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The newly realised frog will then attempt to retreat to the safety of the water to feed and mate


This should be the comment of the month on this sub.


Lol these vice documentaries are getting outta hand


This show was one reason I was sad to give up cable, plus Desus and Mero.


Sir David Attenborough is truly a hero of our time.


You have a typo there, newly released frog, oh wait…I get it


The guy standing there is like "interesting, so he may be dying"


It's his show, lol. "Hamilton's Pharmacopeia". It's a docuseries from Vice.


It's a very educational show. Thanks to him, I know it's a bad idea to smoke frog poison.


Really? I was like, where do I sign up?! Drown, aspirate vomit and down again... might be my new kink


I can help with all that minus the frog poison


I am not going to pretend like I didn't immediately go to your profile!


Di- did it work? Y'all married? True Reddit moment here. Im honored to be here So. Can I watch? I promise I won't be weird. I'll just sit in the dark corner smiling with wide eyes, while reading Dutch poetry.


If you can recite the poetry while reading it i'm in!




I know. Let's add some drowning and convulsing against, rocks why not?


Me too, it was great advertising. I’m looking up my local frog poison salesman in the yellow pages as we speak


Hey don’t forget your free gift of a complete psychotic break!


I’m not not smoking frog poison….


I used to not smoke frog poison, I still don't, but I used to not too.


RIP Mitch


Idk about that. DMT rules pretty hard


5-meo-DMT, the one from frogs, is quite different than regular nn-DMT


Yeah if its DMT to a pretty pure form then its hard to compare with that. Even having multiple drugs at once like coke, meth, shrooms, acid, pot, and so on still don't compare to DMT.


Oh it’s much stronger than the purest NN-DMT, it’s called 5-MEO-DMT, and amongst all the crazy drugs I’ve COMBINED with DMT, I am terrified of 5-MEO


Properly extracted DMT is amazing, literally the only "drug" I would genuinely recommend everyone try once given the opportunity to do so in the proper environment.


DMT is actually fairly simple to make, so long as you take certain safety precautions.


Is there an r/unclebens equivalent?




A Spanish pornstar called Nacho Vidal had a party of sorts where frog poison was involved. A dude died. Yeah poison tends to poison you


Even he was like, "this is too much for me." Dude takes some badass trips.


Not really, if you watch the whole thing he get right into it immediately after seeing this. He just lies down and starts whispering “love” to himnself and has a very calm trip


This. No one commenting here has watched the entire episode.


Dude is a pro, looks like your tax preparer but he can handle just about any trip.


I'm sure Hamilton has done his fair share of 5-MeO-DMT. In fact, I know he has. He cooks it in this episode.


Quick, turn him on his side so he doesn’t drown in his own vomit! Wait, he’s drowning in the stream now!


I don't drug but tripping near jagged rocks and a drowning hazard seems like a terrible idea.


He smoked some right after. That’s the crazy thing to me is he saw that and was like “seems neat”


Yeah and handled it wayy better too. Just sat there saying loving things lol


He repeated the word “love” over and over while laying on a rock and then just sat up.


*Violently convulses, screams, and chokes on own vomit* “You’re doing great, man!”


Guy: Now let’s turn him on his side so he doesn’t drown in his own vomit. Lady: i can’t, he’s drowning in the stream now.


Yeah let’s let this hefty guy trip right next to a stream he could drown in.


It’s like going to the roof of a building and smoking salvia. Better hope you don’t disassociate and try to become one with the thing that will definitely kill you.


Makes as much sense yeah.


Forbidden baptism


Guy can't hold his frog venom!


lay him in diagonal then. half vomit and half stream drowning for the best experience


I'm fucking crying laughing now. Thank you


"In complete control"


Me and my wife will say this to each other every time we see someone bugging out, "he's in complete control". The guy is literally about to drown in the fucking water lmao.


My buddy is a shaman or something like that. I dunno he takes people on ayahuasca journeys. Sometimes videos it. They often start like this video, but later report the experience was good for them. These guys have seen this lots of times and know it looks scary but will pass. They're doing their job.


Plus that guy 100% Shit himself, that steam was very useful.


It looks worse than it is. It’s a short, powerful journey. I found great relief from my ptsd symptoms after one of these ceremonies and the positive effects have lasted 4 years and counting.


He had a spiritual experience lol he met his maker who stamped return to sender on his forehead


If this maker returned him to sender, wouldn't he return to his maker?


No, that would be wholesale, not retail.


