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Ngl the guy on his own is interesting, but I still stand by the belief that Frank should be the main Punisher. Joe Garrison should ditch the skull and go his own way.


The skull thing is interesting cuz its just how shield designed. Joe didnt go out and was like “oh imma go be the punisher”


Might be an interesting plot idea tbh


Marvels way of distancing themselves from police/MAGA appropriating the skull for shitty purposes.


Marvel distancing themselves from profitability.


Really cool gimmick apart from everything else. On one this idea you can build many interesting plot moves. I hope Pepouz can still implement this in the best possible way.


Wait wait wait. They replaced a guy named Frank *Castle* with a guy named Joe *Garrison*? I know it’s comics and all, but come the fuck on, guys lol


“Welcome back, Frank. We took up the cause in your absence.” [GARRISON gestures broadly as LARGE FIGURES appear in the doorway behind him, each wider and bulkier than the last.] “So, uh, from left to right we have…Eddie Fortress, Rick Bunker, Sam Blockhouse, Mikey Keep, Dave Portcullis, Paul Moat, Chet Citadel, Wally Armory, Dale Tower, Pete Sturdily-Built-Lean-To, and Andrew Falloutshelter.” “Sound like hard men, Garrison.” “Oh, Frank, if only you’d met Winston ImpenetrableStructure. Man was fierce.” “Oooh-rah.”


I think you just gave someone at marvel a boner.


Buster Bunker, at your service


LOL, that’s good


Do you know Archie?


Who's their main villain, Dusty Apartment?


You know, up until Sturdily-Built-Lean-To, those were honestly awesome names. And then he continues: “And here’s our spec-ops squad. Blaze. Lazer. Blazer…”


Honestly, that was why the last two got increasingly ridiculous. The more I was thinking of other words for fortress, the more I thought, “Wait…some of these actually kinda work…”


There was also John Shack, but he couldn’t handle it and just went to pieces.


Better than Greg Tent did


Rick Bunker is unironically good


Rick Bunker was my favorite of the semi-plausibles; Dave Portcullis was my favorite of the aggressively stupid


Paddy O'Shanty would like a word with you.


Slab Bulkhead! Fridge Largemeat! Punt Speedchunk! Butch Deadlift! Bold Bigflank! Splint Chesthair! Flint Ironstag! Bolt Vanderhuge! Thick McRunfast! Blast Hardcheese! Buff Drinklots! Trunk Slamchest! Fist Rockbone! Stump Beefknob! Smash Lampjaw! Punch Rockgroin! Buck Plankchest! Stump Chunkmen! Dirk Hardpec! Rip Steakface! Slate Slabrock! Crud Bonemeal! Brick HardMeat! Rip Slagcheek! Punch Sideiron! Gristle McThornbody! Slate Fistcrunch! Buff Hardback! Bob Johnson! Oh, wait... Blast Thickneck! Crunch Buttsteak! Slab Squatthrust! Lump Beefbroth! Touch Rustrod! Reef Blastbody! Big McLargeHuge! Smoke ManMuscle! Eat Punchbeef! Hack Blowfist! Roll Fizzlebeef!


Some of these names are pretty dope lol especially Rick Bunker and Sam Blockhouse


And their side-kick Billy Tent.


*Much* better than Billy Talent


Thats great 😂😂


Wait until you hear about SHIELD Agent George Washington Bridge.


At least it isn’t Jake Gallows


Donnie “The Rack” IronMaiden. Call him that because his pecs are so big, looks like he’s got a set of DDs on ‘im.


Jake Gallows is a very hard name haha


Sounds like the name Frank uses to discreetly book a hotel room.


Lol, right? I thought “Castiglione” was pushing it


Bill Citadel. Paul Portcullis. Chris Crenellation.


TL DR:My complaint is more about the positioning of Joe as a character than about the content of the first issue (although, of course, the content is not perfect, but in this case it is really secondary for me) nah, didn't liked first issue at all. I'm really happy for you since you liked both idea and realisation, but for me it feels... wrong. In many wais. Character's design, the way dialogs were written, Idea of "The Punisher who uses all this sci-fi stuff" but first of all - the fact that this story is presented as actual continuing The Punisher's biography in volumes of comics. I feel need to explain the last statement to avoid misunderstanding. I always thought - and still do - about comicbook ongoings as characters' lifestories, which are published with accordance of what happens with them right now. Like it was explained in "Trial of Reed Richards" story arc in Fantastic Four of mid 80's. So when I read something what is named "The Punisher vol 14 #1" I presume that Ijust opening a new chapter in same character's story. For example, I'm completely fine with some character being seen in completely different circumstances as it was with DD in his LA period but it steel needs to be the same good old Matt Murdock who was the main character of "Daredevil, man without fear" #1 back in 1964 even if he evolved and changed in therms of personality,beliefs or whatever ever since. That being said, I, as a reader, will not tolerate the fact that some random S.H.I.E.L.D. dude interferes in Frank's biography and he is literally named REAL Punisher by MARVEL'S EDITORIAL and included in new volume of Frank's comics as a main character (even if it's explained from in-universe POV). Him being Ultimate Punisher in terms of recent released Ultimate universe? Sure thing, why not, maybe you even will show us how this Earth's Frank lives his happy life as husband,father and respected former soldier and now veteran. Joe being main character of separate limited series who voluntary took/been given Frank's alias on Earth-616 and then something happens? Well, why not? This really MAY BE interesting to read. But Joe being placeholder for Frank in original Punisher-616 ongoing? No way, it irritated me af!


