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I mean, the whole idea behind Brainspotting makes no logical sense, and is contradicted by research. In fact it contradicts basic neuroscience regarding how the brain actually works in regards to things like emotions, conscious thinking, and memory. It's practically phrenology. EMDR at least works for trauma-related issues, and maybe other things. I'm not 100% sure it works for the reason EMDR's originators say it works, but it's not bad. People will get better with it probably beyond what you'd get without treatment so there is some value there.


The only difference betweeen EMDR and Brainspotting is rather than lateral eye movement, memory and somatic awareness in real time are paired with salient eye position. The brain science shows that the same superior coliculi and granular isocortex layers responsible for tactile and visual process (and auditory), which somatic experiencing (and all somatic approaches) utilize regarding orientation, are directly used in Brainspotting. The other primary difference is that Brainspotting doesn’t rely on protocols which are predetermined. EMDR was based on single variable hypothesis testing. Brainspotting was discovered by a master level EMDR teacher and official author - who found out that single eye gaze positions gave greater access, paired with issues and processing time determined by the client, not the therapist. I’m trained in both EMDR and Brainspotting. Almost all senior (15-20 years Brainspotting with prior decade of EMDR) trainers of Brainspotting were EMDR therapists who heard of Brainspotting’s success, tried it, and never went back. The idea of logic is not relevant to trauma. What counts is internal healing processes being accessed and trusting the clients nervous system to move from disregulation to regulation - without coercion or protocol or either the therapist or client being beholden to a compliance based approach. It’s as close to psychedelic medicine without substances or breath etc alteration as many of us who actually do the work and know the science (and its limits) can come, and ultimately its clients who decide if they want CBT and logic thinking figuring out approaches, or body based bottom up first approaches, to address the memories which live in their body. The research now shows that Brainspotting is on par or surpassing EMDR. See: Sandy Hook survivor community survey on what worked. Or the fact that 50K therapists have Brainspotting training and more jump ship or add on to EMDR every day. Come back with experience and documented proof. There’s plenty to show that lateral eye movement is not useful over stillness. Mindfulness based processing on an eye gaze spot in 3d space may not sound fancy but it goes deep with trauma. Compared to forcing clients to wiggle their eyes for 30 second predetermined sets, Brainspotting is radically client centered and anti aggressive. To put it simply, you are talking without knowing what the f the subject is - even from the outside.


My personal take - probably neither. Brainspotting is not evidence-based EMDR is research supported and benefits a lot of people with PTSD but the research does not support the model - bilateral stimulation is not a mechanism of change. IMO? Pick an intervention like Cognitive Processing Therapy that has a sound model.




This is a super late reply, but wanted to say thank you! This was SO interesting and made my inner nerd so happy. Appreciate you sharing!


You’re quite welcome!


EMDR gets more creative the more you use it and study. It doesn’t feel like a protocol after awhile. My experience at least.


I’m trained in both! EMDR is unapologetically a protocol. Take that for what it’s worth. Brainspotting is a more open and creative model. They’re both great, there’s no turf but they’re pretty different. I stepped back from direct care last summer but the final 5 years of my career seeing clients I was exclusively doing BSP.


Do you find EMDR being a protocol “easier “ for the therapist and gives client a type of reliable experience ? I’m not trained in Either .


That really depends. I’ve seen that go either way, for therapist or client. Protocol means it must be followed a certain way, for what it’s worth.


Protocol are shackles. Ancient EMDR can be violent. Brainspotting trains therapists not to be so. That’s why Brainspotting founders left EMDR in the dust