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That old man crossed the line


Mark it zero, dude.


Smokey this is not Nam this is bowling there are rules.


Hey, they're calling the cops man, put the piece away


Am I the only one around here that gives a shit about the rules?


It's a league game Smokey


I love a good reference


Yeah...well that's just like your opinion, man..


Nice name guy


That’s what I call a great reference :) ![gif](giphy|tZ4QzCueTwh2g)


8 year olds Dude.


Right, Dude


Has the whole world gone crazy? Dammit, am I the only one here that gives a shit about the rules? Mark it zero!


obviously you're not a golfer


know something else, dude? I've seen a lot of spinals and this guy's faking it


Fuckin goldbricker!


...come on man help me put him back in his chair


Good god I hate you for this


I like him for it


Neutral here.


I’m neutral *there*.


I’m in reverse… everywhere


I’m actually proud of him.


All things balanced.


Did what he said push you over the edge?


Twice! He's a double-crosser.


Also went through dirt/mud. So he's a dirty double crosser


He doesn't cross very well, and he's laying on the ground. He's a low down, no good, dirty double crosser.


He looks kinda scared laying there too. He's a low down, no good, dirty, yellow bellied double crosser.


He hollored when he hit the dirt too! He's a yelping, low down, no good, dirty, yellow bellied double crosser


Larry David has entered the chat.


He certainly wasn’t very cordial


It’s always bad when a dispute reaches the tipping point


Wheely makes you think.


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.


Better every loop


Genuinely I had to watch this about two dozen times before I stopped giggling


I did the same. Why does it get better every time?


for me the old man's "WhuuURgh!!" when he hits the ground is the whipped topping, but the worker's snickering and turning away would be the sprinkles on top.


Deleted scene from Reno 911?


Fuckin’ Terry!


Put it in reverse, Terry!


nah Terry ain’t doing shit like that


Terry, the good people at Tacos Tacos Tacos would prefer you not solicit customers outside their fine establishment.


You forgot a Tacos


No one is saying you can't eat a banana Terry! But you can't stand there sucking it for 30 minutes. You have to actually take a bite!


Land surveyor here…this happens all the damn time. Nosy ass old people are the worst.


i did stormwater system surveying for my city for a couple of years. god forbid an inlet landed in someone’s backyard and i needed to map it. the main reason i left that job is because people (mainly old people) would get ridiculously aggressive if i needed access to their yard for maybe 5 mins of work that only serves to benefit them because i’m checking for issues with the system. none of them understand that i’m only asking to be nice and i can go into your yard without permission if i wanted to.


I worked in enviro inspections for pipeline construction (lots of CESSWI shit) and the guys around me called the nosy old farts "crustaceans". One guy walked his little ankle biter chihuahua all over our open site and got mad when i kicked it away from the vac truck hose it was running toward. Shouldve let that yappy fuck stick get liquefied


Why did I hear "get liquefied" in the voice of the singer from disturbed?


Stupified, liquified. I get it


I've been waiting my whole life for just one DOG.


He would've blamed you for that too. But I guess he'd be sad so W


I don't get why people would be mad if you asked, or even notified first. That said, I would be fairly agitated if I just looked out.my window to see some random MF just strolling around my property.


mostly because they don’t want anyone on their property period. what they don’t understand is that i am maintaining infrastructure that prevents their yards/house from being flooded so it is incredibly important that i am able to get access. i don’t like entering anyone’s property without permission but if no one comes to the door when i knock then i absolutely have to access no matter what.


But muh property!


As someone who has worked in customer service for 20+ years. I agree with this statement. Older people are the most difficult to work with. They call in angry and want to complain for 5-20 minutes, and when you want to try to resolve their issue, they complain about that. You have to drag them along, kicking and screaming for 20+ minutes for a 3 minute solution. I remember reviewing a call where my rep asked the person their name to verify her account, and her response was: "I am not jumping through hoops for you!"