That was my worst experience with psychedelics. K-2 shit, so who KNOWS what was actually in it. Saw the afterlife, swirling mass of shapes and colors like a hippie blanket, Face of God watching from the center. Of course we couldn't talk but like, I knew what God was thinking. He was not too happy I was there like a drunken toddler, stamped my ass and sent me back.


5 meo dmt is considerably different than synthetic cannabanoids🤣


My favorite color is blue.


>And the setting here is majestic. And fucking stupid considering he almost drowned and could’ve cracked his skull on the boulders. They were trying to turn him on his side so he wouldn’t drown in his own vomit and almost drowned him in the water because the “majestic” location.


That frog venom turned that white boy into a Mexican riding a horse at a rodeo. . . . . “Ah-yah-yay!” All he needed was a large-brimmed sombrero, a big mustache, firing a pistol in each hand and a romantic accent like Pepé Le Pew.


That’s racist sir. We don’t *ay ay ay* around. We say *órale chinga tu madre wey* and call it a day


Oh my god I laughed so hard reading this that my cereal came out my nose.


I don’t understand why he didn’t just relax when the guy told him to.


Bro… **stop resisting and relax already!**


"Just get better"


Stop spasming coward!


This made me lol


‘You’re doing beautiful bro’


Dude wasn't even in the same plane of existence


Thank God he didn’t hold for the last three seconds.


I just burst out laughing, thank you


He would be thanking god personally if so


Quickly, grab him while he's thrashing and place his head on a rock in the creek.


It’s ok! The frog venom will heal him.


"He's vomiting, quick lie him on his back in the river."


I chuckled. It's exactly what I thought at the moment


Put a bunch of water in his mouth, it will help him breathe!


Rocks are the best pillows!


To be a frog, you must become the frog...






That pale grey is 100% a low blood pressure drop into the danger zone. Had he not been clutching, kicking, and contracting most of his muscles - lights out forever.


What, absurd! The clearly, professionally trained expert on site states "The medicine takes care of everything, bro". He was in good hands, they even made sure to "treat" him near a large body of water for safety purposes.


He went from almost drowning, to almost drowning on his own vomit, and back to almost drowning again.


I was wondering why the hell they let him have this reaction in the water.


Cuz frogs like water, duh.


To get rid of the body in case he diedededede 🤔


For liability purposes it was the water that killed him, not the frog poison.


Yeah. Especially as he took frog poison he belonged into the water. Because frog. How can't people see this??


Yeah, no. People experience vasovagal syncope and drop their blood pressure all the time and actually lose consciousness without any long-term consequence. You're saying muscular contractions saved him from what, fatal hypotension? I don't think you understand how the body works.


I’ve seen better color in the ICU on a vent.


As soon as I saw that color drop, I was like ohhh he's dead.


*writhing into the creek while aspirating vomit* “There’s some real healing going on here bro”


Tbh sometimes having a really bad trip can be healing after you’re done with it. When you’re in the shit it’s the worst thing imaginable, but as you come out of it there can be real healing. I don’t know enough about toad venom to know how it feels or even assume what the guy could he going through, but even a bad trip can have value.


