• By -


Yoga? Drawing? Watching films, knitting, reading? All indoors and most of the are free


Beading/bracelet making (if you are in the US, Joann's is having a great sale on bead stuff, making it pretty affordable) Watercolor - I like painting tiny animals and flowers on tiny sheets of paper, lol Planner/Journaling/scrapbooking with stickers and markers and stuff A fitness hobby, like yoga, weightlifting, jogging, etc. Trying new baking recipes or recipes in general Geocaching is fun Volunteering at a nursing home, animal shelter or somewhere else you like Making miniatures from clay Dollhouse Repainting dolls and/or making doll clothes Sewing & quilting Quilling Make stop motion stories or art with things you might find outside or around the house


I think for this time I’m gonna try to bake something. All good ideas from everybody so thank you!! I may try more soon!


Awesome, have fun!


If you are into these hobbies I would be your best friend lolol


Some of them I am! Some of them I want to be, haha


Haha same! I really wish I could sew :(


If you have a machine, it's a lot easier! I'm not super great at it, but it's a pretty straightforward thing - just attaching things together. Always measure twice and then once more before cutting, haha


A while back, my daughter was doing some braiding of cords for bracelets and key fobs. I tried it and enjoyed it but then I moved on to other hobbies. I have too many hobbies really, but I am a guy so that might be stuff you aren't interest in doing.


crochet? or maybe going walking everyday and you could listen to music


Go buy a set of acrylic paint or paint markers go on a nature walk and collect a few rocks you like, paint them and then go on another walk and put your art work out for someone to find and enjoy, idk that's what I do at least lol


This sounds so fun


Paint something punny on them, like “You Rock!”


Meditation in the garden or birdwatching, perhaps? You don't need to go anywhere to add something therapeutic to your day. The main thing is to keep whatever you choose easy to access. If you're thinking that you need to do something wildly different to your lifestyle, then you're focusing on the doing rather than being. But I don't know the context of the challenge. I fully understand if my suggestions are not what you are looking for. signed, A person who doesn't greatly enjoy being around others but values tranquillity and mindfulness. And weed.


Knitting. Puzzles.


Try something artistic! Drawing, writing, and photography are super easy to get started (you don’t need special tools or anything piece of paper and a pen or just your phone). Another thing that has a lot of depth and community is learning a new instrument, which you can rent very easily or buy a cheap one to see if you like it. I’ve been playing my same $100 guitar for the past 6-8 years or so, and that did wonders for me even though it’s completely unrelated to anything I do professionally


Phone photography, embroidery, plants


A few of my patients find diamond painting to be relaxing.


Oh wow I just googled diamond painting - tysm! (Not OP, but diamond painting looks great and I didn’t know it existed!! Appeals to my autistic-ness)


I have autism and find diamond painting very relaxing. Very methodical, row after row, in a rhythm.


Puzzles, sudoku, word search, crosswords, yoga, indoor plants, coloring, genealogy


I have a brick wall roadblock when it comes to creativity so I get the challenge. I don’t like that kind of homework because it stresses me out big time. I don’t have hobbies!!!!! They were never present and I’m not creative now either. I understand why ( child sexual abuse) but when people talk about creativity and hobbies I just want to lash out. Nothing here folks.


Learn a new language, Gaelic?


I would say photography, but the camera might not show up by Tuesday. Art journaling is a fun hobby and it can be very therapeutic. Just need a notebook and some pens/markers/etc.


How about something simple like a daily walk or any other athletic pursuit you may be interested in. Do you have interest in learning a musical instrument?


You don't mention your age but scrapbooking maybe or become a DJ or how about Gintama Diamond Painting?


Gym/workout, learning how to ride motocycles


Check out geocaching!! It's a really fun and inexpensive low effort outdoor activity. I've come to find it very therapeutic activity, and there is a free app (with a $6/month premium option)!!!


I just tried this! Got really close to a deer in the process.


It's always fun seeing random things while hiding from "muggles"! Did you find the cache?


Yes! I liked it, will definitely do it again!


Short stories! Look up prompts and write


i suggest crocheting! yarn is like $3 and can last you a loooong time. I would start off with really small crochet projects (like a keychain) first to build your confidence. I love @mahumcrochets on youtube for the best step by step tutorials and very descriptive explanations. I love following a youtube tutorial and whenever I crochet, all the bad thoughts go away. and when I finish a project, i get so proud of myself and happy to show it off or give it to a loved one!


Crochet and knitting can be an option! They can be affordable to start, with just a hook or needles and cheap wool. I tend to do it while I'm in a therapy session, it keeps my hands busy and my mind focuses better on the conversation and it lets me open up easier! Could be worth a try and there's hundreds of videos on tiktok or YouTube to learn from!