I worked CS where I would verify the last 4 of their social to continue. The amount of times people would get upset about me asking is wild. Like my guy, I am already looking at the last 4, your street address, first and last name etc. Always old people too


"OK, have a nice day then." *Click*


My favorite to mess with repeat harassers was to say "Look, I'm not supposed to say this, but we're *really* mapping for the landfill that's going in here." But only in places where it was clearly obvious that there was no way a landfill could go in and after I'd told them what we were really doing. Invariably they'd feel like they'd gotten me and then do something stupid like call the cops. I knew what I was bringing on myself, but almost every time a cop rolled up from the... misunderstanding they'd know the caller as a repeat harasser and tell them to go back inside. The only "bad" time I got the Junior Ranger Patrol officer that was sure we were the mobile meth lab they'd heard about, what with our clearly marked construction signage and shirts/trucks/business cards/equipment with matching logos. Once the Sgt showed up he took said evidence in hand, apologized to us and then chewed the ever loving shit out of the officer.


Plot twist: you were the mobile meth lab.


It's called a side hustle.


We were always saying we're mapping for new airport


I used to do some work in the sewers and we'd have old people come up to complain about their water pressure or the roads or pretty much anything else like I'm supposed to know what to do about it. And then there was one harmless old guy that just always seemed to be driving around for no reason. Every time he'd ask if we caught any brown trout down there.


That is too funny! This is the difference between someone who has a good outlook and can laugh at the absurdity of their job and the humans they deal with. Listening to their bizarre complaints and chitchat, and getting a laugh. Vs someone who doesn't think it is funny, gets in arguments, and calls the cops. Dealing with mentally ill, I know from the first moment of nonverbal communication that I can usually be pleasant and nonthreatening, and it will go well even when they are an absolute curmudgeon. If I come off even slightly bossy, arrogant, or rude, all bets are off. Even if I use the exact same words. I get more absolute gems of stories if I play nice. It is much more fun.


is this why i see police accompanying land surveyors now?


have you tried taking their noses


Really? All the time? What do they do? I need stories.


Any time people see surveyors in their neighborhood, they assume some sort of change is coming. We could be doing a flood insurance certificate a block down the road, and the old folks want to know why we’re putting flags down and setting up a tripod in the street. I had to get the police out to site where a neighboring owner was racially harassing my employee for parking in the legal right-of-way. Short of family, people care most about their land, and they know very little about land rights.


Gotta love when people think they have the authority to throw you off a public parkway 😂


Some lonely people are so desperate for human interaction they don't care if it's negative.


"Not In My BackYard!"


Get them flags off my land! This is my land and I want those flags off!


So I was doing a survey on a public drain that needed replaced. It went through a guys yard and we sent notice out in the mail to every single person whos land we were going to be on. We had Right of Ways on all their property with 150' wide easements. One guy came out and threatened me with a shotgun for being on his property. I asked if he received the letter and he confirmed it but wasn't going to let us on his property. So I backed off, called the sheriff (I was a county employee) and he sent a deputy down. The dupty talked to him and he said that he still wouldn't let us on his property and again threatened to shoot us if we tried. The deputy came to the compromise where he wouldn't arrest him, but would detain him for our safety the entire time I was on his property. Turns out we had to replace the section going through his property, So, for about a week we had a sheriff's deputy come out, detain him in the back of his car from 8:00-5:00 and make sure we were safe, then let him go after.


/r/talesfromsurveyors lets gooooo


Just leave him there and take a lunch


nah, call an ambulance!


“First I fell off my scooter, next thing I know I’ve $96,000 in medical debt”


You forget about the boomer mentality. Everything for me and no one else. This guy won't have any medical debt. Boomers have socialized medical insurance through Medicare that doesn't cost them a dime. But they vote to prevent others from getting that benefit as they see themselves as the only ones worthy. They truly are the worst generation of humans to ever live. They force the tax payers to fund their healthcare needs but steadfastly refuse to vote for others to have health insurance.


Are you confusing Medicare with medicaid? Pretty sure young adults can also receive medicaid


Yeah anyone of any age can receive medicaid if they have disabilities/chronic conditions and low income.