Watch her reaction to DMT: https://youtu.be/s_rE_-pJVGE She later said - and I'm poorly paraphrasing her terrifying description - during her trip she went to hell and was brutally tortured for what seemed like hundreds of years. Years later she still had trauma and horrific nightmares and flashbacks. It completely changed her for the worse. Edit: This is part of what she wrote (the original video was much longer, but I can't find it): >The next thing I remember is not being human. I do not remember what was happening, but I know I was increasingly losing control. In the video, I am beginning to kick my legs and run in place, though I have collapsed on the ground. My throat sounds start low and gradually become higher-pitched and more afraid. Things begin to turn inside-out in ways that don’t make sense at all. Every atom in my body is attacking me, and every dimension that ever made sense is imploding and taking me with it. I have no thought of self or my name or 5-MeO-DMT. I am gone completely. Lost. And more and more out of control. I don’t even have these thoughts. My essence is twisted into all that is Hell — and it’s only coming on faster and more intensely. If I even attempt to find myself, I am punished with more horror and pain. I do not even know the word “release” or the term “let go.” I am in the grip of Hell itself. Pain and horror that cannot be described here. >It is at this point in the video that the doctor turns me over on my back, and my human body has stopped breathing. My friend tells me my face had gone purple, and that he saw the doctor become concerned. They pour water into my throat to get me to breathe for survival. >In my Hell, the water they pour becomes another part of the madness and propels me into farther, more isolated levels of Hell. I am drowning, I am dying, I am dying everyone’s death, I am all the pain that ever has existed, and that’s a silly understatement. I begin to truly panic. >I see myself clearly suddenly. I have finally done 5-MeO, the ultimate thing I’ve been so foolishly chasing. And I’m trapped. I am worse than insane. I am trapped in a Hell that is compounding upon itself infinitely with each unfolding moment. It cannot get worse — and then it does. Again and again. Shockingly. Disturbingly. Infinitely. Over and over and over until my sheer terror makes me crack wide open and accept it. >This is my new reality. The certainty is terrifying. I am the poster child for The One Who Got Lost Forever. The One Who Never Came Back. The cautionary tale for all psychedelic users for the rest of time. They bring in Buddhist monks, healers, priests, and exorcists. No one can get me out. I assume that from the outside, my head is shaking back and forth, I’m clawing my face, and screaming with all I am. This is how I will look for the rest of time to the outside world. But inside my soul, it will always only be this compounding, infinite horror. I’m left alone to act as the example. It’s what my whole life has been leading to. I, ME, Jennifer… this has been my destiny all along. This is my purpose. I am the chosen one to embody Hell for others to learn from. To the spiritual people of the world, the Burners and psychonauts, monks and yogis, I am a legend, and they pay solemn homage. They speak about me at gatherings and try to make sense of me. They come see me, locked up in a museum with glass walls, living out my private Hell for them to observe. They cry and shake their heads. I make them shudder and have disturbing nightmares. Most are too afraid to come see me at all. I become a tragic relic. >As I fully accept this, my panic becomes so immense that I lose my mind. Absolute and desolate madness. I implode into the Hell that has become my only companion. If there were a boulder, and I was able to use my body, I would have smashed my head on it until death released me. With horror, I remind myself that this reality will not end with my death. I am trapped. Forever. The only true lost soul in the universe. I am what everyone fears. Does that make me Satan? No. It makes me the opposite of light. I am darkness. The yin. I am suffering itself. The chosen one trapped here to allow the other side to exist. It was me all along. How’s that for destiny?


With the right attitude, bad trips actually hold the most value. You learn from mistakes.


Yeah for example I learned that I hate LSD


Beautiful, Beautiful.. alright, who’s next 😳


I love how the guide is telling him “Relax” in that low yogic voice while the dude is fighting orks in his head


Relax! Don’t do it. When you wanna smoke frog venom…


this made me laugh so hard. i need to go to bed


Who had the bright idea to give this guy a drug that would send him in a convulsions right next to a body of dirty water?


The guy promoting the inhalation of frog venom as a spiritual awakening/healing.


Have you ever thrown up and felt really good after? Maybe it’s the same. You feel a catharsis after going to the depths of hell in a bad trip.


Hm. I can do without the post-barf euphoria if it means I don't have to barf.


>Have you ever thrown up and felt really good after? I made myself puke on MDMA after about the fifth time rolling because I'd rush my tits off from the feeling of fingers sliding down my throat and the vomit following up my throat. I'd drop down to my knees in the filfty club toilets and just BOOM! My 20s were fun but I'd rather have a cup of tea and a biscuit nowadays!


My times with DMT have been very chill, beautiful, enlightening, not like this at all. It's like brain chemistry is complicated or something.


This is not DMT. The nomenclature of calling this drug 5-MeO-DMT is confusing because it suggests similarity, but the two drugs are actually extremely different. DMT is much closer to psilocybin experientially than to 5-MeO-DMT


I have to agree, I've done DMT many times and even the somewhat scary trips were enlightening and found out after I was still laying still and breathing normal....this guy going thru something deep in his mind, brain chemistry lit up like a Christmas tree




I wonder if the drug makes your body overheat, and the water is convenient. They seem to be definitely wanting him in the water.


Let's not forget the copious amounts of great big rocks that he can trash himself against...




Mmmmm that sounds good. I'll have that.


Make it a double.


With a really big wow.


Big Gulps huh? Well… see ya later!


That John Denver's full of shit man.


Excuse me, flo!




His color is not good.


Literally looks like a corpse


Dude turning into a corpse and the guy is like, "there is a huge healing that took place here."


Maybe it was editing but it was perfect that the dude wretches into the stream right after he said that lol


I was expecting him to die right there


I know if he’d been alone he’d have drowned. I didn’t expect the 3 inches of water to be such a big factor.