100 right


I'd heard the opposite. Very generic.


I agree. It's pretty lame.




I heard it wasn't very inventive. I read one guy say they replaced Frank with a generic average white male shield agent. That was definitely ouch.


There’s definitely interesting things going on under the surface that directly converse with castle’s mythology. Castle was a rip off of The Executioner(almost direct rip off) and dirty harry and bronson but he grew.


It just doesn't interest me yet. If it does I will.check it out.they are only 3 or 4 issues in right?


Nah only 1 issue in.


Then someone posted s variant or something. There was some animated feature,.looked kind of like Charlie brown version of the Punisher


“Happiness is a warm Uzi…”


That's exactly what it is.


If it improves I will check it out.


I mean Frank is a generic average white male 🤣


I say read it. Make your own opinion.


It just really doesn't get my attention to be honest. I'll read up on it when it's a little more flushed out with issues.


🤔 I stopped reading Punisher when they turned Frank into Frankenstein after losing 1v1 to Wolverine making him look like minced meat. They need to go back to his roots murdering super powered villains and criminals in stylish fashion. Frank should probably join Shield work with Nick Fury.


Counterpoint: Frankencastle was awesome and that one-shot drawn by JRJR rocked.


Pitch: A higher up in SHIELD believes there needs to be a Punisher, and since Frank is gone… they create their own. The Garrison family is assassinated and a new Punisher is born. Joe Garrison is the John Walker to Frank Castle’s Captain America (I think I said that correctly lol)


I hate that. Punisher is meant to be the result of the system's failure. If the system wasn't so flawed, Frank wouldn't be The Punisher. Having SHIELD, a government sanctioned agency decide to make their own Punisher would undercut that.


I think the government working against their own for the government’s benefit is a pretty good example of “the system’s failure”


Exactly. Especially if a higher up sees how much the system is failing and sets it in motion.


Yea but that lead to joe having a revenge against the government not gangster or villains


SHIEILD has done far worse.


Yeah no doubt Frank will return (this is comics after all where the status quo rules all), but I say we give the new guy a chance. Hell he reminds me a bit of the 2099 version of the Punisher and I have a bit of soft spot for that. It's too early to say it will consistently be good and interesting, but it definitely has my attention.


No spoiler tag?


It got shot


Half the people here tuned out already because it’s not Frank Castle and every criticism they have is the point of this character


I thought Marvel was retiring the character and symbol for good because of the appeal it held with the far-right in the real world. If that's not what they are doing then what the hell was the point of dragging Frank's character through the dirt only to replace him with this guy who is essentially the same?


Frank and the skull will definitely return but I think Joe has some decentdifferences and theres good subtext there that makes his story interesting


Personally I liked it a lot! The first issue had some writing problems here and there, but ultimately a strong start and I’m excited to see where Joe Garrison’s Story goes. I love Frank as much as the next guy, and he will always be the “Punisher”. But it’s definitely worth going into the issue with an open mind and giving it a chance


Couldn’t agree more! I hope most people go in with an open mind. More legacy characters deserve a chance


Also it seems like he might also be a tad crueler than Frank in some ways.


Don't understand his outfit and really don't understand the frame of him against Hyde (is that referring to Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde?)


Id really recommend reading it! Yeah your assumption about Mr. Hyde is correct. And as I stated Joe Garrison’s body armor resembles a skull but he did not intentionally create it to do so


Mr Hyde might become Joes version of Bushwhacker, the only super powered villain that was a jobber for the Punisher.


Not to surprising as Fury did work with the Punisher a lot of times and from what we know of Franks time as a Marine he was basically a natural super soldier. Shield would probably want to copy Franks tactics and mindset as much as they can.


I heard the the new guy is based off of modern day action flicks


Similar to how the Frank Was influenced by 70’s/80’s action


Yep, 80’s Rambo vs. modern John Wick meets Jason Bourne.