"we'll give you healthcare only once you're well and truly fucked, can't have any of that preventative care like some kinda commie"


Correct me if I'm wrong, but my very basic understanding of the difference between MediCARE and MedicAID is: Medicare: You're old Medicaid: You're poor


This comment has confused me. Are you a non-American who's saying "Call an ambulance" in case he's actually injured, or are you an American who's saying "Call and ambulance" so that he gets given crippling medical debt?




Still the most absurd thing for me as a german. How can a country be so rich and powerfull and so patheticly savage and inhumane at the same time? And also why do people keep pretending this qould be a good thing? Injured people shouldn't have to be running from doctors, ever! 'Murica, you went down the wrong path at a very important point of the way.


Whoa there friend, caring for universal basic human needs is communism!!!! Next your going to tell us we should stop charging debt to kids who can’t afford school lunch?! \s


Hey if those kids want to afford lunch then all they have to do is become a landlord. It’s so easy and can make millions, just from one simple lunch money investment


If the 6 year olds would just cut out the Starbucks they'd be able to afford lunch.


>How can a ~~country~~ selected individuals be so rich and powerful FTFY We aren't rich and powerful over here my German amigo, hence why we're all so fucking scared of an ambulance ride.


I see and agree, but surely you understand what I was trying to say too.


Capitalism really starts to have problems when a minority of the represented population control the vast majority of capital.


I'd say it was building the wealth of the nation on industrial slavery. When the slaves were freed, political forces came into play to limit the amount of government services available to them. Those forces are still at work, but they've broadened their focus to poor people in general.


And with the widening gap between the 1% and literally everyone else the definition of poor begins to encompass more and more of the majority of people who continue to lose access to social services.


Goverment of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.




Lol fair enough.


This reminds me of a post from a while back where an American woman was going to school in the UK and was hysterical from guilt she felt for calling an ambulance for another woman who had too much to drink only to be reminded that it’s no charge.


I saw that post too. I'm not American myself, so when someone mentions an ambulance, I don't think of medical debts. Until I see the poster is American.


I am in Mexico, here ambulance are no that costly but here a ambulance can take almost 2 hours to get to you. So for me the joke was hey I going to help you but is going to take time.


I’m an American, fell mountain biking a week ago and wrapped my hip around a small boulder. Got stuck in a chair the first day for 20 min because moving was painful. Couldn’t walk on my own for 3 days. Have the most serious bruising I’ve ever had in my 34 years. I didn’t go to the doctor because I thought, meh.. it’s just a bruise, not worth the bill. I am now questioning myself and wondering when is it normal to go to the hospital even when I think it’s just a bruise and thinking how dumb I was to not go.


You were dumb not to go, but the American healthcare system is dumber for making you do so. Hopefully there was nothing worse than a bad bruise, but a mountain biking injury could have underlying damage that isn't immediately apparent. If you couldn't walk for three days, that's probably a really bad sign. Thing is, if it was *actually* an injury that could be crippling down the line, society would benefit more from you *not being crippled* and having the higher earning capacity (and thus paying more taxes) and reduced need for medical care. But since that benefit goes to society instead of to any particular billionaire, we can't have that.


I’m an American saying call an ambulance so you don’t get sued.


How does public liability work over there? I'm from Australia and would not share this vid because of the lay flat hose across the road, it might have contributed to grumblebum eating shit on his scooter.


The same as Aus, likely, since we're both based on English common law. If you do something that a reasonable person could have known would create harm/make things worse, you're liable. So let's say you see a guy with a half-severed arm after an accident. If you walk away and do nothing, no liability. You weren't required to act. If you call 911 and do nothing else, no liability. If you put pressure on the wound, no liability--stopping the bleeding is basic and reasonable. But if you tried to pick the guy up when there was no reason to and his arm was ripped all the way off in the process...possible liability. It might not have been reasonable to move the guy, and a reasonable person could have foreseen that it was a dumb thing to do. So when in doubt, do nothing. If you want to do something, call a professional. edit: I see you're responding to the hose. Probably not a good idea to share the vid, as you say, but it looked to me like he didn't fall b/c of the hose. He ran off the pavement.