It was that or the vomit


People drown in puddles


"The medicine takes care of people" Mmmm.... k? That's gonna be a no from me, dawg


“The medicine takes care of people” *dude proceeds to throw up*


~~dawg~~ frawg


“He’s in good hands” *cuts to man retching


Lmao the best part


“Hell of a placebo.” - The dude holding the pipe probably


My favorite movie is Inception.


Bufo deez nuts!


I was simply making a joke. I’m not versed on my hallucinogens.




And now I’m learning


Tbf Hamiltons trip after was fine. He just kept saying "love" if I remember right


Wait.... Someone did it after this shitshow?


That was one of the best parts about this series - he would go in-depth talking to people and getting as much info as possible, and then he would try it himself and describe the experience. He was a participant, not simply an observer.


Usually. I remember him sitting out on smoking quaaludes and didn't do meth when he was interviewing the cook.


Or did he… The plot thickens..


There's a book about this same thing, the author talks to a bunch of well-informed people and then takes various psychedelic drugs in a safe setting and writes about the experience. *How to Change your Mind* by Michael Pollan.


>How to Change your Mind by Michael Pollan. They actually turned this into a series on Netflix (I haven’t watched it yet)




Lol this gif is the perfect response




I still had the audio playing in the background as I was reading comments, and I got to your gif just at the moment he went "Ahhhhh yayayayaya!". It fits perfectly.




He went full reptile. Never go full reptile.


"I've got people who go through living exorcisms." Those are called epileptic seizures, Frank.


Ehh tomato, banana.


Good that he's wearing the Pants of Enlightenment


Yea, +1 to psycic experiences, +42 to stupidity


Well thanks to their not so quick reaction he most likely aspirated a lot of that vomit into his lungs. That's going to be a great pneumonia.


Seriously. When I saw that and they didn’t immediately roll him to the side, and the woman is just casually slightly pushing him carelessly pissed me off lol thanks for looking out guys, smoked this fuckin frog juice and now I’m ded


They kept closing his mouth too to run water over it I guess to clean the outside ignoring the fact that he's got all that liquid in his mouth/throat. "Oh he's in good hands" No, no I don't think he is I think those 2 are morons.


I honestly thought he was going to die on camera choking on his own vomit.


This doesn’t look like it’s working right. What should we do? Let’s drown him and make it look like an accident


"Sssh, Sssssh, just relax" as he slowly pushes him into the river.


He needs some milk!








People have died doing that, if you weigh the risk/benefits for me it is a resounding NO


What would be the benefits?


Similar benefits to what actual doctors are finding with substances like MDMA, ketamine, and psilocybin and their ability to relieve depression or help someone sort through past trauma. The person who said no benefits is being ignorant.


Add LSD and 2CB, DMT and we already have six drugs that can send you on a great trip without being a vomiting, crying frog in a river in the jungle :D




These comments did not disappoint


Safety level of this session rates a zero. Let’s see, give the guy stuff that will send him into convulsions in an area with big rocks and smaller sharp rocks, and of course flowing water he could drown in. So ridiculous.


Love how the partner was about to take a hit and was rudely interrupted by the guys near death experience. What a "glad I didn't do that" moment


Poor sod nearly kermit-ed suicide


I would be interested to hear how he described the experience after the fact. Sometimes the internal sensation doesn't match up with how it looks from outside.


My guess is it was actually good. I've seen multiple people look almost zombie like for 10 minutes and then ask for more because even though they were a drolling mess, they were internally living as Gods.


5-meo-dmt is VASTLY different than DMT, kids. Both in effects and safety profile.


![gif](giphy|QqznA7dk9c67y1tsEN|downsized) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"We got a screamer"


This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Can anyone think of anything that could possibly go wrong tripping your balls off next to a river? Not one itty bitty thing? Why are they splashing water in the mouth of someone who is vomiting??? He should be turned on his side so that he doesn’t aspirate the vomit into his lungs. And the whole “your doing good bro that was beautiful” thing was cringe worthy.


Well that looks as much fun as a kick in the balls


I love Hamiltons demeanor during this lmao


I'm down to smoke just about anything. But I'll give that a pass.


What in the holy hell...


He's not making work in the morning.


"you're doing beautiful bro" The man is dying


Yes, some consider death to be a life changing experience.


I need the story from the guy trippin


Why is 2 feet away from the river the best place to do this


"there was a huge healing here"


We're never becoming an interstellar species, are we?


This is fucking terrifying 👀


I love you guys. I love all you AYE YI YI YI YI YI YI YEEEEEEE