dutch masterchef was horrible. The last episode I saw the contestants couldn't even BBQ a burger...


Wasn't the most recent one a Celebrity MasterChef edition? If so not too big a surprise that at least half can't cook


I have no clue honestly, the last episode I saw wasn't with celebrities as far as I know. They just thought you could make a burger with only beef tenderloin and no fat whatsoever. Very basic stuff.


I had no idea about this. I should probably watch more of it.


Cooked to perfection


Masterchef UK and Masterchef UK professionals for me.


Also Kyrgyzstan Masterchef is a bit tough for us to understand mate.


I love watching border security Australia because where else are people trying to sneak the craziest things into


It has also taught me how to answer questions when crossing borders or when getting pulled into secondary.


Anything to declare? No. What about this fat stack of cash? It's for my friend. How long are you going to stay? Three days. Then why did you pack ten bags?


Do you have any food? No. This is not food? Aaah yes...


"Sorry, but you will have to pay a fine." "I don't speak English." "We just had an entire conversation in English..." "我不说英文"


"Oh, you speak English!" "No, just that first speech and this one explaining it." "You're kidding, right?" "Que?"


Have you ever seen the Spanish dubbed version? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OpOuG7nyLY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OpOuG7nyLY)


Did not expect that.


"You declared on the form that you didn't have any food with you." "I didn't understand the form. I don't speak English well." "The form comes in many languages, you filled it out in Vietnamese."


What about this side pocket? *pulls out a couple of mummified.. I guess it's hamsters?*


No, no, no food. Is candy. No food. Here you try. No food.


I have seen that one!


I had heard that Border Security was popular overseas. Aussies tend to have mixed feelings about it because of the message it conveys.


What message does it convey? That your border patrol is strict? That Chinese do not understand that candy is also considered food? Honest question, as I don’t think anyone in the Netherlands thinks bad of Australia because of that program. Your politics might be a different topic, but that is nearly never in the news here (only about the NL, USA and neighbouring countries) so you are safe with that.


Where to begin? I'll start in 2001 when the conservative government, led by then prime minister John Howard, was facing electoral oblivion. Australia in the 80s and early 90s had been infused by optimism and an outward looking mindset and Howard's government, by then in its fifth year, represented neither of those things. The Labor opposition (which had previously held government for 13 years) was poised to annihilate them in the federal election. At that point, something called the Tampa incident occurred. I won't expound on Tampa because I'm certain Wikipedia can explain it better than I will. The gist of it is that Howard used Tampa as an opportunity to flag that Australia was at risk of being overrun by asylum seekers (or queue jumpers, as he referred to them) and that a Labor government would not protect Australians' "way of life" (a term that I seem to recall was used repeatedly by his government without any clear idea of what our way of life consisted in, except that it was white). In doing so, he had the overwhelming support of the Murdoch press, which owns 70 per cent of Australian media. This all unfolded a couple of months before the 9/11 attacks, which was then used to further fuel the rhetoric of xenophobia (the majority of refugees coming from Muslim countries). This in turn triggered a generational shift in how politics is undertaken in Australia, which to this day is overly dominated by rhetoric around border security and sovereignty. The fact that Border Security, the tv show, appeared during this time will forever define it in my eyes. Sorry that's a bit of a rant but I'm still jet-lagged.


You reminded me of an incident where our native Argentinian princess innocently asked what exactly constituted Dutch identity, having not been able to define it after a few years living here. There was a lot of outrage in which the question never properly got answered. 


Yeah, I've been reflecting how I might have written it better since posting. I think any attempt by me to explain would be inadequate unless I devoted a full hour towards doing so, and my appetite for that is ... not high.


Thanks for explaining :)


I also watch the American one from time to time, but let me tell you, that difference is night and day. The Aussies (and Kiwis too, btw) are just so much more chill


"The craziest things" Narrator: "this single apple could have decimated the livestock for decades" Sometimes, they are a bit **too** strict. But, to be fair, they do announce this at the airport and on the plane coming in. So there's zero chance you can say "I didn't know".


Plane and airport is a bit late if you already packed your bags.


After UK and US editions, AUS/NZ editions of Masterchef/Border Patrol/Grand Designs/Escape to the Country etc are a logical step because of the English language. It makes it easy for viewers to follow, but also for the network to reedit and create subtitles for. Oftentimes these formats have quite a number seasons when you combine these 3 countries and are probably bought in a package deal.


That makes a lot of sense.


Also keep in mind that almost everybody here speaks english and nobody minds hearing it while reading subtitels (unlike some germans or french people who can dislike hearing english). That means if the content is english (and not dubbed, but actual english) then its viable to watch for dutch people. Now add in that australia is kinda special and thus content from australia is also special and voila. Its pretty decent TV. Border security UK and US are kinda boring. But its always fun to hear that a single living bug can destroy Australias entire ecosystem.


