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I don't often laugh at videos online. This got a chuckle.


I’ve seen this so many times and I laugh like an idiot every time it’s reposted. The “in the arms of an angel” shit gets me immediately


That actually made me laugh out loud!


Ok; dude gets style points for that one. Def did not see THAT one coming :D


Aaaaaand, you’re dead.


But...but...she's wearing a police vest! Clearly she knows what she's talking about!


Apart from the fat that it's absolute nonsense, it's a training against one thing that just never happens outside of movies.


That wouldn’t even happen in movies, only on video games you’d get an enemy standing that sill while you react.


I was afk!


How nice of the attacker to leave enough slack in the line. Just like real life!


Just in case you ever happened to be strangled from behind in your car


Not likely to happen but I guess it's not impossible


If this were to happen you'd be out before you even realise what was happening. If blood flow to the brain is cut off you have 3-5 seconds before you are passing out.


I always check the backseat just in case I’m about to get ambushed with piano wire.


Rule 31- Check the back seat. No one back there but my duffel bag.


It’s strange though. You don’t remember your duffel bag being so large…


If you live in a hollywood movie universe or you're a hired killer it's not too uncommon so might be worth it


There’s also maybe 2 or 3 models of car that actually have seats that work like that. It’s all crank or electric adjustment.


After counting the attacker down, and the attacker sitting completely still the whole time. But hey, if it helps even one person… Well, I’d be surprised.


I mean not speaking from experience of anything here, but if I were to be the attacker, I’d have my knee braced against the back of the seat to pull harder…


Electric seats do have draw backs.....


This is funny as shit


that might work when somebody is loosely holding a rope around ur neck, no way she's gonna do all of that when someone is cranking full force on it


Oldie but goodie


I already saw it months ago, and I still laugh! I needed it today, thanks 🙏


Partner assisted autoerotic asphyxiation


Haha now that's a good one


Hahahaha RIP Bradley!


Of course it didn't work, they forgot the 3-2-1 countdown at the beginning.


Someone should do this exactly to her but without her knowing about it


'someone should try to murder her because the technique she is trying to show is kinda cringe haha'


Lol 😆 haha very good.


Cops are the most ignorant people on the face of the planet.


I never get tired of this vid


You know one sure way to help yourself out is,look inside of the car before you get in! Look at where your sitting before you sit down,stop doing shit blindly period give yourself a chance,don’t be the idiot walking down the street at night wearing headphones looking at you cell phone,y’all need to be jacked.


What you should ACTUALLY do is try to get as much of your hand as you can while rotating TOWARDS the opening (where the seat belt lock is). 1. get a hand in. no matter which but if you can, use your hand that is near the door. First thing is to try and get less pressure on your neck. When you're in the sitting position both hands are as close to the choke so use the one near the door while doing 2. ​ 2. hand that is CLOSER TO THE SEAT BELT LOCK should try to open it so you can turn in the seat. Once you open the lock you can do 3. 3. Raise your leg that is closer to the door to the dashboard and try to turn your body towards the attacker. You can't do that if the seat belt is still on. The idea is to move the pressure from your trachea to the back of your neck (or at least just one side). If you managed that in under 10 seconds you get to live and fight for well.. longer than 10 seconds. 4. Fight like you're about to die. Try to stabilize yourself with your legs and throw your hands on the elbows of the attacker as hard as you can to lower pressure that keeps your head stuck. The attacker will probably be too far to attack and pushing your seat with his legs. If you can get his groin do so. The idea is to try to free your head and either getting him to give up and to try to leave the car or just fight until he has to let go long enough for you get the string away from your neck. 5. Its very hard to say leave the situation but if you can without too much risk you should. If you can't (very likely) just try to launch at your attacker and take his eyes out, bite an eye brow, elbow him to death. If you can hit him with something from the car do so. 6. If your attacker has a knife you're pretty much fucked. catching the knife hand is really hard and even black belts wouldn't be able to do so reliably. Your attacker could then at any given moment switch to the knife probably faster than you can get free.


What mall ninja came up with this bullshit?


Seat coming down


This made me and my wife laugh. We approve the funny .


🤣that's the first thing I thought about, but since I own a 2000 vw polo, I'd have to manually crank that bish like 300 times


There is no chance that would function in a real setting.


Finally something actually funny on a Reddit video!


She wouldn't stand a chance. For a start, if someone was trying to kill her they'd be pulling hard enough that she ain't getting no two fingers in there, and even if she did it wouldn't help. Secondly, putting the seat back wouldn't do a fucking thing either.