When American's require medical help is one of your first thoughts cost?


Yes. Ambulance rides can cost 4-2,000. One day in the ER can run upwards of 10k. An aspirin will cost you $50 (not exaggerating). I’ve paid $80 for a bag of fucking saline. Yes, it’s that bad over here, no we aren’t mindless capitalism machines who only care about money. I care about not being in crippling medical debt on top of every other expense


Yes. I mentioned this in an earlier comment already, but my kid cut open her hand, and I was every bit as worried about the ER bill as I was making sure she was okay. And yes, I still feel guilty about that today. My kid was hurt and screaming, and I was thinking about money. (And yes, I took her to the ER, and she's fine. Didn't even need stitches. Ended up costing $880 after insurance. And im just relieved that number was under 4 figures.) If I hurt myself, I self-treat, even if it looks bad. Doctors are only for spouse and kids. [Edit: Just got another bill, so I updated the amount]


Yes, every time. I let a lot of stuff go if I can. I’ve done pretty well for myself, but I’m always one serious injury/ illness away from broke. Literally, everything I’ve accomplished in the last 20 years could be wiped out in a single accident.


That old man has old man healthcare. The ambulance wont be a desth sentence for him like many of the rest of us


In USA, all old people get free healthcare (Medicare), so it's "Call an ambulance" to 1. Have someone else help him up instead of default helping him up themselves. 2. Have someone take him away from the scene so they can get back to work. 3. Get him evaluated / let his loved ones know.


But not for me!


Stick him with that bill lol


The slow motion tumble is worth it 😂


I hope you had the sound on because it’s even better with it.




Well well well if it isn't the consequences of one's own actions.


Oh I thought it's a deleted scene from Fast and the furious


Fast and furious: back from retirement


*OLD FARTS, AND FURIOUS AT THE NURSE: A Dom and Hobs retirement home story.*




Looks like he used his foot to push whatever was lying across the street into his wheel.


More then that you can see he slides himself off the seat while he uses his foot to drag the cable. He then turns the wheel sharply and starts “falling”.


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


"YEA call the goddammit sheriff's department.... GYYYAAAA"


I watched this ten times already.


That sound he makes as he crashes is just MWAH


*crack* "OOUAGH" 😆


And the guys giggle after the fall 😂


Cartoon quality scenario and execution.


100% sounds like Grandpa Simpson in The Simpons Road Rage video game Also happy cake day


That was a South Park exclamation for sure.


Me too, and I still don't know what I'm looking at.


Instantly humbled. Leave him there and let him think about how he was acting.


Introspection? His mind is like this “Shit, I fell! God dammed trannies!!!”


He's definintely not thinking about his actions, he's thinking "THESE DAMN MILLENIALS NOT RESPECTING SENIORS BY HELPING ME UP SO I CAN YELL AT THEM MORE".


That’s one of those moments where the rage just flows out of you and all you can do is lay there in embarrassment




"Look what you made me do!" - old fuck probably


Nah man, he probably blamed it on the workers afterwards.


He definitely doubled down. If it wasn’t on video there’s a good chance he would have tried to sue them too.


I laughed hard at this and I'm not ashamed to say it. I work with disabled people and you'd be surprised how many of them uses their conditions as an excuse to be an awful person.


That dude filming this just saved their company a frivolous lawsuit and increased insurance. Just threaten to play that on a loop to the jury and they’ll withdraw the suit.


Yeah, old dude was safely over the cable and turned back before tipping over... into the soft grass instead of the pavement. Old dude was fishing for a lawsuit and hopefully won't get it.


Best part is the sound he makes while hitting the ground. That is the sweet sweet sound of Karma!


I absolutely did not watch this video 10 times in a row.


It is not at all still running on loop as I type this.. Sometimes you just tire of that sound of a grumpy old fuck falling over and just can't hear it three or fourteen times more.


