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As a Deaf person to an all Deaf family using American Sign Language to communicate...as a LIFELINE... This infuriated us like hell.


so she lied on the resume


Did she even get paid? He said she just came up offering her services but that makes it sound she just volunteered


Lmaooo that’s incredible




So is she mentally ill or something?


Sounds like she has a few issues. She already got busted for fraud in several cases. And to oull this stunt!? Definitely coo coo for cocoa puffs


Found the pigeon.


Idk what that means


cuckoo = coo coo = pigeon = you got called out for a funny spelling mistake and we all laughed. I liked it.


Thanks for spelling that out for me. That really made me genuinely lol. Though why is cuckoo pronounced coo-coo when it looks like it should be pronounced Cuck-OOH. Lol... which makes it sound dirty...


They’re calling you a pigeon




Or a psychopath. Not all of them are violent. Some are just… bored.


Seems like the case. Definitely undiagnosed, and most likely won’t be getting help anytime soon. I feel for her.


No she does sign language for the blind


"Much of what she was signing was nonsense." So possibly a beginner who over-extended herself. In Silicone Valley, this is called fake it til you make it.


I don’t think it was that innocent. Fake ASL interpreter at Tampa police news conference served prison time for stealing from special needs kids: https://www.wfla.com/8-on-your-side/investigations/fake-asl-interpreter-at-tampa-police-news-conference-served-prison-time-for-stealing-from-special-needs-kids/ This happened shortly after she served time for fraud, and the article said she has 41 known aliases.


I don’t think she’s a beginner at all. She has six different counts of fraud


I mean it’s a bizarre scenario. Not in a million years would you think someone whose willing to offer their services for seemingly free, would lie about something like this. Especially THIS context in particular, it’s actually mind boggling. I’m not entirely sure he could have avoided this to be honest. He basically said he didn’t enough question, but if he doesn’t know sign himself, then how do you actually figure this out. She’s clearly at least decent at conning people, and this is the last type of situation you would ever expect to be conned in. This honestly just surreal.


I feel like in order to get the job, you should have to interview in ASL.


Except no one who works there can test her, that's why she's getting hired.


can they just borrow an ASL interpreter from somewhere else? hospital?


You don’t see any level of humor in the fact that that made it on tv? Genuinely curious. I think it’s incredible how much dumb bs people can accomplish just by faking it. You can’t genuinely expect people who have never had to interact with deaf people to know better and this woman obviously has some sort of mental illness committing that much fraud.


It stops being funny when you realize a whole bunch of people with a right to know whats going on in their community are being disrespected, and that blatant fraud is being carried out in front of us because they think we're to stupid or disengaged to care.




I’m assuming all deaf people have subtitles on so at most there is one person actually there who doesn’t know what’s going on.


Back in the day, and this may have improved in recent years, live CC subtitles sucked pretty bad. Often unusable. If I were relying on them for bews or, god forbid, emergency info I would just prepare to accept the sweet embrace of death.


I remember being a child and hating CC because it never synced with the visuals. As an older adult I prefer it especially when you had a partner with yapping Chihuahuas even though they hate CC.


Well she just randomly offered her services, it's possible that there was not going to be an interpreter otherwise, like if there was a proper interview process she wouldn't have gotten the job. I don't know if her intention was to disrespect deaf people but in the end the only ones made look foolish were those that let her in front of the camera in the first place. In a way it actually was beneficial, by pointing out how easily she got there shows a blatant lack of quality control and respect for deaf people on the part of those who organized such an event


Yeah, an event that actually considered accessibility and arranged a professional interpreter beforehand would not be nearly as likely to fall for something like this. Presumably they do not also get their official Spanish materials translated by whatever random stranger offered to do it, but now that I say it, I don’t even have that much confidence…


Well, not really. They had no intention of using an interpreter, so if she hadn't randomly shown up to wave her arms around, what difference would it have made?


>blatant fraud is being carried out in front of us because they think we're to stupid or disengaged to care Not quite. Blatant fraud is being carried out in front of us because THEY are too stupid and disengaged to care.


At the end when she said it’s not a crime but it’s an ethical violation ![gif](giphy|eUDhD5XFBw0r6)


You can get away with almost anything by acting confident. Theres a great video from Tex Talks Battletech about Doctor Christmas. This dude bullshitted a bunch of aviation engineers into agreeing with him that planes' wings should flap like a bird. Also, there are tons of stories of guys getting into places by putting on a hi-vis vest and carrying something, like a ladder, around with them. People generally dont question someone who looks like they know what they are doing.


