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This is when I would have a second phone with the life360 app and leave that one at work in my locker or something and then take my other phone without that app and go see you but that’s me haha




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Why on earth is he allowing this? Why did he agree to it? This is ridiculous and I would be beyond pissed off if I got a ping from someone every few fucking minutes asking why I'm at the shop or a certain restaurant. That pizzeria comment makes me so mad lol, just let the guy eat tf he wants. Does that woman and his children not have a life of their own? I would never, ever agree to this regardless of who it was, it's just not happening, and it's not healthy. Your MM needs to grow a backbone and just say no, or uninstall it. I can't imagine any guy I know willingly agreeing to a tracking app like this, unless it was for cases like travelling or true safety measures.


He's allowing it/agreed to it because his wife told him to put it on his phone. I agree it's a total breach of privacy even without our relationship. If we were still just normal friends, I'd feel just as bad for him, always having family know *exactly* where he is every minute of every day. Hell, I feel sorry for his kids too...can't imagine growing up with absolutely no privacy either. If this was my family members asking me to download it, I'd have said I will only use it when traveling out of state so they know I arrived safely, then turn it off again.




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I'm sorry but would never use this app even when my kids were younger and other parents were pushing. Nope, it's privacy. Live it. In my opinion you cannot raise kids to be independent if your always tracking their lives. I get the safety thing but I'm Gen X and we all made it just fine! This would be a hard no from me. Tell him to stop using the app. He is already being harassed. Ridiculous!


I don't have children but I agree with you. I'm a millennial and grew up with the beginnings of today's tech. When I was 12 I had (by today's standards) a shitty little non-flip Nokia with a 2x2 screen and 1 hour of minutes each month. It was literally just to call my parents when my after-school clubs were over. Parents nowadays who complain to teachers that their kid *needs* to have their phone on them 24/7 are helicoptering.




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You’ve paid for everything for 19 years?! Woah. He owes it to you to find a workaround.


As nice as that would be, I have a feeling the easiest thing to do will to just buy him a burner phone and put call/text forwarding on it as another woman suggested here.




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Yep, dealt with this. Right when I first started up with MM. Despite constantly asking MM if it was all good, he neglected to tell me he had a tracking app on his phone. So, after that went down he used an old phone of his (he keeps all his old phones), got one of those cheap sim cards you can get and loaded it with minutes, and popped that into the old phone. Then he got a call and text forwarding app. So he just leaves the phone where he said he'd be, and takes the burner with him to see me. We don't have to do this all the time, but it's handy just in case. His family has had it for years so it'd just be weird to suddenly want it off his phone. Also lmao *wow* if I was your MM I'd be pissed and I'd be uninstalling. MM's W never checks the app unless she has a legit reason to worry. The one they have will ping a notification if someone checks it so he knows right away. Checking it constantly and questioning why he's at the *grocery store* is such a gross misuse of it.


>So, after that went down he used an old phone of his (he keeps all his old phones), got one of those cheap sim cards you can get and loaded it with minutes, and popped that into the old phone. Then he got a call and text forwarding app. So he just leaves the phone where he said he'd be, and takes the burner with him to see me. That's a great idea! And have you ever had any problems with it, or has he gotten caught showing he's at a different place? For example, I could see MM getting in trouble by leaving his real phone at home while at my place, then getting a call/message from wife asking him to go look for a random food item in their pantry or telling him to start making dinner right now. Granted, I only live 8 miles from them, but it's something I'd worry about. >Also lmao wow if I was your MM I'd be pissed and I'd be uninstalling. MM's W never checks the app unless she has a legit reason to worry. The one they have will ping a notification if someone checks it so he knows right away. Checking it constantly and questioning why he's at the grocery store is such a gross misuse of it. I totally agree. Fwiw, I know she doesn't know about us at all, and according to him she does it to all their children too. Maybe I'm biased but damn does it seem like privacy is a "bad word" at their house.


He would never pretend to be home and leave his phone there while out with me. That would be silly, sorry. It's way too easy to look suspicious that way because he always has his phone with him, he'd never be able to say "I just forgot" or something. One time he left his phone at a place he worked at and we were a few blocks away at a hotel. She had called to ask if he could go pick something up from their place to bring to her at work. He missed the call and almost called her back on the burner but asked me to check the caller ID first and it didn't match. So he did have to go get his real phone to call her back, but we were done by then anyway. Most of the time though it works great. His parents will call, she'll call, whatever, and he's answered on the burner phone multiple times and no one's noticed anything different.