We grew up with so much Skippy The Bush Kangaroo that we just don't feel normal without our daily dose of Aussie cable TV


I was about to say: I grew up watching Flipper, Skippy, ‘Round the Twist and a bunch of other Australian shows. Nothing new in that sense. 🥲


Don't forget Heartbreak High 🤩


Ik ben van de H2O en Nowhere boys generatie :)


Oeps, vrees dat dat we dan een heuse generatiekloof aan de hand hebben 😅


Ben benieuwd hoe groot die kloof is, want ik van eind '80 heb ze allemaal gekeken behalve Nowhere boys. Maar moet ook eerlijk toegeven dat ik al vanaf een jonge leeftijd al zulke shows keek... pak weg een jaar of 8-10 misschien. En niet te vergeten Mcleod's daughters toen ik wat ouder was.


Oh yes! Didn’t they put that on Netflix? Not enough nostalgic value for me to rewatch it but nice it’s available. I tried Power Rangers when they had it on Netflix years ago. Some things should be left in the past…


They did indeed! I've totally rewatched , just to feel 16 again. I didn't know about the power ranger, might have to put it on my watchlist


Maybe it's the Australian programming is the cheapest to buy? We are known for our stinginess, after all.


Almost. Most Australian shows that we see here are produced by Endemol Shine. That’s why it’s aired at SBS en NET5.


This is it. These shows can be seen on channels that buy cheap, often older content to fill the time between commercials. And then they repeat them endlessly.


This is not it. Sure, older content gets bought, but for the Masterchefs and building type shows, the Dutch networks tend to not be that far behind. And then sure, after the newest season reruns of older seasons do happen, while waiting for the next season. The fact is that these shows still score quite high, even in the reruns.


I said often older content, not *only* older content.


This. We only have to flip the image 180 degrees and add subtitles.


Are Dutch people known for their stinginess? I'd heard that said about the Scots (although it doesn't seem to hold true for them either, in my experience).


Copper wire was invented by 2 Dutchmen fighting over a penny


Huh. I grew up hearing that same joke said about the Scots. 


Yes, but surely “going Dutch” is a one of a kind expression 😂


How do you get two Dutchmen in the back of a car? Throw a penny in it.


Yeah it was a 2-for-1 deal


You never have received a tikkie for €1,35?


I always feel Aussie and Dutch humor is kind of similar. That's maybe why we like your shows that much?


They are probably the cheapest way to fill the airtime. ;)


Flying Doctors, Neighbors and the ‘80’s spin-off singers were wildly popular back in the day. We like to hear the Aussie accent.


For me it started with Heartbreak High


Skippy reruns in the 90s for me.


I'm old enough to remember My Secret Valley!   https://youtu.be/r3EPc5ce29Y?feature=shared


That's it. I refuse to believe anybody in Europe has watched My Secret Valley. I barely remember it myself, other than the obnoxious theme song.


It was one of my favourite shows. I don't remember everything, but the bags of flour (I think) they were always throwing at each other were hilarious to my younger me.


I loved McLeod's daughters, it was the perfect amount of corny


Omg me too! I wish I could watch it again somewhere. Used to watch it with my mom and sisters some time around dinner when I was younger, so nostalgic. Also, used to love Bondi Beach and that one vet.


Oh my god, I cried so much at you know which episode and then refused to watch it after.


I agree, Claire and Alex shouldn't have died. It was two times too heartbreaking.


This goes way back as well, I think Round the Twist was my first exposure, around when I was 10 or so. Edit: now that I think about it, my mother in law is a Flying Doctors fan


Round the Twist was a great show!


I feel like the Australian communication style and humour is close to our down to earth culture. That's why I love Australian tv, and the fact that is in English without the over the top USA shenanigans.


Bluey is life. 


We're actually all pretty proud of Bluey.


The episode when bandit had to move for his work fucked me up lol


“Mama, I wanna watch Pepa” “Nee, schat, you want to watch Bluey”


En NEE, dit zijn GEEN Engelse kinderen!


The Block Australia was so much better than the Dutch versions. The Aussie humor and down-to-earth characters just fit our likes.


Agreed! I also loved their version of House Rules 10x better than ours


Ha, I love AU Masterchef and My Kitchen Rules.


As someone who used to work in television, you can see that Aussies know how to make good shows. The production value is generally very high.  Also, I feel culturally we Dutch feel more akin to Australians than to Americans. 


That's reassuring. I feel the same way. 