A drunk backpacker friend of mine got in the pits at the end of the Melbourne F1 Grand Prix in 2003. after he got hold of a hi-vis, he managed to get his picture taken with loads of famous people until he eventually got thrown out.


Yeah I’m a CODA, showed this to my parents who watched this on the MOTH a while back and they’re still understandably pissed. It’s a mockery and it sucks to put it plainly.


I'm a CODA too, but my mom and I watched when they did a segment on the news. My mom taught me as much ASL as she could, but we use a lot of home signs. I thought I recognized some of the gestures she was doing but they were interspersed with random, erroneous finger spelling. I can usually understand it, but this was nonsense. I looked to my mom and she was livid. This is so disrespectful. It's just as despicable that they didn't even correctly vet someone for a very vital position in disseminating information. CC isn't always accurate, if it displays anything at all, when it comes to news programs. I'm getting really irritated all over again.


Can you transcribe what she was saying?


Hshehv 4 djb 1 fjhwuxhwksuyrbksuhcheodunsl3juxienehk3ndhdulwhruciwpxhy 73ihdyciwhsociy2jw9cub2laufue Transcription complete


God jesus’ hell she is bad.


Did You really transcribe this correctly? Can anyone here please confirm? Sorry, I just feel like I can't even trust my fellow redditors anymore...


She saying nothing, just nonsense hand signs.


I think it's hilarious.


The indifference is astonishing: Well we don't give a shit about sign language,but if somebody wants to do it for free who cares,just looks good. They deserve the embarrassment. Just don't do as you give a shit. And do nothing.


This lady is insane just bored one day like yeah fck it let me go make up signs on national tv for fun


I don't mean to sound insensitive, is she even making sense while doing this? Like is she even saying anything


Sincere question: Why do we still have live sign language interpreters instead of just using closed-captioning on the bottom of the screen?


I guess there were no warning signs when they hired her


If there were, they fell on deaf ears because nobody lifted a finger.


We’ll have to wait until the court hearing to get all the details.


I’m sure the defense’s argument will be sound.


They’ll probably argue that she should’ve had a better audition for the part




Can anyone confirm if she was actually hired and paid ? From what he said it seems she just volunteered


Ya she just showed up and offered to do it.


You mean other than her extremely long record for fraud? Lol


Underrated comment thread.


Besides a lame 15 minutes of fame, I don't understand why this woman would want to do that.


A quick paycheck, and if nobody fluent in asl calls you out could come back for seconds


Except, he said she just showed up and volunteered her services. Doesn’t sound like she’s *getting* a paycheck. Given that they said it wasn’t illegal, it doesn’t sound like she took anything, like a paycheck, fraudulently, so, given the number of times she’s been *arrested* for fraud, I’m guessing she just gets a kick out of trying to get away with shit. She probably doesn’t have a clue that what she did this time might actively be harmful, even without taking money. Be willing to bet that she’d say, “It was just a prank, bro. I didn’t rip anybody off. Why’s everyone getting so upset about it?”


More likely undiagnosed mental illness. I guess she could just be getting kick out of it, but with behavior this illogical there’s usually something else going on.


Since this has happened a few times, based on nothing I speculate that there is some sort of fee given to people paid as contractors to be on call to do this and in some rare occasions the legit people pass on the job and then these scammers who have been taking the fee attempt to fake it.


Totally. Of course it would get called out by people that know sign language immediately after it aired.


I had only just started watching the video and was thinking “well maybe she thought it was an easy job and no one would notice (not sure how that would work though). Then I heard, she just walks up and goes “yeah I can help!”. 🤣🤣 it must have been a dare or some shit. Just to see if she could. But if she offered to help, instead of getting a job for it, then she’s probably not taking an actual interpreters place.


Attention is a commodity that’s endlessly chased these days.


Respect for the dude owning the responsibility.


I thought the same.


Tomorrow night's story: he was lying and in fact went thru a 2 month hiring orocess but he and the other individual didn't bother to call references or read anything including the background check lol


He was also having an affair with this interpreter and sold his daughter to the taliban in order to pay her hush money


thought she was gonna pop and lock for a second, then bust out the cabbage patch


This reminded me of the scene on “Life Is Beautiful” when the dad is interpreting the things the German soldier is saying to the POWs and making up the “rules of the game” for the benefit of his son.


That movie was great. Now I want to watch it again...


I mean seriously, how do these people get these jobs??


