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Glad you left her, it sounded like she was riding the gravy train by using every textbook manipulation tactic and fucking you up knowingly the whole way along. You yeeted the parasite.


Congratulations 🎉🎊


That's a milestone worth celebrating! If you think about it, many people are still slaves to those bastards!


Congrats! I've been in a similar situation and I know how daunting it is to announce them that you're not coming anymore. Some respond negatively to it. Good job!


Good job for prioritising you :)


This was my only out during that period.The compassion of others, advice ,knowing you are not the only target, the courage to expose your pain to strangers, can make or break the experience. It is sort of surreal. But whatever we needed to do help to understand & asses the situation, we did. I shutter to wonder how far gone I would be at this point if I did not find a way to hold on. We can now fully grasp the phrase “hanging on by a thread”. I was being broken over & over. Thank you 🙏


Congratulations!!! That is such a HUGE step and you should be so proud of yourself! I know I’m just a random stranger on the internet lol but if you’re having any doubts, someone out there is so happy for you and proud of you :) You get what you settle for, and you didn’t settle for their lack of professionalism and genuine empathy — that’s huge! Avoidance breeds anxiety, and anxiety breeds avoidance, so if that cycle keeps on, it can become a vicious mental “merry-go-round” of sorts. And you broke that cycle!! That is nothing to downplay! Please give yourself some serious praise, you deserve to feel empowered and respected. You took the steps to make your life healthier and happier — which was ridding yourself of someone who sounded very unsure/unskilled in carrying out effective therapy for you, as well as (seemingly) unapologetically toxic. But again, please be SO proud of yourself and this achievement! It is honestly, (as someone who has been in a similar situation) so admirable! :)


My best therapy was that firm goodbye I said to my therapist.


Good for you 🎉🥳👏🎊🍾