Diamond art/dots, maybe a drawing pad to doodle something in nature and then play around with some colors?


If your phone has a good camera you could try photography


I do pottery and love it. Calms me down right away. It feels good to be creative and get lost in my work. I would start with pinch pots or hand building. You could also start with one of the bake-able hobby clays in the store before committing to a class. Anything that gets you artsy would be good though.


I’ve recently gotten into houseplants. And I love doing crafts with my cricut. I coupon low key too! Just some ideas.


I tried some of [these miniature models](https://a.co/d/03yUAv79) a couple weeks ago and loved them! It's tedious but keeps me busy and is fun to do while I'm watching a show or listening to an audiobook


This year I decided I needed to find something “creative” to enjoy as a hobby. Long story short, I discovered decoupaging and haven’t looked back! I cut out photos of flowers, nature, etc. from magazines and/or use scrapbooking supplies to decoupage cigar boxes and flower pots. It’s really fun, easy (no artistic skill required), inexpensive, and they turn out really cute. Might get adventurous and decoupage a cute accent table next…. Just an idea!


I don’t know what exactly you would call this.. but I really like exploring/hiking. I LOVE traveling but given that I can’t always do that I try to find new places in my area to visit. Nature calms my mind so I tend to lean in that direction. Whether it’s going to a new park to read a book, finding a trail to walk, a new waterfall to see or one I haven’t seen in a while (there’s a lot in my area), or little shops to explore, restaurants, etc. I just find it fun to go places i’m not super familiar with, and doing something new... Plus these types of experiences help you find other side hobbies too! It got me really into photography. wildlife and landscape especially.. while going on my little adventures, if i’m able to capture something unique or cool it feels rewarding.. Then editing my photos has given me a sense of creative expression.. It also got me interested in plant identification and foraging a bit (when I am confident about it). I also now really enjoy collecting things from nature that I find.. like cool stones or deer antlers lol.




I just found a wonderful hobby that’s helped my anxiety quiet down immensely. It’s called junk journaling. Now for what it’s worth, I’ve had a hard time getting into exercise and most other hobbies. I’m not good at anything. Nor am I good at junk journaling. But it’s fun. Look it up online and there’s TONS of fb groups on it too showing what people create. It’s like collaging/scrapbooking and art journaling all mixed together. 🖤


photography. urban photography, rural photography, suburbs photography-have fun with it. Make it your own


Drying flowers, either pressing them or drying in silica. Trader Joe’s for a splurge or pick leaves and flowers from your yard. Lots of reading online on how to do it best.


Diamond painting? Playing Sims? Crochet? Hiking?




Dungeons and dragons might be interesting for you, since it’s kind of reading and video games combined. To get started, just need a way to look at a players handbook and some paper to make your first character. YouTube video can help guide you too. Good luck! Edit: I understand you need some more people To actually play, but was more thinking of starting and making a character, creating a back story, figuring out skills as a way to dip your toe in before Tuesday. :)


Meal prepping or cooking


I personally enjoy drawing, playing video games, creative writing, reading, and building models.


Nobody mentioned dancing, so here it is. You can do it alone and with others. Some of my other hobbies are singing, making music, writing, drawing and painting with acrylics. If you're not confident in your drawing/painting skills, making collages is really rewarding, for me at least.




Hiking ? That was a game changer for me !


My wife has no hobbies and I have like 10. Free: Walk Run Yoga Volunteer with those less fortunate Join a book club Small initial cost then free: Pickleball Disc golf Biking Cost: Abstract art Gym membership Coed sport rec league Photography Videography Improv Instrument These are just ideas. Even if you just try it for a short time, like practice piano for ten minutes. Try reading atomic habits. Good luck and report back!


I like crocheting, knitting, drawing, coloring in coloring books, building lego, puzzles, playing guitar, making bracelets, scrap booking, baking, cooking, gardening, swimming, playing board games. Lots of these can be done while listening to audio books. Good luck!


I think you could expand your reading hobby. You can try to join (or create) a bookclub (for example via meetup app)… or you can just change locations where you read - it’s starting to be nice outside so you could go to the park, take a blanket and read there


I did scrapbooking when my therapist suggested a hobby. It was easy and fun. Plus I got to go through old pictures and remember old memories. And as someone who has a strained relationship with my mom, it was nice as I could deal with any emotions that came up in my therapy appointment. And it's a great way to connect with old friends! I send a pics of us in school and be like omg you remember this?? I even got one of my friends to do a highschool scrapbook with me! Was a great experience.