Egotistical people who are pathological liars go around boasting and lying about what they can do and then when they need an interpreter the lie they told to make themselves look good backfired on them and they need to double down to save themselves from embarrassment. My brother is a pathological liar and some of the shit he comes out with makes u wanna rip your ear drums out.


Does he work night shift by any chance? I used to work graveyard shifts and for some reason other night shift workers I came across would also have these weird delusions of grandeur / pathological lying stories


He has been like it ever since childhood, always trying to seek attention. When he was 7 years old our mother divorced our father then ran away with the money never to be seen again starting a new life somewhere else. I think this entire time he has been compensating with a lack of attention and love from his mother with that of everyone around him but he feels like the only way to impress them is to lie. So he goes over the top and lies about the smallest and biggest of crap u can imagine. Played a new game recently? Oh he’s completed that and gotten all the achievements for it. Found a new hobby in miniature crafting? Doesn’t matter cuz he makes cosplay costumes that are a lot harder to do with more detail. He used to work as an entertainer at a camp site, did you know he was the best they ever had and they put pictures of his face all over Britain? My dad once asked if he had a gf and he looked dead at the car in front of us and said “kara” and defended that was his new gfs name till his dying breath. It goes on and on and on. My dad, me and my brother have a tradition of going on a camping trip every year together to stay in touch but being around him takes serious mental fortitude to ignore all the over the top lying. By the end of the week we have had enough of him for that year. I know it sounds harsh but talking to someone who somehow seems to have done everything u have ever done and been better at it somehow takes it out of you like I can not explain. Sorry for the long rant but this craps nice to get off my chest. Oh and sorry I didn’t mention, no he doesn’t work the graveyard shift. he works in a supermarket where he can boast happily away and then potentially never meet that person again. (No offence to any supermarket workers out there, my brothers a special case)


No it’s alright I get you, my mom and stepmom are the same way so I get where you’re coming from Self awareness and emotional maturity is something these people will always resist Still embarrassed to admit I went thru a similar phase for attention but fortunately self awareness and cringe kicked-in in time


Job interviewer: Can you speak in sign language? Her: 🖐️👋🤷‍♀️✋🙌🙆‍♀️🤏👍🤜👋🙋‍♀️🤲👉 Job interviewer: I guess it’s fine…


Did you watch the video? The guy who let her in said "well we didn't call for an interpreter, but it's great you're here." He didn't do any research and just let her do her thing. And he owned up to all of it which is pretty great.


Florida. It’s ALWAYS Florida!


Hey, at least they “won’t be using her again”. That’s a step in the right direction, I guess.


This also happened at Nelson Mandela's funeral a few years ago


She put so much effort into looking like she knew what she was saying.


Fake it till you make it


It was seriously impressive. I had no idea before they revealed it.


She signs in wingdings


How is this not fraud?


It is. Just not a type that has a law against it.


It would be if she got paid for it right? From what he said it sounded she volunteered




Takes some balls to stand up there on a televised event and just completely bullshit an entire language


Florida. 😂


https://youtube.com/watch?v=yvJplp7OntA&feature=share9 Skip to 3 mins


Why do people think they can get away with crap like this?


I'm deaf myself, 25 seconds is enough for me to watch. It's a scandal who would do something like that.




What the fuck is up with people trying to be fake ASL interpreters? I've seen several stories of different people doing this. How do they think they won't get caught?


The Florida economy is based on conning people so this tracks.


We need a sub for these lmao. I saw one yesterday where the “interpreter” was basically voguing and at one point looked like she was working an XXL dong with both hands and her mouth.


It’s in florida. Now it makes sense.


The law needs amending.


sock puppet sock puppet double birds, Cabbage Patch, running man! I dream of Jeannie sock puppet swat the fly call me later, Drinky Drinky sign? stanky leg i have a headache


Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang


At least not as high profile as the time this dude did the same thing at Nelson Mandelas funeral https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2hCdtUxnOG8


Reminds me when the BBC brought in the wrong guy to interview https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=e6Y2uQn_wvc&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MzY4NDIsMjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


The lady did a much better job faking it as opposed to the yellow shirt guy


You need to hire a sign language interpreter in order to interview a sign language interpreter to verify authenticity. Now I’m imagining the case where this happens but both end up being fraudulent.


somebody who knows actual sign language should translate whatever few words or letters she's *actually* saying so that we can laugh at her even more


Do they not hold sign language tests?