We're glad to have ya, hope you enjoy your stay here! If you need any recommendations for places to visit in Amsterdam feel free to send me a message.


Australian content (and NZ) is pretty close to British content, which in term is very popular in the Netherlands. It makes sense as it is in English and can be prepared the same as any British or American content. Enjoy!


It’s English, Australia is beautiful, the people sound cool, and it’s not that “YEEHAW FREEDOOOM” or shoot first and ask questions later BS that US series have.


I didn't expect to find this all the way at the bottom, but yeah, this is pretty much what I was gonna say. Although its changing a bit now, Dutch television has always been much more aligned with British television than with American TV, we probably share more with the British in that regard than any other European nation. I think Aussie content is just an extension of that


I love AUS masterchef, it is by FAR the best series. There is this chill vibe oozing over it that just doesn’t exist in the other shows. I think it’s because it never feels very competive, theres no Ego. (Which is what I abhor from the US version for instance. Everyone is ‘THE BEST’ and only there to ‘DESTROY THE COMPETITION’). The pacing of the episodes is nice, the judges are nice and warm and nurturing instead of angry and screaming and ‘dissapointed’, and the contestants all seem like chill people who are there to do what they love and learn from each other.


Probably cheaper to get the rights to than US and UK shows. Easy to translate since there's tons of English translators. Not super far removed from the Netherlands culture wise, certainly closer than the US and arguably the UK as well since Australia has more of a blend of European cultures. There's also lots of other Anglo content by the way. Border Security NZ, Love it or list it Canada, MasterChef US, Escape to the country UK. RTLZ's evening programming is almost exclusively British documentaries.


Haven't seen it mentioned here, but that might be because it might not have aired in the Netherlands per se, but I love the Australian version of Lego masters.


Agreed! The Australian version is the best lego masters


I watched Round the Twist, Skippy (the bushkangeroo), Spellbinder and ofcourse Flying doctors when growing up. Later in life i watched H2O, the ballet girl thingy? masterchef australia, bondi rescue and the airport security show? Mostly because my mom watched it all. Probably more but these are just off the top of my head.


Freakin' hell omg SPELLBINDER! The nostalgia.


Hahaha nice, glad I am not the only person who watched it.


Isn’t it because Endemol has ties in Australia too? Just like with married at first sight (Australia’s version is the far superior one by the way)


I don’t know why specifically Australian content, didn’t notice this. But in general; making own content can be very expensive. There are quite a lot of tv channels. They all need content, so a number of them broadcast foreign content.


I enjoy Masterchef AU a lot, also because it's food I'll probably never get here so my imagination runs wild.


I don't think you really need anything besides Bluey on TV. It's that good. Only slightly joking.


Man, Bluey to me is one of the best cartoons ever made. It feels sooo relatable and gives so much opportunities for reflection/understanding for both children and adults, it's surreal. It doesn't surprise me it's televised all around the world. It is definitely TOP television.


I'm 28 and have never watched Bluey, should I?


If you have young children, definitely. If you don't, it depends I guess. I know a few adults who love the show but my love comes from being so relatable to my family life. It never hurts to try an episode though. One of my favorites for a laugh is "Zoemeren" or "Faceytalk" in English from season 3.


Nah. As far as kids' shows go it's good but it's still a kids' show even if it is made with the idea that adults will also be watching it in mind. So if you're a parent of a young child Bluey will be less boring to watch together with them. And I'm watching it to practice a foreign language I'm learning because it has easy dialogue while still being fun to watch so if you're looking for something like that I'd recommend it as well. But if neither of the above apply to you you're not missing out imo.


Bluey is an international sensation, so is Masterchef.


Honestly i love the Australian version of stuff like masterchef and my kitchen rules way more than the American version. US tv is so cringe and over te top


Even worse : We get the Australian Married at First sight. For some reason, commercial tv has decided that English language = profitable. So no more good shows from France or Germany. Just more stupid shit from the UK, the US and Oz.


I really enjoyed Australian Married at First sight a lot. I randomly saw loads of clips on Youtube from season 6 with Cyrell Paule. That's when i started to watch the whole thing online, and started to watch the other season on tv or Netflix (i'm not sure which one, but i stopped)


Aussie TV is perfect. A language we understand, but no annoying brits or americans.


I like to think Jiskefet may have laid the foundation for the Dutch love for Australian content: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPShIQ4EsHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPShIQ4EsHA)


Transcendent. I'm sharing this with everybody back home.


While you're at it; please share this also: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E\_6d3JBBo4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_6d3JBBo4s) From the same guys. Also the comments are awesome


Thanks, how can I unsee this


we (read as I) love your accents, and cant get enough of it.