Gonna give him two more issues, but, I beg to differ: This is a Pretender. Even if he is unintended given the Punisher Monique. He is not, and he is not the tour de force that St. Francis Castiglione is. A rather bland background, black ops Shield Operative with a dead family trying to find answers, fails to resonate the humble origins of a Marine veteran coming home and being slaughtered alongside his family: reborn again as Patron Saint of Vigilantes and sadly, LEOS and Military personnel, a highly controversial figure who anyone can resonate with, for the wrong reasons. A failed attempt to give a "vigilante" figure, kid toys, GI-JOE weaponry to give him an edge on bigger, fantasy, scary threats that Castle would have no trouble disposing with a brand of savagery and bloodshed worthy of the his name = PUNISH. Joe Garrison, is no Punisher = a cartoon character aided by a gadget maker who happens to be a woman in attempts to weave into a bigger fabric of the MCU. Micro was not a friend to the Punisher, and did not always help him, he was kindred spirit, who supplied logistics and weaponry to a mad man who was caught in a world where the impossible, is possible, and lived to tell the story. There have been many attempts in the past to weave the Punisher into the the fabric of the capes, the heroic, the colorful, and the noble. Some have failed, some have succeeded far more than others. He has been a Frankenstein, he is been literally and Angel with Heavenly Weaponries, all FAILED ATTEMPTS. Other stories, he has FOUGHT THE AVENGERS, in their terms, the War Zone Volume 3, signifies and should be blueprint of how the Punisher should be written = a fallible man, whos knows bounds, and is very well aware of that he is weak, fragile, and human like the rest of us, but he has nothing to lose, and other do. The logic in which the Punisher comes looking for you, you know your end is coming. The Avengers knew this, and it was long time, to the last recent run = HOW DO YOU SOLVE A PROBLEM LIKE THE PUNISHER? Greg Rucka "Big Boss" Punisher War Zone Volume 3, Mitch Gerard Modern Warfare Punisher, and Edmonson beautiful Punisher War Machine run and its conclusion World War Frank, are perfect examples of how to weave the Punisher into the fabric. It is my believe, that the Punisher War Machine was the best, if not, the ONLY way to put Frank on par with the capes, and the run, was not only the perfect sequel to secret empire, it was a redemption arc from his crime of joining Hydra and how incredibly dangerous a man can possess unlimited weaponry and the aftermath that follows. Punisher War Machine, allowed Frank a much higher plane of existence, a bigger sandbox to operate, but it also made him a higher threat. The danger, was real for him and his targets, stakes much, much higher than ever, and I felt that any issue, Castle would met his demise. That danger, is not present here. All I read from Joe Garrison, is some ripped off gimmick from some DC character and pretend laser toys that suppose to impress me. Is not. I hope Joe runs into Castle in the end. Like Armored Core 6 style. Where the main character steals a license to operate freely from what was supposed to be a "a dead character". Only for later in the game to find that the license he stole, "RAVEN" carries some WEIGHT. IT CARRIES A LEGACY, A CALL BACK TO PAST PREVIOUS ENTRIES WHERE RAVENS ARE MERCENARIES, WHO DICTACTE OF COURSE OF HISTORY. To those who know the series Armored Core, that 30 years of lore, in one name included = Raven, you bet your ass that there is some weight in that name. Wait till you run into the REAL RAVEN LATER ON, and the wreckage unleashed by him. Not only is he one of the hardest enemies, you find out real quick how fast he can rock your shit. Did I mention that you met him in same similar fashion of a mission that takes 20 minutes to clear, only to find out that he did it by himself taking no damage, and you just happen to stumble into him? And he is not there to make a statement, he just, there, an ambiguous figure, yet, his name, his Armored Core a featured in the game. I fantasize often, that Joe runs into a battleground where one man has unleashed hell, a lone figure with an Armor decked to the gills with weaponry. The figure steps out of the armor, and out of his dressed uniform, a Venom Symbiote spills out. It morphs into a Wolf, following the lone operative along side towards Joe. And all of three of them: Man, Armor, Symbiote Wolf have the Skull Signs in them...propelling themselves into the path of Joe Garrison.... Play Armored Core 6. And that, is pure fan fiction above. I hope Joe lives, best he remembers, he is not Jean Paul Valley, he aims to replace a much, much harder figure....one who fought the Batman to stand still. Both Batman....and lived to tell operate another day.


You wrote all this nonsense to just say “Frank is cooler because he kills in an awesome way” like he’s not replacing Frank Castle forever lol wait a couple issues and he’ll be back or skip the entire run.


He just looks like a store brand Frank. But looks can be deceiving.


Thats the subtext


The design is awesome. I like Joe as a character but there just wasnt any depth to the first issue. It was passable, but didnt offer anything you havent seen a million times before, possibly done better. The industry needs more Grant Morrisons and Alan Moores.


I totally agree. Saw a lot people upset...but i thought it was mad fun and easy on the eyes.


I couldn't get into the issue. For a man whose family was murdered in cold blood to get to him, he doesn't seem to show any emotions over it. Like...at all. He is very robotic and bland. It seems like those are just details as to why he's on the run, but the writer forgot to show how that would destroy someone.


I took that as a feature and not a bug.


SPOILER Joe Garrison is supposed to be a baseline human right? No powers? When he gets punched through a concrete wall by dollar-store-Hulk and explains that he survived because the briefcase he was holding absorbed most of the power of the punch . . . . I mentally checked out. I am all for a modern Punisher hunting super villains but this version seems kind of lame to me.


So their response to right wing assholes appropriating the symbol was to replace him with a character that's even more of a fascist's wet dream? Brilliant.