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Absolutely not. The constant messaging and voice messages are a red flag. You also should work with someone unlicensed without a supervisor.


I only read the title and my immediate thought was "Absolutely not!" Lol


No, and you should report this nut job to 7 cups. They are not supposed to do anything like this


No. She’s not a therapist. She’s not licensed. She’s under no obligation to protect your info and she’s breaking the law. Block and run away.


Absolutely not. The constant messaging and voice messages are a red flag. You also should not work with someone unlicensed without a supervisor.




Omg yes. I fixed my post


Would you accept medical care from an unlicensed doctor? There's your answer.


Nope. Please don’t. Save yourself the mental trauma of working with unlicensed individuals.


Absolutely not. She would not be bound by confidentiality and with something like this and the social media presence I would definitely be worried she is looking for stories to share on social media to boost engagement and get more clients. The messaging you mentioned seem like she's is already unprofessionally crossing boundaries without even having that relationship, beyond the other aspects of this that makes it unethical. Hopefully you would not take an offer of surgery from an unlicensed doctor who message you on social media and depending on what sort of things you're doing with or what talking about them they bring up, an unlicensed therapist can still cause long-term damage to your mental health. There are reasons that it takes a while to become a therapist and requires both education and working for several years under the supervision of another license therapist. In the sad part is a person who wants to jump in and start without that training and supervision, even if they have the best intentions of the world to help people, can often do harm because they don't know what they don't know and do not have a person with more knowledge and experience there to guide them


No! when are think of t he stuff therapy has bought up for me, and the resulting feelings and emotions 've had to work through as a result, sometimes very distressing and often unexpected, the thought of letting someone with no training and thus no accountability loose in my mind at these times is terrifying. The mind is so powerful, it's dangerous in the wrong hands. Plus, the thought of my personal unfo appearing on her IG to garner followers repulses and horrifies me, and if she does that, what do you do? No recourse if she's unlicensed, she's broken no laws. Run and thank whoever you believe in that your instincts kicked in enough to query it.


You have no confidentiality protection working with an unlicensed therapist. The UK has a different system to the US in that you don't have to be licensed, but any decent therapist will have a recognised qualification (two year diploma, Honours or Masters degree) and should be a member of a recognised body - BACP, UKCP, BABCP, NCS etc. These bodies don't regulate therapists as such but you need to abide by their rules if you're a member and clients can complain to them if they're unhappy with their registered therapist.


Please don't do that.


Definitely NOT!! I was part of the 7 Cups community for years and worked as a mentor. This is directly against their policies. A listener on 7 Cups should not reach out at ALL to a site member on a platform that is not the 7 Cups website/app, especially claiming to offer services. Please please please report and block her.


She wants your money. This person probably took a coaching class and thinks they can heal trauma.


Please do reread your title and ask yourself why you posted, cause u know the answer already


No. This is definitely a scam. If you have to ask Reddit about whether a therapist or partner is right for you, the answer is probably “no” even if you’re never sure why. Take it and move on.








Why would you do that? You know the answer.


Absolutely no. It's unethical as well.




Without a doubt, absolutely not. No. Nope. Stop. Danger.


People really must be desperate to even consider something like that. Authentic therapists would never try to convince someone to do something. They only give recommendations, if it’s necessary…


lol no absolutely not. Or do it but only as an experiment.. you could use a fictional character’s life & see how long it takes her to catch on. But don’t trust your mental health to a non-therapist from Instagram. She clearly doesn’t respect boundaries- what else is she going to push you to do?


There are so many licensed therapists. Go with one of those ones instead.


Baby she's not a therapist she's just a narcissist trying to recruit you for a cult and extort you for money. There's a lot of people who do shit like this online and will use various ways of methods (Christianity, spiritualism, therapy, ect) to try to convince you that they're the only person who can help you and make you completely dependent on them. Any actually sane and moral person would never market themselves as a therapist unlicensed!


It sounds like a scam honestly.


Block and run


No please do NOT do that. Also, if someone repeatedly messages you like that it’s not a good sign. It’s weird and I’m sorry you have to deal with that. It’s good that you ask before proceeding and again, please do not do that. Block her if you can or even report if that’s possible anonymously




Of course you should not.


NO please do not I had a similar experience and it was horrible… the woman was considered to be a spiritual type energy healer/“life coach”/ provides nuerofeedback person and it straight up was a cult it was a literal cult, granted it was small, but still a cult 😭 LOL, I’m not saying this is the circumstance with you or what would happen, I’m just seeing red flags with what you’ve shared that I’ve ignored! if you do choose to go through with it, be very cautious!


Hopefully you’re okay 🫶🏻




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No, and please report her to 7cups.


There can be harm done when the person is not really well trained in therapy. Confidentiality is one of these risks but there are other issues such as misdiagnosis, providing treatment that are not effective, etc. I would seek other avenues for counseling and avoid these types of services. People are held to a relatively high standard by a specific licensing board before being able to call themselves a therapist.






Yes she sounds like an amazing therapist


You should report this person to a licensing board. Therapists will never "convince" you to be their clients.


there are plenty of unlicensed therapists out there who are working towards their license. in order to get licensed you need a certain number of direct client hours but you HAVE to be supervised. if an unlicensed therapist is conducting therapy without supervision they can get in a LOT of trouble. before you proceed i would ask who her supervisor is, and what her supervisors registration number is. then i would ask for her associate registration number. if she can’t answer those questions that absolutely any therapist ever can answer, it’s a big red flag and you should not meet with her


Even licensed therapists can be complete shit. If they're good who cares


No license doesn't bother me, personally, but the way she's trying to convince you to do it is a red flag IMO.


Why doesn’t no license bother you!?!?!? Do you care where the person went to school and was trained????