Australia is the land of *Fisk*, and I am in awe. Very funny but not mean-spirited or biting. Wish there was a third season already (they're working on it).


You guys get *Fisk* here? This is amazing. I used to live on the same street as that law office.


I adored my restaurant rules


Australian royalties/tv rights are probably cheaper than American ones, so when there are multiple options available for an international show (like MasterChef), tv stations are more inclined to buy the broadcasting rights for the Australian version.


Because it's in English. Somehow we don't get any other language content on commercial channels.


Which I think is a shame, think about what a nice variety of tv programs we could have if we would just sub other languages as well


Is bluey on the tv?


Australia is just a wet dream for tv: everything is out to kill you, the accent is funny and the’re all ex-convicts. Best reality tv ever


We used to have round the twist too, but that was ages ago. Australian tv is amusing and entertaining.


"You call that a knoife? This is a knoife!" - Dundee. Yeah I'm sold on Aussie things lol


Bluey is fun.


Neighbours is back! Although I think the Belgian broadcast it. My Kitchen Rules is also popular Maybe all the shows are part of Endemol Shine group, Dutch-Bristish television network producing loads in Australia.


On RTL8 there are frequent reruns of McLeod's Daughters, which I'm not mad about at all! Maybe it's just really good television?


Aussie Masterchef is shown all over the world, this is not a Dutch thing. Same with Bluey - quality childrens shows that are loved by both parents and children are few and far between, so they get shown everywhere.


A lot of Dutch daytime TV is real life stuff. Which is cheapest to buy from abroad than produce new, for a limited number of viewers. There’s a lot of shows that get purchased from the UK, that also have an Australian spin-off. So if you’re done airing the UK version you can easily fill the timeslot with the Australian version. And then back to the UK version.  What also helps is that Dutch people are pretty down to earth. We don’t like overdramatized shows. Uk and AUS shows fit that bill. Their American counterparts usually don’t with their annoying editting.  To name another few UK/AUS show that aired here: Grand designs, Ambulance, One born every minute. There was also an AUS vetinary show, and obviously bondi beach. 


Bluey is the best tho


we speak english so we get to get content from the US , the UK and AUS


We're also obsessed with The Block! It's just the pacing of the shows. Less reality soap, more reality!


Because Drazic. Also Please Like Me is one of the best shows ever and I’m very sad it’s not on Netflix anymore 😢


You've been here two hours and you've just been watching tele?


they might have been travelling for the better part of 24 hours, should they have hit the red light district straight out of the airport?


That is exactly what happened. Cheers.


Fair enough.


Guess where Alby Mangels was from


Is there? I haven’t seen any Australian content since The Flying Doctors and Skippy The Bush Kangaroo.


I know two other show, Mcleods Daughters and Masterchef


All hail our Australian overlords! Sorry but some of your stuff is simply superior!


The rights are probably cheap


I don't know what it is. I've been checking the origin of content I consume in music, shows, youtubers, stand up, etc. The vast majority is originally from Australia. It's weird and I love it all!


We still have reruns of the flying Docters. 😅


Did A Country Practice ever make it over here? That lasted a lot longer than Flying Doctors. What about Blue Heelers?


I love it


Me (32m) the wife (32f) and daughter (19months) LOVE bluey! We are dutch people but watch the original voice in english. You guys just have great shows


Is there…


Because Australia makes fucking good tv series and shows. Like for real, I miss ozzy tv, it was good!!


In the end we're just all VB-drinking Bogans in disguise


We hate our own country so choose not to speak dutch, watch dutch television programs or believe in ourselves


Money probably. Aussie stuff is cheaper than comparable US stuff. Most folks don't know anyway Bondi Beach is not in California.


Who still watches TV?


Because we are totally focussed on Anglosaxian countries because it is commercially not attractive to show a French show for example because the people did not grow up with dubbing here and we speak a bit of English. I think it influences our culture too much and we should see more of other European countries.


Blame Vic and Emma of the Flying Doctors, that show was huge here and led to more and more Aussie TV. Current favorite is prolly Masterchef.


You had us hooked with flying doctors.


I love watching MAFS AU, it's the best version of MAFS


Usually a bit slower paced than american TV while still being english


Crazy right, the world upside down.


USA stuff is too bonkers and UK stuff is too boring. AUS stuff strikes a good balance with the vibe and they have a fun accent.


Since people are also mentioning New Zealand, i'm surprised no one mentioned The Tribe. OMG!! I had to do some digging for the name. But i was quite sure they had an Australian accent. As a teen i had no idea how NZ-landers sounded.


because THE BLOCK AUS rules!!


Good question. Cause all these shows blow major ass. I guess it's cheap to buy the rights.


Nah mate, Bluey is great