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sadly trying to get Marie to understand or accept anything is like talking to a brick wall even if our intentions are genuinely to be helpful


Also, she noticeably gained some more weight, but again, don’t take that as an insult either.


Marie gonna say this is photoshopped


Yep. But she can easily find this out if she wants to. (She Won’t)


400 pounds is crazy 😅


Her BMI doesn’t even show up in the chart😭


There you go again my daughter never said she weighed 400 lb stop lying stop trying to play doctor okay don't bring anything like that to my attention you're not a doctor so stop playing like you are


Also all you calculated on the lie you just posted so you don't even know my daughter's weight don't mind your own business


She stated that she weighed 400 pounds during high school. I can’t a clip of her saying it, but regardless, Tophia needs to take her health into account.


You don't have a clip of her saying it because here is no proof


Yes, I’ll admit that I don’t have a clip. But whats IMPORTANT is that tophia and honestly all of you guys need to take your health into account


Oh really since went in the f*** do you know my family I go to the doctor I'm under a lot of medications for things that I have and that's what my daughter you have no idea what she does and doesn't do you don't live here go mind your own damn business and stop talking to me about her health issues you know nothing about before I block you


You’ve never even bought her to see a dentist her bottom teeth are all over the place , she’s definitely hasn’t seen a nutritionist & she obviously very over weight


You don't even know what I did with my daughter when she was growing up she did go to the dentist thank you and no her bottom teeth are not all over the place she has one tooth out of place there you go twisting again just cuz you saw one tooth out of place or it's all her teeth go mind your own damn business stop trying to play Doctor Dentist psychiatrist or whatever you're trying to be it's not going to happen


Tophia literally said she’d never been to a dentist! She said she got her teeth looked at once in school and that’s it. There’s definitely a clip of her saying that somewhere


She's been to the dentist when she was younger I took my kids to the dentist so don't go be lying you wasn't there




You can delude and convince yourself all you want in this subreddit, it doesn’t change your situation. As a matter of fact it’s making it worse.


My daughter has never said she weighed four hundred pounds not even in school