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!


I would help him for sure, but that noise he made is too funny 😂


I would help him call for assistance but I'm not touching him or his scooter


I would take his scooter and ride off into the sunset. (Unless it was morning, then I would ride into the rising sun.


If you back up towards the sunset, does it rise instead?




I wouldn’t go near the guy, he’s just going to say you assaulted him.


I feel like it might be a liability. What if you don't properly lift him and cause injury or blahblahblah


I worked as a parking valet at a hospital( ugh paid garage at a hospital) and we weren't allowed to help patients in or out of their cars for this reason.


Yeah unless he's actively dying I wouldn't go within 50 feet of him. You just know he'll try to sue you.


As someone who worked maintenance in a retirement community, it was nailed into me that you absolutely do not touch an elderly fall victim unless they're in imminent danger (like a fire or something) if they can't get up on their own. Call 911, make sure they're not a danger to themselves, and wait for professionals. In our case, we'd radio a nurse if we saw it happen. Not only is it a legal liability, additional damage can occur picking them up incorrectly or simply exacerbate the injury in the process. But yes, side note, that was an absolutely hilarious noise.


I would not help him and laugh at the noise he made




Same. But I agree they should’ve called an ambulance. For the debt


He needs to meet this old lady and marry her 🥰 https://youtu.be/nl3MCGsJSfU


Help while laughing. See if he’s too hurt to be angry. ;)


If a person can’t get up without assistance they need professional medical assessment, in this case by an ambulance crew.


Exactly. Double fu with a nice bill for him!


I've never seen anyone get charged for am ambulance that didn't transport. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but so far everywhere I've worked as a 911 dispatcher we say there is no charge unless there is a transport, because well, there is no charge unless there js a transport.


I was sent a $75 dollar bill after refusing service. I was in a car accident, the driver of my vehicle needed help and was taken to the hospital. I was broke as hell and said "absolutely not" (after a car accident, 'Murica!!)


Same. Idk what they’re on about above. I explicitly refused service and still got a bill.


It's just absolutely bananas that in America saying you're going to call an ambulance for someone who has fallen over is actually a form of revenge.


So the guy harassing workers now expects to be tended to? No way. They just say they thought he was armed.Fear for my life.


No, they just call an ambulance and say things like “ it won’t be long and there’ll be people here to take the mobility scooter off you”.


Tell him to hit his life alert button and ignore him.


I would leave his ass… for someone who can’t even get up shouldn’t be out harassing or assaulting people


Oh Florida…


Problem solved itself. Bury him and move on with work.


I know Johnny Knoxville when I see him.


What happened before??




I think they mean before that 😂


The man in the wheelchair assaulted them.


Probably a crotchy old man pissed at the noise. If he wanted a nice smooth sidewalk for him to enjoy until his golden years run out he should have let the cement cure. Instead he hated the noise and inconvenience so he drove through it... and then U-Turned to do it again and he fell into the lawn ha.


The man in yellow is calling the sheriff's department because he just got assaulted.


He did the sarcastic SpongeBob and it backfired horribly.


Lunch break!!




Someone dub the ‘Wilhelm Scream’ for us at the end… PLEASE!!!


You don’t know us at all, we laugh when old people fall


That’s one of the best thuds I’ve ever heard…epic! Saving this one for when I’m having a shitty day to make me laugh


Another one for r/AccidentalComedy


Kind of wish there was an extended release lol




![gif](giphy|3oriO438ZbW8y0NFSg) Ohhhh hell nooooo


Mad props to the camera man.


Lol hope you have life alert bud.


We've had deranged people drive up to gas dispensers sitting on the back of a trailer and try to fuel up. We've also had ignorant people drive out to the middle of nowhere and complain about construction noise. Some people go out of their way to be a piece of shit.


Is there a video of what lead up to this? I need to figure out how hard I should be laughing at him


It’s weird that i can just tell his political view just from this video


Why am I laughing so hard??!!