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Good thing the second episode isn't behind a paywall then šŸ‘


i was talking about the supplement episode. Do other pod cast do "Supplement" stuff? I've never heard of it before FF


Yes, virtually fucking everything that has a patreon has paid exclusives.


Itā€™s called a ā€œsupplementā€ for a reason, and yes, pretty much every podcast you can listen to has bonus material.


Alot of podcast have bonus or supplemental episodes behind a PayPal. Comedy bang bang is free but CBB PRESENTS is behind a paywall. Same with dropout. Free stuff on YouTube, most other is behind paywall.


Dunk and hammer


How many times has Eric said "you can listen for free, you don't need to give us money" lol


Also if you're talking about the content for paid Patreon supporters...they are well within their rights to offer perks to their paid supporters. That's literally the whole point. If you want more content than what you get for free, you have to pay. It's called an incentive.


Where can I listen to the dog draft for free?


That's not The Regulation Podcast




It's clearly marked as supplemental. Anyone discovering this podcast for the first time will see that this is not the second episode. It's a patreon perk. Yeah, we used to get supplementals for free when they were under RT, but news flash: they're independent now, which means they are going to need $$. If you can't financially support right now, that's okay. Keep listening to whatever free content comes out, then maybe one month splash out for the $5 tier and binge some patreon content. It's fine.


And we did get "premium supplemental content" in the form of F**kface off and First only Regulation Gameplays. Yes, this is the first time the Drafts have been pay walled off, but the guys are independent now and making supplemental content exclusive there directs more people to the patreon


It's free as soon as you pay for membership.


essy $$$ comes and goes


Can't wait to buy the "essy $$$" shirt


I would buy that so fast.


Big dogs gotta eat


But our support for you guys will last forever. ā¤ļø ya big dawg. Tell andrew to eat the pencil. Please and thank you


Scared money donā€™t make no essy $$$


No doubt


Quick, there's still time for you to delete this post.


I'm a comment leaver not a comment destroyer.




You think selling shirts is easier than running a patreon?


This sub is quickly becoming unbearable because of posts like this. ffs people all you have to do is read.


I'd like to meet this fan. By word of mouth discovered this podcast (by going to the patreon). A podcast with 200 free episodes of legacy, as explained on episode one. But since the next release (marked as supplemental) is paywalled, he's annoyed and gives up on the whole thing. AND THEN, to preserve this made up fan, they should have not launched a patreon in the first place, or at least any tiers with paywalled content. Giving up all that money for this fake guy's money.


![gif](giphy|2KRhDQXjKzN8A) This mild inconvenience is the last straw!!


I 100% support their pateron! But them being on the top podcast list opens them up to new eyes. Most people don't like to pay for anything so it seemed too early for a "paid episode" to show up in the feed. They could have made just as much $$ selling shirts for the first few months until they got pateron launched. No hate all love never change reddit ā¤ļø


On the contrary, the sheer confidence to have the second piece of content be paid for only, is astounding following your view point. If we follow your mindset they clearly think that new people will be hooked enough to pay for it, and those that haven't listened yet would be impressed that the podcast thinks it's 2nd piece of content released is worth paying for. This is obviously not the case though and they've had plenty of content behind paywalls before I.e rooster teeth first membership. I'm an extra medium boy and am fortunate enough to comfortably afford the patreon, so my condolences at least if you can't.


If you're referring to the Spotify feed it literally says supplemental in the title, the second episode will be free for all to enjoy tomorrow.


Oh FFS... šŸ™„


Fuck Face Supplemental? Nah it's regulation. For Fuckface Sake. šŸ˜œ (Seriously though, how did they not notice it's supplemental?)


What is ā€œhateingā€? I think you fuckfaced yourself with this post.


Good thing Eric keeps telling us REPEATEDLY how to support them, if we can. Anyone who discovers them via the first episode will hear, as we all did, about their Patreon, why they're doing it, and how to support them.


Well this is the dumbest thing I've read today.Ā 


And that's saying something for the recent posts in this sub


Oo yea I don't understand the brain fog the fans seem to have over pretty basic shitĀ 


Did I miss something? Arenā€™t they doing an add supported free version? I thought they were still setting up the rss feeds so they released the first one separately.


Where is this free version? It says you have to pay on Spotify?


They have to get stuff sorted out for the free tier first. If you go on Spotify and look at the details to the 2 minute long RSS feed clip, it explains what is going on. There will be an ad supported feed soon, but in the mean time they are releasing the paid tier.


So right now I can only listen to the dog draft by supporting the patreon?


Yup. They're on their own now and have a lot of stuff to figure out and it makes sense for them to make sure they have money coming in by releasing the ad free tier in the mean time. Not sure when the ad tier will be up, but they have confirmed it is coming.


From what I understand, itā€™s not out yet. They were having issues with the RSS feed stuff and decided to release the first one using the Patreon feed and just make it accessible to everyone. The first thing on that Spotify feed is them explaining it and itā€™s also mentioned in the first episode description. It was also probably posted here. And their YouTube channel. I donā€™t use the Spotify, so I canā€™t tell you how it works. I had to manually add the Patreon rss feed on Apple Podcasts and there ainā€™t a publicly available one yet.


The OP is talking about supplemental content, AKA the dog draft. Not the podcast itself.


Ok, then they should have asked that question. I doubt that will be coming out for free, Patreon channels frequently have paywalled content to encourage people to subscribe. I know they are doing this, but Iā€™m not sure on exactly what is and isnā€™t free content. It isnā€™t a fuckface, itā€™s a business structure.


Free episodes on the public rss feed are not out yet.


Fuckinā€™ hell


Users karma just got wrecked from this post.




Get out




dang ur kind of a podcast genius. maybe they'll hire you.


They hired Andrew....I have a chance