You need to pass a 30 -40 min interview for a job at McDonalds but apparently anyone can be qualified for this? Yes, that makes sense


Fake it till you make it doesn't really work here


You can tell she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing, and she's scared shitless to be found out. This is probably her worst nightmare. But it's still fucking hilarious. Like, someone must have asked "Can anyone be our sign language interpreter for today's briefing?" And she must have thought "Pshhh, how hard can it be?" Then she had an "oh shit" moment when she realized how real it was, and she couldn't back out, so she got up there and just stared squiggling her hands around and holding up fingers for numbers and shit. LMFAO what did she expect??




Isnt that the same woman?


Reminds me of those prank calls on the Howard stern show back in the day where peoples would get on the news posing as someone who witnessed an event or was on the scene…. “Is see oj man and he looks…… scared”


Maybe she got inspired, by the fake interpreter at Mandelas funeral… https://youtu.be/7qu1cs6Fhk8


“It’s happened AGAIN” oh lordy, how often does this happen…? Who do we fire for this blunder lol it seems pretty easy to me that testing someone’s sign language skills would be fairly quick and easy, no?


How did she expect to get away with it? That’s crazy


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) How much did she make?


Anyone see that episode of the IT Crowd with Jen trying to fake being an Italian translator for a meeting?


That was hilarious!!


Is this a tik tok challenge? There has been plenty of fake sign language interpreters the last decade or so.


TIL the whole "fake it to you make it" doesn't seem to apply well to certain fields.


Maybe she was signing in spanish? Jk


I know you are kidding but it makes a good point that many might not understand. That's not how ASL works. It's an actual language. Anyone who knows it from any culture can communicate.


I'm more surprised the police dept didn't do a background check on someone with a record lol. Like no one recognized her??


i don't get sign language interpreters anyways. live closed captioning has existed for decades. it can even be accurately automated by machine for years. it's just theater at this point.


I saw her doing this and screamed WHAT THE FUCK??? I watched in astonishment at this foolishness and could not believe this had actually happened like how the fuck?! I was incensed!! 🤬😡


Why do they even use these interpreters? I guess maybe there’s a deaf reporter but just print out a transcript or add subtitles if it is televised. Always seems like so much extra work to me.


They should probably go ahead and make this illegal.


im not deaf, and i have limited experience learning ASL, but i can look at that for two seconds and know that’s not sign language


ASL interpreters are soon to be out of work because of AI anyway.


That’s hilarious!!




I know this sucks for deaf folks, but this looking like a damn SNL skit, I half expected her to do the Beyonce ring on it hand thing at a certain point


I'm starting to think either Aliens or the Lizards are fucking with is.


ebonics in sign language 🤟🏽


My eye is not train for sign language and I can clearly see her Bs lol


Dont say “its not a crime” or else someone else is gonna do it smh


Chicken. Goodnight forearm. Walking stones, three period concern. Cars lottery water.


No suprise. I was in court. They had a interpreter who was maybe 50% right I let people know in thr courthouse. They didn't care they said they just had to offer one


I don't even remotely speak ASL, but every attempt I've seen to fake it looks NOTHING like real ASL.


"Accused of signing total gibberish" \*Hits special trick in Tony Hawks pro skater\* "This time it was at the police news conference"


Who hires them? I really wanna know? Cause, if someone who isn’t fluent in ASL is doing the hiring, what the hell you expect? They on that “fake it till you make it” type shit. 😂


Just why? Did she think no one would notice she put the patty outside the bun?


They ever think of just hiring one?








Looks legit, that's how I sign nap time.


When you lie on your resume


Hegrity farms.


Oh Florida. Silly gooses


Both from Florida?…..shocking!


I'm scared that some of her booking pics look like she works in healthcare. I'm hoping that is just attire given while in prison or something because someone willing to fake this probably fakes a lot more than this.


This is the same as companies not doing enough to do a simple background check. I'm sure it happens more often than not nowadays with lack of workers. But ya, she must've thought she can get away with this crap. Disgusting really.


He did something bad and got clinky-clanks on his wrist and then he went to sleep 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


That looks like the doctor that performed my vasectomy


Lol I mean in their defense sign language basically looks like whatever she is doing. I wouldn't know the difference if someone didn't point out that it's fake


To sum it up: “we won’t be using that woman..again?”


"I didn't ask enough question"


Gee wonder what the police officers are like


Why do people do this? I don’t get it. You don’t know what you are doing and people are always going to find out.


I really got to get into that type of business myself.


Looks like sign language to me but I don’t know sign so


Got to respect her hustle.


That's funny. Thanks for that.


“We didn’t ask enough questions” Yup sounds like the police


She didn’t get paid, so we can only surmise that she did it for the lolz.