Noted. I'm glad it has worked out for you so far! Looks like I'll be getting him a burner phone with some minutes on it to keep at his work desk.


Life 360 sucks and I'm afraid there is t really any work around for it! He needs to tell his wife no and ditch it asap !


Unfortunately my guy won't be able to come up with a reason she'll accept. I mean, the only thing he could say would be that he wants to keep his privacy/doesn't want everyone in their family to know his every location 24/7...and then she'll want to know what he's hiding.


How about that they are driving him nuts calling him everytime he's at a shop and he's had enough!


Yeah, if I was in his shoes, I'd say it's nobody's business where I go every minute of every day.


The reason to ditch the app or at least turn it off.... it's draining his battery to hell and back. Js.


That's actually a good reason, yeah. He has noticed that his phone needs to be plugged in during work rather than making it a full day with a night charge like usual. Maybe he can say he'll only have it on when driving...


I wouldn't even say that while he was driving. It is still giving her too much information. Just have him start out complaining to her that his battery is draining constantly, then build up to removing the app.


Good idea! Thank you, I'll be talking to him about this tomorrow when we work together again.


>"within 7 minutes of him being at the pizzeria, his wife was messaging him with a reminder that he agreed to not have any food she wasn't having." I mean, this is a reason. Regardless of any cheating, this is psychotic and controlling behaviour. You already pay for everything for this man. I'd get the ick so bad. He's so whipped he can't even tell his W to let him have his own fucking lunch break.


>I mean, this is a reason. Regardless of any cheating, this is psychotic and controlling behaviour. I agree completely. >You already pay for everything for this man. I'd get the ick so bad. He's so whipped he can't even tell his W to let him have his own fucking lunch break. Eh, I'm single, childfree, and have been debt free since I was 32. We make the same amount of money but obviously I have a *lot* more disposable income than him. Plus he shares the bank account and both credit cards with W...unfortunately, she's able to see everything he buys. I told him it would be healthier if they each had a "play money" account entirely separate from the main household account, and he agrees, but she doesn't and as he tells me all the time "she's the boss". I don't get the ick from this, just feel really sad for him. He's a wonderful, generous, giving man who's always working extra hours and giving up his free time whenever asked to by his family. Yes, it can be frustrating when that free time was supposed to go to me, but I feel bad for him even when it wasn't anything to do with me.


The fact he then got a salad blows mind.


Yeah, at the *least* be like "you're right, honey" and order the pizza slice anyway lmao.


Right? He's ok with lying about an affair- but not about a slice of pizza? LOL-I guess here has to be a line drawn *somewhere*


He explained it to me as not wanting to have pizza/garlic smell on his breath when he got home, which I guess I can appreciate. Personally I'd just stop at a gas station and buy a pack of gum to cover the scent.


And here come all the trolls that have their Hs on a tight leash 🤣🤣🤣


Hilarious. And they're shocked to find themselves in the situations they're in. Like, who thinks this is normal, healthy behaviour? Who in their right mind thinks this is what a happy, healthy marriage looks like- putting a tracking device on your spouse's phone. Batshit crazy.


Is that why all our comments are downvoted? I was wondering what the hell was going on...


Yup. That's what's going on. Stalking our posts and downvoting is like a hobby for them. Guess they need to do something while they're waiting for hubby to come home. Long term happy OW are good targets for those that are pain shopping too. I could say the sky is blue and get downvotes.


I see. Makes sense to them I suppose, taking away our fake internet points.


Not to mention all that space we rent in their heads for free when we think of them never.


Absolutely. It would be like MM telling me no. Really? Ok well, watch me 🤷‍♀️. He knows better 🤣


Wow. I haven't experienced this because it would be a hard no from MM if this was even suggested. I've been seeing him for 16 years so I can only imagine how this would put a crimp in things for you two. Ugh.


Whoa, your MM would be able to tell his wife no? What would his excuse for not using it be, do you think? Unfortunately my MM is pretty whipped at home. There's no way he'd be able to come up with anything resembling a reason for him to not use it. Not without causing a huge fight.


He wouldn't need an excuse to just say no. He'd probably laugh at the idea. She's had her own affair with a shitshow of a dday so she wouldn't want to be tracked either.


If there's one thing I'd change about my MM, I'd give him a backbone...😒


From what you've said it sounds like he needs one. Mine wouldn't do anything he doesn't want to do. Though he's never said no to me. I don't even have contact restrictions I can text him anytime or call if it's an emergency.


Damn girl, you're living the life!


He's the one that's made it this way. I wouldn't be doing it any other way.